Gemini (Gemini Adler Book 1)

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Gemini (Gemini Adler Book 1) Page 11

by TJ Hines

  And then the call ended.


  "What are we going to do?" Gemini said her voice rising.

  "I'm not sure yet, but we have to do something."

  "This is so not good. Should we tell the Elders or the Sisters? Or keep quiet? I mean you can't turn yourself over to them and we can't let them have Taura. This is all too much. We have to do something Jesse," Gemini was rambling and normally Jesse would kiss her to calm her down but this time he didn't. He just let her ramble.

  "Jesse? Say something. Tell me it's going to be okay. Please," Gem pleaded with him, who was still sitting on the bed looking down at his phone.

  "Yeah sweetheart everything is going to be okay," he said still looking at his phone.

  "So, what are we going to do?"

  Jesse finally looked up at Gemini, his bright blue eyes searching hers. Gem could tell when he finally came up with a plan because it was etched all over his face. She was fairly certain that her heart stopped beating when Jesse said, "I’m going to go and rescue my family and you and Taura are going to stay here where you will be safe."

  She knew what he said was going to be horrible, but it took Gem a good minute to process what he had just said to her and then when she did, she exploded on him.

  “What do you mean you're going by yourself? Have you lost your mind? That is without a doubt the dumbest thing I have ever heard.”

  “Look, Gemini. This doesn’t concern you or Taura. Both of you need to stay here where it is safe. I’ll take care of my family,” Jesse said going to the closet.

  “Are you certifiable? Of course, this concerns me. You concern me. I love you.”

  “And I love you which is why you have to stay here with your sister.”

  “No offense, buddy. But they are my family too and I am not letting you do this alone. Either I go with you or you don’t go,” she said crossing her arms over her chest trying to look as stubborn as possible while hiding how scared she truly was.

  “You’re a liability, Gem. If you go with me, it will be that much harder to turn myself over to those people.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought you were going to rescue Dani and them. I didn’t realize you were going to actually do what they said and turn yourself in, without a fight.”

  “I don’t want my family hurt in the crossfire. This is the only way to keep everyone I love safe. You have to let me do this,” Jesse said pulling a shirt on. He was really going to leave Magnolia Crest. He was going to leave his future behind. He was going to leave her behind.

  Gemini’s heart started to break. She couldn’t lose Jesse. She refused. So, she did the only thing she could think of at the time. She got down on her knees and looked at him. “Jesse Adam Johnson. I love you with my whole heart. You are my best friend, my rock, and the other half to my soul. I can’t imagine not spending the rest of my life with you so will you marry me?” She knew it was unconventional for the girl to ask the guy, but she had to do something. She loved him and couldn’t imagine her life without him in it.

  “What?” Jesse asked as he was putting his shoes on. The look on his face was priceless. He was clearly taken aback by the marriage proposal.

  “Will you marry me?” Gemini asked again.

  “Aren’t I the one that’s supposed to ask you that?”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “Well yeah, because I’m the guy,” he said coming to stand in front of Gem.

  “Don’t give me any sexist crap right now. I asked you a question. Twice.”

  “Are you asking me because you really want to marry me or because you want to stop me from leaving?”

  Gemini struggled with the answer. She didn’t want to lie to Jesse and honestly, she did want to marry him, but she also didn’t want him to leave.

  “Both,” she said sheepishly.

  “Gemini, you know good and well that I love you and want to marry you one day but I have to go after my family. And I can’t put you in harm’s way. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “Fine. But you are not going by yourself. I will follow you everywhere you go. So, either I go with you or I follow you to Hope but one way or the other I am not letting you leave me behind.”

  “You are the most pig-headed girl in this entire world, you know that, right?”

  Gemini knew that was a rhetorical question, so she didn’t bother to answer it. She just got dressed as quickly as possible and left a note for Taura. She told her sister that she loved her deeply and that hopefully, she would be home in a day or two but if for some reason she wasn’t she was to go to the Sisters and let them know that she and Jesse went after their family. She told Taura that if she didn’t make it back that she expected her to grow up strong, fierce, and beautiful, inside, and out. Gemini also said that no matter what she would always look out for her and love her for eternity.

  Gem and Jesse went to the compound’s garage and checked out a vehicle for use. They told the person in charge they were going on a date, which was not unheard of. Grier and Peyton went to the next town over for dinner all the time, according to them. Before Gem knew it, she and Jesse were on the interstate on their way home to Hope to rescue their family from the government.

  A few hours later, they were pulling up the long drive to the farmhouse. No lights were on and some of the windows had already been boarded up. The screen door was flapping in the cold winter wind, leaving Gemini to believe that Dani and the guys must have been pulled out of there quickly for someone not to latch the door well. Everyone knew that door didn't latch easily.

  Jesse stopped the truck in front of the steps, shining the lights on the porch. He started to open his door when Gem heard the growling. It was low but you could definitely hear it coming from the sides of the house. Jesse got out of the truck slowly, quietly saying the dog's names. The growling stopped and the dogs all rushed him. There were wagging tails and happy yips everywhere. Gemini smiled at the sight before her. Before Jesse knew it, the pups had him on the ground licking his face.

  "Need some help?" Gem called from the truck cab.

  "Nah. I'm good. Okay, guys, let me up," Jesse said coming to a seat on the ground.

  Gemini got out of the truck and came around to the driver's side. Careful not to disrupt the dogs' reunion with Jesse, though the dogs were happy to see her too.

  "So, what's the plan?" Gem asked.

  "I figured we'll stay here until they show up. I'll turn myself in and you and the rest of my family will then head back to Magnolia Crest."

  "That is not a plan. At least not a good one."

  "Look I told you that I wasn't going to put any of you in harm's way," Jesse said standing.

  "No, you look. I am not losing you. We need a better plan," Gem said her voice urgent and her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

  "Now don't go crying sweetheart. Hey, listen, I love you. Let's go spend our last night together and maybe in the morning we can come up with a better plan."

  They walked up the stairs to the house where they fell in love. If they followed Jesse’s plan, this would be their final night together. But Gemini wasn’t going to follow Jesse’s plan. There was no way in the world that she was about to let the man that she loved go down without a fight. She wasn’t big on violence, but she wasn’t about to let those government butt heads take her man either. So, as they prepared for sleep, Gemini made plans to keep everyone she loved safe and free.

  Gemini woke before Jesse the next morning. She still didn’t have much faith in her plan. It was after all a long shot, but it was the only one she could come up with in such a short amount of time. Plus, her other idea involved lots of guns, which she neither had the access to nor the ability to shoot. She started praying. She asked Raphael to protect his son from harm tonight. She begged him really. She even at one point bargained with him. By the time Jesse rolled out of bed, Gemini was in tears and emotionally exhausted.

  They spent the day just hanging out. Gem could tell Jesse was tryi
ng so hard to stay upbeat for her, as she was for him. The sun started to get lower in the sky when Gemini had finally had enough of the fakeness and pretending that it wasn’t the most horrible day ever. And that was saying something for Gem because she had been dealt a raw deal since birth, pretty much.

  “So, we are truly going to spend the last few hours together like this?”

  “Like what?” Jesse said while rubbing Gem's leg. They had been sitting on the swing together for at least an hour just listening to the birds and crickets chirp. The sky was turning beautiful shades of pinks and oranges. It was a breathtaking sight to witness on the farm, surrounded by acres and acres of farmland. Not a building taller than the barn in sight.

  “Like you are not about to give yourself over to a bunch of butt heads,” she said smacking him in the arm.

  “Ouch. I just don’t want to focus on that right now. I just want to focus on you.”

  “Well, you know what I want. I want a future with you. So why don’t you start figuring out a way to fight these morons so that we all can stay together? Please.”

  Jesse sat there for a long time just staring at Gemini. Gem was worried, at first, that he was mad at her, but the look he was currently giving her was not out of anger. No, this look was out of hunger. He was starving and she was the main course. He reached over and pulled her towards him. When their lips met, she could have sworn sparks went off. They had had a lot of heated kisses over the months but nothing like this. This kiss was a promise. A promise to be there for one another until the end. When they parted, Jesse said only one thing to her.

  “I promise to fight for us.”


  Night had fallen on the farm and it was eerily quiet when the headlights came beaming across the front porch. The dogs, sensing that something bad was approaching, slowly came to stand in front of Gem and Jesse who were currently sitting on the top step of the porch. Two black SUVs pulled up in front of the Johnson's farmhouse. Two black SUVs that hopefully had their family in them.

  Jesse and Gem had come up with a plan of sorts, the best plan they could come up with at least. She wished they would have told the Elders or the Sisters they were coming here. Maybe they could have sent backup with them or something that would help them against the Sudha agents. But they couldn't risk exposing the community. Taura was safe there no matter what happened on the farm tonight.

  The engines turned off, as well as the headlights, leaving only the porch lights to illuminate what was going on. She counted seven agents in the dim light. That was not good odds, she thought. Gem squeezed Jesse's hand. Jesse looked over at her and smiled. It was such a beautiful smile and Gem immediately teared up fearing that she might never see it again.

  Jesse stood up and walked the three long steps down to the ground. Gemini remained where she was. She tried to get the dogs to stay with her, but Bear and Bryant weren't having that. They followed Jesse down. Ears laid back and ready for trouble. Gem hadn't seen the dogs in attack mode before tonight and she had to admit that it was a pretty scary sight to behold.

  "Where is my family?" Jesse asked coming to stand about ten feet in front of the nearest vehicle.

  "Mr. Johnson, I see you have done as instructed and brought the girl," the agent in the front said. Gem almost laughed. They may have known about Taura, but they didn't know what she looked like.

  "Where is my family?" Jesse asked once again, this time his voice a little louder and firmer.

  "I'm Mr. Oliver and I am the agent in charge here tonight. I can assure you that they will be released as soon as you and the girl are in custody."

  "That was not the agreement," Jesse said taking a step towards the agents. Bear and Bryant started growling and the agents all put their hands on their guns. Gem wasn't sure what the dogs had done to them before tonight, but those agents seemed to be actually scared of the pups.

  "Calm down boys," Jesse told the dogs. "I want to see my family. Now."

  "That won't be possible. Now if you and the girl will come with us," Mr. Oliver said.

  "Not until my family is released and are on their way out of here."

  "You are not being very reasonable, Mr. Johnson. I have assured you that they are fine and will be released. Now, this is the last time I will ask you to come with us," Mr. Oliver said taking a step towards Jesse. Bear snapped at the man, teeth bared, and a growl so loud that it made Gem shiver. The tension was getting pretty tense out there, but she was following the plan. She had to because it was the only way they might all make it out of here safe.

  “Show me, my family,” Jesse said finally brandishing an Angel Fire Blade bathed in green light. “Now.”

  Gemini could only see the back of him but from the looks, the agents had on their faces he must have looked like an Avenging Angel. The lead agent, Mr. Oliver, said something to the guy behind him and then the agent went to the SUV in the back and opened the door. He pulled a young woman from the car; it was dark, but Gem knew that girl. She was like a sister to her, after all.

  “Dani!” Gem cried. Allie started forward after Dani, but Gem caught her collar. “Not yet girl,” she fiercely whispered to the pup.

  Dani had a bruise over her right eye and looked like she had been in a skirmish. Her hair was a tangled mess but other than that she looked intact. Gem just knew Jesse was seething over his sister's care or lack thereof. He kept twirling his sword in his hand like he couldn’t wait to use it. Gem thought about the best way to describe Jesse in that moment and warrior was what came to her mind. If they survived the night, she wouldn’t try to talk him out of the war coming because she knew at that moment that he was made for battle.

  Dani stumbled and fell to her knees. Jesse said something so low to the Oliver guy that Gem couldn’t hear it, but it had to be bad because Mr. Oliver took a step back and the dogs took a step forward. No one moved or said anything and then out of nowhere an Angel Fire Blade came flying through the air next to Jesse’s head and landing in the chest of the agent who had just pulled his gun.

  Gemini barely had time to notice the color of the blade which was a shimmering white before all Hell broke loose. Someone darted across the yard and stood back to back with Jesse as they started fighting the agents. She heard Oliver give the directions to not shoot the subjects before running for cover. Gem wasn’t sure what to do with herself until she saw Dani lying on the ground trying to crawl to safety. Gem didn’t even think about her own safety, she just ran for Dani. Allie was right on her heels.

  She reached Dani and tried to help her stand but she couldn’t balance. It was almost like she had been drugged. Gemini wasn’t going to be able to move her without help. She looked to where Jesse was, but he was fighting two agents who hand long metal rods in their hands. He wasn’t going to be able to help. It was up to her if she was going to get Dani to safety. She dug deep for the strength she would need but only got her a few feet before Dani fell to the ground collapsing in a heap.

  “Need some help?” a woman’s voice called out.

  Gemini turned around and nearly squealed in delight.

  "Olivia!?! What are you doing here?" Gemini asked the girl running towards them.

  "Liam and I were coming to check on your family to see how much more time they needed. We weren't expecting a party. I feel so underdressed for the occasion," Olivia said grabbing the other arm of Dani.

  "I am so glad you two are here. We need help."

  "Looks like it. Here let's get you two out of the middle of this." Olivia all but carried Dani the rest of the way to the house. Gem forgot how strong Nephilim were. It was going to be weird watching her little sister do that kind of stuff one day.

  "Stay with Dani. I'll go help Liam and Jesse," Olivia told Gem. Gem knew she was a liability, just like Jesse said, so she did as instructed and stayed put on the porch next to Dani. That was until she heard Dani whisper, "Micah".

  Gem had completely forgotten about everyone else when everything started going crazy. Mr. Jo
hnson and Micah were still missing. Gemini needed to check the vehicles for her family. She called for Allie, who had followed Olivia into battle, like a warhorse. Allie came right away. She must have bit one of the agents because she had red stains around her mouth.

  "Stay with Dani," Gem told the pup. And then Gem, once again not thinking about herself, ran back into the melee. She reached the front SUV first and opened the back door. Mr. Johnson was in there, half slumped over in the seat. Drugged, Gem thought, just like Dani. The agents must have wanted them to be as compliant as possible tonight.

  Gemini called for Olivia, hoping the young woman would hear her cries. She had to get Mr. Johnson to safety and then come back to search for Micah. She started towards the house with Jesse and Dani’s granddad. He wasn't as out of it as Dani was, but it was still like moving a really big sack of potatoes around.


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