Sanctum (The After Light Saga)

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Sanctum (The After Light Saga) Page 3

by Cameo Renae

  At the present, bad was overpowering good. Although my parents were standing next to me, I still felt completely alone. Darkness encompassed me, like a dark cloud, covering the bright sun. The sun was still there, but until the dark clouds moved away…the world would remain overcast and dreary.

  “It’s alright sweetheart,” my dad whispered. “I’ll make sure this never happens again.” His eyes were glassy with unshed tears, but I could see rage simmering behind the sadness. He leaned down, kissed my forehead, and left the room. I had a feeling he was going to find the General.

  But how could he make sure? Out here the world was filled with uncertainties. There were no guarantees. We weren’t living. Not yet anyway. Right now, we were merely surviving.

  “I’m so sorry, Abi. If I knew…if I had another chance, I wouldn’t have brought you here,” my mom whispered.

  “We didn’t have much of a choice, Mom. We couldn’t have stayed in our hive forever, nor would we have been able to survive topside very long. This place was our only hope. Everyone else is safe, and I’ll be fine.”

  “I just hope the larger bunker isn’t run by ignorant fools,” she said, taking hold of my hand.

  All of a sudden a sharp alarm blared, making us cover our ears.

  My father stuck his head back in the door and sighed. “It’s a mandatory meeting. Your mother and I have to go, but we will be back as soon as it’s over,” he said, nodding his head in reassurance.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ve got Dr. Banks,” I smiled, as he walked in.

  “Yes, she won’t be going anywhere without me knowing,” he confirmed, shaking my dad’s hand.

  “Thanks, Banks. I owe you one.”

  “No, Stephen. We owe you our lives. We wouldn’t have survived this long without you,” he returned.

  “We did it together,” my father stated. Suddenly the alarm stopped.

  Everyone, except those in the infirmary, had to attend or suffer the consequences.

  “You two go ahead. I’ll take care of Abi.”

  “I’m not going to leave her,” my mom said, turning to me.

  I smiled and nodded. “Go. I’ll be fine. You don’t want the General to throw all of us in cells, do you?”

  “He’s probably itching to find a way,” my dad added.

  “I’d rather be in a cell with my family, then to be separated and free,” she said.

  I grinned at her. “You’d better go. After the meeting come right back and tell me what’s going on,” I said.

  After she got done thanking the doctor and kissing me goodbye, my dad ushered her out of the room with a hand on her back.

  “What do you think the meeting will be about?” I asked Dr. Banks.

  “It could mean a few things, but ultimately, the hive is in some kind of danger.”

  “I wonder what kind?” I thought out loud.

  “I guess we’ll find out soon enough. You should get some rest. Here you go…” He handed me two white pills and a cup of water. “I also found another cream that should help with the swelling and bruising on your face. Just rub a bit onto it every few hours.”

  I took the pills and rubbed the cream on my face. It was a little tender, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I lay in bed, waiting—my mind spinning. After about twenty minutes, my brain started to feel numb and my eyes started to get heavy. This time, I welcomed sleep.

  Chapter 2

  A gentle brush across my forehead woke me. When I opened my eyes, my best friend was sitting next to me, with a crooked grin and a glimmer in his eyes.

  “Hey beautiful,” he said softly.

  “Finn?” I thought I was dreaming. “Are you really here?” Seeing him instantly brought a smile to my face.

  “Yes.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

  “If this is a dream, don’t wake me up,” I smiled.

  “Not a dream,” he whispered, brushing a stray strand of hair from my cheek.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked, trying to divert his attention.

  “I’m good,” he said, concern embedded on his face. “But, what happened to you?”

  Crap. What was I going to say? “I got into a bit of a scuffle,” I sighed.

  He chuckled. “Well, knowing you, I’d hate to see what the other person looks like.”

  “Yes. You definitely would,” I agreed. I knew when Finn found out, he’d want to kill Titus for what he did, or even attempted to do. Bastard. But I didn’t want Finn to get into any trouble. Not here. Not with the General already having his sites on me. “How did you get here?”

  “I walked,” he said flatly, smirking.

  “Dr. Banks let you leave?” I questioned.

  “He actually asked me to come and check on you. I guess he was called into some important meeting and he said you were asking about me,” he flirted.

  “I was. I wanted to see you. How’s your leg? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Me? Totally fine. With the antibiotics and medication they have here, my leg is healing faster than they anticipated. It still hurts a bit, but it’s totally manageable. I’ll be running around, back-in-action, in no time.” He grinned and took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I was so worried about you,” I exhaled.

  “I was more worried about you. When I get out of here, the first thing I’m gonna do is find the bastard who rudely came in and took you away from me. He has no idea what he’s got coming.”

  If Finn ever found out that the same guy tried to rape me, he wouldn’t be with me right now. He would have gone straight to look for him.

  I squeezed his hand.

  “I’m glad you’re here, I needed to see you. I missed you so much. Not getting to be with you whenever I want, really sucks.”

  “Well, one day we won’t ever have to worry about that. You, Abigail Park, will be my wife, and I will get to spend longer than forever with you.”

  My heart almost swelled to the point of bursting. He was my best friend, the love of my life, and hopefully, if we all made it, we would get to spend the rest of our lives together. However long that would be.

  I reached up and touched his face. “I love you, Finn Armstrong. No matter what happens to us, you are the only one who will ever have my heart.”

  “I love you too, Abi.”

  The look in his eyes made my insides tingle. It was intense and filled with passion. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me up, then gently placed his hand behind my neck, locking me in place. I closed my eyes, as he came closer.

  The heat between us began to rise, and Finn suddenly pushed closer covering his full lips over mine. I groaned into his mouth as his arms wrapped around me. My fingers tangled in his thick, dark hair.

  Total bliss. I knew I could spend the rest of my life in his arms, kissing him.

  “Ahem.” Dr. Banks was standing at the door with a grin on his face.

  We both pulled back, and I could feel my cheeks instantly blush. That was embarrassing.

  “I need you both to get back to your rooms and pack whatever you can. The Arvies just took out our last two fuel sources and killed forty-five soldiers. We have just enough fuel saved to get everyone out of here and to the drop-off zones. They are going to start evacuating people in a few hours. The injured are being flown out first, and since you are in my care, we are leaving on the first flight.”

  “What about our parents?” Finn asked.

  “Everyone will be flown out in time. They are setting up groups and scheduling times right now. We have four choppers, which will be flying everyone out to a designated drop off zone. Once we reach that zone, there will be a twenty mile trek to the next zone, where the other choppers will pick us up. Because we will be assisting the injured, we will be flown in five miles closer than everyone else. So, we’ll only have a fifteen mile hike.”

  “Finn, I need you to escort Abi to her section and back,” Dr. Banks asked.

  “Of cou
rse,” he said, gripping my hand tightly.

  “Dr. Banks, will you make sure our parents know we are going with you?”

  “They already know, Abi. I talked to them directly after the meeting.”

  “Thank you.” I sighed in relief. It was comforting to know my parents were already informed, and that I would be in the care of Dr. Banks, with Finn by my side.

  “Wait…you’ll both be needing these,” Dr. Banks said, handing us our swipe cards.

  We quickly headed out of the infirmary. The halls were filled with people rushing in different directions. Where were all these people earlier, when it counted?

  I guess the meeting had everyone scrambling to get their things. Thirteen years of things. Finn held on tightly to my hand and forced his way through the narrow hallways.

  We reached section G and he hugged me. “Meet me right back here in 30 minutes.”

  “Okay,” I agreed. The guard let me in, and Finn disappeared into the crowd, rushing toward his section.

  I hurried down to my door and swiped. As soon as it opened, Tina jumped back and grasped her chest, startled.

  “Abi! Oh my God. How are you?” She ran at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I heard you found Finn, and that he was badly injured.”

  “I did. I found him just in time. I’m so sorry you got into trouble,” I said, stepping back so I could look into her eyes.

  “It was nothing. Totally worth it. It was time for an adventure, and besides, I really wanted to know what was going on behind that door, just as much as you did. I mean…Hello? My father runs the place. I think I should have some kind of idea of what’s going on.” She shook her head.

  “The really sad thing is, he used to be so much different. Something happened when we found out about the Arvies. This place wasn’t so bad before. It wasn’t so…strict. But, there have been so many deaths, and so many of them were very close to him. I know he feels responsible.”

  I felt a sliver of sympathy for the man, but mostly for his daughter. “Well, he won’t have to worry about that soon. He’ll have a lot of extra back-up at the other government bunker.”

  “Yeah, but just think. He’s been in charge of running this place for over thirteen years. Giving up his authority is like throwing him out to the Arvies. Once a man has a taste of power, it’s hard to give up. We’ll see how it goes.”

  “As you know, my father had to do the same, and he dealt with it better than expected. But in the end, if it will benefit the citizens, changes must be made,” I said.

  “I agree. I’m nervous though. I’ve heard some horror stories about the other bunker. They’re saying it’s an extremely tight run ship. Like, you can’t even sneeze without asking.”

  I sighed. “Do you know if everyone will be separated, like they are here?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m assuming they will be. It’s all for the “greater good”. Keep the guys in one area for training, and girls in the other to learn how to plant and cook. But in actuality, we’ll all be slaves, just like we are here. Obeying orders and doing whatever we’re told, or else. I don’t know if I could live in a place that wouldn’t allow me to see Pike. Here, I’m able to see his gorgeous face every single day.”

  “Yeah,” I breathed. I knew I couldn’t live in a place where Finn wasn’t part of my life.

  “Well, let’s get packed and get the hell out of here. The new bunker better be ready for us. I wonder if they’re prepared for two rule breakers such as ourselves,” she said, a scheming smile firmly in place.

  “Team Airvent!” I cheered, and she giggled. “So, do you know what flight you’ll be on?”

  “I’ll be on the second chopper,” she rolled her eyes. “Daddy’s orders. He wants to make sure I’m one of the first to the bunker. So, do you know what flight you’re on?”

  “Yep. We’re supposed to be going out on the first flight with the doctors and the injured. Finn and I will be with Dr. Banks, since we’re still under his care.”

  “I meant to ask, what the hell happened to you?” She stared at my cheek and then took my wrists in her hands. “Did this happen from Finn’s rescue?”

  “No. I got into a scuffle here, but I’m fine,” I said.

  “And what about Finn?”

  “He’s doing great. When I found him, he was in a room. His leg was badly injured and he’d lost a lot of blood. He almost didn’t make it.” Even the thought of losing him made my insides sick and my eyes water.

  “Well, he did, and that’s what matters. Right?”

  “Right,” I nodded, and squeezed her hands.

  “So have you seen or talked to Pike lately?”

  “He came to visit me a few times. It was hard because this place is under constant surveillance, and my awesome, overprotective dad had a camera on my cell. Pike had to stand in the dark, outside of the camera view where he couldn’t be seen, just so we could talk. I had to pretend like I was reading a book out loud, just so they wouldn’t think anything was off. It totally sucked, but I was glad he came. He made being in there so much better.”

  “Remember the scuffle I mentioned? Well, he saved me today. I’ll tell you the whole story later.”

  “What? Wait!” She gasped. “No, you have to tell me now.”

  “Okay, the quick version. I was attacked by a soldier named Titus. Pike came in, with two other guards, and stopped him just in time.”

  “Are you serious? I hate Titus with a passion. When they created the word asshole, he was the reason,” she snapped, then gasped. “Oh no, Abi. Is he the reason why your face and your wrists are like that?”

  I nodded.

  “Asshole!” she cursed. She wrapped her arm around me. “What happened?”

  As soon as she touched me, I broke down. “He tried to…well, he tried…but he didn’t,” were the only words I lamely got out.

  “It’s alright. You’re fine now,” she said softly, rubbing my back.

  I nodded, wiping the tears which had collected in my eyes.

  “I wish I could enforce capital punishment and hang him. Where is he now?”

  “They took him to the cells. Pike said he’d take care of him,” I said.

  She sighed and shook her head. “Does Finn know?”

  “No, and I don’t want him to. At least, not for now. He’s still in recovery. I’ll tell him when he’s a bit stronger.”

  She hugged me. “I’m so sorry, Abi. I can’t imagine the horror you went through. I’m glad they caught him.”

  I wiped my tears. “Just be sure and thank Pike again for me.”

  “Oh, if I ever get the chance, I will,” she giggled. “Very generously.”

  “Good,” I said.

  We finished packing the few possessions we owned and put on our combat gear.

  We were getting out of here, but I had a sinking feeling we would be moving from one horror, straight into another.

  Hopefully the drop area was Arvy-free. That was a huge stress weighing on my mind, especially knowing we’d be traveling with injured.

  I assumed the leaders wouldn’t drop us off where there would be danger. But knowing how intelligent the Arvies were, there was no definite assurance. Leaving the safety of any secure place was a gamble.

  Ready, with our bags in hand, we left the room and I didn’t turn back. This was not my home, it was a dream filled with terror, and I was glad we were leaving. I didn’t know what the future held for us in the new hive, but we would have to learn to adapt, until we could start a life of our own. That sounded like a good plan. A simple plan. But we’d all learned that nothing was as simple as it seemed anymore.

  As we exited our section, the hallway was still bustling with people.

  “Come on. We need to go to the meeting room,” Tina urged.

  “You go on. I have to wait here for Finn. We’re supposed to meet Dr. Banks back in the infirmary,” I said.

  “Alright, I’ll see you soon. If not, then I’ll see you on the other side,” she winked.
r />   “Have a safe flight,” I said, hugging her.

  “You too,” she replied, hugging me back.

  Tina left, and I pressed my back against the wall of the hallway, waiting for Finn.

  Suddenly, my arm was hit hard from the side, which knocked my bag out of my hand. I grabbed my throbbing arm, enraged at the stupidity of whoever hit me. When I turned, I was surrounded by three boys, around Finn’s age. I’d seen them before, but they usually kept to themselves. The tallest boy, who seemed to be the instigator, was right up in my face.

  “What the hell is your problem?” I said, glaring at him. I wasn’t about to take crap from anyone, especially from some long, lanky dude with no muscles and pimples all over his face. I just hoped I didn’t have to hit him, and touch that mess.

  “What the hell is your problem,” he parroted, stepping closer.

  Rage started to burn from within me; my fists balled tightly. What the hell was wrong with this place? Was I on some freaking bunker memo?

  “Looks like the only problem we have here is your face,” I said.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t the kick-ass, survivor girl,” he smirked. “I bet you can show me all the right kind of moves.”

  He stepped even closer, crossing my invisible, defensive boundary.

  I glanced around, but no one seemed to care that he was being a bully. They all kept moving, some glancing at us, but no one stopped or said a word. My hate for this place grew more by the second.

  “You’re invading my space,” I threatened. “Come any closer and I’ll show you firsthand, how kick-ass I can be.”

  He huffed and turned to his buddies who joined in with laughter. “Oh yeah. She’s definitely feisty.” He looked at me again. “Titus said you are quite the firecracker.”

  “Titus?” I could feel my nails digging into my palms. I instantly felt sick as his name exited my lips.

  His eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened. “Yeah, Titus. My brother, you bitch. The one you just sent to the cells?”

  Flames of hate licked my insides, ready to burst into an inferno. I could feel it in my face, my hands, my skin. “That disgusting piece of shit is lucky he was only sent to the cells.”


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