Dirty Assets

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Dirty Assets Page 16

by Rumer Raines

  “Hey, Alex. Are you in a good mood?” he asks me and I look at him and back down to my paperwork.

  “What the hell does it look like?” I bark as Thomas laughs and takes a seat across from me at the desk and I notice that he’s holding a small box.

  “I was thinking you might want these things,” he offers as he sets the box on the desk.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s Adele’s backpack that we found in the backseat of the car.” I glance at the backpack and look up at Thomas’ questioning eyes.

  I grab it and look through it, noticing all the shit that women carry with them. I pull out an envelope and find pictures of Adele and Garth, Adele with some other girl are in several of the pictures. She looks happy with the girl. They almost look like sisters, but Adele never mentioned having siblings so they must be good friends. I analyze the pictures and hand one of them back to Thomas.

  “Is there any way we can find out who this girl is?” I ask him and he takes the picture and looks back at me.

  “I’ll see what I can do, Alex.” I nod as he walks out of the office and I stare at the picture of Garth and Adele and wonder what he’s doing to her.

  Have you ever felt like time is sitting still? Another week has gone by and it feels like I haven’t seen Adele in years. I would never have thought I would ever ache for some woman, but I am literally aching and I can’t fucking stand it. I even did something else so fucking stupid I had to laugh at myself. I went out and bought a damn motorcycle. I have never had any interest in having one, but I needed something to go with my new tattoos. You could even say I needed a new drug since I haven’t even had the urge to smoke a joint lately. I have gone out on it every night, which has also kept me from going to the club. Frank has been calling me and leaving me messages since I haven’t answered him, asking when the hell I was planning on showing up. I just can’t go in right now. It just reminds me of Adele.

  I finally head into the club where everyone at the bar stares at me. I haven’t shaved all week and I also am wearing a leather jacket and worn jeans. I realize that I do look a little rougher than I normally do, but I hope they realize I am the same person and I will shoot them if they fuck with me. I nod at them and head upstairs to the office to talk to Frank. I push the door open and walk right in and he’s sitting at the desk and Lola is with him sitting on the edge next to him.

  “Alex?” Frank looks me over and Lola gives me smile as she walks around the desk and hugs me and for some reason, I hug her back. Lola and I have never been friends, hell, we never even really like each other. I wanted to kill her when I first met her and would have if Frank wouldn’t have taken over and forbid me from doing so. Lola pulls away and I can tell she is suspicious and I look back at Frank who has the same questioning look.

  “Are you okay, Alex? You have been missing in action for a week and you’re hugging Lola?” He looks at me and I walk over to the couch to sit down.

  “I’m fine, Frankie. Lola, are you working here now?” I ask as I look between the two of them.

  “No. I actually was telling Frank that I need to go back to New York. I want to check in with my parents, “ Lola answers.

  “Okay. So, when are you two leaving?” I ask her and look back at Frank.

  “Lola is going alone this time Alex. I have a lot of shit to handle here after being gone a month,” Frank answers.

  “I’ll go with you!” I invite myself as they both look at me stunned.

  “I’m sorry... what did you just say?” Frank asks me as his eyes narrow.

  “I said, I’ll go with her. I am sure you’re taking the twins and could use the extra pair of hands. I need to get out of here for a little while. I’ll go with you, Lola. I won’t promise I’ll be there for the entire time, but I can help get you and the kids there,” I offer and I think Lola and Frank are stunned speechless.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea,” Frank prevaricates and I look back at him.

  “You don’t trust me with your wife, Frankie?” I tease him as Lola looks on.

  A few hours later, I am on a personal jet with Lola and two very active two-year olds. Lola sits with Talia and I am sitting with FJ. I should laugh because FJ is just like me and his hands are touching things they just shouldn’t be touching. I can’t take my eyes off him for a second and he seems to be enjoying me telling him ‘no’. As FJ tries to take off his seat belt, I pull his little hands off once again telling him ‘no’ and he starts to laugh. I shake my head at the thought that this toothless kid will one day run the Mafia.

  After the longest flight I have ever had, we finally arrive in New York. Lola’s dad sent a car for us and we put the kids in the car seats and climb in. I look out the window in amazement at New York City.

  “How about you tell me why you really accompanied me, Alex,” Lola says and I look at her and at the now sleeping kids as I roll my eyes. They couldn’t have fallen asleep on the plane?

  “I need your father’s help.”

  “What exactly do you need from him? Lola asks me.

  “I need divorce papers,” I tell Lola as FJ starts to stir which ends her questioning.


  I soak in a nice hot bath trying to ease the pain of my battered and bruised body. Garth beat me up last night because I didn’t turn off a light when I left the room. I never know what will set him off, but it seems he has become more vicious than before. I lay my head back against the tub and close my eyes and think about Alex. Another month has gone by and I wonder if he has forgotten about me. I shake my head and wipe away my tears before Garth comes into the bathroom and notices my tears. It will only set him off and that is the last thing I need.

  I climb out of the tub and look over my body and I shake my head as I evaluate the bruises that are covering my legs, arms, and back. If he isn’t beating me up, he is forcing himself inside of me. I don’t know which is worse, but thinking about either makes me want to vomit. Since I have been here for months, Garth started letting me wear clothes. I throw on a pair of sweats and head to the kitchen to make him dinner. Garth has also started working again so at least I get the day to myself. Even though he is gone, he has taken all the necessary precautions that I don’t leave him again. Garth has hired a babysitter to watch me during the day. He hired a young girl named Rose that looks like she is twenty years old to sit with me because of my ‘mental issues’ as he described to her. She has been advised that I am not to leave the house or have access to any phone. If she catches me breaking the rules, she is to call him right away. I haven’t missed any of subtle looks they give each other, but I could care less.

  I walk into the kitchen and Rose has already taken food out and has it sitting on the counter. I turn to look at her and she gives me a big smile.

  “I thought I could prepare dinner for you and Garth tonight,” Rose says as she pulls out a bottle of wine and grabs a glass.

  I watch Rose with suspicion as she pours two glasses of wine and hands me one. I accept the glass, taking a sip and wonder what is this bitch up to?

  Rose and I both finish our glass of wine and she asks me if I would like a second? I smile and hand her my glass as she walks over to the cabinet to pour me another glass. I decide to check on the steak that she has in the oven and it smells delicious. I only hope that Garth won’t be pissed that she cooked it and I didn’t. Rose hands me my glass of wine and I finally start to relax for the first time in months. Before long, my eyes suddenly start to feel heavy and everything goes black.

  I hear yelling and moaning and I am being shaken. The yelling sounds like it’s coming from a woman and the man is groaning. I try to wake up to find out what the hell is going on. It’s hard for me to open my eyes. I am so damn sleepy that I don’t want to open my eyes. I force them open and turn my head and I see a man and woman. They are naked and they are having sex. As I move my hands I can feel that I am in a bed. I look around the room trying to focus my eyes and I notice that I am in the bedroom that I sh
are with Garth. I still hear screaming and moaning and turn my head back to the couple. I squint my eyes as I focus on Garth and Rose having sex. I force myself to sit up and the covers fall off me and I notice I am also naked. Garth is fucking Rose and has me in bed with them? How in the hell did I get here? Garth looks over and notices that I am watching them and sits up, pushing himself off Rose.

  “Look Rose, Sleeping Beauty is finally awake.” He and Rose both are now looking at me with smirks on their faces. I pull the covers up around myself and try to get out of bed. Garth reaches over and pulls my arm yanking the covers off.

  “You’re not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, you’ll be joining us.” Garth says as I look at him shaking my head.

  “Oh, come on. It will be fun. Garth is a beast in bed and I am sure he can handle us both,” Rose coaxes and I want to strangle the little bitch.

  “No. I won’t,” I whisper and Garth’s eyes narrow as he glares at me.

  “You selfish little bitch. You just sit there and watch. Your eyes better stay on us or you’ll pay later!” he threatens.

  I watch for almost one hour as Rose and Garth fuck like animals. The entire time, Garth keeps his eyes on me, making sure I watched every minute of it. He was rough with her and she enjoyed it. When they were finally done, Garth told me to get them towels so they could clean off. I walked to the bathroom completely naked to get the towels. I handed Rose one and she smugly thanked me. When I tried to give Garth his towel, he refused to take it. He smirked as he forced me to wipe him clean. As I wiped Garth clean I could see the hate in his eyes. I knew I would suffer the minute Rose left the house.

  Once Rose was dressed, Garth and I walked her to the door. I watched as he gave her a big, long kiss goodnight and he thanked her for dinner. When he closed the door, he turned towards me. I backed away from him as he stalked toward me and his eyes narrowed.

  “I dare you to move again, Adele,” he threatens so I know to stop moving.

  Garth yanks me by the hair and pulls me against his chest. He forces my face within inches of his.

  “You ruined the night for me, Adele. I wanted you and Rose, but I guess you had to be selfish and wanted to keep me for yourself,” Garth says as he forces a kiss on my lips.

  I try to pull away from Garth as he shoves me to the couch and forces me around so that my back is to his front. He pushes me over the arm of the couch and yanks my robe up. Garth pushes two fingers inside me and a few seconds later he removes them and pushes his dick inside me. I close my eyes as I hear him grunting and pushing and pulling himself out of me. I can only hope this doesn’t last long. I have been trained to know that if I pretend to like this, it will go quicker for me. I moan and close my eyes praying that he comes soon.

  Garth pulls my hair, yanking my neck when he finally comes and he pulls out of me. I pull my robe back on as Garth pulls up his pants.

  “I am hungry. Go fix me a plate while I clean up,” he instructs as he heads to the bathroom and I head to the kitchen to prepare the king his fucking meal.


  Lola’s father rents a house that is big enough for me to stay in too. I help her get the kids settled and she follows me downstairs. I roll my eyes wondering if this conversation really needs to happen?

  “What are the divorce papers for, Alex?” Lola asks me as I stop walking and turn around to look at her.

  “The papers are for Adele. When I find her, I’ll have them both sign them and she’ll be done with him,” I tell Lola and she rolls her eyes at me.

  “You can’t do that, Alex,” she protests.

  “Why can’t I? Your father is a dirty judge. I am sure he has someone that can draw up the papers and I’ll just get the signatures,” I say. Lola crosses her arms and stares at me.

  “You think Adele will like being bullied from one situation into another? When you find her, Alex, let her decide to leave him,” Lola suggests and walks away from me and I have to wonder if she’s right.

  I have always wanted to visit New York and I am going to take full advantage of the city. I tell Lola that I am going out and to give me a call if she needs anything. I love New York city. I start to wonder if Adele would like it here? Maybe when I get her back, I can bring her here for a vacation. I grab a taxi and ask the driver to take me to Times Square. It’s just like what I have seen on TV. I am watching the big screen when I hear my cell phone ring. I can’t believe that Lola can’t handle her own kids for a few hours. I look at the caller ID and see that it’s Thomas.

  “Hey, Thomas,” I answer as I stare at the big screen in Times Square.

  “We found her,” he says and my heart starts to race. I close my eyes and drop my head thinking about my Adele.

  “You found Adele?” I ask wanting to confirm what he just told me.

  “Shit. I’m sorry, Alex. We didn’t find Adele, but I found the girl in the picture. Do you want me to pick her up and hold her until you get back?” Thomas asks and I shake my head knowing that’s the last thing I need now.

  “No. Just follow her, Thomas. Make sure someone has eyes on her always. I’ll come home tonight.”

  I hang out in Times Square for another hour and then I head back to the house, hoping that Lola doesn’t get pissed off when I tell her I am leaving. I did tell her and Frank that I would help with the kids. I guess if she has a problem with me leaving, I’ll just have to come back to town when she wants to come home.

  “I hate to do this to you Lola, but I have to talk to this girl. She may be the key to me finding Adele,” I explain to Lola as I wait for my cab to arrive to take me to the airport.

  “It’s fine, Alex. I understand. I am a little surprised that you’re leaving without the divorce papers, though.” Lola shakes her head as she gives me a small smile. I look at her and roll my eyes.

  “I am taking your advice. I’ll find Adele and let her decide if she wants a divorce,” I say and Lola’s eyes widen and she dips her head, acknowledging my acceptance of her advice.

  “You're taking my advice? Did you get hit on the head when you were in Times Square?” Lola laughs and for the first time ever, I laugh with her.

  I take the private jet back to Chicago and realize that I owe Lola’s father big time. He didn’t have to send the jet for me to go back to Chicago, but he did it anyway. When I finally arrive back in Chicago, Frank picks me up from the airport. He looks me over when I get into the car and my first thought is that he’s pissed. I did promise to help with the kids.

  “I’m sorry, Frank,” I tell him and he gapes in astonishment.

  “You’re sorry? I don’t think I have ever heard you say those words before,” Frank says and I can hear the sarcasm in his voice. I roll my eyes and look out the passenger window.

  “I won’t say it again... to you,” I tell him as I start to grind my teeth. He’s right. I don’t say it and I should admit, I don’t like saying it either.

  “I helped find the girl that was in the picture with Adele. Her name is Mary Ann Day,” Frank informs me and I look back at him.

  “Day? So, she’s Garth’s sister. I guess it makes sense that Adele would be close to her sister-in-law,” I say to Frank as I lay my head back on the headrest.

  “That’s the best part, Alex. She shares Garth’s last name, but not because she’s his sister,” Frank tells me and I turn to look at him as he shakes his head.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask him.

  “Mary Ann Day is Garth’s other wife,” Frank tells me and I snap my head from the headrest.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I growl.

  “Garth Day is married to Maryann and apparently he had anger issues with her too. She supposedly drowned a year before he married Adele.” Frank looks at me as I sit in stunned shock.

  “She faked her own death to get away from him?” I chuckle in disbelief and rub my hand through my beard.

  “That would be my guess. If you focus on the big picture, Alex, you do know what this means,
don’t you?” Frank smirks at me as he shakes his head. When he stops for a red light. I suddenly realize what it really does mean.

  “Adele isn’t legally married to that fucker.” I look out the window with a smile on my face. Now I only must find her.

  Frank takes me back to my place and I immediately call Thomas to find out where the hell this Maryann person is. He gives me her address and lets me know that he is sitting down her street and she hasn’t come out in hours. I hop on my motorcycle and head to the address. Maryann lives on the border of Illinois and Indiana and I should wonder why she didn’t move to the other side of the country if she faked her own death. I nod at Thomas as I park my bike right in front of Maryann’s house. I walk up the sidewalk of the nice ranch style home and ring the doorbell.

  A redhead with a short bob cut answers the door. She has blue eyes and freckles. She looks me over as she only opens the door slightly and I notice there is a chain attached. I narrow my eyes at her wondering if this is the same girl that was in the picture with Adele? That girl wasn’t a redhead, but maybe she changed her hair color? I guess it would make sense if you faked your own death to get a new hair style.

  “Can I help you?” she practically whispers and I’m taken aback by her nervousness.

  “I am hoping you can. Are you Maryann Day?” I ask her and I can see her tense up.

  “I’m sorry you have the wrong house,” she denies as she tries to close the door on me. Before she can fully close the door, I stick my foot inside and she looks up at me and I can see the fear in her eyes.

  “I’m not here to hurt you, Maryann. I need your help,” I plead with her as she moves out of sight behind the door so I can’t see her anymore.

  “Please just go! I am not Maryann Day,” she yells and I look at the chain keeping me out.


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