Brock's Hellion

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Brock's Hellion Page 4

by Nicole Austin

  “This is one of my favorite rooms. The view is spectacular.” Savannah pushed open a door toward the end of the hallway and Tink found herself in a cottage-style retreat. The walls were the pale blue of a summer sky and gave the room a light, airy feel. A patchwork floral quilt in soft green, blue, yellow, lilac and rose adorned a whitewashed pine bed. Next to the large window, a matching rocking chair with thick cushions had her wanting to curl up with a good book and be lazy. The overall result was comfortable and inviting.

  “It’s beautiful.” Tink’s gaze trailed to a white door in the corner.

  “That’s a private bathroom. The cabinets are stocked with a variety of toiletries. If you need anything that’s not in there, just let me know.” Savannah stepped over to the window and sighed, a serene expression filling her face. After a moment she waved Tink over.

  “Oh my God.” Tink sucked in a sharp breath. On the drive in, she’d been amazed by the beauty of the ranch lands. Seeing it from this vantage point was breathtaking. A sense of rightness formed in her abdomen and spread throughout her body.

  Green land dotted with a few lingering fall-colored leaves stretched out beneath an endless blue sky until distant mountains bridged the gap between the two. Snow capped the upper elevations of the cold and rocky peaks. In stark contrast to the jagged mass, a small valley lay nestled below, sheltered by its towering neighbors. Discerning details was difficult, but the valley appeared to defy season, time and place by holding on to summer warmth.

  Her mind turned to flights of childhood fancy and Tink imagined the valley as an enchanted place where fairies played hide-and-seek behind bright colored flowers. When not out creating mischief, elfin guardians wove a magical spell of protection over the land and the sprites residing there.

  “I knew you’d feel it.” Savannah’s voice was soft and unobtrusive, not detracting from the delightful moment. “The land calls to you.”

  Van was right, it did. An invisible force tugged on her and Tink couldn’t help leaning closer to the window. She could almost feel the gentle brush of tiny gossamer wings over her skin as fairies carried her off to their home, floating weightless, her fingers reaching down to stroke wavering blades of grass.

  “Same as it calls to Brock.”

  Hearing his name caused the scene to shift. She lay on a blanket, cushioned by a bed of wildflowers and sweet-smelling grass, golden rays of sunshine kissing her skin. Her head rested on the denim-clad sinew of Brock’s thigh. Arching her neck, she smiled up at him as he fed her fat purple grapes.

  “It’s his valley. The place where he plans to build his home.”

  The slap of small feet on the wooden floor as a young girl raced into the room broke the mood. Tink shook her head to clear away the strange daydream.

  Turning toward the door, Savannah flashed a bright smile. “This is our resident ball of energy, Mandy. She’s Sandy and Craig’s daughter. Mandy, this is Tink. She’s come all the way from Denver for a visit.”

  “Cool name!” A wistful expression passed over her sweet face. “I want to be called Tallulah but Mom said no.”

  Savannah chuckled. “So where’s the fire, kiddo?”

  ”Almost forgot. The guys said it’s getting too late to play and they don’t have enough people for what they want to do anyway. Oh, and Millie said to tell you dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes.”

  “Okay, honey. Thank you.”

  The child stared down at the plush area rug beneath her feet, twisting her toes in the fibers. When she gazed up at them, hazel eyes sparkled from under thick lashes. “Can I come and watch the next time the guys play?”

  Savannah smiled. “How about if we ask your mom while Tink gets settled in?”

  “Awesome!” A happy glow lit Mandy’s face.

  A similar trill of anticipation shot through Tink. Kate had told her wild stories of the “cowboy games” played on the ranch. Tink was anxious to witness the fun firsthand, but probably wouldn’t be around long enough. She’d have to head back home soon if she wanted to keep her job.

  “You’ve got time for a shower if you’d like. I’ll find something for you to wear and leave it on the bed.”

  Wary of others’ motives, she didn’t understand why her intrusion on this woman’s home was being welcomed. “Why are you being so nice to me, a stranger you’re stuck putting up with in your home?”

  Savannah just smiled and said, “You’re a friend of Kate’s,” as if that made it perfectly clear.

  Once she was alone, Tink shrugged off her odd feelings about the valley and the warmth she’d felt over the things Savannah had said. Taking a steamy shower helped clear her head of whimsical ideas.

  As promised, Savannah had left some clothes for her. The jeans were too long and had to be rolled up at the bottom, but the long-sleeved shirt fit well. Thick socks and slip-on sneakers completed the outfit. After brushing out her hair, she tamed the thick mass into a ponytail at her nape.

  Stepping out into the hall, she didn’t know which way to go. The wonderful aromas of coffee and biscuits coming from the left had her stomach issuing a loud growl. Tink headed in that direction, found a narrow set of stairs and raced down to the warm kitchen.

  “Good lord, child,” a woman standing near the stove chastised. “Sounded like a herd of elephants were clomping down those stairs. And we’re going to have to do something about that empty belly.”

  Tink initially bristled but then she giggled, feeling buoyant, childish and carefree. At some point she’d have to find out where her car was and return to Denver, but she pushed real life to the back of her mind for now. “Sorry, I got turned around.”

  “That’s all right. You must be Tink. I’m Millie.” She made no attempt to hide her wide grin. “You’re always welcome to come visit my kitchen, as long as you behave.”

  Tink snorted and flashed her own smile. “Sure, you can count on me to behave…badly.” She took great pleasure in Millie’s delighted laughter.

  “I’m going to have to watch out for you.” Millie’s plump body moved around the large space with surprising agility. Tink watched the steam rise from a biscuit as Millie cut it in half and slathered the treat with butter. Her stomach stirred and saliva pooled in her mouth.

  “Here, this should hold you over ’til everything’s ready.” Millie placed the biscuit on a napkin and handed it to Tink. She took a big bite and sighed as the warm bread practically melted in her mouth. If the rest of the meal were half as delicious it would be an incredible feast.

  Millie pointed her in the right direction and smacked her retreating ass with a plastic spatula. Tink yelped. In truth the teasing tap stung only a little, but she hammed it up anyway.

  “Hey! I’m not visiting your kitchen anymore if I’m gonna be beaten.” She opened the swinging door and looked back over her shoulder, then faked a limp as she walked through the doorway with Millie’s laughter bellowing behind her. Having her antics treated as humorous was a bit disconcerting.

  Everyone had gathered in the great room around a man with sandy blond hair and cornflower blue eyes. He looked young and innocent yet there was a sparkle in his eyes that made her think a bad boy lurked beneath the surface. Being a major hunk must have been a requirement of Van’s hiring process when she picked out her cowboys because the room was full of grade-A choice beefcake.

  It took a moment for her to realize they were all staring at her, making Tink feel as if she’d said or done something wrong. She quickly glanced down to make sure she hadn’t missed any buttons when getting dressed. When she looked back up, she locked on to Brock’s fierce scowl.


  Riley elbowed the sour-faced cowboy in the ribs as Savannah smiled and waved her over. “Ah, there you are.”

  Tink moved toward the group. Savannah put an arm around her shoulders and gave a reassuring squeeze. “This is Zeke. He’s visiting from MSU, where he’s a star student in the agriculture program. When he graduates, Zeke is going to oversee the crops we plan
to incorporate into the business side of the ranch.”

  The pride Tink heard in Savannah’s voice and the confidence she expressed in Zeke’s abilities had him blushing and staring down at the scuffed toe of his boots.

  “Tink is Kate’s friend and coworker. Once Steph and Kate get their business up and running, Tink will be the newest Shooting Star resident. For the time being she lives in Denver.”

  Ah, maybe that’s why she was being treated so kindly. But neither working with Kate nor moving to the ranch was definite, which left Tink unsure how to respond. She shouldn’t have been surprised when Van picked up on her thoughts and squeezed her hand.

  “Just because the details haven’t been worked out yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen, Tink. You’ll be here with us, where you belong, by Christmas.”

  The confidence in her statement had Tink arching her brow. Savannah leaned closer and whispered, “Bank on it, honey.”

  Tink sighed in relief when Steph asked Zeke a question about school and the conversation returned to the group of friends catching up. The idea Savannah had had one of her visions about her was unnerving, and she wondered how much of her life remained private from the ranch owner.

  “Supper’s ready. Y’all get on in here before it gets cold.”

  Millie provided the distraction Tink desperately needed, allowing her to move past Savannah’s knowing grin. Sandy and her husband Craig joined the group as they all filed into the kitchen. Where mere moments before Tink’s stomach had been tied in knots, it now growled over the marvelous scents of a home-cooked meal. Loaded serving dishes were passed around the table as plates were filled with thick slices of meatloaf, green beans, mounds of mashed potatoes and gravy. The bowl of biscuits emptied fast, but Millie was there with a fresh batch before anyone had to ask. The easy conversation ranged from daily ranch issues to plans for time off.

  “How long are you going to leave Kate and Jesse stranded at the cabin?” Tink asked.

  Savannah wore a mischievous grin. “They’ve got enough supplies to last weeks, but we’ll probably pick them up Wednesday. That should give them more than adequate time to fu—” Her gaze shot along the table to Mandy, who was all ears, hanging on every word. “Umm…time to get over this silliness and make up.”

  The phone rang and Brock moved away from the table to answer it. As he began talking she felt his intense concentration focused on her. Tuning out the conversation around her, she listened to his side of the call.

  “Do me a favor and check the car over to make sure it’s ready for the drive back to Denver.” He listened for a moment. “Okay, we’ll plan on picking it up on Monday if that’s all right.”

  Monday? What the hell? The car just needed some gas. She rose to her feet and crushed a napkin in her fist as Brock ended the call. “Mind explaining to me why it would take two days to fill up the gas tank of a compact sedan?”

  All other talk ceased. Brock’s gaze caressed her from head to toe then back again. His eyes were filled with heat and desire as they roamed her body, stripping her bare. The corners of his lips drew up in a sexy smile, making his mustache twitch. She broke out in goose bumps remembering how the soft hairs had tickled her lips and sent tingles racing over her skin when they’d kissed.

  By the time he finally focused on her face, Tink was almost panting. She felt naked but curbed the urge to glance down and be sure her clothes had not melted away. The others remained silent but she knew they watched the exchange closely.

  “You’re lucky the damn car didn’t blow up.” He prattled on about technical car stuff that went right over her head.

  Her mind wandered, missing half of what he said. Just listening to him talk made her ache, which pissed her off. She tried to relax her tensed muscles but the sexual energy flowing between them kept her on edge.

  “The shop is closing for the day and they don’t work on Sunday so we’ll pick your car up Monday.”

  He left it at that as if his word was law. “That’s it? What you say is the way things go without question?”

  His uncompromising, intense stare had every nerve ending tingling. Her damn body’s enjoyment of his commanding ways undermined Tink’s determination not to let him affect her.

  “If you’d prefer to head back today and are willing to press your luck, I’ll drive you to the shop right now. Hopefully, the car won’t break down and leave you stranded in the dark somewhere.” He shrugged as if it didn’t matter to him either way.

  Brock wouldn’t make eye contact anymore. His evasion made her think something fishy was going on, but she didn’t know what and decided not to push the issue. If she were honest, the idea of hanging out at the ranch all weekend held a certain appeal. She knew he’d probably be more than willing to get rid of her as soon as possible, but it appeared he wouldn’t be getting his wish. “Can I borrow the phone to call work?”

  Still keeping his eyes averted, Brock handed over the cordless handset and she left a quick voice message for Dickhead Riseman explaining the situation while leaving out most of the details. She was already on thin ice at Riseman Designs since helping Kate with her defection, and Tink couldn’t afford to lose her job.

  He hated misleading her. There was nothing wrong with Tink’s car. The mechanic had done a thorough inspection and filled the tank. He’d even offered to stay open late so they could pick it up right away.

  Guilt tightened Brock’s chest as he listened to her make excuses for her job. He would feel bad if she got in trouble at work over his deception, but he’d seen no way around it. Even if they didn’t have a civil word for each other most of the time, it didn’t change the fact there was something between them. That scorching-hot kiss had proved it. To figure out this insane attraction would require time.

  Looking at her threatened to dredge up long-buried memories he’d rather not face. Brock forced the past back into the recesses of his mind where it belonged, refusing to let his Dominant side see the light of day. The lessons had been hard and he’d learned them well.

  Van shot him an ominous look. Fuck, he prayed she wasn’t able to see into the dark corners of his soul and know what he’d done. Living with a psychic sometimes sucked! Letting what he felt show briefly in his eyes, Brock pleaded for her understanding and silence. She nodded but he read the warning in her expression. She wouldn’t let his deception of Tink go for long.

  Casual talk resumed after they both sat back down. He knew the inquisition was coming eventually, but Tink didn’t bat an eye as everyone started with the rapid-fire questions. Her reaction took him by surprise as she answered each inquiry in lavish detail, becoming excited when talking about her online adult toy business.

  “The Vibratorium keeps me busy. I have a few friends who test products and post reviews on the website. Kate did an amazing job with the design but it needs some tweaking to make it more user-friendly.”

  “Steph might be able to help you out,” Cord suggested. Pride over his sister’s accomplishments was obvious in the softening of his hard features.

  “Sure,” Steph said. “I’d be happy to take a look and make some suggestions. You should really talk to Jesse about linking to his website too.”

  Brock felt content to follow the conversation and silently observe the way Tink pleasantly interacted with his friends. There wasn’t a shy bone in her body. His pulse pounded with the realization of how well she fit in with the ragtag group, almost as if she’d always been a part of the ranch family.

  Absorbed in his thoughts, he nearly dropped his fork when a warm hand gripped his thigh. He glanced over at Tink then followed the direction of her wide-eyed gaze to Van.

  “Something freaky’s happening again.” Her words were a mere whisper.

  The easy banter had stopped and all eyes were focused on Savannah, who stared sightlessly across the room. Her body was rigid, every muscle tensed. She was in the grip of a powerful vision. He knew the signs well, although it had been months since she’d been so completely consumed by her abili

  He slid his hand over Tink’s, preventing her from moving away. He leaned close, not wanting to disturb Savannah. “Van’s having a vision. Don’t worry, she’s fine.”

  Images held Savannah immobile for breathless minutes. The strain of waiting it out became evident on Cord’s face. His hands fisted the table edge as he struggled not to reach out and pull her from the trance. Brock sensed that this was a bad one. When she finally came out of it, shudders racked her body. Cord scooped her into his lap and soothed his wife. “What is it, sugar?”


  Everyone tensed, including Tink, who had only heard the barest details of what had happened.

  “I-If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he’s close by.”

  * * * * *

  Swift and silent, the watcher moved from one shadow to the next. Building to building, window to window he searched, never losing patience—the consummate hunter on a quest. He would not give up. Not before capturing his prey.

  When he found them together, gathered around the dinner table, laughing and happy, his blood boiled. The injustice of it all made him seethe with rage.

  “Go ahead, enjoy the night, but before long you’ll pay. I’m gonna make sure you pay!”

  Chapter Three

  After dinner the guys rolled up the rug in the great room and moved all the furniture out of the way to create room for dancing. Someone turned on a country tune and while it wasn’t her favorite music, Tink couldn’t help but sway to the lively beat.

  Warm breath teased her neck as a big body blanketed her from behind. “Dance with me, beautiful?”

  Cord and Savannah already twirled around the room and Riley got Mandy up and dancing. Tink longed to join them but didn’t know how to two-step.

  “It’s easy. All you have to do is follow my lead,” Brock reassured as if reading her mind. “Your feet aren’t too sore, are they?”


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