In Every Cloud

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In Every Cloud Page 17

by Tina Michele

  They loaded the bags into the car. Instead of reaching up to close the trunk, Bree moved in to wrap her arms around Carson. Before either of them realized what was happening a bouquet of flowers was stuffed between them. “What the hell?”

  “Hey, babe. Surprise.” Marion grinned wryly as she wedged herself in with the flowers. Bree and Carson had little choice but to step back from each other.

  Bree looked at Carson, whose face burned brighter with each second that passed. Bree knew that Carson didn’t know who Marion was or what she looked like, but the recognition on her face was unmistakable. “Um, Marion, what are you doing here?”

  “Surprising you. Obviously.” She waved the bouquet up and down without any regard to the fact that she brushed it against Carson’s shirt.

  Bree circled around Marion and the offending bouquet until she was at Carson’s side. “Marion. This is Carson. Carson, Marion.” Carson held out her hand for a polite shake into which Marion put the flowers.

  “Seriously, Marion?” Bree took the flowers out of Carson’s hand and slapped them back onto Marion’s chest.

  “What?” Marion smirked.

  “What are you doing here?” Bree asked again.

  “Fine. I’m here to…” Marion paused and looked at Carson. She waited for her to take the cue to leave, but Carson didn’t move. “Maybe we could go somewhere else?”

  “Here works for me.”

  Marion looked at Carson. “She always did prefer grand gestures.” Carson rolled her eyes. “I want you to come home, Bree. I want you to get a real job and stop wasting time in this place.” She gestured all around, making sure to include Carson.

  Carson stepped back, but Bree grabbed her arm and held on. “No, Marion. I told you. This is where I belong.”

  Marion scoffed. “You can’t be serious. You would give up our life together to stay here?” Marion looked at Carson.

  “No, Marion. You gave up our life together, two and a half years ago.”

  “I was planning our future. Building my career in order to—”

  Bree held up her free hand, refusing to let Carson go. “Stop! Give me a break, Marion. You were planning your future, building your career and your success. Your choices had nothing to do with me. They never did. You came back because somehow I fit into your life again. But I have my own life now, and I don’t need you or yours.”

  “She’ll never give you what I can.” Marion pointed at Carson without even looking at her.

  “She won’t. You’re right. But I’ve had enough heartbreak in my life, so I’m okay with that. Um, I’d move my finger unless you want her to break it off.”

  Carson smiled as Marion dropped her hand.

  “You’re my wife, Bree. Remember?”

  Bree’s stomach dropped, and she released Carson’s hand. She left both women standing in silence, hanging on those words as she leaned into the car. Bree returned with a large yellow envelope and held it out to Marion. “Not anymore. Those are your copies. I was going to mail them out to you on our way out of town today, but this is better.”

  Marion opened the stamped envelope and slipped out the papers. She nodded but said nothing as she slid them back. She cleared her throat and said, “I see. So that’s it.”

  “Yes, Marion. That’s it.” She took Carson’s hand in hers and squeezed it. “We really need to get on the road. The freeway is that way”—Bree pointed—“not that you ever had a problem finding it.”


  Bree zipped through the switchbacks along the Blue Ridge Parkway. There had been a couple of times when she looked over and saw Carson’s white-knuckle grip on the handle of the door. To save Carson’s sanity, Bree eased off the throttle and relaxed into a scenic, Sunday drive pace. She was glad she did, as there was no reason they needed to be in any sort of hurry. Plus, she wanted to make every moment with Carson last as long as possible. They stopped at one of the many overlooks that dotted the parkway as it wound higher into the Smoky Mountains.

  That morning, while she waited for Carson to arrive at her house, she sat on the couch in silent thought. It was something she did a lot of. It wasn’t even that she would think of something significant or important but rather random thoughts, ideas, or even memories. She, without a doubt, had a very active mind. Bree hadn’t told Carson what she had planned, because until that morning she herself had no idea. She’d made reservations for a cabin, but otherwise she’d decided to wing it.

  Bree recalled the night of her birthday dinner and the moments she had shared with Carson on the mountain road. Bree felt that it was a special part of Carson’s own self that she had gifted to her. It wasn’t a tangible one, but it was worth more than anything Bree had ever gotten. Then the idea hit her. She would take Carson to someplace that was a part of her. Someplace that had helped her through the roughest parts of her life.

  According to the informational sign, it was possible to see for ten miles, depending on the weather and cloud cover. Bree knew how moody Mother Nature could be when you got into her territory. So she had been happy to see the low-level clouds in the distance. It was the sort of day she had hoped for. Bree and Carson sat in the plush grass on the edge of a bluff that dropped into a forested ravine. The beautiful mountains in the distance provided an awe-inspiring beginning to their weekend together. They sat for several minutes in silence as they took in their vast surroundings. It was Carson’s welcome voice that broke the stillness. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt such an overwhelming sense of peace.”

  “I remember the first time Uncle Jim brought me up here. It wasn’t long after we’d begun our new life as a family. He’d watched me so many times as I lay in the yard and stared at the sky for hours on end. One day he stretched out in the grass beside me and asked what I was looking at. ‘The clouds,’ I told him.”

  Bree stared out into the distance as she recalled the beginning of her connection with the clouds. Carson stroked her hair, and a swirling sense of contentment covered her.

  “He asked if I was looking for animals, but I wasn’t. I was looking for my mom and dad. I wanted to…I needed to ask them so many questions. I wasn’t raised in a religious home, so I had very little knowledge of what heaven was. I just knew it was in the sky somewhere. I remember thinking that they were the clouds. Like, somehow when they died, they had become them.” Tears filled Bree’s eyes as she told Carson her most private memories. “I wished every moment for one more chance to hug them.”

  “Oh God, Bree. I am so sorry. I wish I had been there to hold you and comfort you through that.” Carson wrapped her arms around Bree and pulled her in close against her.

  Bree had never felt as safe as she did with Carson holding her. “I still can’t remember anything Jim might have said after that. I don’t imagine that he did. All I remember after that was the day he took me for a drive up to Mt. Mitchell to touch the clouds. From that day forward, it became my place of comfort. It’s the place I go when I need peace in my mind or my life. It’s my happy place. I can stand in the clouds and let them embrace me. I can ask my questions and release my fears as they envelop me.” Bree looked into Carson’s eyes. “I need and want very much to share this with you, Carson.”

  “I have never wanted anything more in my life.” Carson stroked the remaining tears from Bree’s face and kissed her lips.


  When Bree pulled into a parking spot at their destination, Carson became very excited. While she loved Bree’s car, she didn’t love Bree driving the car. She jumped out of the vehicle and kissed the earth like a sailor after a yearlong voyage. Carson hoped Bree planned to spend a little while on solid ground before they headed back down the mountain. “Wow, look at that.” Carson pointed to the overlook at the edge of the mountain as the clouds swooped up and swirled over the ridge.

  Bree smiled. “I know. Come on.” Bree grabbed Carson’s hand and led her closer.

  They stopped at a short stone wall that faced the wind as it brought the cool, damp clouds rushing
up the side of the mountain. Bree told the story of why this spot was the one place in the world she could let everything go. Bree stepped forward, held her arms out to her sides, and closed her eyes. Carson watched the clouds swirl around Bree, blowing her hair wildly in the wind. Bree’s power over nature was almost mystical. Carson was mesmerized by her magic. She stood back and let Bree have the time she needed. She knew right then that she would wait forever if Bree asked her to.

  After a few more moments, Bree turned back to Carson and held out her hand toward her. Carson took it and allowed herself to be wrapped around Bree’s body. “I want to be with you,” Bree said. “I’m ready to let go of all of the fear and anger and move on with my life. With you.” Carson could feel the freedom and release as the mist lifted the negativity from her and carried it away into the sky.

  Carson moved around in front of Bree, and her heart raced. “I want that, too. So very much.” Carson kissed Bree with unbridled desire. It was a kiss so strong and passionate that Bree would never mistake just how much she was wanted and needed. Carson had never been so blessed by anyone in her life. Carson held Bree’s face in her hands and looked into her eyes. “You are amazing. I want to do everything I can to make you happy. Anything.”

  Bree smiled. “You already do.”

  She chose me. Carson wanted to scream from the rooftops that the woman she loved chose to be with her.


  Bree let Carson drive back down the mountain. It was clear from her earlier verdigris complexion that Carson did not enjoy Bree’s driving. Bree couldn’t blame her. She never denied being a terrible driver and sometimes surprised herself when she made it to her destination. Plus, Bree liked how sexy and confident Carson looked as she drove the Nissan, so it was a win-win.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  The cabins Bree chose were at the edge of the state park. She had stayed in them a handful of times in her youth and always remembered them with such fondness. It was a no-brainer as to where they would stay for the night. The authentic log cabins were built in the early 1900s, restored, and furnished with period antiques. It would be a shame not to share them with someone who loved history as much as Carson did. It wasn’t until they pulled onto the property that she remembered the quaint little restaurant and became famished. Before she could stop herself, she mumbled, “Food.”

  Carson laughed. “Thank God I’m not the only one.”

  “No, you aren’t. I’m starving. We can go there first or check in first, either way is fine.”

  Carson opted to eat first, and Bree was more than okay with it.

  After they ate, they checked in at the main lodge and headed to their cabin. The “Snuggle In” was distinguished from the other cabins by the hand-carved sign that hung over the doorway.

  Once inside, Bree and Carson put their bags down and checked things out. It was just as Bree remembered it from her childhood, rustic and charming without a hint of extravagance. She was also pleased with the quality of the furniture selections and restorations. She assumed that Carson would make the same curious inspections, yet she didn’t. Carson sat in a chair and flipped through one of the local guidebooks she’d picked up from the side table. “Whatcha lookin’ at?” Bree said as she sauntered over to where Carson sat.

  “It’s a local guide for Western North Carolina.” Carson held up the book so Bree could see the cover.

  “Aha, anything interesting?”

  “Um, yeah. Did you know there is a zip line course out in Bryson? I didn’t know that. Oh, and look, the train. I did that once a few years back.” Carson flipped through the magazine. She turned page after page without stopping to read a single one.

  “Carson?” Bree thought she would’ve been the nervous one. She never would have expected Carson to play that part.

  Carson looked up. She still turned the pages without even looking. “Yeah?”

  Bree reached for the book. “You have no idea what you are even looking at, do you?”

  Carson let her slip the book from her hands as she stared up at Bree. “Not the faintest.”

  Without even looking, Bree tossed the book in the direction of the desk. She straddled Carson in the chair without ever taking her eyes off her. When she heard the book land where she intended, she was surprised that she had pulled it off. Until of course it flipped off the edge and fell with a crash into the trash can. “Well, it was almost sexy.”

  “Trust me, it’s still pretty damn sexy.” Carson ran her finger along the top of Bree’s thigh.

  Bree slid her hand up Carson’s arm to her shoulder and ran her finger up the side of Carson’s neck and around her ear. Carson tilted her head to the side and Bree replaced her wandering finger with her tongue. She nibbled her way back down the sensitive skin of Carson’s neck while her hands teased and pulled at the hem of Carson’s shirt. She exposed a hint of soft skin, and Bree slid her fingertips back and forth inside the waistband of Carson’s jeans. Carson’s muscles twitched at the touch, and the reaction fueled Bree’s need.

  The teasing made Carson groan, and the sound blazed through her. Bree touched Carson’s parted lips. She’d had so many dreams about those lips and all the things she wanted them to do to her. Bree licked her lips before she kissed Carson’s bottom one and sucked on it.


  Carson’s need throbbed as Bree nipped and sucked on her skin. She could feel the heat between Bree’s legs as she pressed herself onto Carson’s thigh. She was wet, and she had no doubt that Bree was, too. As she thought about how Bree would feel in her hand, Carson realized she was losing her control. She needed her, to touch her and taste her. Carson twisted her fingers into Bree’s wild hair and pulled her close. Feverishly, she claimed Bree’s mouth. Bree’s response was instant as she opened her mouth and let Carson’s tongue tangle with her own. When Bree moaned, Carson’s desire raged and all control she had was lost.

  She grasped the hem of Bree’s shirt and lifted it over her head and tossed it to the floor. Carson ran her hands over Bree’s bare shoulders and kissed the smooth skin. She traced her fingers down along the straps of Bree’s black lace bra and continued along the curve of her full breasts. Carson watched as Bree’s nipples tightened through the delicate fabric. Carson lost all control. She gripped Bree’s waist and stood. Bree gasped and wrapped her arms and legs around Carson. In two long strides, she reached the bed and lowered Bree down onto her back.

  Carson stood at the edge and allowed her eyes to roam over Bree’s beautiful body. She tugged her shirt over her head in one smooth motion and dropped it to the floor. Her eyes locked on Bree’s as she released the snap and zipper of her jeans. Before she pushed them down, Bree sat up and reached for the loose waistband and pulled Carson down over her. “I want you, Carson Harper. Please touch me,” Bree begged.

  “Anything.” Carson circled the hard nipple that pressed against the lace before she leaned down and sucked on it through the fabric. Bree arched her back and pushed herself into Carson’s mouth. It wasn’t enough. Carson tugged the material down and released a full perfect breast with a hard, rosy nipple. She flicked her tongue over the tip before she took it into her mouth. Bree whimpered.

  Carson felt Bree lift her knee and press her thigh between Carson’s legs. Carson rubbed herself against Bree’s leg, which fueled her need with every thrust. Carson pushed herself back onto her knees. “I need to feel you against me.” Carson flicked the button on Bree’s pants and pulled them off as Bree released her bra. Carson lowered herself onto Bree. Every inch of skin that connected between them surged with electricity. Bree spread her legs and Carson slid herself against Bree’s wetness.

  Bree ran her hands down Carson’s back and squeezed her ass and pulled her tight against her. Carson pressed herself into Bree before she pulled back and slipped her fingers between them. She slid through the wet folds and coated her hand with Bree’s slick desire. She eased inside, and Bree gasped. “Oh, God…” Bree bucked her hips against Carson’s thrusting hand.

>   Carson pushed her fingers deeper. Bree wrapped her legs around Carson’s hips and her hands gripped the sheets. She was close, and Carson could feel it as Bree tightened around her hand. “Come for me, baby.”

  “Yes. I’m going to.”

  As Bree pulsed against her fingers, Carson felt herself throb. She was as close as Bree was and without even a single touch from her. Carson had never before experienced such a deep connection with a lover. She had never felt so joined in pleasure. As Bree’s body stiffened, Carson removed her hand and pressed her swollen center against Bree’s. They both cried out at the spark of pleasure that jolted through them in that instant. Bree wrapped her arms around Carson as she collapsed over her and closed her eyes. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they both struggled to catch their breath.

  Bree chuckled, and Carson looked at her through a sated fog. “Oh my, that laugh sounded almost devilish.”

  “Maybe it was.” Bree smiled mischievously before she scooted down and out from under Carson’s body.

  “Where are you going?” Carson asked as she raised her eyebrows.

  Bree slipped toward the end of the bed and down the length of Carson’s body until she reached her destination. She pushed Carson over her and grabbed the hips that now hovered above her. Carson took a deep breath of anticipation right before she felt Bree’s warm breath between her legs. Carson’s legs shook and she prayed that she was able to hold herself up. She grabbed the top of the headboard for support just as Bree pulled her down to her mouth. Carson gasped at the contact. Bree’s tongue slipped through her velvet folds and flicked her swollen clit. Her body jerked in response. When Bree slipped her fingers inside and sucked on Carson’s pulsing tip, she cried out. She reached back to touch Bree, but her body writhed in pleasure beyond her control. Her body shuddered and tightened into a single knot of bliss. “Oh shit.”


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