Ruin Me Please

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Ruin Me Please Page 6

by Nichole Matthews

  “Apparently, I am causing a disruption in the household.” Declan laughed.

  “Hardly.” He snorted. “We are expecting a crowd later today.” Peyton smiled as he piled his own plate high with eggs and a rasher of bacon. “She is such a managing female.” He shook his head. “She probably just needed to reorganize another hour of our day,” he said as he chewed a piece of bacon. “Don’t be surprised if she hands you a schedule to follow.” He shuddered.


  Poppy ran up the stairs to her room, slammed the door and pressed her back against the wall. “What to do, what to do, what to do?” she muttered softly, wringing her hands, flustered.

  Feeling out of control was new to her. She did not understand what was wrong with her. She had been around dozens of attractive men. Why Parker and Peyton’s friends were some of the most sought after men in England, what was so different about this one?

  A sudden pounding in her head threatened to overtake her. Heavens! She paced restlessly and began to panic again. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, Poppy stopped pacing talking aloud, “I cannot think about this right now.”

  She paced some more. Back and forth, back and forth knowing she would be able to think if she was more relaxed. She rang for her maid.

  After a soft scratch, Holly entered the room, then curtsied. “Yes, m’lady?”

  “I believe I will have a bath. I believe lavender is in order, Holly,” she said rubbing her forehead.

  “Are you feeling a headache coming on, Miss Poppy?” Holly asked with concern. “I can have Mrs. Hastings send up a tisane?”

  Her brow puckered in a frown. “No Holly, I’m just a little overwhelmed that is all.” She rubbed her forehead again. “Just quite a bit to do that is all.”

  The bathing room, built for the twins’ particular use was situated between their rooms and accessible through both of their dressing rooms. Bright with gleaming white marble covering the floor, large cabinets filled with additional linens and fragrant cakes of soap. It held a copper tub lined with linen and now filled with lavender along and frothing bubbles.

  Poppy submerged herself all the way up to her neck. The soothing scent eased her distressed spirits. Lifting herself, she leaned her head back and inhaled. The heat of the bath relaxed her tense muscles. The rising steam curled the tendrils of hair that escaped at her nape. Excitement coursed throughout her body when she started to analyze the encounter she had in her garden. Tapping her fingers rhythmically on the lip of the tub, she replayed their conversation in her mind. ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’ Poppy snorted. He has surely been blessed with a silver tongue to go along with his otherworldly, masculine beauty. He had towered over her. She thought of how she had to strain her neck to look him in the eyes, gorgeous emerald green eyes. His large rough hands, the memory of his ungloved hand holding hers sent shivers down her spine. Sighing, she submerged her head under the water to clear her mind, coming up sputtering she wiped the bubbles from her face with a giggle.

  After drying off, she was sitting at her vanity when Piper walked in unannounced. “Are you alright? Holly said you had a headache.”

  Poppy frowned for a moment, then responded with only one word, “Hawksley.” She met her twins gaze in the mirror.

  “What about Hawksley?” Her head tilted as she looked at Poppy. “He is extremely handsome.” Glancing in the mirror, she picked up the brush on the vanity and ran it through Poppy’s long golden hair.

  “Yes he is.” Poppy’s worried expression concerned Piper. “Something happened when we were in the garden, before you arrived.” She gazed restlessly about the room. “I don’t know what to call it. It was like lightening coursed throughout my whole body.”

  “Did he touch you?”

  “No, nothing like that,” Poppy struggled for words. “He’s magnificent—more than perfect.”

  “I doubt that,” Piper retorted, throwing in a bit of reality. “Well I can tell you that he is equally intrigued.” She raised one of her brows. “He mentioned your encounter quite a few times during the course of breakfast.”

  Poppy grinned. “He’s is exactly what we talked about. He is the complete opposite of a fribble, he is a—man,” she said finally.

  “I think you will be interested to know he even charmed Auntie Adele. Had her eating right out of his hand as if it were made of candy.” Piper’s brows rose high on her forehead. “And you know how hard that is to do.”

  “How did he manage that?” Her curiosity piqued, it was tough to get Auntie Adele to like you.

  “He did nothing.” Piper chuckled. “Auntie just kept talking about how she loved big strong men and sheep.”

  “Sheep?” Poppy’s eyes widened.

  Piper waived her hand dismissively. “Don’t ask me.” She giggled. “Auntie must know something that we are not privy too.”

  “How odd.” They both laughed in agreement.

  Moving towards the adjoining door, Piper said, “Maybe you will be able to tame a rake after all.” She gave her twin a measuring stare.

  “Oh pooh!” Poppy laughed. “Leave me alone. You’re just trying to fluster me.” Her blue eyes almost dreamy as a warm heat sufficed her cheeks.

  “It looks like I won’t have to try too hard.”


  Love come forth like a sunshine after rain, but lust’s effect

  Is tempest after sun; Love’s gentle spring doth

  Always fresh remain, lust’s winter comes ere summer

  Half be done; Love surfeit’s not, Lust like a glutton dies, Love is all truth.

  Venus and Adonis

  *William Shakespeare

  Poppy sat on her window seat, the air infused with honeysuckle, listening to the chirping birds while she worked at sorting the muddle of thoughts running through her head. Georgie snuggled comfortably in her lap was oblivious to her agitation, enjoying the restless scratching behind his ears.

  Anxious for Chloe and Freya’s easy friendship and comfort she waited impatiently for their arrival. She pressed a hand to her stomach to calm the apprehensive flutter there drawing in an unsteady breath. If this is what love felt like, then she was not sure she wanted to continue down this path.

  She sat for another quarter hour until she final heard the crunch of carriage wheels on the pebble drive. Forgoing formality and good manners, she rushed down the stairs, her bare feet slapping on the stairs until she reached the bottom and threw her arms around Chloe and Freya almost knocking them over. She then kissed them soundly on their cheeks with a loud smacking noise.

  “I have been counting down the days, the hours, even the minutes until I was able to see you both.”

  Not to be overlooked, Poppy’s ever present canine, Georgie, jumped and barked for attention at their feet.

  “See it is unanimous, even Georgie missed you.”

  “Poppy, you are as silly as ever,” Chloe said. “But I must confess, I have missed you terribly, too.” Chloe looked down and spied Poppy’s unshod toes peeking out from the edge of her gown. With humor in her voice, she exclaimed, “For heaven’s sakes, Poppy. What have you done with your shoes?”

  Poppy jokingly replied, “I was too excited to put them on. I have been listening for the crunch of your carriage wheels all afternoon and when the sound finally intruded on my melancholy, I could not bear to wait even one more second to see you.” She hugged her friends tightly once again, sinking into the warmth of their embrace.

  Declan ducked into an alcove at the sound of feet racing down the stairs and watched from the shadows as Poppy greeted her friends in the foyer. Chloe and Poppy were a lot alike, at least in spirit it seemed. That was where the resemblance ended. Where Poppy was light to darkness, breathtakingly lovely, Chloe was sin to redemption. A mass of flaming red hair crowned her head, average height but with a figure to die for and a natural sensuality that flowed from her every pore. The Botticelli came to mind. He knew her father to hold a distant Scottish title, so that is probably where
it came from. She was definitely not your typical milk and water miss.

  Freya on the other hand seemed a little more reserved, but she was equally as stunning. Tall and willowy, she stood far above Poppy.

  “I have so much to tell you.” Poppy’s eyes were alight with anticipation. “Hurry we can go to my sitting room.” Poppy grabbed Chloe and Freya’s hands and they raced up the stairs.

  Stopping halfway, Poppy called down to Dobbins, “Will you please have tea sent up? We will be completely dry once we are done catching up.”

  “Of course, my lady.” Dobbins inclined his head.

  Declan stepped from the shadows, a smile flickering across his lips. He was a bandit stealing glimpses of her throughout the house. Like a madman. Inwardly shaking his head, innocence was not normally his forte. A woman like Poppy Peregrine had no place in his life. He didn’t have time for innocence. Or did he?

  The sound of footsteps echoing in the hall made him realizing he just stood out in the open gaping at an empty staircase. He ran his hand roughly through his black mane. He was losing his mind. Tightening one of his hands into a fist, Declan quickly checked his features and went towards the billiard room in search of Ash, Perry and a good strong drink. God help him, he was in desperate need of a drink. He had plenty of time for a drink.

  Piper slowly closed the door to the library and leaned back against its wooden surfacee. She smiled at the scene she had just witnessed. Hawksley had every appearance of a man smitten.


  Poppy flopped down on her bed, gesturing dramatically as she searched for words.

  “Whatever is the matter with you Poppy?” Freya asked concern evident in her voice.

  Poppy continued to stare up at the ceiling, and said in a disgusted tone, “Je ne sais quoi?”

  “Oh, my goodness! How very de trop. Quit trying to practice your French on us. I have never known you to be speechless before so don’t start now.” Chloe rolled her eyes.

  “I’ve found him,” Poppy said rather matter-of-factly.

  “Found whom?” Chloe asked. “I wasn’t aware that anyone was lost.”

  Lunging from the bed, Poppy said hopelessly, “You both will think I have gone stark, raving mad, but I have found the man that I am going to marry.”

  “Oh, that one,” Chloe responded with a clearer understanding. “When did this happy occurrence take place?”

  “We only met this morning. It is utterly ridiculous, I know.” Poppy sighed. “I am being completely ridiculous right?” Looking from Chloe to Freya, then she glared. “Well don’t just sit there like bumps on a log. As my two dearest friends, you are obligated to help me.” She gave each of her friends a pleading look.

  Eyes wide, Chloe and Freya stared at each other. Chloe stood first and hugged Poppy. “I am at a loss, darling. I have no idea what to say.” Chloe said with genuine perplexity before looking to Freya for help. “We’ve all kind of eschewed marriage the last few years.”

  Freya shrugged, regarding her with a very penetrating gaze.

  “Are you going to tell us who it is, love, or must we begin guessing?” With a puckered brow, Chloe began tossing out random names. “Mr. Woods? Lord Martindale?”

  Freya chimed in brightly, “I know, Lord Sheridan.”

  Chloe clapped. “He is extremely attractive.”

  “I wish you would stop blathering and pay attention,” Poppy said pertly.

  “Poppy,” Freya admonished. “Do be nice.”

  Interrupting, Chloe continued, “I’ve got it!” She looked triumphant as she held up her hand. “Lord Harborough, you danced with him twice at the Bedgeberry ball.” She clapped her hands excitedly.

  Poppy glanced at her with amusement.

  “I do love saying that. Bedgeberry Ball, Bedgeberry Ball, Bedgeberry Ball.” She clutched at her side laughing hysterically.

  “Do be quiet Chloe,” Poppy snorted. “You just like hearing yourself talk. Bedgeberry, Bedgeberry, Bedgeberry, my arse,” she cursed and then chuckled.

  “Poppy, I’m appalled,” Freya scolded, snickering behind her hand. “Such horrendous language.”

  “The only reason I danced with Lord Harborough a second time was because he gave me no opportunity to decline his invitation to dance without appearing unforgivably rude.” Poppy’s lips pursed.

  “Do tell us,” Chloe said with a delighted Georgie snuggled in her lap.

  “Hawksley,” Poppy murmured.

  “Hawksley?” Freya asked.

  “You have never met him. At least I don’t think you have,” Poppy said.

  “Are you speaking of the duke?” Chloe looked stunned

  Her eyes alight, “Yes. He is the new Duke of Hawksley, Declan Trenowyth.” She sighed once again. “And he is absolute perfection.”

  “How old is he?” Chloe asked.

  “I don’t know.” Poppy raised her brow. “Perhaps of an age with Parker?”

  “I had no idea there were any young dukes left in England.” Freya shook her head.

  Looking at Chloe she continued, “He has a wounded spirit. I could tell immediately when I looked at him.” Poppy sighed.

  Chloe and Freya turned to each other with raised brows. “Oh dear, do tell us and do not even think about leaving out even the tiniest of details.”

  “He was in mourning when we came out.” Poppy chewed on her lip. “He is a friend of Parker’s.” She paused thoughtfully. “I barely know him. He came upon me in my garden.” She took a deep breath. “He even quoted Shakespeare.”

  Chloe looked at Freya. “Poppy, we know how you love to take care of everyone.”

  Poppy flopped back on her bed. “He is everything you could possibly imagine and more. He is like the hero in a Shakespearean drama.” Turning on her stomach, she propped up her chin with her hands. “First his father died. Then his brother suddenly died of a fever. His Mother passed years before.” She turned her head towards her friends. “He is all alone.”

  “You don’t marry a man because he has no family left,” Chloe scoffed.

  “I didn’t say that was the only reason.” A faraway look appeared in her eyes. “You’ve not had the privilege of meeting him yet.”

  “I’ve heard of him,” Freya exclaimed. “Declan Trenowyth hasn’t been seen in society for a couple of years,” Freya reminded.

  “That doesn’t mean that I cannot try to reintroduce him back into society.” Poppy grinned. “He did come to Rosebriar, didn’t he?”

  Chloe leaned back against the wall. “That is true, but that still doesn’t mean he wants you to save him.”

  “Ridiculous, who wouldn’t want to be saved?”

  Chloe and Freya laughed, looking at each other with a conspiratorial glance; they both got up and pounced on Poppy’s bed. “Well, I hope he has sufficiently prepared himself for this visit because once you have set your mind to something,” Freya shook her head, “he doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “Speaking of Lord Harborough…” Freya began, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.


  She’s beautiful, and therefore to be wooed;

  She is woman, and therefore to be won.

  Henry VI

  *William Shakespeare

  After tapping lightly at the door of the Billiards room, Dobbins entered the room and announced, “Lord Seymour and Lord Durham.” Both men were tall, broad-shouldered, and lean and exactly what every marriage-minded woman wanted in a husband.

  The Earl of Seymour, Aubrey Frasier, was the most outwardly flamboyant of the two, more concerned with the cut of his coat than the politics of the day, or so it appeared. He was a conundrum of sorts.

  Durham stepped around Dobbins into the dark paneled room. “Ash, do stop all this formality. I have been playing here since I was in leading strings. I know this place like the back of my hand.” His first stop was the liquor cabinet where he quickly poured a tumbler of brandy. Raising his glass, he glanced towards Seymour. “Can I pour you one?”

  “By al
l means, Durham, pour away.” Seymour inclined his head flippantly before accepting his bumper of brandy.

  “Durham, leave poor Dobbins alone. You know he likes to feel useful.” Parker pointed out, grinning at Dobbins.

  Dobbins inclined his head with a twinkle in his eyes and shut the door.

  “Ahhh…Perry, I see you have decided to rusticate with us decaying men.” Connor Waverly, Viscount Durham raised heavy brows. “No delicious debaucheries planned in Kent for the summer?” He was shockingly handsome with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

  “Deadly dull to be sure, but I thought I would try to lighten up this get together,” Peyton answered, his tone filled with a hint of disgust. He yawned into his hand for effect. “Maybe I will be able to weasel out some of your better tricks before you take your ride on the River Styx.”

  “Well played, Perry.” Declan chuckled.

  Seymour guffawed looking about the room. “Well, I’ll be damned, is that you Hawksley?”

  “If it isn’t the very devil himself.” Durham rushed across the room to greet him as well, clapping him on the back. “The gang is back together at last.” Their chatty, easy camaraderie returned immediately at their surprise reunion.

  Declan threw his head back and laughed.

  “I hadn’t realized you were out of hiding.” Seymour studied Declan.

  “Just,” Declan replied. “Now I know why you were so secretive, Ash.” He drained his glass before continuing. “You were planning an ambush.”

  Parker glanced towards Declan with a raised brow.

  “I’m the spare, therefore I cannot stay in hiding forever.” Declan’s expression grew grim. “If I don’t marry and produce an heir, the title, the land, and the money will go to some distant relation that I have never met and probably do not want to. I have worked entirely too hard over the past few years for that to take place.” He wasn’t going to admit, even to his closest friends that he had enjoyed every minute of the backbreaking labor.


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