Beastly Intentions

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Beastly Intentions Page 11

by Stone, Wendy

  She fell easily into dreams, her breathing deepening, her body growing lax and heavy against him. For him, it wasn't as easy. His groin throbbed and his cock seemed to be trying to whisper to him how close she was, how naked in his arms. He tried to ignore it, to close his eyes and sleep, but he was too restless. Finally, he pulled away from her, making sure she was covered snugly before stepping off the bed and finding the book.

  Just the thought of reading the love scene between Melissa and Nathaniel had him gritting his teeth, glaring at his unruly cock that refused to subside. But he had to know if there was a cure, he had to know if he could have a future with Brenna.

  He grabbed his robe, adding another log to the dwindling flames to ward off the chill wind that had grown outside and sat in his chair, pulling it closer to the fire for he dare not light a candle. He didn't want her to wake and wonder why he was reading himself when it was so difficult to do. He'd managed to throw her off once, he didn't know if he could again.

  Opening the book, he found the place he had stopped. ""Oh no, I think we should talk…" * * * * "…about those other things you were thinking about," he said, twining a length of her blonde hair around his wrist and pulling her closer to his naked chest until she rested upon it. Her breasts pressed against his skin and he groaned at the sensation. His fur kept him insulated from the arousing feeling of skin against skin. To have her like this now was almost more than he could bear.

  "I...I can't believe this, Nathaniel. I can't believe that you are a man now, and no longer the beast," she leaned over him, her long golden curls hanging around them, curtaining them from the rest of the room. "Are you sure you're okay?"

  "Sore, little one, and tired, but it's the mystery of the thing that will bother me." He kissed her then, long and gently, enjoying the way she felt, her skin soft and warm, her body slender and beautiful, resting easily in his arms.

  "Have you done aught different?" she asked him, her head tilted as she too thought of how it could have happened.

  "Well, hmmm, there was a saucy little minx that kept dragging me to her bed today," he said chuckling as she growled and nipped his chin.

  She stroked his chest, letting her head rest against it just under his chin. "There must have been something else unless you need me to stay available so that you might fuck me on and off during the day to keep your human shape?" "Would you mind?" "Hmm," she mumbled sleepily. "I must earn my keep, I suppose." He chuckled again at the put upon tone to her voice, letting his furless hands roam over her body, stroking her in ways meant to comfort, not to entice. "Sleep, little one, for if I am to continue to stay human, you will need your rest." * * * *

  Garren breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that they slept. * * * * "You must kill her, that's all there is to it," the man's voice said, his

  face indistinct in the harsh darkness of the stables. "I can't," the other man protested, his voice outraged. "Giving him a drug is one thing, committing murder…well, that is something I just cannot do."

  "Don't quibble, man. You are being well paid to do this job and to do it right. Now get rid of the girl, kill her and leave the body for him to find. Do it right and he'll believe he did it in a fit of beastly madness." The man grinned a flash of white teeth in the dark. "That's absolutely brilliant. Make him think he killed her and then he'll go mad all the faster."

  "You cannot be serious, you cannot seriously want me to kill her and make it seem as if a beast did the deed?"

  "You will do it, unless you wish for others to learn of all that you've done. Now be a man. I want this done soon, tonight if possible. I've been patient long enough."

  There was a rustle of clothing and the heavy clip of booted feet, and the man was alone in the stables, staring at the place where the other had been. He was to kill the girl. Just the thought of murder made his gorge rise in his stomach and his heart beat frantically in his chest.

  He had to do it; there was no use for him to argue about it. He'd done too much, wronged too many since this thing started. He would have to do it. He would have to kill the girl and frame the beast.

  Turning, he walked from the stables and made his way slowly back to the house.

  Chapter Seven

  "'You must kill her,'" Garren read, his voice soft so that he wouldn't wake Brenna, "'that's all there is to it," the man's voice said, his face indistinct in the harsh darkness of the stables.'"

  "'I can't,'" the other man protested, his voice outraged. "'Giving him a drug is one thing, but murdering her…well, that is something I just cannot do.'"

  "Ahh, the plot thickens. But who would want to kill my mother? What was this drug they were talking about?" Garren turned to the next page of the book, the rustling of pages sounding almost unnaturally loud in the quiet of the room. "Chapter Five: Confusion and Confessions…" * * * * Nathaniel woke, his head barely turning on the pillow before Melissa straddled him, her naked breasts a glorious thing to see in greeting the morning. "Good morning, love. You slept well," he said. His hands, wondrously human hands, rose to her waist.

  "I slept wonderfully, though I will admit to missing my fur blanket," she teased, giggling when he grabbed her ribs, tickling the sensitive flesh with his furless fingers. She squirmed and wiggled, finally falling to her back on the bed where he leaned over her, his hand gently pushing the hair from her face.

  "You are so beautiful, Melissa. Promise you won't leave me now that the change has taken place. We can stay here just as I do when I am the beast." The words were rushed, as if he feared her response.

  There was a pounding upon the door, interrupting their play and his quiet plea, leaving him cursing his frustration to the room at large, grabbing his robe and striding to the door to pull it open. "What?" he demanded, though without the inhumanity of the beast in his voice.

  "S-sir, you've…the occurred so soon?" Jeffrey stuttered, stepping back in surprise. The tray he held in his hands slipped and Nathaniel caught it before it could fall, spilling the food that was on it. "Last night, Jeffrey. Isn't it marvelous? Perhaps it means that I'm

  growing out of the curse?" "Perhaps so, Master Nathaniel. You should rest the day, perhaps send the girl back to the village and spend the day in bed." He let the younger man take the tray and followed him into the room. "I can escort her there and return her to you tomorrow, sir."

  "But why would I want Melissa gone, Jeffrey? That makes no sense. She is perhaps the reason that this marvelous thing has happened." He smiled over toward the bed to where he could see her tousled golden head above the bedclothes.

  "I'm just saying that you should rest the day, Master. That is all," Jeffrey hastened to add. "Perhaps eat, for I'm sure you are not completely yourself as of yet." He indicated the tray upon which were two platters, one which contained his normal fare of half cooked beef coated with herbs. The smell had Nathaniel wrinkling his thin nose in disgust.

  "I'd rather have normal food now, please Jeffrey. I doubt that even the dogs would eat that fare. Please return with another breakfast. I think I'm in the mood for eggs this morning." He lifted the other platter, taking it with him to the bed. "Leave it outside the door, would you Jeffrey? That's a good man."

  The dismissal was obvious, but for a moment Jeffrey stood, watching Nathaniel, the man, as he fussed over the young maid. It was obvious that he cared for her and just as obvious that she felt for him as well. He sighed, lifting the platter and carrying the drugged food out of the room. He must not have eaten his dinner the night before; the herbs that brought on the change were very fragile, losing potency if not eaten immediately.

  Melissa was the cause of this. She distracted the master, kept him from his routine. She had to be removed from the home and taken from the master's sight so that Jeffrey might get him back on that routine. But how? Killing her now would be impossible. Since the masterwasn't in his beast form, he would be suspicious of any reason to take Melissa from his sight. He had to get the drugs into the master somehow.

  * * * * Drug
s caused this. Garren's eyes grew wide, his breath short as he wondered, if drugs had made his father the way he was, then what was keeping him like this? He trusted his people; he'd had to, for his survival and to keep the secret of his true form. None had ever betrayed him, for he paid a hefty salary that inspired their loyalty. Was he being secretly drugged also? His eyes scanned down the pages, almost too excited to read the words until one passage caught his attention. * * * * Nathaniel grabbed Jeffrey by the throat, the plate of drugged food falling to the floor at his feet and spattering over the old musty carpeting. "What is this?" he roared. * * * * Garren closed his eyes, forcing himself to calm. His mother's note said to read the entire book, and he would obey that. He trailed his finger back to the page, searching for the passage he'd left off at. * * * * He had to get the drugs into the master somehow. His thoughts heavy, his heart even heavier, for his task was not to

  his liking, Jeffrey hurried to the kitchen to prepare more food. Nathaniel's heart had never seemed fuller, for being with Melissa brought him nothing but joy. He tipped the small cake he held in his hand to her lips, urging her to take a bite even as her hand caressed his face, bemused by the fine features and handsome mien that now reposed there. She opened her mouth obediently, tiny crumbs sprinkling from her lips as her sharp white teeth bit into the cake.

  The crumbs fell to her naked breasts and she lifted her hand to rid herself of them, only to be stopped by Nathaniel's throaty growl.

  "No, let me," he ordered, dropping the cake back to the plate and pushing it to the side. His lips found her skin, his hand trailing over the satiny flesh, turning over to brush the back of his fingers, now gloriously free of fur, against her breast. He nibbled on her skin, his tongue coming out to lick up the tiny crumbs, before moving lower.

  Melissa moaned, lying back against the sheets as he found the pearled pink tip of her breast, his lips opening to claim their prize with relish. He suckled hungrily upon the taut tip, teasing her with flicks of his tongue and tiny nibbling bites of his teeth. He felt her arch under him, a cry of pleasure wrenched from her lips as his mouth became more demanding.

  "I want you," he moaned, staring up into her face now flushed with the passionate needs he aroused within her. "I need you, Melissa. Promise to never leave me," he ordered. "Promise to stay by my side until we are both gone to meet our maker. Promise it," he said harshly, shaking her in his need to hear her say the words.

  "I...I will never leave unless you send me from you, Nathaniel," she whispered, her hands coming up to caress his face. "I...I couldn't even if I wanted to, for my heart resides within you now," she admitted, her expression anxious. It was too soon, she knew, for her to admit her feelings. Would he think her nothing but a frivolous girl to grant her love to any handsome boy that looked her way?

  The smile that lit his handsome face stole her breath and he rose above her, finding her mouth with his own. "We shall marry," he decided, whispering it between kisses.

  Her hands pressed against his chest, holding him back not by her own strength but by his desire to please her. "What?" he asked, staring into the cherished blue of her eyes.

  "You cannot marry a commoner such as me, Nathaniel," she whispered though her words were firm. "You are an earl, a peer of the realm. Your blood runs blue, my lord. Mine is the red of peasants no matter the culture of my words. It is enough that you love one, you do not have to cause the scandal of marrying a commoner."

  "It is because I love you that I do not care if there is a scandal." He sat up, feeling the anger that her words caused eating at him. "You are no more common than I, Melissa. Your heart is true and pure, as pure as your body until I stole your maiden's veil away from you. I wish but to make an honest woman of you and any child you might bear me, so how can you lie there and tell me nay?"

  "It is because of how I feel, because of my feelings for you that I must, my love." She sat also, hazel eyes gazing into soft amber, seeing the hurt and anger reflected there and in the stubborn set of his jaw. "Do you think to ruin our day by pouting?" Her hands reached out, finding his sides and tickling them.

  Nathaniel gave a disgruntled grunt, grabbing her hands and pinning her to the bed. "I am not pouting," he groused, though his lower lip stuck out. "I am angry that you do not realize your worth, nor do you understand my wish to make you mine in the eyes of our Lord, as well as in the eyes of man."

  "Then say them to me now, for is not our Lord everywhere? Speak the words of joining to me; let me speak them to you. It will be enough." She searched his eyes, hers filled with hope. "Now?" he asked, staring down at their naked bodies. "We came into this world as such, why not?" "Why not, indeed." Nathaniel sat up, pulling her up also, turning so that he faced her upon the bed. He ran one shaking hand through his hair, pushing it back and out of his face, the long length falling around his shoulders in thick waves. "I...I have no bride's gift…wait."

  He rose from the bed, going to the small desk that sat in the corner of the room, pulling open the front. His eyes searched the many tiny recesses before he finally pulled open a small drawer, holding up a small ring. He closed the desk, sliding the ring upon his littlest finger before returning to the bed.

  He moved the platter once more, smiling gently at her as he sat next to her and took her hand. "Melissa, I've know you so little time in reality, but my heart recognized you even when I was in the form of the beast. You've tamed my fierceness, you've given me back hope, and laughter, and life. You've taken me from the bleak dark of night and brought me back into the light. I love you," he said, kissing the back of her hands. He slid the ring from his finger, sliding it onto hers, kissing it gently, and thenholding her hand next to his heart.

  A tear started, glittering against the clear blue of her eyes as she stared up at this noble man. His words held her heart in their thrall, his touch sent her senses spinning, and, for just an instant, no words would come.

  Nathaniel reached out, wiping away the tiny tear with the side of his thumb. "Happy tears, I hope," he said softly, leaning down to touch her lips.

  "Very happy, Nathaniel, how could they not be? I've wished upon the stars in the heavens for someone like you, dreamt of you, prayed to find someone who my heart would recognize as my own. Though I never expected him to have fur and fangs," she added, laughing lightly. She reached up, cupping his cheek in her palm, feeling the bristle of whiskered growth. "I would love every part of you, fangs, fur and claws, all of it matters aught as long as we are together." "You will become my wife?" he asked, his eyes searching hers. "Here, now, in the eyes of God, I am yours, body, heart, and soul,

  Nathaniel. I shall stay yours until you no longer want me." "Then we shall be together until the heavens fall, love, for I shall always want you." His mouth found hers once more, sealing the vows they made one to the other with the gentleness of his kiss.

  It stayed gentle only moments, and then emotions, desires, needs flared, to turn his lips passionate, finding their match in hers. His tongue claimed her mouth, his lips twisting to rub and ravish until neither could breathe. He tore his mouth from hers, panting heavily, his hands sliding down her to fill with the bountiful beauty of her breasts.

  She arched into his hands, pressing the aching pink tips into his palms, throwing her head back as the magic of his touch sent shivers of molten desire to boil in her belly. "Nathaniel," she growled, a throaty cry that tugged at the remnants of the beast still deep inside.

  He wanted her with a wildness, a fierceness he'd known only as the beast, the emotions stunning him before driving him to flip her over on the bed. He forced her body down until her belly was pressed to the mattress, ignoring her startled cry, his lips trailing scorching kisses over her shoulder and down the long line of her spine.

  His teeth nipped at her ribs, feeling each delicate bone beneath the sleek muscle and flesh covering it, following the curve of her warm skin to her waist, his hands spanning the tiny width easily. His mouth moved lower, tracing over the top of her heart shaped bottom,
finding the valley that split the pale globes and teasing it with his tongue.

  Melissa tried to squirm out from under him, her body reacting violently to his kisses and caresses. She wanted to touch him, to kiss him just as he was her. It felt strange to be held, to be caressed as he was caressing her now, his tongue plying gentle swirls over the soft rosette hidden between her bottom cheeks.

  Nathaniel felt her hips jerk and slid his hand between the slender ivory columns of her thighs, finding her swollen and wet, her pretty pink flesh ready for his possession. He heard her moans, felt her trying to turn to let herself feel the sharpness of his teeth on one precious globe. "Don't move, Melissa," he growled.

  She felt as she had the day before, in the library, held captive to his touch, to his kiss. She hadn't been able to protest then, had barely been able to breathe from the strange sensations he'd sent screaming through her body. She didn't want to protest now, only to touch him, to hold him as he once more became part of her.

  His hands cupped her flesh, kneading soft resilient skin, holding each globe so that his mouth might press a more intimate kind of caress to her softness. His tongue traced tiny circles over the puckered bud before pressing against it, his fingers stroking over the knot of her clit andthrusting gently into her wet core.

  Melissa wanted to buck against his fingers, to beg him to touch her more, but the things his tongue and his mouth were doing made her too breathless to speak. Strange feelings were shattering through her, strange sensations that seemed dark and inescapable tightening the desire in her belly until she thought she would burst.

  Nathaniel reached for the drawer in his night side table, pulling it open slowly, reaching in for the small vial of precious oil. Lifting his head, his eyes were drawn to her face. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes closed, her breath coming in heated pants as she writhed against his fingers. It was a sight that would arouse even the most spent of desires, sending his pulse racing, and a heavy throbbing to thud in his cock.


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