I Never Asked You To Save Me: Book 3 The Wakefield Romance Series

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I Never Asked You To Save Me: Book 3 The Wakefield Romance Series Page 15

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  “Where do you think you two are goin’?” Rhea turns to us from the stove, the spatula still in her hand.

  “Oh,” Bobby stops, swinging around so that I can’t see my cousin anymore, “we’re just gonna get clean.” He smacks my ass again and swings around in a hurry, making me laugh out loud and I can see Rhea making her way over to us, the spatula raised high.

  “Oh no you don’t Timmons,” she yells swatting him on the shoulder and lower back as he tries to get us into the bathroom. “There is no hanky panky in my shower.” She yells, still hitting him as he laughs, trying to tell her to back off.

  “Come on Rhea, we have to get clean,” he pleads finally setting me down and winking at me again, but I just roll my eyes. My cousin is in full Momma Bear mode right now and I know she won’t back down.

  “You can get clean all on your own,” she grabs his upper arm trying to yank him from the bathroom. It’s a funny scene, seeing my petite cousin yanking this over six foot tall, crazy muscular man from the bathroom. She pulls him to just the other side of the door and stands so he can’t try and re-enter. “Ellie is a big girl, she can scrub her own back.”

  I give him a little wave and slowly shut the door, trying to listen to his grumble as she swats at him some more. I can’t help but laugh to myself as I turn on the water, thinking that my family is crazy. But I wouldn’t want any other person to be my family other than Rhea because let’s face it, we’re two peas in a pod and I’m happy about that.

  Pulling on my shorts and tank I’m glad Rhea has central air because if I was in my trailer, I’d be sticky the second I stepped out of the shower and I would just walk around naked. No point in clothing when you have to fight to get them on right? Stepping out and tossing my towel down the stairs, I help Rhea as she’s putting the food on plates and setting the table.

  “Alright ladies,” Chad’s voice booms through the quiet kitchen and we both turn to see him stretching while making his way to the table. He slaps his hands down onto his stomach and rubs his shirt back and forth, “I’m hungry as all get out. Where’s my food woman?” he jokes and Rhea scoffs.

  I can’t hold in the laugh as he winks when I put the juice and coffee on the table. Bobby’s hand comes to my hip and I lean back into his chest as his arm drapes over my chest holding me tight. His mouth brushes my ear as he moves to kiss my cheek and the smile that finds my lips is wide and happy. I lean over and peck him on the cheek, lingering there when he squeezes my hips with his strong hands. What can I say? The man makes me feel good.

  “Here’s your food,” I hear Rhea snap and I open my eyes to see her slam a plate down in front of Chad then turn and make for her own chair. He stops her though, wrapping his large arms around her waist and pulling her down into his lap as she squeals and Bobby and I laugh. Charlie joins in from his high chair, squealing and giggling as my cousin and her husband continue to play around.

  I’m surprised myself when Bobby’s hands on my waist yank me down into his lap and pull my legs over so that I’m sitting sideways. His lips go immediately to my ear and light a fire in my heart as his hands slowly run over my bare legs, bringing goose-bumps to the surface.

  “Bobby, quit it,” I whisper as Rhea and Chad keep playing away and Charlie keeps up his squealing and banging his tray. He doesn’t listen to me and one of his hands skirt up my thigh and tug at my knit shorts. If I had my way I’d rock his world right here right now, in this chair, but it’s not my house so I open my desire closed eyes to see his roaming over my chest.

  “Quit it,” I say again, pushing his shoulder and he grins, snapping his gaze up to my face.

  “You wanna take a ride with me after breakfast?” he asks, running a hand gingerly up my bare arm and tangling it in my hair, massaging my neck and effectively applying pressure to some pressure points he loves to utilize. It makes my body want to go weak and I see that evil grin reappear.

  “Where are we gonna go?” I say leaning my forehead against his and feeling as if we’re the only two in the room. This right here is what I want. Just him and me being happy.

  “Oh, you’ll see,” he smiles kissing me sweetly and playfully nipping at my lips. I return the favor and he holds my head, kissing me deeply, sweeping his tongue along my lips and diving in when I open for him.

  “Do I need to get the hose?” Chad’s laugh breaks our little moment and I can see the same shock on Bobby’s face that I know is running over mine. We were lost in each other for a second there. Looking to Chad I see him raise an eyebrow as he releases Rhea and he holds his hands up pressed together, then slowly moves them apart signaling for us to separate.

  “Okay ol’man,” Bobby jokes, kissing me quickly on the lips and pulling my chair closer so I can scoot in. I move just in time to miss a flying biscuit as it smacks Bobby square in the jaw, flaking and leaving a trail of crumbs on his face and shirt as it tumbles to the floor at my feet.

  That set the tone for our meal, Bobby and Chad both throwing out insults and embarrassing stories trying to upstage the other. Charlie followed his father’s lead and tossed half of his food all over the place and Rhea makes Chad clean him up.

  Drying the last dish as Rhea wipes the table I let out a small scream as hands come to my waist and slip under my shirt, splaying out across my belly. “Ready to get outta here sweetheart?” his smooth voice and warm breath runs over my skin making it tingle.

  “Heck yeah,” I smile wiping down the counter and grabbing my purse.

  Slinging it over my shoulder with Bobby’s hand in mine, headed for the door I say, “Say ya later cuz!” and hear Rhea toss in an okay as Chad nods to us from the stairs.

  Bobby’s truck is sitting on the street looking like a redneck dream and I smile thinking to myself that it fits him to a T. It’s an older Chevrolet Silverado Z-28, lifted up with running boards to help me step up and KC lights on the roof. It’s a muted red color with some rust here and there and a pirate ship scene sticker on the back window. As I hop in I peek in the back to see a picnic basket and blanket neatly stashed on the seat.

  “Are we gonna be gone long?” I ask as he settles into the driver’s seat.

  “As long as you wanna be gone sweetheart,” he smiles that wicked little smile and I can’t help but blush. He grabs a pair of aviators and pushes them on, waggling his eyebrows at me.

  “You’re such a dork,” I scoff, rolling my eyes and twisting to pull on my seatbelt when his arm encircles my waist, pulling me straight across the bench seat to be tight against him.

  “Yeah, but I’m your dork,” he whispers, his lips up against my ear. The sensation of his breath on my skin makes me shiver even in this heat and he kisses my cheek quickly, turning the key and bringing the truck to life.

  It’s not a quiet truck whatsoever and as we turn down the street he steps on it, squealing the tires and sending up a cloud of smoke behind us. I laugh as he yells a ‘Yee-haw’ out the window as we pass Kendall’s parents’ house and her father waves, shaking his head. I laugh at him as he sings along with the radio, turning his truck towards town and then out towards Spratley Cemetery.

  As we get close to Harlan Dow’s family farm, I lean my head on Bobby’s shoulder and revel in his smell. His clean and masculine scent seems to run through my senses and attack my heart, making it jump up to a racing beat and I can’t help but let out a sigh. He laughs a little and leans down; kissing my forehead lightly and I catch his chin with my lips as he moves his eyes back to the road. I could drive like this forever with this man, never having to stop for anything.

  Lifting my gaze to the passenger window I see the Dow’s horses all out in the pasture, gathered together under the scattered trees trying to stay cool. It seems like the both of us see Harlan on the tractor at the same time and as I lean out the window, waving to him atop his large John Deere bucket tractor, Bobby honks the horn. I can see Harlan smile, taking his cowboy hat off and waving at us as we pass, kicking up dust on the way towards the cemetery.

arking his truck across the road from the Spratley driveway, Bobby turns to me with a smile. “Grab the blanket girl and let’s go.”

  “Go where?” I look around and see a walking trail on our side of the road but not much else. I vaguely remember the trail from when I was young, but I have no idea where he’s planning on going.

  Hopping out I open the third door and pull the folded blanket out, shoving it in my bag as I see a Coleman cooler tucked away on the floorboard. He is planning on being gone for a while.

  A smile creeps onto my face as I spy him standing at the front of the truck, stretching his long and muscular arms up above his head. The way his muscles show through that t-shirt make my mouth water and a million naughty little thoughts are running through my mind as I join him.

  “We don’t need the basket?” I ask as he takes my hand, tangling our fingers as his hand nearly encases mine. He doesn’t know it but the way he holds my hand really affects me. It’s not just the skin on skin; it’s that his big, strong hands can be so gentle and loving, breaking down the barrier that I normally put up around my heart. It’s the way they blend so perfectly that sometimes I forget we’re touching at all, as if we are connected there normally, all the time.

  “No, we’ll come back after we work up an appetite,” he smiles, smacking my butt as we hit the grass, making me squeal and my face flushes.

  As we walk down the groomed trail he points out birds in the distance every now and then, our hands never leaving one another. There are tulips gathered together on the edge and I stop to smell them, they are my favorite, and as I turn back to Bobby with the two that I’ve picked, I see the handsome smile matched only by this awesomely amazing look in his eyes.

  “What?” I say, parting our hands and walking in front of him with one of the tulips up to my nose. Spinning around and walking backwards, I see that he still has that smile and look as he’s slowly following me. He shakes his head, rubbing his hand over his chin and around to the back of his neck.

  “Up over here is the spot I wanna show you,” he points obviously changing the subject and I turn down the path where he indicates, watching as a family of rabbits goes darting off into the taller grass to my right.

  Around an old Spanish moss tree I stop, taking in the wonderful scene before me. It’s a creek surrounded by blooming flowers. Daisies, tulips, black eyes Susan’s and little blue Forget-me-nots bathe this slow moving creek in beauty and I find myself just staring. His arms wrap around my waist and his mouth comes down to the crux of my neck, moving to my shoulder with a few light kisses.

  “Do you like it?” he asks, his mouth lingering above my ear. This must be what he was doing with Chad the last couple of afternoons when they went to the ‘hardware store’ for hours. I nod my head slowly in response and he laughs. “Is that all I get after all that searching for an awesome spot for us? A nod?”

  Without thought I spin in his arms and take his face in my hands, planting my lips firmly on his. He did this for me? Making a spot for us? I don’t know about you, but this makes my heart swell and I want to show him exactly how much I love this spot. I want to show him how much I love him.

  As I nip at his bottom lip he lets out a soft moan, grabbing my face and tangling his fingers in my hair, holding my face to his as he kisses me deeply effectively exploring me. He suddenly pulls away and I’m standing there stunned, my vision seemingly blurred from the desire coursing through my body. I feel him tug at my bag and realize that he’s now throwing out and straightening the blanket near the base of the tree.

  I can’t move though. I’m frozen in place with the sensation of Bobby’s lips still lingering on mine and as he finishes tugging on the last corner of the blanket he turns, a crooked grin is on full display. Bringing my shaky fingertips up I brush them along my bottom lip, the heat from his kiss lingering like the after burn of whiskey.

  “Well come on sweetheart,” he says, swiftly picking me up and kissing my lips. “Take a load off and relax.”

  As he sets me down I don’t want his touch to leave me so I pull his face to mine again, kissing him as if I’m going to die if I don’t. Tossing my purse off to who knows where, I place my hands on his cheeks feeling him drop down to his knees as he grunts.

  “Are you okay,” I say, breaking the hold I had on him to peer down at his left knee, the worry immediately building within. His hand runs up my neck, tilting my face up so that we’re nose to nose with his stare sending lightning bolts through my body.

  “Sweetheart,” he whispers, lightly running his nose along mine teasingly giving me tiny kisses letting our lips touch for only a second. “Don’t worry about me,” he smiles trailing kisses along my jaw landing just below my ear. It scrambles everything I’ve been thinking about and just now, all I want is him.

  Taking my lips he wraps his arms around me, delving his hands up the back of my tank and pulling me up to him and I wrap my legs around his waist. I can’t help but press my body against him, running my hands up his arms under the sleeves of his shirt and across the muscles that I love so much. I can feel his fingers spread out as his hands move from my lower back to cover my shorts, pressing me tight and I smile against his lips at how hard he is.

  As he leans slowly forward, my back gently finds the blanket but I’m still ravenously searching him, roaming my hands under his shirt and all over his chest loving the way his muscles twitch as my fingers trace the defined lines. Sitting back up on his knees he smiles down at me, tugging his shirt over his head by the back of the collar and tossing it aside giving me a great view as he closes the distance, kissing me teasingly. He’s driving me crazy.

  Pushing up against him, he stops moving, almost emitting almost a growl like sound as he grabs my hips. He bites down on my bottom lip and I let out a small moan, a little from the slight pain but mostly from pleasure and I feel his fingers tugging at the button and zipper of my shorts. He yanks them down in one swift movement, laying me back down and losing no time in pulling my tank up and over my head, covering my mouth the second I’m free of the material.

  “You okay sweetheart?” He asks as his thumbs slip under the lace of my panties, tugging them down slowly as he nips and sucks on my skin. The only sound I can get out is a soft moan as the desire runs rampant through me. This man is killing me.

  He smiles against my mouth, releasing me only so I can lean back and he pulls my panties down slowly, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. In the shade of this tree Bobby sits back on his knees just looking at me and I squirm under his gaze, wanting his touch.

  A sexy smile quirks up on his lips and he reaches his left hand out, barely grazing my face with his fingertips then slowly, agonizingly runs them down the length of my body paying extreme attention to my chest. He’s teasing and playing, that smile still on his face and I snatch his hand, trying to tug him down to me and fill this hole he’s created with desire.

  Sitting up and bumping my chest into his abs, I grab ahold of the waistband of his shorts, yanking at the button, pulling them down to reveal his boxer briefs and the very evident fact that he’s as turned on as I am right now. Lifting my face to peer up at him, I see the raised eyebrow and evil look in his eyes and it sends shocks over my skin again. It’s like he has a hold on my reaction to him, commanding it to make me helpless to resist him.

  “Oh sweetheart,” he smiles encircling my face with his arms and pulling me up, tangling his fingers in my hair as he holds me tight to him, kissing me deeply. “You drive me crazy.”

  I can’t help but laugh a little at him as he lays us down, shucking his shorts and briefs in a blink. Running his fingers over my cheek and jaw, his hazel eyes roam over my face followed by a look that seems to be filled with pain or doubt and I grab his face, looking him in the eye.

  “What’s wrong Bobby?” I get out in a gasp of a question as I feel him situate himself between my legs, gently resting against my core. He kisses me sweetly, running his nose along mine and moving down my neck and chest ligh
ting another fire that feels like it might consume me as he moves his way back up.

  “Ellie,” he breathes out, holding my face in his hands, “I love you.”

  Those three little words make my heart stop. He loves me? Did he really just say those words that I hold inside for him? I know the look on my face must be stunned and as his eyes roam over me, the smile starts to turn to a frown and I snap back to reality.

  “Tell him,” my heart screams as it kicks to a frantic beat, my chest heaving and falling in rapid succession. I’m afraid but I can’t let fear rule this moment.

  “I love you, Bobby,” I say, almost choking it out as a flood of tears rushes into my eyes coming out of nowhere.

  There, I said it. I mean it from the bottom of my soul but it’s still hard for me to sit here and look up at him through blurry eyes, seeing a shock run over his handsome features. “I love you,” I repeat as the tears spill out, running my hands over his face.

  “I love you, Ellie,” he smiles, kissing me lightly a handful of times. “I love you,” he repeats with a smile holding my face to his and easing down so that our bodies are connected. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” I say into his ear as his lips move to my neck, wrapping my legs tighter around his waist because I never want him to leave me. I want this creek side scene to last forever just as I wanted our moment at the pond to last. This is different though, it is more than the pond.

  It is me and Bobby, making love without a care. We love each other. I love him and he loves me.

  His touch has a different tenderness, his kisses linger longer and deeper, he whispers in my ear that he loves me every chance he has. I memorize every touch, pulling him tight to me and wrapping my arms over his chest as I feel my climax building.

  “Sweetheart, I love you,” he whispers in my ear, the lobe between his teeth as my climax rolls through me shaking my limbs and clearing my brain. I repeat the words to him and claim his lips, never wanting them to leave me.


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