In Every Cloud

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In Every Cloud Page 10

by Tina Michele

  “Water would be great, thanks.” Bree watched Carson as she walked toward the counter. She pretended to look at a rack of overpriced sunglasses as she raked her eyes brazenly over Carson’s body. Never had she wanted to be a pair of Levi’s more in her life. She spun the rack and stared unfocused as it whirled around. Bree imagined herself reaching around and slipping her hands into Carson’s tight back pockets. She fantasized about how she would squeeze and pull Carson into her. She closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the vision her mind created.

  “Did you want sunglasses?”

  “What?” Startled from her fantasy, Bree flung her arms up and knocked several pairs of sunglasses from the rack as it revolved. She managed to make the situation worse as she continued to flail around in an attempt to catch the items but managed to do nothing more than swat them to the ground. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Seriously?” Fed up, Bree put her arms to her sides and let the remaining shades fall where they might. She looked over at Carson, who was straining to maintain her decorum and not burst into hysterical tears and laughter.

  “Are you okay?” Carson asked.

  “I’m fine,” Bree murmured as she knelt to pick up the glasses off the floor. She felt her face glow crimson, and there was a moment where she contemplated the option to stay crouched on the floor for the rest of the day. When a hand was offered down to her she hesitated, but Bree knew she couldn’t find a sane excuse to stay there, no matter how embarrassed she was. Bree took Carson’s hand and stood. Carson took the few pairs of glasses Bree held and placed them back on the rack. She then slipped her hand under Bree’s chin and raised her head until their eyes met.

  “Hey. Sorry I startled you.”

  “It’s okay. As you’ve figured out, I’m kind of a…well, I’m a hot mess.”

  “Yeah, I noticed. But I kind of like it.” Carson smiled. “But for today, let me walk on the cliff side, okay?”

  “Hey.” Bree swatted at Carson. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

  They wandered outside and paused on the patio for a quick minute. Bree took out her phone and snapped a picture of the large Chimney Rock monolith—the park’s namesake. It was an impressive sight, no matter how many times she’d seen it when she was younger. The cloud-capped mountains in the distance added another level of serenity to the moment, and Bree welcomed the peaceful contentment. When Carson wandered into the frame, Bree’s spirit beamed. She insisted that Carson turn around to pose for a proper photograph.

  Carson’s apparent definition of “proper” was exaggerated model poses, but that did little to stop Bree as she snapped dozens of images in succession. As Bree put her phone back into her pocket a woman tapped her on the shoulder. “Would you like me to get one of both of you together?”

  Bree hesitated long enough for Carson to answer for her. “Yes, please.” Carson trotted over and thanked the woman before she handed over her phone as well. “Can you get one on mine, too?”

  Bree felt her hand being pulled as Carson dragged her back toward the railing. When they stopped, Carson spun Bree around, wrapped her arms around her waist, and pulled her back against her firm body. Bree felt her stomach flutter at the feeling of being embraced in such an assertive manner, so confident and comfortable. They stood together long enough to allow the woman to take a couple of pictures on each phone. Bree hesitated for a second before she stepped out of Carson’s arms and took back the phones. They thanked her before they both flipped through their galleries to see the images. Bree was more than pleasantly surprised by how they looked together.

  “Should we get started?” Carson asked.

  Bree couldn’t help but smile. “Yes.” So far, everything was beyond her expectations and she was excited for what the rest of the day held. If she could keep from falling over herself or over Carson, everything would be great. Although, she knew at that point it was too late for both.


  Carson and Bree stopped at the bottom of a massive scaffold staircase. Carson always managed to forget just how many steps it was to get up the cliff to the rest of the trail. She had no doubt that her legs were going to remind her for many days afterward. For the most part the trip up was easy, because she made Bree go first. The reason was twofold. One was because she knew the trek would be far more enjoyable if she got to watch Bree ascend ahead of her. And two was because Bree was accident-prone and Carson wasn’t kidding when she claimed the outside lane as a precaution. They both made it, albeit winded, to the top without incident. “So far so good,” Carson announced.

  “Keep it up, smarty,” Bree said without turning back and Carson laughed.

  They started up the path. They paused to read the large sign and map posted at the trailhead. A few seasoned hikers, there for their daily workout regimen, breezed past them. Carson was fine with that since she didn’t imagine either of them were interested in making the day about racing or exercising.

  They walked along the trail and pointed out random sights along the way. It was evident that Bree loved to take pictures. They stopped often so she could snap images of lichen covered tree stumps or the intricate detail of the exposed marbled boulders. On more than one occasion Carson found herself the focal point of Bree’s photography, although she pretended to be unaware each time she noticed. Carson couldn’t take her eyes off Bree long enough to be bothered with a camera. Instead she practiced her ability to memorize every dip and curve of Bree from head to toe, and so far, it had worked beautifully.

  Carson was a little surprised when they came to the end of the Skyline Trail where the stairs led down to the top of the falls. She had always remembered it taking much longer to accomplish. It was her favorite place in the entire park. During the heat of spring and summer, it was a popular gathering place for locals. The ice-cold cascade of fresh water filled in the staggered pools before it spilled over and dropped four hundred feet down the cliff face on its journey to the Broad River. In the warmer seasons, children and adults would wade into the frigid water to cool off, whereas Carson preferred to perch herself upon a dry boulder. She liked to listen to the sounds of the water as it flowed from Fall Creek and tumbled over a series of drops down the hillside. She could always find her peace that way. No matter how many other people ambled around her, it made her feel free. On that day it seemed that Carson had been given the luckiest of breaks, as it was just her and Bree all alone to enjoy the sights and sounds.

  Carson climbed onto her chosen slab of rock and held her hand out to Bree. Once they were both safely aloft, Carson lay down on her back and invited Bree to join her. Bree hesitated just a second before she positioned herself against Carson’s side. For the first time since she had held Bree against her earlier that day, Carson felt complete. She was amazed at how whole her entire body and mind felt when Bree touched her. It was then that she realized just how partial she had felt all the other times. No one had ever made her feel emptier or more fulfilled with a single touch. They stared into the canopy of trees above them and listened as the water rushed past. With Bree at her side, it had become Carson’s new happy place.

  “This is pretty awesome, isn’t it?” Carson asked with her eyes closed.

  “Perfect,” Bree answered in a whisper. Bree shifted her body and pulled her camera phone from her pocket. As she held it above them, she tilted her head closer to Carson and rested her chin on Carson’s shoulder. Bree snapped a few pictures and then slid the phone back into her pocket without moving her head from where it was.

  Carson’s body felt warm and perfect where Bree’s body connected with it, yet the rock they were lying on had begun to send a chill through her. “This rock is like an ice cube. I don’t think I can feel my ass cheeks any more. But I don’t want to move.”

  Bree laughed and sat up. As she got to her feet, she held out her hand to Carson. “Well, we can’t have you getting frostbite on your bum, now can we?” Bree laughed.

  Carson jumped down off the rock and held up her arms for Bree. Bree looked around, leery
about Carson’s ability to pull off what she asked for. Carson had no doubts. “Just come here.”

  Bree reached out for Carson, who swooped her off the rock with a suave grace. Bree squealed and giggled as Carson swung her around and then lowered her down onto the solid ground. Carson didn’t let go. She continued to hold Bree at the waist and refused to let even light penetrate the space between them. Bree grinned. “I must admit, I had my doubts about you pulling that off.”

  “And why is that?” Carson squeezed Bree’s waist just a hint and raised an eyebrow as she waited for the answer.

  “Honestly? I just knew I was going to slip or trip and take us both down in flames.”

  They laughed until Carson slipped one arm around Bree’s entire waist and pulled her hard against her chest. Carson watched as Bree licked her lips and she needed to taste the sweet tongue that slid over them. Carson felt almost combustible. She brushed away a stray curl that had blown across Bree’s face and her eyes fluttered shut. Bree raised her chin to offer her lips to Carson. “Fire is dangerous,” Carson whispered against Bree’s mouth.

  Bree’s eyes flickered open and she stared into the depths of Carson’s as they darkened with desire. “But it’s also so beautiful.” Her voice was breathless as she closed her own eyes and lowered her lips to Bree’s. The perfect silence and heat of the moment was pierced by the screams and laughter of what Carson decided was a passel of devil spawn.

  As if doused with a bucket of ice water, they jumped apart. They both watched as a group of children and their chaperones trampled like a herd of elephants down the stairs toward them. Carson looked back at Bree, who did not attempt to hide the look of utter disappointment on her face. It was one that was certain to match Carson’s own. “Well, I guess that’s that.”

  “It would seem so.”

  “We should probably start heading back down anyway. We can get some lunch, either in the lounge here or down in the village. It’s up to you.”

  Bree chose one of the many restaurants down in the village. As they headed down the Cliffside trail, Bree mentioned her parents for the first time. She told Carson a story about how her father had brought her to the park when she was very young. Of course Carson knew that they’d died in a traffic accident, along with Jim’s wife, when Bree was eight years old. By choice, Carson had a nonexistent relationship with her own parents, but it saddened her to know that Bree was never afforded the opportunity to know her own.

  “I remember my father climbing those rocks,” she said as she pointed up into the hillside. “I think he was attempting to re-create a scene from the movie The Last of the Mohicans. My mother was beside herself, calling him names, and demanding that he ‘get down this instant.’ On his way down, he slipped and landed on his butt in a mud puddle. My mother was so furious at first, but when my father and I couldn’t stop laughing she eventually gave up and joined in.”

  Carson adored the way Bree’s face lit up as she told the story. It hadn’t been long after that day that she had lost them. “That sounds like a wonderful memory.” Carson reached out for Bree’s hand, and their fingers curled together. Their hands remained clasped for the rest of the hike down the mountain. They separated just long enough to squeeze through the narrow passage of Wild Cat Trap.

  Bree and Carson enjoyed their lunch on an open-air patio that overlooked the Broad River and the Rocky Broad Riverwalk. They sat and talked about work and school and their combined love of all things Biltmore. She could’ve sat and talked with her all day or been just as content to sit in silence in her presence. It didn’t matter to Carson in the least, and that was a very new feeling for her. She couldn’t recall a single person she had ever wanted to do nothing at all with, not even Kelli.

  As with the ride in, Carson was overjoyed by the feeling of Bree holding tight behind her as they rode home. She couldn’t help but notice how Bree held her a little tighter and a little closer than before, and Carson’s entire body took pleasure in it. They pulled into Bree’s driveway as the sun had begun to set. The temperature had dropped, yet every part of Carson was a smoldering flame. She helped Bree off the bike with one arm, then took the helmet from her and without looking hooked it on the handlebars. She didn’t want to take her eyes off Bree for a moment longer than she had to. Carson was mesmerized by the light of the setting sun and the soft glow it had cast over Bree’s face. She had never before been so captivated by one woman.

  “I should go let Jim know I’m home.”

  “Of course. Let me walk you up.” Carson grabbed Bree’s hand and led her to the kitchen door. As they stood on the steps, Carson took Bree’s hands in hers and pulled her in until their bodies pressed together. “That was the best day I’ve had in, well, ever I think.”

  “It was wonderful.”

  “It really was.” Carson’s heart melted when Bree looked into her eyes and gave a sweet smile. She was so beautiful, and Carson thought if she didn’t kiss her she might burst at the seams. She lowered her head as Bree closed her eyes.

  Suddenly, the kitchen door opened. “Hey. How was…uh…” Jim stuttered.

  If looks could kill, Jim would have been dead in the doorway from the daggers both Carson and Bree shot at him. “No. No way,” Carson said as she reached over, grabbed the knob, and pulled. “Go away.” Jim looked shocked but jumped back as the door closed in front of him.

  Bree chuckled but was silenced as Carson cupped her face with her hands and kissed her. Carson had waited all day for the chance to kiss Bree. So soft and sweet, she struggled to maintain her fervor. When she felt the warmth of Bree’s tongue slide against her lip, she lost the battle. It was the trigger she knew would release her fierce desire for Bree. Carson slid her hands down Bree’s back and pulled her close. She could feel the soft fullness of Bree’s breasts as they pressed into her. Bree parted her lips and allowed Carson’s tongue to dance in her mouth. When she heard Bree’s soft muffled moan of pleasure, Carson felt a rush of heat between her legs.

  Carson could have spent the entire night kissing and caressing Bree, but the thought of an anxious Jim pacing behind the closed door threw her off her game. “Do you think we should let him out now?”

  Bree laughed. “I guess if we must.”

  Carson opened the door and revealed a stern-faced, cross-armed Jim who tapped his parental foot. “Two more minutes and I was going to start flashing porch lights.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jim was adamant on Monday morning that he and Bree ride into work together. It wasn’t an out of the blue request because they almost always carpooled, but Bree knew the real reason for his insistence. After Carson had dropped her off and said her good-byes to Jim, Bree hadn’t stuck around for his interrogation. She remembered his tactics from high school where he gave her the third degree every time she came home from a date. Bree imagined that his brain was in hyperdrive about her and Carson.

  It wasn’t that she tried to avoid the discussion. It was just that she wanted to enjoy the moments to herself for a while longer. They were slipping away with each second that passed, and she didn’t want to put too much thought into it. Plus, Bree had no idea how she could have even begun to describe what she had felt in every minute since Carson had kissed her. A brew of emotions churned in her head, but one overpowered all the rest: guilt. Each thought of Carson was consumed by one of Marion, as if her memory and Marion’s were fighting for their rightful place within Bree’s mind.

  As Carson held her and brushed her lips over her, she felt for the first time as if healing was within her grasp. She thought for that brief moment that she was on her way to being happy once again. It had been so long since she’d kissed anyone other than Marion. She had vowed never to love or make love to another woman for the rest of her life. She had given her entire body and soul to her, and she had never asked for it back. Bree didn’t have the right to give those things to someone else, even if it was just a simple kiss. But she had, and deep inside she knew she would have done it again.
/>   *

  As soon as Bree had moved back, she and Jim fell back into their routine of Sunday family days. They spent them doing what Jim liked, which was either tinkering around the house or sauntering around town. In the evening, one or the other would make dinner as they bantered about which movie to watch. It was their thing, and Bree adored it. Yet, for the first time Bree chose to plant herself on her couch and text with Carson all day long. Bree didn’t think there was a single thing they hadn’t talked about. Although she steered clear of any discussion that involved sex and exes. She wanted to avoid throwing gas on the smoldering fire inside her, but she didn’t want to throw ice water on it either. They both seemed content to keep their conversation within the realm of flirty, getting to know you chitchat. Carson was a master at seduction, and she never failed to say all the right things to rouse Bree’s lusts.

  Jim drove and Bree scrolled through the texts from the day before. She knew she smiled like a fool, but she couldn’t help it. Carson had a way with words and Bree couldn’t remember the last time someone had made her feel so special and beautiful.

  Bree looked at the picture she had selected for Carson’s contact image. She had taken it, along with many others, during their trip to Chimney Rock. She flipped from her texts to her gallery and browsed the pictures for the umpteenth time. She couldn’t help herself. There wasn’t a single picture of Carson that wasn’t stunning. She pinched at the screen and enlarged one of the images and zoomed in on Carson’s soft pink lips. Bree wanted to feel those warm lips on hers again soon. When her phone beeped and vibrated in her hand, she let out a startled squeak. The squeak was followed by a giggle when she realized that it was a text from Carson.

  Good morning, my alluring sweetheart-C

  She had been called beautiful before. Marion had said it on occasion, usually after they’d fought. It was when Carson called her alluring that Bree felt a rush of bliss flow through her. No one had ever called her alluring, and it was possibly the most romantic and arousing word she had ever heard.


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