Cardew, Corneliusnnn
Cariani, Peter
Carmichael, Stokely
Castaneda, Carlos
CASTE. SeeCourse Assembly System and
Tutorial Environment (CASTE)
cellular automata (CAs), ,
early research on
Eno's interest in
Frazer's research on
as ontological icons
Pask's research on
Wolfram's research on
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Center of the Cyclone, The(Lilly)
Cerletti, Ugo
Chakras, The(Leadbeater)
Chapel of Extreme Experience(Geiger)
Chapman, Kate
Checo (Chilean economy)
chemical computers,
chemical shock. See also shock therapies
chicken incubators
Christianityn. See also spirituality,
cybernetics and
"Chronicles of Wizard Prang" (Beer)
Clark, John
Clausewitz, Carl von
Clockwork Orange, A(Burgess)
Cobb, W. A.
cockroach-controlled robot,
Coevolution Quarterly,
cognitive revolution
cognitive science
Coles, Jim
collective consciousness
collective decision making
Collins, Harry
Colloquy of Mobiles,
comfort, adaptation and
complexity, discovery of
complexity within simplicity, discovery of
computer graphics
computer science
computer software
for company management
for doing mathematics
Comte, Auguste
Conant, Roger
Conrad, Tony
Continental philosophy
continuous adaptation. See evolutionary
behavior in cybernetics
"control," cybernetics and
aversion therapy and
critiques of
engineering and
Fun Palace and
music and
Pask on
politics and
relevance conditions of
schizophrenia and
spirituality and
surrender of
Control Magazine,
Conway, John
Cook, Peter
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K
Cooper, David
Cooper, R.
CORA circuit,
Cordeschi, Roberto
Corporacíon de Fomento de la Produccíon (CORFO)
cosmos, in Beer's view
counterculture. See sixties and counterculture
Course Assembly System and Tutorial
Environment (CASTE),
Craik, Kenneth
Ashby and
The Nature of Explanation,
phrase "the go of it,"
scanning idea of
term "hylozoism" used by
Walter and
work of
writings of
cross-conditioning animal experiments
cruise missiles
Cudlipp, Hugh
Cunnold, Joan
Curran, Susan
Curve of the Snowflake, The(Walter)
Cybernetic Serendipityexhibition (),
adaptive mechanisms and
amateurism of British studies
anticontrol and
approach to "Black Box,"
arts and
biology and
brain research and
British involvement in
"control" and
"conversation" metaphor for
critiques of
design notion in
discovery of complexity and
economics and
education and
elements of fun in
epistemology and
factory automation systems and
fixed goals in early research
as form of life
as general theory
glamour of
knowledge and
lack of educational avenues for
madness and
marginality of
meeting protocols and
military applications of
music and
nature's computers
nonmodern institutions for
as ontological theater
ontology of
origin story (alternative)
origin story (standard)
political critique of
politics and
propagation of
protean and interdisciplinary quality of
psychiatry and
quasi-popular books on
real-world projects of
reasons for interest in
scanning behavior research
sketch of another future for
social basis and transmission of
social inequality and
Soviet research on
strange performances and altered states and
themes from history of
as theory of everything
unexplored research avenues
war and
word coinage
Cybernetics; or, Control and Communication in the
Animal and the Machine(Wiener)
Cybernetics and Management(Beer)
"Cybernetics and the Knowledge of God"
"cybernetics of crisis,"
Cybor House
Daily Express,
Daily Herald,
Damper, R. I.n
DAMS project, ,
Ashby's struggles with nn–n
as "Black Box,"
essential variables
DAMS project (cont.)
funding problems for
gating mechanism,
habituation behavior and
influence of
madness induced in, ,
military slant to
as model of brain
as ontological theater
as regulator
dance of agency concept
algedonic feedback and
"Black Box" and
dance of Shiva as
in environmental control systemsn
feedback flicker and
homeostats and
Musicolour machine and
pragmatism and
psychiatry and
teaching machines and
tortoises and
Darwin, Charles
David Burns Manuscript, The,
de Brath, S.n
de Kooning, Willem
Dearden, Basiln
Debord, Guy
"decentering of self" conceptnn–nn
decision theory
DeLanda, Manueln
Deleuze, Gilles
hylozoist ideas ofn
"nomad" vs. "royal" sciences
A Thousand Plateaus,n
Descartes, Renén
design. See alsoarchitecture
Alexander's approach tonn–
blueprint attitude towardn (see also design)
CORA and
cybernetic notion of
as detour
nature as guide for
ontology and
philosophy of
"tortoises" and
types of
urban planning and
Design for a
adaptive behavior described inn
Alexander influenced by
cybernetics mentioned inn
DAMS mentioned in
equilibrium calculated in
habituation behavior described inn
homeostatic autopilot described in
influence of
mathematical analysis of complex systems in
step-function design in
Designing Freedom(Beer)
Dewan, Edmondn
Diagnosing the System for Organizations(Beer)
digital electronic computing
as detour
dispersive systems
"distributed cognition" theoryn
Doctor WhoTV seriesn
Doors of Perception, The(Huxley)nnn
double bind conceptnnn
Dovey, Vivian
Dowson, Mark n
Dream Machine (Dreamachine), ,nn–
dreams. See alsostrange performances
and altered states
Driberg, Tomn
dualism, modernity and n
Dylan, Bob
Eastern religions and cultures
Beer and nn–
cybernetics and
Pask and
psychiatry and
sixties and
strange performances and
See also Buddhism; spirituality, cybernet
ics and
"echoing back" concept
ecology, modernism and n
economics, cybernetics and n
Eddington, Arthur Stanley
Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Ediswan company
education, cybernetics
See also Anti
University of London; training and
teaching machines, cybernetic
educational psychology
Eighth Dayinstallation (Kac),
Einstein, Albert
Eisenman, Peter
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe)
electrochemical "threads," , –.
See also chemical computers
electroencephalography (EEG)
applied to factory,
biofeedback and n
drugs' replacement of
electroshock compared with
flicker and
military applications
Parr's workn
"tortoises" in research
Walter's research on – nn–n
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuro
physiology journal
Electronic Engineering,
electroshock (ECT), , –nnn
Eliade, M.n
Ellul, Jacquesn
Embodiments of Mind (Lettvin)
emptiness, notion of
enframing concept n
engineering. See also design
brain science and
"control" and
notion of design in
ontology andnn
social concept
enneagrams, –nn
Eno, Briann –nn–
Ascott andnn
Beer's influence on n
"Generative Music" talk
interest in CAs
Music for Airports, n
"entailment mesh," n
environmental control systemsnn
epistemology, cybernetics andn.
See also "knowledge
as detour" concept; performative
epistemology, spirituality and
equilibrium, notion of
Ashby's calculations
homeostats and
life and
mathematical researchesn
in psychiatry
Ernst, Max
Esalen Institutenn–nnnnn
Espejo, Raul n
Eucrates, –,nn
Euglenaprotozoa, ,–
Evain, Gillesn
Evans, Margiad n
Evolutionary Architecture, An (Frazer)
evolutionary behavior in cybernetics. See
also ontology of becoming; performative
Ashby's views and research
chemical computers and
design and n
environmental control applications
Pask's views on
exceedingly complex systems
Beer's theory of
brain as
children asn
cosmos as
economic environment of firm
liveliness of
material world asnn–
models of
Musicolour machine as
nation-states as
other people as
schizophrenics as
self as
sigma vision and
world seen as multiplicity of
"expectancy wave,"
experimental ontologyn
extrasensory perceptionn. See also
strange performances and altered
factory automation systems
Beer's vision of
biological computers and
chemical computers and
critiques of n
EEG of,
material systems in
postwar views of n
"relevance conditions" in
schematic of, ,–
steel mill plan,
VSM and
Facts of Life, The (Laing)
Fantasia (Disney film)n
feedback systems. See also biofeedback
algedonic meters,
Beer's experiments
as brain model
factory automation and
flicker and
music's use of n
questionnaires and opinion polls
theatrical audience as
theory of
Fehr, Elizabethn
Fleming, G. W. T. H.n
commercialization ofn
Dream Machine (Dreamachine) and
feedback-controlled, ,
in filmn
Living City machine,
research onnnnn–
sixties and
as technology of self
transcendental states and
Flicker, The (film) n
flight simulators
Flores, Fernandon
Foerster, Heinz vonnnnn
Foerster, Mai von
Forrester, J. W.n
Foucault, Michel
Fox, Samuel
fractal geometrynn
Frankenstein's monster analogy
Frazer, Johnnn
Frazer, Julia
Freeman, Waltern
Fremont-Smith, Franknn
Frenchay Hospitaln
"frequency pulling," n
Fripp, Robertn
Froebel, Friedrichn
Fromm-Reichmann, Friedan
Fry, William
Fuller, Buckminstern
Fun Palace, –,n
in context of leisuren
Cybernetics Subcommitteenn–nn–
influence ofn
as revealing machine
Trocchi's sigma project and
Future of the Body, The (Murphy)n
Future Shock (Toffler)n
Gabor, Dennisn
Game of Lifen
Gardner, M. R.n
Garfinkel, Howard
Garrett, Eileenn
Gauss, Carl Friedrichn
Geiger, Johnnn
generative musicnn–
Generator projectn
geodesic domesn
George, Frank n
gerbil architecture, ,
Gere, Charlien
Gill, Anthonyn
Gillis, Michael
Gilman Paper Corporation
Ginsberg, Allennnn
Glanville, Ranulphnnnn
Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital
global warming
goals, fixed
of AI robots
Ashby's discussion of
of homeostats
of military equipment
of "tortoises," –
goals, undefined
control and
as human state
Pask's views on
in psychiatric treatment
viable system model (VSM) and
in VSM
Goffman, Erving
Goldacre, Reginaldnnn
Goldstein, Alvin
Golem of Prague analogy
Golla, Fredericknnnn
Golla, Yolande
Gorizia mental hospital (Italy)n
Gracie, Andyn
Grateful Dead, the
Gravity's Rainbow (Pynchon)n
Great Chain of Being
Great Learning, The (Cardew)nn
Gregory, Richardnn
Grogan, Emmett
Groningen, city of,
Grosch, H. R. J.
Guattari, Félix
hylozoism ofn
"nomad" vs. "royal" sciences
A Thousand Plateaus,
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich
gymnastics of the soul
Gysin, Brion, ,n
Habermas, Jürgennn
habituation behaviornn
Haley, Jay
psychoactive drugs and
See also strange performances and altered
Hamilton, William Rowann
Hanlon, Joseph
Hannaway, Cynthia
Haraway, Donnan
Harries-Jones, Peternnn
hatha yoga
Hawkridge, David
Hayward, Rhodri
Heart of the Enterprise, The (Beer)
Heaven and Hell (Huxley)
Hebb, D. O. n
Heidegger, Martin
enframing and revealing concepts
"Only a God Can Save Us,"
Heidegger, Martin (cont.)
philosophy ofnnn
"The Question Concerning Technology,"
Heidelberg University psychiatric clinicn
Henderson, L. J. n
Hendrix, Jimin
Heron, Ron
Hertz, Garnet
Hesse, Mary n
Heynen, Hilde
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The(Adams)n
Hitler, Adolf
Holland, Owen
Ashby's research on
as goal
nirvana andn
in OR n
term originnn
as adaptive mechanisms
applied to cybernetic factory plan
"Black Box" ontology
DAMS project as successor to
finite states of
fixed goals of
hobbyist character of
as Machina sopora,
as models of brain, ,
multi-unit setup, ,nn
as ontological theater
origin of termn
performative engagement of
press articles on
as regulators
shortcomings of
sketch of,
"tortoises" contrasted with
The Cybernetic Brain Page 68