I Never Asked You To Save Me: Book 3 The Wakefield Romance Series

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I Never Asked You To Save Me: Book 3 The Wakefield Romance Series Page 18

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  “Timmons,” I hear in the fog of my anger but I keep hitting, hearing a gurgle travel up from the man beneath me and then I feel hands wrapping around my arms, stopping their movement and I’m yanked to my feet. “Bobby!”

  I hadn’t noticed that my breathing was heavy but as I turn to face Elliot, my mouth is open and I’m struggling for breath. The anger is still raging through me and my arms are shaking as I look down to my hands, seeing them cut and covered in blood. As I look around my brothers surround me, all of them breathing hard from the fight and a couple with bloody lips.

  Brad is kneeling next to Walden, calling 911 as I see Jake’s other men limp to their bikes, getting on and roaring off in the opposite direction that Jake went. Then it hits me. Where the hell is Ellie? Shucking the hold on my arms I swing around, my anger dissipating a little replaced by some fear.

  “Where’s Ellie?” I yell, looking to Chad and seeing him comforting Rhea and the crying Charlie. Rhea has tears running down her cheeks and they pull at my heart. Ellie is probably crying right now too. She needs me.

  But she lied. How could she lie to me like that?

  Looking over to Harlan and Kendall I ask again, “Where’s Ellie?” my breathing hard and heavy, my chest rising and falling in rapid succession.

  “She ran off,” Harlan points off in the distance and I can’t believe that I let her run off. I should have acted differently. I should have listened to her when she was saying she was sorry.

  “I need to go after her,” I say, pushing past Chad and he reaches out and grabs my arm, his blue eyes locking onto mine with a hard look.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he says quietly. “Give her a little time.”

  “Ha,” a gurgle of a laugh comes from Walden still lying on the ground and he grabs for his face, groaning in pain. “You’re too late Navy boy. Jake’s prolly already got her.”

  “What did you say ya piece of shit?” I stalk over to him, squatting down to hover over his face and he looks up at me, trying to smile. He tries to laugh and ends in a cough, groaning some more and I’m not going to lie, it makes me smile that he’s in so much pain physically. It matches what I’m feeling inside.

  “You think we came here just to piss you off?” he grumbles and I can hear the ambulances off in the not-to-far off distance. “He came here for her. And he’s prolly at her dump of a trailer now, teachin’ her a lesson. Givin’ her what she deserves.”

  No, I can’t let him hurt her. Jumping to my feet I’m across the field and at the drivers’ door of my truck when see I Uclid at the passenger door. I shake my head at him as he opens it up and jumps in. “No man, get out.”

  “Hell no,” he yells. “I’m not lettin’ ya face this alone.”

  He’s giving me that ‘you better get the fuck in here now’ look and I slam my door shut, cranking my truck to life. Whipping it around I step on it, leaving a patch of rubber and a cloud of smoke, spitting the gravel of the road out as I head towards the parking lot. The fear, it’s creeping in slowly more and more, making my hands shake as I grip the steering wheel.

  I only hesitate slightly at the stop signs and light, making heads turn as I pass the locals all going about their lazy hot day afternoons. Right now the lies can wait to be explained, I just want to make sure she’s okay.

  “What’s the plan,” Uclid says smoothly, his warrior mode kicking in. We never went anywhere without a plan and I bet he’s grooming his new partner for the same tactic. Turning down the road connecting the trailer park to town and I let out a ragged breath.

  “Make sure she’s okay and kick some ass.” It’s true and in that order. I’ll kill him if he’s laid a finger on her, hell if he even breathed on her, I’ll break his arms.

  Whipping into the driveway of the park, the back end of my truck fishtails, kicking up the gravel with dust as I see a Harley parked right up against Ellie’s porch. I slap my hand on the steering wheel, kicking myself for not making it here sooner. Slamming my foot down on the break, the truck slides and I slam it into park, Uclid being the first to hit the gravel.

  “No! Stop!” I hear screamed from inside and it rips me apart as I recognize the sound of a belt striking flesh. Elliot is up the stairs before me and I’m on his heels, wanting to get in there and stop this.

  Just as I see Elliot’s hand land on the door handle a gunshot rings out, the distinctive pop of a .22 and my heart stops. Covering Uclid’s hand I yank open the door and rush in, unable to say anything.

  “You fuckin’ bitch,” I hear grumbled and turn my face to see Jake, down on his back cradling his leg to his chest with blood running between his fingers. His face is distorted in pain and anger, his pants unbuttoned and his belt lying beside him on the carpet. He turns his eyes towards us and says, “She shot me.”

  “Good,” Uclid offers, making a small smile creep to my lips but it quickly vanishes as my eyes scan the room falling on Ellie, standing on the linoleum with the gun still pointed at Jake, her arms shaking and her face bruising and bleeding.

  Her shirt is torn and I can see the welts rising on her skin through the tears. She’s breathing heavy and fast. It looks like she put up a struggle as I spy contents of the kitchen strewn all over the floor.

  She’s crying, the tears mixing with the blood trickling from the corner of her mouth and it causes me to move towards her. I stop, instinctively throwing my hands up in front of me in a placating measure when Ellie turns towards me, pointing the gun at me.

  “Ellie, it’s me.” I say softly, trying to break through that barrier of fear and her eye that isn’t swelling meets mine.




  “Yeah, it’s me,” he says, but the fear, it doesn’t fade. The pain is radiating down through my face, seemingly connecting to the welts rising on my back, thighs and butt; caused by Jake’s belt.

  I don’t want to live like this, being the liar, the slut. I don’t want to be me any longer.

  “Bobby, I’m so sorry,” I sob, trying to look at him but my damn eye is almost swollen shut, a victim from the butt of this gun I hold in my hand. He thought he could own me like he had for so many years, but I taught him. Who’s the bitch now?

  “I know sweetheart,” his calming voice makes the shaking ease a little but I don’t lower the gun. I said this is going to end. “Now come on, put the gun down and let me help you.”

  “Don’t help that bitch,” Jake screams and I turn on him again, pointing the gun at his face this time instead of his leg. He thought it would be a good idea to pull a gun on me when I was down, but then again he must not have been paying attention when I was taking self-defense classes at the YMCA for the last four months.

  “Shut him up,” Bobby yells to Elliot, who stalks over, calling Jake names and grabs his shirt collar, dragging him out through the screen door as Jake screams in protest and pain. I follow their path with the gun, my arms trembling with the thought of Jake bouncing to his feet and coming after me again.

  I can’t let him come after me again. I’d rather die.

  “Alright sweetheart, it’s just me and you,” Bobby gives me a smile, easing towards me and I just shake my head. It’ll never be the same. Jake has made sure of that. He made sure he broke me of the chance of finding love again the first time he hit me and I’ve been stupid enough to think I could overcome it.

  “I can’t Bobby,” I cry, the realization of what I have to do to be really free of Jake pulling down on me like a ton of bricks. He straightens, giving me a questioning look.

  “Can’t do what sweetheart?” he asks, reaching out to me and motioning for me to come to him, but I stay where I am. I can’t be near him when I do this.

  “Live like this,” I say calmly, dropping my one hand from the gun and moving the muzzle up to rest against my temple. The fear playing across his face pulls at my heart, but this is how it has to be. I need to be free of Jake, free of this fear.

  “No,” he yell
s taking a wide step towards me and I move back, holding my hand out to stop him from getting any closer. “No Ellie, put the gun down. Please,” the pleading in his voice kills me.

  “I love you Bobby,” I sob, leaning my free shoulder against the wall. “I’m sorry I lied, but I was afraid. I can’t be afraid any longer.”

  ‘It’s okay sweetheart, he won’t hurt you anymore. He’s going to go to jail; I’ll make sure of that. Please, just put the gun down. I’ll save you from all this.” He motions his hand down, wanting me to set it down but I can’t. I can tell he’s going to try and lunge for me, his stance giving him away.

  “I never asked you to save me,” I sob. My head is shaking on its own, the barrel cold against my skin.

  This is going to end.

  “I’m sorry Bobby. I love you,” and I pull the trigger.


  Connect with Theresa Marguerite Hewitt

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  Instagram: theresa_marguerite

  Pinterest: Theresa Marguerite

  Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/TheresaMarguerite

  Other Titles By This Author:

  Paranormal Romance:

  The Broadus Supernatural Society Series

  Book 1: Siofra’s Song

  Book2: Siofra’s Nightmare

  Book 3: Siofra’s Change

  Book 4: Siofra’s Fight

  Book 5: Rowena’s Revenge Coming Soon

  Contemporary Romance/Military Romance:

  The Wakefield Romance Series

  Book 1: Two Weeks With a SEAL

  Book 2: Coming Home

  Book 3: I Never Asked You To Save Me

  Book 4

  Historical Romance

  The Viking Dreams Series

  Book 1: We Roam The Seas Coming Soon


  July 4, 2013


  The fireworks just aren’t the same. Sure the colors are all here. Red, blue, green and white; but it’s just not the fucking same.

  Couples and families are laughing and having a good old time down the beach, all looking up with each new boom of color. Not me. I’m sitting here on the edge of the sand, my twelfth beer in hand with anger and hurt overflowing from my chest.

  It would be a hell of a lot better if Ellie was sitting here on the beach beside me with her hand in mine, filling that hole that is gaping in my heart. The way she would lay her head on my shoulder and sigh would lift this haze off of my soul in a heartbeat.

  The sound of her crying my name as I left her hospital room today is still echoing through my head, even now as the fireworks explode at the shore. It’s just that I can’t be here any longer; I need to leave.

  The twenty-third of June will forever be burned in my mind as the day I almost lost her. Hell, if that asshole Jake wasn’t a total idiot and knew how to clean and properly re-assemble his firearm, Ellie would be dead right now. The gun had jammed when she had it pointed to her temple, pulling the trigger just as I lunged for her and when we had hit the linoleum she fell apart in my arms. I have never felt as helpless as I did at that moment; not knowing how to comfort her as she sobbed.

  The years of physical, emotional and mental abuse that she had suffered at the hands of Jake Heart had finally taken its toll, her downfall being triggered by that little show Jake had put on, interrupting our football game. Even now, remembering the pictures and the way he stood there smug as could be, I fist my hands in the sand, surrounded by darkness as the fireworks flash in the sky.

  She lied to me. Every day and every night. She lied to me. She slept with Garth and Brad. She was stripping. It turns my stomach thinking of the disgusting men that ogled over her, throwing money on the stage for her to pick up. Closing my eyes, I try and squeeze out the scenes from those pictures Jake had thrown at me.

  Blue-green eyes come into focus as I bring my forehead on my knee, my hands resting on the cold plastic and metal of my prosthetic. Eyes that turn to turquoise in the sun and seem to sparkle as I hear that familiar laugh echo through my mind over the explosion of the firework finale. But no, I won’t be seeing those eyes again till we are both ready. Not until we are both healthy enough to love one another the way we should.

  I’ve signed on for a tour of duty with a Private Security Detail and I’m leaving for Iraq tomorrow morning. Like I said, I need to get away and this is the only way that I know how. I’m a sniper; a trained killer and protector, why not get paid for doing it?

  Chad was less than happy when I told him my plans as I quickly packed my duffel bag at his house earlier. He tried to get me to reconsider, saying that I am being rash and immature. Maybe I am, but if I stay here I am bound to go insane.

  “Bobby please don’t leave, I love you, I’m sorry,” her words run through my head and pull at my heart. The feel of her skin against my lips as I quickly kissed her forehead and basically ran from the hospital seems to be burning across my flesh and I trace its path with my hand, covering my mouth and hardly holding in a yell of frustration and hurt.

  Her doctors, along with Rhea’s pushing, have convinced Ellie to go into therapy once she’s released from the hospital because of her injuries suffered at the hands of her now incarcerated ex-husband. I haven’t really talked about that day with Ellie, only spending time in her room when she is asleep and then sneaking out before she wakes up, but I know it will be hard for her. She was broken to the point of no return; run aground I guess you could say.

  Looking to my tattooed left arm, I see the pirate ship in the faint illumination from my apartment complex lights and I push myself to my feet, brushing the sand from my shorts. It’s like I can feel her fingers tracing the lines of the ship, leaving a tingling feeling in their wake, and I have to shake my arm loose to make it go away. I need the sleep tonight; I have a long day tomorrow.

  Pulling off my clothes I’m thankful for the hot water washing the sting of her kiss from my skin, easing the hurt on my heart for a short while. Leaning my forehead on the tile, I let the water run its way down my torso, closing my eyes and flashes of that day at the pond fly through my head.

  I love her, more than words can say. I am in love with her, every fiber of my soul wanting more than anything to tear out of here and storm into her hospital room, wrapping her tight in my arms, never letting her go.

  I can’t. Not right now at least. We need our space. I need to let her heal on her own and well, I need to do some soul searching myself. You might say that the desert is the last place I should do the searching, but for right now it’s my last option.

  Throwing myself down into bed, I cover my eyes with my arm, knowing sleep won’t find me anytime soon. “I love you Ellie Mae,” I whisper, a little piece of me hoping that she can hear me, but I know that’s an unreasonable prayer.

  “I love you Ellie Mae and I will never let you go,” I roll over and let out a loud sigh, hating myself for leaving, but I know I have to. It’s the right move for both of us. “I will never let you go, not in a million years. I’ll be back and hopefully we’ll be okay.”


  Thank You for reading!

  I hope you don’t hate me too much!




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