Gemini (Gemini Adler Book 1)

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Gemini (Gemini Adler Book 1) Page 7

by TJ Hines

  Gem noticed that Jesse wasn't going the same way that they had originally come from and asked what was going on.

  "I think we're being followed. So, I just want to make sure we don't lead them back to the trailer.”

  Gem looked in the side mirror to find a silver car behind them which must have been whom Jesse was referring too. She tried to make out who might have been in the car, but there was just too much distortion. Jesse came up with a plan while driving. He said he was gonna lose the car in the next city over, apparently the biggest one around Lake Martin. But that plan never came to fruition because the car stopped following them making them think they were just being paranoid.

  When Jesse was sure it was safe, he started to head back to the trailer. What they found when they got there had Gemini's blood run ice cold. They found the gate wide open and the trailer ransacked. All their belongings were scattered around the tiny trailer and the furniture was in disarray. Whoever done it though wasn't after money because Gemini's savings had been in her backpack and was currently strewn about on the bed, money still in the envelope she kept it in.

  Jesse and Gem quickly gathered what they could and got Taura back in the truck and took off. They weren't sure where they were going but they knew they couldn't stay there because it was no longer safe. The people who had been there would definitely be back. Gemini just hoped that they currently weren't following them.


  Jesse drove south. They weren't sure where they were going but they knew they had to put distance between them and the trailer. Gemini couldn't help herself from looking in the mirror every five minutes to see if anyone was following them. They had to figure a way to get word to Dani and Micah about what had happened and where they were going.

  They stopped in Montgomery to fuel up and stretch their legs. It felt like they had been driving all day. When Gem stopped to think about it, they had. Jesse had to be tired of driving, Gem thought, but he never once complained. When they made it to the beach, they stopped for the night. They found a motel close to the highway and Jesse paid for a room for them all to share. Gemini, Taura, and Jesse had barely spoken on the trip. Gemini figured everyone was just lost in their own thoughts, but they had to figure out a plan and soon.

  "What are we gonna do?" she asked Jesse once Taura had fallen asleep.

  "I don't know. I guess we just keep driving until we feel safe. Maybe Mexico or head North to Canada. What do you think?" Jesse asked playing with Gem's hair. They had gotten so used to sleeping in the same bed that Gem couldn't imagine not lying next to Jesse now.

  "Mexico is closer," Gem pointed out, snuggling into the crook of Jesse's arm a little more.

  "Then Mexico it is. We'll head that way in the morning."

  When morning came, Gemini filled Taura in on the Mexico plan while Jesse got dressed. Taura was excited because she had never been to Mexico before. Gem didn't bother pointing out that she hadn't been really anywhere before last year. Taura opened the door to leave and stopped halfway through it.

  "Gemi?" she asked in a little voice. Gem knew that voice, Taura was scared. Gem looked out the door and saw the same thing that Taura had and yelped before pulling Taura back from the door and slamming it closed.

  "What is it?" Jesse said coming to stand next to Gemini. Taura went to the bed and sat, clearly upset.

  "There are two people waiting out there by the truck. One had a gun."

  Jesse looked out the window and then turned to look back at Gem. "I'll provide a distraction. You take Taura and run."

  "Absolutely not. I will not have you sacrificing yourself. There has to be a better way."

  They continued to argue, while Taura sat silently on the bed. Finally, Taura spoke up, quieting the argument.

  "They aren't here to harm us. They are actually here to help us."

  Gemini and Jesse both turned towards her. Gem spoke first, clearly saying what Jesse was thinking. "What?"

  "The girl. She's special, like us," she said looking at Jesse. "She says they aren't here to hurt us. That they have been following us since yesterday and are just here to help. She wants to come up and talk if we are okay with that."

  "How in the world do you know this?" Gemini asked Taura, clearly confused by what was going on.

  "She's talking to me in my head. She says its telepathy. She seems nice."

  Gemini was still trying to process everything when Jesse finally responded.

  "Just her. She can come up, but he stays downstairs."

  A few moments later there was a knock on the door. Jesse opened it and in walked the most stunning woman Gemini had ever seen. She had long blonde hair that ended at her waist and she appeared so lithe and delicate. But the most captivating thing about her was her bright blue eyes, the same shade as Jesse and Taura's.

  "Hi, I'm Olivia and I'm here to help you."

  "Help with what?" Jesse asked.

  "With your escape, of course."

  "Escape? What are you talking about?" Gem asked trying to throw this girl off their plan. She didn't know anything about her, but this Olivia girl knew way more than enough about them. Like how Taura had special abilities and that they were on the run.

  "We know you are trying to run away from SUDHA and that they probably already know where you are because we were able to find you. Easily, I might add."

  Jesse and Gem looked at one another with a confused look upon their faces. Gem didn't know what Olivia was talking about and they really didn't have time to stand around and talk either.

  "I think we'll be okay," Gem said taking Taura's hand.

  "What's sud…sud…whatever you called it?" Taura asked taking her hand out of Gem's grip.

  "We don’t have time for this Taura. We need to go."

  "SUDHA? That's the government agency after you guys. It stands for Supernaturally Diseased Humans Agency. But don't worry little one, Liam and I won't let them take you, but we do need to go. Like yesterday."

  Olivia looked back at Gem and Jesse who had moved to stand in front of the door. "I understand that you guys don't know me, but you can trust me. I know about your abilities and if you come with us, we can explain more to you about why you have them and who you are. Or you can try to stay one step ahead of SUDHA and hope and pray they don't catch up with you because if they do I can assure you it will not end well for any of you."

  "Gemini, what do you want to do? I am with you no matter what," Jesse said taking Gem's hand.

  Gem wanted to tell Olivia to leave and that they would be okay, but she didn't know that for sure. She hated making decisions, especially possible life and death ones. She looked over at Jesse searching his face for some answer. But in the end, Taura made it for them, when she stood up and took Olivia's hand.

  "Well, then let's go," Taura said walking with Olivia towards the door.

  "I guess that settled that," Jesse said grabbing up the backpacks before taking Gem's hand back.

  "Are we sure we can trust her?" Gem asked as Olivia and Taura made their way down the stairs.

  "No, but I don't think we will be able to make it much longer by ourselves either. Plus, Taura seems to trust her."

  Gem and Jesse met Liam when they finally made it down the stairs. Taura was already in their car, a little silver one that had been following them the day before. Liam took the bags from Jesse and put them and the gun in the trunk before settling in behind the wheel.

  "What about the truck?" Jesse asked.

  "We're leaving it here. SUDHA has probably already got it being watched or possibly tracked depending on the GPS in it. That reminds me, give me your phones," Olivia said holding her hand out clearly waiting for Gem and Jesse to hand over the last thing they had to contact their family.

  Jesse and Gem were reluctant until Olivia said, "They are being tracked, as well. How do you think they found your trailer?"

  Gem handed hers over, she couldn't take chances with Taura's safety even if that meant giving up the one luxury item,
she allowed herself to buy. Jesse on the other hand was a little more hesitant. "I'll need a way to contact my family, so they don't worry."

  "We'll take care of everything once we get to the compound."

  "Compound?" Gem asked getting into the backseat.

  "It's a special place for people like us to live without fear from the government getting their hands on us. We'll talk more about it on the ride. Don't worry. You are in good hands,” Olivia said getting in the passenger seat.

  And with that, Liam pulled out of the parking lot.


  Gem had no idea how long they spent in the car; she just knew that they went north on the interstate for a long time before finally taking an exit that said Magnolia Crest…5 miles. On the ride, Olivia and Liam explained a little about the place they were going. They said it was a town set up for people like them and their families. Everyone who lives in the town knows about the special abilities so there is no fear of being reported.

  Olivia also told Taura about a special school for her to go to free of charge that will help her with her abilities. They explained that once they get back to the compound, which was the center of the town, where the elders lived, they would give them a new untraceable phone to use to contact their family. They would be given a room at the compound until they had something more permanent become available.

  It sounded too good to be true to Gemini. She didn't know what it was, but something just didn't sit right with her about all of this. She needed to talk to Jesse as soon as they were alone, but she wasn't sure when that would be.

  The closer they got to the town of Magnolia Crest, the weirder things got. Normally, by now, towns right off the interstate would be inundated by fast-food restaurants, or travel centers, or something for travelers, but there was nothing. Just farmland on both sides of the road with fencing around it but no animals to be seen. When the houses finally started to appear, they were lavish plantation-style homes set at the end of long drives lined with beautiful trees. A little closer in and a great wall met them with a huge iron gate with an ‘MC’ in it, Gem wondered to herself was it to keep people out or keep people in. Above the gate was a beautifully, intricate iron sign that read ‘Magnolia Crest’.

  Liam punched in a code and the wrought iron gate swung in, revealing a long road ahead, with cherry blossom covered trees on both sides. It was so picturesque that it almost made Gem forget the feeling she had about this place in the pit of her stomach.

  A few minutes later, they pulled up to a large stone building with a red metal roof. It looked like a cross between a hotel and convention center; it was that big. Gemini didn’t see any people outside and wondered again if this was the right place for them.

  Olivia and Liam got out of the car and walked towards the trunk. Jesse did the same. Taura was gawking at the building, which made Gemini feel inadequate for some reason like she wasn’t good enough for her sister anymore. Gemini knew in her heart that her sister didn’t feel that way and that she would always be important to Taura. But Gem couldn’t shake the feeling that since they would be surrounded by people like Taura, that her sister wouldn’t need her anymore. That scared Gemini because she didn’t know what to do with herself if she wasn’t taking care of her little sister.

  Gem took Taura’s hand and led her from the car. They waited on Jesse to get their bags before following Liam and Olivia inside the compound. Gemini was both impressed and intimidated by the building. The doors, themselves, were at least 12 feet and solid mahogany. They looked like they belonged in a castle.

  Gemini kept a firm grip on Taura’s hand, afraid Taura might run off from her or someone might snatch her away. Liam and Olivia led them down a long hallway, with doors on each side. They finally arrived at a room, at least twice the size of Gem and Taura’s old apartment. The ceiling was at least 25 feet, Gem thought. She let her eyes wander around the room taking in everything, especially the exits, just in case they needed to make a getaway. She knew it was more out of habit because there was probably no way to escape this place, not without a proper plan.

  “Where are we?” she finally asked no one in particular once she found her courage.

  “We are in the main compound. This is where the Elders will meet you and the Sisters will take care of your intake. They will assign you apartments and then answer any questions you might have. Liam and I will stay until the Elders get here and then we have to head back out. Got more people to rescue,” Olivia said taking a seat on one of the four ornate red and gold couches. Liam was looking out the window, his back to them, but Gem just sensed that though he wasn’t looking at them, he knew exactly where everyone was located and what they were doing. He was just that type of guy. Deadly.

  They all took seats near Olivia and waited. They were still waiting when someone came in with water and soda for everyone. Gem thought about telling the young girl that they didn’t want anything, but she hadn’t realized how thirsty she was until she heard the ice clanking on the side of the glass. Gemini was finishing up her drink when five people wearing brown robes walked into the room. Three women and two men, all appearing in their late twenties to early thirties.

  “Hello,” they said in unison. “We are the Elder Nephilim. Welcome to Magnolia Crest.”

  “Elder what?” Gemini asked.

  “Elder Nephilim,” the tallest man said. He had beautiful mocha-colored skin with a strong jawline and from what Gem could tell the same color eyes as Taura and Jesse. When no one said anything, the man went on to explain.

  “We five are the oldest Nephilim of the community, which is why we are known as the Elders.”

  “We know what Elder means. We are confused by the word Nephilim. What is that?” Jesse asked.

  The Elders all looked at one another and finally, the woman with curly red hair in the middle spoke up. “You do not know anything about who you are? Who you are descended from?”

  “Lady these are not the faces of people in the know about who we are and how we got these abilities,” Jesse responded.

  The five shared another pointed look before the curly-haired woman gave a curt nod to the man who spoke first.

  “We are Nephilim, children of Angels and humans, and so are you.”

  “You have got to be joking," Gemini said, "Angels are not real."

  "Actually, they are very much real, as is Heaven and Hell," the man said.

  "I think it's time for us to leave," Gem said standing. She assumed that Jesse and Taura would follow but they remained seated.

  "Wait. Let's hear them out," Jesse said with Taura following up with a ‘please’.

  Gemini was clearly shocked that Jesse wanted to hear this. It was ludicrous, Gem thought. Angels did not exist. Or did they? She went to church and heard all the stories, but she still didn’t honestly believe. Even if it felt like someone was always watching out for them. This was insane. It was made up stuff to get people to be good rather than bad.

  “Are you serious?” she asked Jesse.

  “Yeah. I mean what can it hurt.”

  Gem wanted to tell him a lot. This place was like a cult and she had to get Jesse and Taura out of it before they started drinking the juice with these people. Instead of taking them both by the arms and marching them out of the compound and possibly stealing a vehicle, she sat back down to listen to what the Elders had to say.

  “We are the children of angels. There is a war coming between Heaven and Hell and it is coming soon. As of today, Heaven does not have the numbers to defeat Hell, but we are getting closer each day we find a new Nephilim like today,” the lady with the long orange hair said. She went on to say there are two classes of Nephilim, the regular class who were born of angels and humans and the elite class who were born of Archangels and humans. Evidently, Jesse and Taura were both of the elite class, characterized by bright blue eyes.

  “So, who’s my dad?” Taura asked just as Gemini was done listening to the insanity. Gemini quickly looked at Taura. She couldn�
��t believe her levelheaded sister was believing all of this. She should know better, Gemini taught her to tell lies from truth. It was the only way to survive the disappointment of their life.

  “Taura, honey. You know the answer to that question already,” Gem started.

  “We won’t know that until you wield your Angel Fire Blade. Its color will let you know which Archangel sired you,” a very pale girl with glasses said, “I’m Iris by the way.”


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