Ruin Me Please

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Ruin Me Please Page 16

by Nichole Matthews

  “Be quiet,” she hissed playfully, jerking her head toward their audience, clapping her hands. “Now, girls, it’s time to take out your supplies.”


  A little more than an hour later, they made their way back into Poppy’s private office so that she could gather her belongings.

  Declan watched as Poppy organized paperwork into baskets and bins, wrote in an appointment book and unlocked her bottom desk drawer to remove her reticule. Straightening, she looked directly at him and smiled.

  His mouth watered every time he looked at her and now was no exception. “I’m impressed with the work you do here at the school.” He leaned his hip against the corner of her desk. “All the girls adore you.”

  A grateful smile touched her lips. “You really believe so?” she asked. “I’ve worked really hard to earn their respect and trust.” She looked into his eyes unable to repress her smile. “I learned during our meeting that your farm is now supplying the school with its wool?”

  “It would seem so.” Declan grinned. “Your aunt is very persuasive.”

  “She expects only the best for our students.”

  “Well, as I advised you earlier, I only supply the very best wool.” He winked.

  “Of course you do.” She smirked back. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from the Duke of Hawksley.”

  Lowering his voice to a sensual rasp, “You do realize that we are completely alone?” A devilish smile curved up his mouth. His eyes glittered darkly as he came closer and trapped her between him and her desk. A rush of possessive lust surged through him. He caught her head in his hands and kissed her. His mouth plundered her soft lips. “I’ve done nothing all day but think of kissing you.”

  Her pulse jumped as his hot breath wafted over her skin. “Someone could walk in at any moment,” she said with a moan.

  “Your aunt is a very smart lady.” His mouth moved from her neck to her ear.

  “Yes, I daresay she is.” Rebelliously emboldened by that information she allowed her head to fall back.

  Her lids fluttered, then fell as he brushed her lips with his.

  “Watching you today has been quite stimulating,” he said huskily. “And I’m hard-pressed to imagine why?” He murmured the words against her lips, filling her mouth, capturing her tongue and stroking her senses. There was nothing gentle in the way he kissed her or in the way his mouth settled on her in a determined caress creating an irresistible friction. Cradling her jaw, his long, lean fingers held her still for his seductive assault.

  Boldly she slid her fingers into the hair at his nape and kissed him back. Her own hunger allowed her passions to run free.

  He angled his head, deepened the kiss, and took complete and absolute possession of her mouth. With his lips and tongue, he tormented and teased. He tightened his arms around her, crushing her breasts to the hard solid planes of his chest as she wrapped her arms about his neck and clung tight.

  “Poppy, darling,” Adele called through the door. “I’ve finished with the babies.”

  Tearing her mouth from Declan’s, “I’m retrieving my reticule, Aunt.” She leaned her forehead against his chest while she worked at catching her breath. “I’ll be down in a couple of minutes.”

  Declan drew her once more flush against him and kissed her, long, deep, and lingeringly.

  Grinning from ear to ear, Poppy knelt down to retrieve the reticule that had fallen from her limp fingers.

  Declan turned and when she was finally ready, led her out into the hallway.


  Why then, can one desire

  too much of a good thing?

  As You Like It

  *William Shakespeare

  The next morning the bright sun once again heated the air around them as they made the morning rounds in the garden.

  “Thank you for coming to the school with me yesterday.” She looked steadily at him. “It really meant a lot to me and the girls.” She smiled.

  He turned and stared at her for a long moment; his gaze was intent as he leaned towards her, halting when he noticed a sudden movement. Glancing up, he spied a face peering at them from an upstairs window. Unable to stop the curve of his mouth, he stepped back a little for proprieties sake. “We seem to have an audience,” he said dryly. He had courted scandal too many times to count but he did not mean to ruin her. If they belonged together, he would prefer it be by her choice and not because she was forced.

  Quickly looking up, she lifted her hand, placing it on the top of her bonnet to keep it from falling off as she squinted up at the window. “I cannot believe that anyone else would be up at this hour.”


  Chloe slipped into Freya’s room without knocking.

  Surprised at the intrusion, Freya sat up quickly in her bed. “What are you about, Chloe?” She groaned, falling back on her pillow. “What is the time?”

  “Who cares what the time is, we need to talk,” Chloe said frantically as she made herself comfortable on the foot of the bed. “Have you been paying attention to Poppy?”

  “Not any more than usual. I’ve been a little preoccupied.” Freya stretched and yawned. “Why are you awake already?” She asked with laughter in her voice. “You never leave your room before noon.”

  “I couldn’t sleep. I have too much on my mind of late.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “I really think we need to say something to Hawksley. Are you not afraid that she will end up hurt?” Worry continued to gnaw at her.

  “Why should I be concerned?” Freya asked. “Poppy is a sensible girl. How are you proposing to talk to the duke anyway?” She frowned. “You very well cannot plan a private meeting. What would everyone think?”

  “How utterly ridiculous you sound,” Chloe cried with an astounded expression, stomping her foot. “Everyone can see that she is mad about Hawksley. Her eyes follow him everywhere. No one would even consider that he holds a tendre for me.”

  Resigning herself to the fact that she was not going to sleep longer, Freya rose from her bed and put on her sage green silk wrapper. “You are acting like a frustrated child.”

  Chloe sat quietly contemplating for a minute.

  “Have you asked Poppy how she feels?” Freya questioned, attempting to hold back another yawn.

  “I think I’m going to corner him after breakfast. That would definitely be the best idea. Then I’ll just ask him what his intentions are.” She looked intently at Freya. “I believe we have a right to know. We are Poppy’s best friends after all. We are practically part of the family.” After taking a deep breath, she asked, “What do you think?”

  “I think it looks like our picnic may be interrupted by rain today,” Freya stated amusingly as she purposefully misunderstood.

  “No, you know very well that is not what I am talking about,” she challenged. “I am most obviously talking about Hawksley,” Chloe retorted with annoyance.

  “I know perfectly well what you are talking about,” Freya said. “I daresay you have not even mentioned this to Piper yet? For all you know she or even Parker has already had a discussion with Hawksley.”

  Pressing her lips firmly together, Chloe sighed.

  “If you want to make a fool of yourself go ahead, but I will not be a party. I will not embarrass Poppy or Hawksley.” She plopped down on her window seat with a candid gaze at Chloe. “I believe that Poppy is in love.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe his intentions are good.”

  “How very provoking you are Freya.” Chloe pouted.

  Freya rolled her eyes. “What if they are in love? What is wrong with that?” she asked looking pointedly at Chloe. “Oh by the way,” Freya pointed outside. “The lovebirds you are speaking of are already outside together in the garden.” She smiled, entertaining herself at Chloe’s expense. “Don’t they look so well together?” Leaning her forehead against the glass she sighed.

  “Blast! Why didn’t you say something earlier?” Jumping up she ran to the window. “Oh Lord.” Chloe groa
ned. “This is going to be more difficult than I thought,” she cried again, running frantically from the room.

  Grabbing her skirts in one hand, Chloe rushed down the stairs and skidded out the door into the garden. Breathless, she deliberately attempted to look nonchalant as she walked slowly around the garden path. Rounding the corner, Chloe paused dramatically. “Oh my,” she cried acting surprised to see someone else in the garden. “I didn’t expect to run into anyone this early.”

  “Good morning, Chloe. I guess we all had the same idea.” Poppy smiled wryly at Declan. “I’m surprised to see you. Normally you do not venture outdoors so early.”

  “I woke up bright and early and thought a brisk walk around the garden would be lovely. It must be all this country air.” Chloe smiled, looking at Declan as she spoke.

  Giving Chloe a curious look, he raised his brows.

  Delicately clearing her throat, Chloe purposely glanced up at him again.

  Declan taking the subtle hint Chloe was throwing his way, grinned, then bowed before excusing himself. “Ladies, I believe I will head back indoors. I have a few items to take care of before I break my fast. It has been a pleasure.” He tossed a playful wink at Chloe.

  Chloe gasped, her mouth dropping open. She watched Declan until he was out of sight.

  After watching Declan walk away, with a brittle smile, Poppy turned to her friend. “What the devil are you up to, Chloe? I was having a perfectly good time with Declan. Alone, I might add.”

  “What the devil are you up to?” Chloe retorted. “I saw you and Hawksley on the stairs a few nights ago. What if it had been Parker or Peyton and not me?” She paused, “You would now be locked in your room. Is that what you want?”

  “Why are you making such a big deal about a kiss?” Poppy tried to make it sound unimportant, but new she had failed when a blush spread across her cheeks. “It is so unlike you to be this agitated,” she said with concern. “Anyway, Parker has already threatened to lock me in my room if I don’t behave.” Shrugging her shoulders once again.

  “What is the matter with you? How can you be so cavalier?” Chloe asked. “That was not just a kiss I witnessed.” Chloe blushed, giving Poppy a hard look. “He was practically making love to you on the stairs,” she hissed.

  “It is not as if you haven’t been kissed before,” Poppy reminded, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance. “You needn’t be so prickly.”

  “Yes, a kiss,” Chloe agreed. “His hands were not on my bottom,” she whispered, her gaze sliding uncomfortably away from Poppy.

  “I never realized you were such a prude, Chloe.” Poppy’s eyes twinkled.

  Chloe glared.

  “Yes.” Poppy glanced at her friend, her blue eyes considered her for a moment. “I guess it was a little more than a kiss.”

  “For shame Poppy, are you trying to compromise yourself?” Chloe asked gravely. “I have never seen you act this way before. You are not even trying to be discreet. Could you not have chosen a more private setting for your tête-à-tête?” She was thunderstruck. “You might be ruined forever.”

  Puzzled by the fierceness of Chloe’s emotional outburst, she stated, “Chloe dear, you are being nonsensical. I did not plan anything, it just happened. Surely, you believe that I have more imagination than to plan a tête-à-tête on a staircase?” Poppy, feeling a little amused by Chloe’s outburst laughed and gave a little wave attempting to conceal her smile. “I appreciate your concern, but I am not planning on doing anything imprudent.” Poppy smiled at her dear friend. “Please believe me Chloe; I have no intention of doing anything that would hurt me or my family,” Poppy stressed. “This is somehow different, Chloe; I can feel it in here.” She patted her chest emphatically. “I know it with every fiber of my being.”

  Linking their arms and putting their heads together, they headed toward the house. “Let us talk of something more pleasant. Please, let us call a truce. I could definitely use some chocolate. Would you care for some?”

  “That is a very good notion.” Chloe held Poppy’s hand fondly. “I know you would not purposefully hurt anyone Poppy. You are one of the kindest people I know. I only want the best for you. You know that, do you not?”

  “I know you love me.” Poppy turned to Chloe and hugged her tightly.

  “Well, enough of all this gloomy discussion. Let us discuss the picnic this afternoon,” Chloe said as they made their way around the garden path seemingly forgetting her earlier concerns. Right now, she was more concerned with the clouds in the sky. “Freya said it looked like it might rain?”

  “It always looks like it might rain.” Poppy smiled, peering at the sky.

  As she glanced towards the house, Poppy noticed Declan watching her. He looked dark and brooding, which was surprising because their walk this morning was a pleasant one until Chloe’s untimely interruption.

  Everything about him was interesting to her. The fact that he was a genuine human being without pretentions, willing to get his hands dirty made him very attractive. He was well worth catching and not just because of his title and wealth. He was a man of passion, feelings, arrogance, gentleness and he was sinfully handsome, to boot.

  “I’m famished, Chloe.” Piper chuckled. “I believe we should wake Freya so that she can join us for breakfast.”

  “Splendid idea.” Chloe bit her lip. “I may have already woke Freya.”

  “Chloe!” Piper cried in exaxperation.

  “What?” Chloe asked. “I was worried.” She grinned.


  Fetching a book from the shelf, he grumbled to himself. Shrugging out of his jacket and waistcoat, he tossed them over a chair, then he sat quietly for a few moments attempting to read. After a few restless minutes, he looked down at his book not even remember turning the pages. The book he had chosen was dull. It was definitely not holding his attention. His thoughts kept straying back to Poppy. What was it about her that drew him?

  He rose from his chair and slowly walked to the window and looked out. Poppy and Chloe were still talking in the garden so he watched the way her blonde curls hung down the elegant curve of her neck, moving in the soft breeze, caressing her.

  Closing his eyes, he could still smell her sweet scent. He could still taste her.

  She had just finished her third Season. She was well versed in the ways of the ton, but she was still an innocent in many ways. What was she, maybe twenty? He ran his hands through his already rakishly disheveled hair. Why was he all of a sudden feeling like an old man?

  This had gone well past an innocent flirtation; he had made doubly sure of that. Blast! He had seduced her, knowing what the consequences for his actions were.

  He normally picked women who knew the rules of the game. Before now, it had been for pleasure and nothing more. His black brows slashed heavily across his furrowed brow. He was dissolute and felt completely depraved, and now he felt old.

  Oh, but she was so sweet. He sighed, thinking of her voice. She was a balm to his spirit. Reaching out, he traced his finger on the glass, wishing that he were touching her again. At that moment, Poppy glanced up and smiled. He whispered, “What I needed most was to love and be loved.”

  “So this is where you ran off to?” Seymour asked, walking into the library.

  He turned abruptly at the amused voice behind him, aware that he must look like a fool standing in front of the window talking to himself.

  “We were looking for you.” Seymour was the golden boy of the ton. Tall, well-muscled, blonde curls, pale skin and pale ice blue eyes. Everything he did was with a purpose. Not a curl was out of place and nary a wrinkle to be found. He was a definite favorite among the women, known for being immensely wicked. He could have a different woman every night, which he probably did, knowing him. Each woman wrapped thoroughly around his well-manicured fingers, swooning in anticipation whenever he walked into a room. It was actually quite sickening.

  Looking back out the window, Declan paused before acknowledging, “Seymour, was
there something you needed?”

  He ignored the question, “Want one?” Seymour asked holding up a glass of whiskey. The glass reflected in the window. “Looks like you are having a fit of the blue devils. Can I be of service?”

  “It is a little early for whiskey, don’t you think?” He turned to Seymour, raising one eyebrow.

  “What about your fall into intemperance at the pub?” Seymour studied him.

  “That was a mistake.”

  “It is only one drink,” Seymour stated. “One drink does not a lush make, besides, I need a drink to get me through all the feminine prattle we are going to be subjected to on this infernal picnic.” He snorted inelegantly. “Besides, you look like you could use one.” Silently walking toward Declan, Seymour paused, holding out the glass, waving it back and forth in front of his face. “I know you want it…”

  Declan removed it from his hand.

  Seymour leaned over to see what was holding Declan’s attention. “Ahhh…fetching indeed, muslin dresses on a bright summer’s day. Praise be to the man who invented transparent fabrics. I love to see the outline of ladies limbs, very erotic indeed.” Seymour grinned wickedly, elbowing Declan in the ribs.

  “So that is the way of it then?” Seymour smiled. “You always did have devilishly good luck with the women, Hawk.” Leaning nonchalantly against the window, he took a swallow of the whiskey and with narrowed eyes he said, “I have never seen you this,” He waved his hand, in the air as he searched for the right word, “preoccupied before.”

  Cocking his brow again, Declan looked at Seymour. “Honestly Seymour, is there a reason you are being such a bother?” Glancing out the window unable to see Poppy any longer, he sauntered over to one of the deep leather chairs and flopped down, taking a sip of his whiskey.

  “She cannot take her eyes off you,” Seymour stated with haughtily raised brows.


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