Ruin Me Please

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Ruin Me Please Page 20

by Nichole Matthews

  Lining up his next shot, Seymour laughed. “Do you not believe in love and romance, Perry?”

  “Ugh, it is enough to make me want to cast up my accounts.” He made a harrumphing sound. “Love is for fools.” He waived his hand negligently in the air with a cynical smile on his face. “I am more interested in women of easy virtue. I have no need to set up a nursery.” Peyton glanced towards Parker. “He will take care of that. His responsibility as the marquis, not mine.”

  “You are awfully young to be so cynical,” Seymour said flatly.

  “All I need is a warm willing bit of muslin.” Peyton slowly swirled his brandy. “With a little bit of spirit,” he said on a jaundiced laugh.

  “It is becoming obvious that I have spoiled you excessively. Are you unable to enjoy the peace of the countryside for even a few weeks?” He looked at his brother and let out a long breath. “The whole of the world does not revolve around Covent Garden. Besides, you seem to have already had a little bit too much to drink and we have not even served dinner as yet.” He eyed Peyton’s glass. “I think you take your debaucheries too far.”

  Durham shook his head in agreement. “I say Perry, old man, what has you in the doldrums?”

  “I’m bored.” Perry yawned. “I’m tired of this tedious house party.” He glared at Parker. “I’m tired of all these managing females.” Jumping up he threw down his cue casting a spiteful look around.

  “Managing females?” Declan frowned. He couldn’t really disagree, but he wasn’t about to let Peyton know. “How would you know? I’ve not noticed you socializing with anyone in particular.”

  “Poppy’s enough of a managing female for ten men,” Peyton returned, slouching deeper into his chair.

  “Parker felt the stirring of a smile as he quietly responded back, “No one is forcing you to stay at Rosebriar for the summer. You have money of your own to do with as you please.” He held his gaze steady. “In fact, I will celebrate when you leave. Go find the rest of your Wicked Wastrels and debauch your way through the rest of the summer. Your attitude is becoming quite tiresome. Just make sure your names stay out of the papers. We have sisters to see wed.”

  “Well, I cannot very well leave. As soon as I sail across the channel Poppy and Declan will be in parson’s mousetrap.” He sighed dejectedly. “Poppy would never forgive me. Maybe you are right Hawk about the nap.” He sat down his glass. “Sorry all, I think I will retire for a while. I guess I just have a lot going through my mind. I’ll see you at dinner.”

  Seymour laughed as Peyton left the room. Looking at Durham, “Peyton seems to be having the same problem you were having a few days ago. Grumpy as a bear.”

  “Was I like that?” Durham asked.

  “Yes,” All three friends shouted.

  Declan grinned then turned to Parker. “Do you have a moment?”

  “Sure, Hawk.” Parker nodded.

  “Can we go to your study?” Declan said with furrowed brows.

  “Will you two be fine without Hawk and I for a few moments?”

  Seymour shrugged. “I think Peyton has the right idea. I might take a nap as well.” He stood and stretched, then grimaced. “I’m becoming an old man.”


  A few minutes later, they were in the study sipping on some of Parker’s best whiskey. Declan slouched further in his leather wingback chair savoring the slow heat burning down to his gut, trying to think of a clever way to voice his request.

  “I think I know why you wish to talk to me.” Parker glanced sideways at him while taking a swallow of his whiskey.

  Looking intently at Parker without hesitation he said, “I want your permission to marry Poppy.”

  “I was hoping as much,” he said crossing his arms. “I was hoping that was your aim when you locked yourself in the conservatory with her earlier.” He looked every inch the protective brother.

  “Why didn’t you stop me?” He groaned inwardly.

  “Because you swore that I could trust you.” Parker couldn’t help himself from asking. “Was my trust misplaced?”

  Flushing slightly, Declan smiled sheepishly. “I was just trying to ascertain the depth of Poppy’s feelings for me.”

  His brow rose and he shot a fierce look towards Declan. “And were you able to ascertain Poppy’s true feelings towards you?” He questioned him sternly.

  He knew he should probably take a moment before he answered, “Well I thought I did, and then it all backfired.” He grinned unapologetically.

  Parker sobered a little. “What happened?”

  Parker had never seen Hawk look bewildered before. “I don’t know. I was sure she was going to say yes, but then she got mad and walked out.”

  “Did you tell her you were in love with her?”

  “Not exactly,” he murmured, expounding no further.

  “Not exactly?” Parker gave him a curious look.

  Leaning forward with his forearms on his knees Declan replied, “I assumed after everything—she would just—know,” he blustered.

  Slapping himself on the forehead, Parker sighed. “Dear Lord, do I need to know all of this?” He looked squarely at Declan. “I told you I would kill you. Was that not sufficient warning to guard yourself when you were around my sister?”

  “It’s not like that. Not entirely.” Declan’s brow rose. “But almost.” He ran his hands distractedly through his hair. He really wasn’t prepared to lose his friendship with Parker, but he also was not going to give up Poppy to appease his friend.

  “I’m going to kill you,” Parker said through gritted teeth.

  Declan looked over at Parker. “I’m not giving up yet, so neither should you.” He shrugged, a sheepish grin spread across his face.

  Talking in a low voice, in order to insure he was not overheard, Declan said, “I also have something else I want to discuss with you…”


  Piper grabbed Poppy by the arm and dragged her to the other side of the gazebo.

  “He saw you,” Piper whispered frantically, round-eyed.

  “Who saw me doing what?” Poppy questioned with a frown.

  “Parker saw you go into the conservatory.”

  She sucked in a breath. “So, I went in alone.” Poppy bit her lip, meeting Piper’s gaze directly. She really didn’t want to go into any more details, even with her dearest sister.

  Piper huffed. “Yes, I know you went in alone, but Declan soon followed.” Her arms planted firmly on her hips. “He saw the whole thing.”

  “How do you know I was in the conservatory?” She blinked in confusion. “I didn’t tell anyone.”

  Piper pursed her lips. “I saw you go into the conservatory as well.”

  Poppy laughed. “Did everyone see us go into the conservatory?” Both delicately arched brows rose.

  “No.” Piper chuckled. “At least I don’t believe so.”

  “Blast.” Piper’s shoulders slumped as she glanced towards the house. “Now I’m going to have to talk to Parker.” She rubbed her forehead feeling a headache coming on.

  “Are you going to marry him?”

  “I’m not going to marry him just because we went into the conservatory.”


  “Well, I’m not.” She made a scoffing sound.

  “You can’t do that with a man and not marry him.”

  “We didn’t do that.” Her eyes wide. “We just did other things.”

  “Oh dear,” Piper sighed. “What are you going to do?”

  Poppy met her sister’s eyes with a frown. “I don’t know.”


  Who could refrain that had a heart to love,

  and in that heart,

  Courage, to make love known.


  *William Shakespeare

  Poppy had deliberately not organized too many activities for the children’s party. She had a rag-doll making table for the little girls, tea tables for the older girls, pony rides and walks around the lakes.

  There really was only so much one could organize with such little girls to entertain, their attention span was quite short.

  They were however fortunate that the weather had remained fine, not a single cloud in sight.

  The infants were already napping in the nursery which is where Poppy knew she would find Auntie Adele if she truly needed her.

  She was feeling happy. It had been a successful day. Currently the largest group was under the big white pavilion filling their plates with the delicacies provided. That was where Poppy spied Declan laughing with Seymour. Both looked handsomely rumpled from playing with the girls all afternoon.

  It felt an age since she had truly spoken with Declan. She had done her best to avoid him. It was hard to admit that he had hurt her by his sudden proposal of marriage. Hurt because she would have preferred a declaration of undying love. Not some misguided proclamation of duty and honor.

  It seemed all men were hopeless.

  She was lovelier than he remembered. She looked young and full of hope, like a girl. All flushed from the excitement and heat. A curl had come free from her pins and bounced enthusiastically against her shoulder. At that moment, she turned her head and looked directly at him. He knew she had been avoiding being alone with him for days and he knew the reason why.

  She wanted something from him.

  “I’ve never heard so much giggling in my life.” Seymour shuddered.

  Eyeing the platters of food before him Seymour asked, “There are only 12 little girls, correct and they are all so—tiny? Did the ladies really believe that all of this food was going to be eaten?”

  The table piled with sandwiches, pies, two kinds of cake and punch was enough to feed a small militia.

  Declan’s eyes followed the line of the table then came to rest on Peyton who was piling high his third plate of food. With his brow raised, he grinned at Seymour. “I suspect this food was payment for our services.”

  Both watched humorously as Parker ran around the lawn with a child clinging to his back. Seymour nudged his arm. “Is that what I looked like?” He looked horrified.

  “Yes you did.” Declan laughed.

  Seymour groaned.

  “How were the ponies?” Declan asked with a smirk.

  Seymour sighed audibly, “Albert will have a stroke when he sees my nails. I’ll have to retrieve the smelling salts again.”

  “Surely you expected to return a little rumpled?”

  “A little rumpled, yes.” He looked down, grimacing. “But this cravat is beyond repair.” Seymour rolled his eyes. “Giving little brats piggy back rides is hard on such an intricate fold.” He lifted then quickly dropped the end of his limp, wrinkled strip of linen.

  “How have you managed to stay so neat?” He lifted his nose in the air with disdain.


  “Stories?” Seymour scowled, shooting him a withering glance.

  “Yes.” Declan smiled and in a soothing voice replied, “It’s amazing how still and quiet little girls will be when you tell them stories of adventures and princesses.”

  Seymour groaned. “I’m not going to be able to walk tomorrow.” He pressed his hand firmly against his lower back. “And you read story books?”

  “Character building.”

  “Good Lord.” Seymour’s eyes widened in fright at what he saw being Declan’s back.

  “What?” Declan twisted to look over his shoulder and let out a loud guffaw.

  Rushing up and threading her arm through Seymour’s, Lady Bellamy patted his hand affectionately. “Can you be a dear, Lord Seymour and help me pass out some more ribbons?” She smiled up at him. “There are just too many for one woman handle.”

  “I would be delighted, madam.” He glanced over his shoulder with a look of abject horror.

  “Try not to work too hard.” Declan smirked.

  A quick tug on his coat brought Declan spinning around.

  “Mr. Hawk,” Beatrice said with a bright smile. “Look what I got.” She held up a bright purple ribbon. “Ain’t it pretty?”

  Kneeling, he ran his finger lightly over the ribbon. “It’s very lovely indeed. One of the prettiest ribbons I’ve ever seen.” He tapped her nose tenderly. “Would you like me to tie the ribbon in your hair?”

  She nodded.

  Taking the ribbon from her outstretched hand, he tied it around the end of her pigtail, then lifted it up for her inspection. He felt a strange longing in his chest, a tight pull. He almost felt as if he couldn’t breathe properly.

  Grabbing the end of her pigtail, she beamed up at him.

  With his lips thinned, he lifted the blanket from her dolls face. “Did you get a ribbon for Daphne?”

  “Oh yes, Mr. Hawk.” Beatrice nodded emphatically. Pulling the blanket away, a bright pink ribbon was looped around Daphne’s neck.

  Declan patted Beatrice’s head softly. “You both look very pretty, indeed.”

  “Thank you Mr. Hawk,” she called, clutching her doll tightly to her skinny body, she skipped back towards the other little girls.

  Straightening, he spotted Poppy standing not ten feet away, her face devoid of a smile just watching, with a strange look on her face. Raw and naked.

  Dusting off his knees, he headed in her direction.

  She didn’t want to examine the emotions she was feeling. Seeing him with Beatrice made her chest hurt and her throat burn. Did anything else matter?

  Declan stopped directly in front of her and stood quietly. His eyes roamed over her body artfully covered in pale peach. The color brought out the roses in her skin and the gold in her freckles. He could see them popping out across her collarbone. She shimmered in the sun. He didn’t think she could possibly be more beautiful than she was to him right now. She took his breath away. Reaching out he pushed the fallen curl behind her ear.

  She grimaced. “I know I must look a fright.” She worked diligently at tucking escaped tendrils back into place.

  He looked her over from head to toe, appreciation evident in his eyes. “I have never seen you look lovelier,” he contradicted.

  “Thank you. That was very gallant.”

  He grinned at her.

  A grin spread over her face, holding up her finger, an orange ribbon dangling from the tip. “Do you know anything about this, Your Grace?” Her left brow rose high on her forehead.

  His eyes smiled at her but he didn’t say anything. He just stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

  Poppy touched a hand lightly to his sleeve. “I’ve suddenly come into a very large supply of ribbons.”

  He shrugged.

  She laughed. “You didn’t have to purchase ribbons for the school.”

  “Believe me, I don’t do anything I don’t want to,” Declan chuckled.

  Poppy shook her head. “I’ve come to know that much about you.”

  “Good.” He looked at her and smiled before holding out his arm to her.


  Observing Poppy throughout the remainder of the day made Declan realize what he had to do.


  I’ll follow you and make a

  heaven out of hell and I’ll

  die by your hand which I love so well.

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  *William Shakespeare

  The next few days went by without incident. Pleasant times in the garden. Morning rides before the heat of day became too much. Charades and cards in the evenings. Even Peyton was in better spirits.

  However, Poppy felt a little concerned when Parker didn’t request to speak with her privately. It was as if he sanctioned their relationship, which made her nervous. Each day she anxiously waited for a bellow or a summons of some sort and none came.

  To top that all off, Declan seemed to be spending more and more time with everyone else rather than with her. It wasn’t that he was neglecting her. They walked in the garden every morning for the past three days. There was just a haze of secrecy permeating the household and
she wasn’t being made a part of it.


  The house was too quiet. It was Wednesday, so she was returning from her time at the school. Normally she felt energized from her visits but today she just felt lonely.

  Last week Declan had accompanied her. Watching him interact with the children was an eye-opening experience. One she had hoped to duplicate today but he had told her he was too busy.

  Therefore, she found it odd when she returned home to him wandering in the garden once again with Piper, their heads quite close together.

  The rest of the women were sitting intimately on a bench writing on a piece of paper.

  They were up to something. She just knew it.

  She leaned on her elbows with her face pressed against the glass and tapped her fingertips agitatedly on the windowsill. She wished she could hear them. Frustrated, she turned and faced the room deciding the first confront Parker, before confronting Declan. This had to end right now, she was going crazy. Bursting into Parker’s study, she stood with her hands on her hips, her foot tapping as she blew out a frustrated breath.

  Looking up from the stack of papers he had been going through, Parker sat back, his fingers steepled in front of him, an indulgent smile on his face.

  “What’s going on Parker?” Poppy paced back and forth stopping at the window she pointed fervently at the garden. “What is everyone doing?

  “I have no idea what you are talking about?” He cocked his brow.


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