Reborn 1-5

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Reborn 1-5 Page 37

by D. W. Jackson

  “Good,” Ash replied as he looked at the table of goods Susan had been looking at. “Looking for a dagger?”

  “Yes…Tina will be taking the exam for the third section soon so I wanted to get her a gift,” Susan said fidgeting slightly.

  “It is about that time isn’t it,” Ash said as he remembered Yuki saying something about it a few days before. “Tina is a good kid and I am sure that she will pass.”

  “Thank you…But Yuki is helping her a lot. Umm Tina said something happened to Yuki and was really mad. I was wondering if everything was ok with her now.”

  “Yuki is fine and no matter what, I will do everything I can to keep her that way,” Ash said with determination.

  “Tina has also asked when sir Ash will be coming over to eat with us again,” Susan said her face turning slightly red. “She has takin quite a liking to you…and considering her dislike of men, I thought that it might be good if you spent some more time around her,” hearing her own words, Susan suddenly turned even redder. “N-no-not like that, I just mean that she might umm start to get a better picture of men overall.”

  “Right now things are a bit busy, but once things settle down I will bring Yuki over for dinner,” Ash said. “That is as long as it is not a problem with you.”

  “There is no problem Sir Ash,” Susan replied happily.

  After a few more words with Susan, Ash continued on his way. There wasn’t much he needed in the market, nor anything he really wanted. He did think about buying some new armor, but right now it seemed like a waste. In the distance Ash noticed that the sky was starting to darken. “Looks like rain again,” Ash said slightly dispirited. Over the past few weeks, it had rained two out of every three days and while he spent most of his time in the labyrinth trying to sleep while listening to the pitter patter of rain on the room had worn on his soul.

  As Ash entered the manor garden, he noticed the mages bringing in the laundry from the lines. Because of all the rain the poor maids had not had many chances to clean the linens and other delicates.

  After taking a bath and dropping his gear off in his room, Ash went to the study. Opening the door, Ash was happy to see Emelia sitting on the couch while looking through papers.

  Closing the door, Ash used his stalk ability to silently sneak up beside Emelia who hadn’t notice him enter. Bending over, Ash lightly blew into Emelia’s ear.

  “Wh-hha-hat…Ash you jerk,” Emelia said after jumping to the other end of the long couch holding her chest and breathing hard.

  Ash doubled over laughing while Emelia started punching him in his arm. “Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself. What has you so absorbed you didn’t even noticing someone entering the room?”

  “The upcoming trial idiot,” Emelia said while still hitting him. “I received news yesterday that representatives of the main branch of the Tellamor family arrived in the city.”

  “Is everything going to be ok?” Ash asked, with a slightly worried expression on his face.

  “I don’t know,” Emelia responded truthfully. “They didn’t send any correspondence beforehand demanding to let Raven free. They might just be here to make sure that the main family isn’t harmed by the court ruling. News like this could hurt their reputation. All we can do is wait until they expose their reasons for coming. On our end, we have all the evidence gathered including the man who had been paid to do the slave ownership overwrite, the man’s blood who was used on the contract, as well as the store owner who was paid to drug Yuki. Unless the Tellamor family really wants to cause trouble, there is no way that Raven will get out of this.”

  “Then there is no reason to worry,” Ash said trying to give off a warm smile. “What happens, happens. Both I and Yuki know that you did everything you could. The rest is left up to fate.”

  For the next few hours, Ash sat next to Emelia while she worked. He didn’t read like normal, instead he simply watched Emelia while she worked amazed at how much concentration she had. Ash knew that if the roles were reversed there was no way he would be able to spend day after day reading over reports the way Emelia did. If the people knew just how much work she put into her duties, Ash didn’t think that there was a single one who would say she was unqualified just because of her gender.

  After A meal Ash called both Yuki and Shina to his room. When they arrived Shina wore a sultry grin while wearing a long thin nightgown that barely covered her. Yuki on the other hand wore her normal night clothes and kept giving her mother a harsh look.

  “Master called us,” Shina said in a thick voice.

  “Yes I did,” Ash said pulling the scroll he had gotten from the labyrinth earlier. “I received an ability scroll earlier today when I was fighting in the labyrinth that doesn’t suit me. I decided it would best that one of you receive it. The name of the ability is stone spear.”

  Shina took the scroll out of Ash’s hand and looked at it for a brief moment before handing it to Yuki. “It is a good ability, but I don’t think it would work with my fighting style. I like to be in close when fighting and I would mostly likely hit myself along with my enemy,” Shina said with a heavy sigh.

  Holding the scroll, Yuki’s eyes widened. “Is it really ok for me to learn this master?” Yuki asked in a timid voice that didn’t seem to suit her normally energetic attitude.

  “If you think it will be useful then yes,” Ash said while nodding his head. “Remember you are my slave so the stronger you are the stronger I become,” Ash said patting the top of Yuki’s head.

  When Yuki absorbed the ability scroll she was enveloped in a hazy brown light for a brief moment then the scroll in her hand disappeared. “Thank you master,” Yuki said while jumping up and clinging to ash’s body.

  “Master has given Yuki a gift Shina wants one too,” Shina softly whispered in Ash’s ear while she him from behind. “If master would grant Shina his favor she would be happy.”

  “Favor?” Ash asked lightly not knowing what she meant.

  “Shina wants master’s child,” Shina whispered and Ash face turned read but it was Yuki who responded first. Wedging herself in-between Shina and Ash Yuki yelled “No-no-no-no-no,” over and over.

  “Yuki don’t you want your mother to be happy?” Shina asked while pouting in a childlike manner.

  “I want mama to be happy, but master is mine,” Yuki declared with a straight face.

  “Yuki, it is not as if Master can only bestow his favor on one person. No matter how much he bestows it, it won’t run out.”

  Yuki’s ears twitched a little and her face loosened a little, but she still replied with a less firm sounding no as she pushed Shina from the room. Seeing the two argue as they left Ash couldn’t help but smile though the conversation was far from what he wished they would argue about so loudly while within the walls of the manor. No doubt Emelia would hear of it and he would spend a few more hours while being lectured about proper etiquette.

  After caring for his gear Ash laid in bed and thought about what was coming in the next few days. He didn’t really care how Raven was punished as long as the man didn’t try to do anything to Yuki. At first he was mad but that had faded only after a few days. While thinking this Ash quietly drifted off to sleep.

  Ash’s current stats

  Name: Ash

  Level: 12

  Experience needed for next level: 23,415

  Race: Human/Demon 70/30

  Occupation: Novice gambler

  Title: Novice Slayer

  HP: 740/740

  MP 580/580

  SP 159/159

  Strength: 72 (+10) (+5) (+94)

  Vitality: 75 (+3) (+98)

  Agility: 45 (+10) (+5) (+58)

  Stamina 71 (+5) (+93)

  Spirit 26 (+10) (+34)

  Intelligence: 60 (+78)

  Endurance: 38 (+10) (+1) (+49)

  Luck: 109 (+545) (+1)



  Devil’s Luck: 500% bonus to luck.

  Fleet foot: +10
to agility. Level Max

  Wolf eyes: See in the dark. Level Max

  Mining: Ability to use a pick to extract ore from hidden locations. Able to tell where mining locations are located. Level 2: 12%

  Poison resistance: level 2-24%: 10% poison resistance.

  Grave domain: Damage resistance to whole body with the exception of the head increased by 10%

  Spider senses: able to detect prey that is up to three levels higher within a 100 foot radius. Able to sense hostile intent within a 100 foot radius. Level 2-9%


  [Fire resistance: 5% fire resistance. Level 1-78%.]

  [Natural armor (small). When fighting your skin acts as a natural armor blocking 10% of physical damage. Level: max.]

  [Frost resistance: 5% resistance to frost damage. Level 1-41%.]

  [Yeti strength: +5 to strength. Level 2-39%.]

  [Electric resistance. 5% resistance to energy attacks. Level 1-17%.]

  [Water glide. When moving in water it flows naturally around you decreasing water resistance by 20%. Level 2-92%.]

  [Cloak of shadows: When in a dark area cloak of shadows wraps you in shadows making it harder for you to be detected.]

  Dragon sight: You can see the magical flow of items and creatures


  Demon Absorption: Cost 10MP: Absorb defeated enemies to obtain skills. Level 2: 42%

  Bash: Cost 1SP - Slam into enemies with your body to do X10 damage. Level 1: 17%

  Rabbit Punch: Cost 1Sp- Using feet or hands quickly lash out with a lighting quick attack. Level 1:22%

  Stab: Cost 1 SP- Thrust forward with weapon (sword, spear.) level 1-85%

  Poison spit: Cost 5MP. Level 1-98%: Spit a corrosive poison that sticks to enemy doing 5 damage a second for ten seconds.

  Analyze ability. Cost 5MP: Ability to see opponents name, level and skill as long as they are no more than 5 levels above you. Level max.

  [Poison: cost 10MP- ability to make a small amount of toxin that paralyzes. Can be placed on weapons.]

  [Sticky thread: cost 15MP- shoot out a stream of sticky thread to trap opponents.]

  Stealth: Cost 20 MP. Erase your presence from enemies any movement cancels the ability.

  [Fire ball: cost 10MP. Create a ball of fire and throw it at an enemy. Level 1-29%.]

  [Cone of frost: Cost 15MP: send out a cone of frost freezing everything in its path. Causes 10 frost damage every second for five seconds. Level 1-74%]

  [Crushing blow: cost 5SP: strike with a hard blow bypassing 50% of opponent’s defense. Level 1-58%]

  [Shock armor: cost 10MP. Covers a small area with electoral energy that will stun an opponent struck with it for two seconds. Level 1-3%.]

  [Shock strike: cost 25MP. Hit an opponent with an energy attack that paralyses the part struck for five minutes. Level 1-9%.]

  [Pounce: cost 5SP jump straight forward with great speed doing 2x normal damage.]


  [You have gained the skill gambler’s boost (passive) .2% boost to all other stats for each 1 point in the luck attribute. Level 2.]

  [You have gained the gambler’s gambit (active) skill. Cost 20MP: boost all stats for one minute. Boost is random. Level 1.]

  [You have gained the poker face (active) skill. Cost 5MP: forces a calm face no matter the situation. Level 2.]

  [You have gained the bluff (active) skill. Cost 5MP: bluff opponents to make them think you are stronger. Level 1.]

  [You have gained the read (passive) skill. Chance to see what skill your opponent is using. Based on luck.]

  [Gambler’s game (active). Cost 100 MP. Call of The gambling god using your stats as chip to play against another gambler. Can only be used against those of the same rank or higher. Can only be used once every six months. Time until next use 52 days. Level-Max.]

  [Luck shield: passive/active. When attacked has a chance to block attack. Amount of MP used is depended on the attack.]


  Iron gambler’s emblem: emblem signifying that one is a novice of the gambler’s guild. Durability 10/10 luck +1.

  Sword of the Hawk: Sword belonging to a great hero of the Hawkwing family. Durability 50/50 attack 20-32 strength +10 stamina +5.

  Mithra armor: Armor blessed by the god of light. Durability 40/40 defense + 20 Endurance +10 spirit +10 agility +5.

  [Studded Liro leather pants: made from thee tough hide of a Liro lizard. Durability 30/30, defense +7, endurance +2, agility +1.


  Novice slayer: 10% to attack damage

  Gutsy gambler title: When gutsy gambler is equipped luck +5.

  Plat 0

  Gold 15

  Silver 61

  Copper 702

  Iron P 913


  Paralysis potion: 4

  Electro sac (good quality): 123

  Electro sac (average quality): 71

  Electro sac (low quality): 29

  Electro core (low quality): 1

  Shadow essence (Good quality): 23

  Shadow essence (average quality): 11

  Shadow essence (Low quality): 4

  Meir bobcat claw (good quality): 25

  Meir bobcat claw (average quality):8

  Meir bobcat claw (low quality): 6

  Dragon kin scale (good quality): 178

  Dragon kin scale (average quality): 102

  Dragon kin scale (low quality): 56

  Clematis petal (good quality):3

  Clematis petal (average quality):1


  Right now, Ash sat inside a small room along with Shina and Yuki while waiting for Emelia to call them and start the trial of Raven Tellamor. Most of the time this kind of trial would be presided over by a city magistrate, but because Ash was involved Emelia had decided that it warranted her personal attention.

  Trials were held in a large building in the middle of the city. There were only two court rooms, the rest of the building dealt with other city business such as granting business permits and the paying of taxes. This was Ash’s first time here, but he had seen the building itself a number of times as he walked through the city.

  “The trial is starting, you may enter the courtroom,” A middle aged knight said as he opened the door to their waiting room.

  The court room was not very large. On the back wall was one raised, enclosed seat where Emelia was seated. A smaller seat was positioned next to Emelia reminding Ash of the courtrooms he had seen on T.V. in his previous life. There was no place for jurors as the fate of the defendant rested solely in the hands of the judge. In the center of the room were two long tables. At one of them, Raven Tellamor sat along with his son and another man wearing a gaudy robe. Ash, Yuki, and Shina were to be seated at the other one. In the back of the room, a number of long benches were placed but today only a few people occupied them, leaving the courtroom mostly empty.

  “Today I have been called here to lay judgement upon Raven Tellamor for the crime of theft, falsifying a slave contract, and damage to property. The people bringing forth the charge are Ash, and the slave trader’s guild. The punishment of theft is for the thief to be sold into slavery for a term of no more than five years while all belongings of the thief to be passed to the person affected. For the crime of falsifying a slave contract, the punishment is a term of slavery for no more than seven years. For damage to property, the punishment is repayment of damages. How does the defendant plea?”

  “Not guilty your grace,” Raven said in a haggard voice.

  “First the accusers may bring forth any evidence to prove the guilt of the accused.”

  As was planned, the first person to testify was Yuki, but as she approached the stand, the man wearing a gaudy stood up. “Your grace, what is the meaning of this? Why is a member of the beast race being allowed to take the stand?”

  “Sir Tellamor, this young lady was the property stolen by Mr. Raven. She will testify on what happened as to the best of her knowledge,” Emelia said while glowering at the aged ma
n. “Yuki, please tell us what you remember of the day in question.”

  “I was coming home from school and like every day, I stopped by a small bakery to eat an apple pastry. After eating half of the pastry, I started to get tired and the next thing I knew I was laying tied up and on a cold floor and I felt a lot of pain in my shoulder. Master then showed up and saved me.”

  “Do you know who had taken you?” Emelia asked politely.

  “No, but after I was freed the only people there were a slaver, Gin, and his father.”

  “Mr. Raven do you have any questions for the slave Yuki?”

  “None your grace,” He replied with a sneer.

  “Next, Mr. Ash please take the stand,” Emelia said and Ash stood and replaced Yuki on the seat next to Emelia.

  “Mr. Ash, what do you know about the event in question?”

  “I first met the young master Tellamor when I visited Yuki’s school. At that time he demanded that I sell Yuki to him. When I refused, he had a bit of a fit but there was little he could say to sway me. A few days later, his father appeared along with a small group from the gambler’s guild and we had a bet with Yuki as the prize. I won and Mr. Tellamor left unsatisfied while declaring that he would get what he wanted. I didn’t hear anything more until over a month later when Yuki didn’t return home from school. Worried for her, I followed her slave mark until I reached Mr. Tellamor’s residence and found her bound and gagged on the ground while a slaver tried to overwrite her slave status. I cut her free and then took Mr. Tellamor to the guards so that he could stand trial.”


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