Ten Silver Bullets

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Ten Silver Bullets Page 5

by Adam Millard

  “Gone? How did he up and leave?”

  “No one knows, Rufus. Then this morning, he was back in his cage and he had some blood on him and his shoulder was cut, or burned. It looked like maybe someone tried to shoot him or something, but he was fine. We bandaged him and gave him some antibiotics.”

  “Well, thank you, but I ain’t got no money to pay you.”

  “Its fine. We all love Lucky.”

  As she said that, another volunteer brought lucky out to him. He looked a little worse for wear, but was a fine specimen of a Rhodesian Ridgeback. And as soon as he saw Rufus, he jumped up and kissed him. Rufus smiled and looked at his best friend. “Hey boy, look at those beautiful eyes. Look how they seem to catch the light.”


  By Zoe Adams


  The bartender finished wiping the glass in his hand and headed towards my quiet corner of the bar.

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” he asked gently, taking the empty glass from in front of me.

  “I said another, dammit! Don’t you realize I’m the one paying you? Just do your job and be quick about it!”

  “Be right back,” I heard him mutter.

  If he thought I was drunk, he was wrong. Dead wrong. That’s a reason I love these human bars - the human are so… What’s the word I’m looking for? Naïve; that’s the one. After all, in such a simple place, it’s more than easy to hide what you truly are. For instance, in the corner booth, two slim Elven girls were giggling at each others' jokes over their white wine spritzers. An aged Necromancer was still huddled over the same drink he’d ordered when I’d walked in. And if I’m not mistaken, a vampire, from the strong copper smell, had just walked in.

  The bartender set a clean glass down and filled it with absinthe. As he did so, I felt his eyes wander over me. I sighed. It wasn’t the first time tonight, but knowing my luck, it wouldn’t be the last either.

  “Yes?” I asked, letting my eyes rise slowly to meet his face.

  “No...nothing. I just noticed… your eyes… well they’re beautiful.”

  I downed the shot in one. They say alcohol numbs the pain, but so far it had done nothing to erase the heartache I felt inside. He once told me that I had beautiful eyes - eyes that he could quite happily drown in.

  I set the glass down as a clock somewhere chimed. Time to get going.

  “How much do I owe you?” I asked, slipping my hand into the pocket of my trench-coat. It was black, dusty and musty and made of quality leather. I never went anywhere without it.

  “Forget it, that one was on the house.” He smiled warmly.

  I gave a small smile back before sliding from the barstool and extending the handle of my wheeled suitcase.

  “Maybe you’ll come back another time?” the bartender asked nervously.


  More likely no, I thought.

  I headed for the door, pausing for a moment to rearrange my fringe in the frosted glass separating more booths. My tanned skin was strangely covered in gooseflesh. With the temperature I ran, it was strange. It never happened.

  The cold air hit my face as I took one step outside the best bar in Lincoln. Unluckily, though, my Doc Marten hit a small patch of ice and I slipped, landing in the doorway of the bar on my backside.

  “Offt!” It felt like all the air had been pushed out of my lungs.

  I heard sniggering and glanced up to see three males looking down upon me.

  I heaved myself up and did my best to straighten my appearance, while they tried to hide their smiles. I followed their eyes and a blush began to creep up my neck. Brand new trousers and they were now ripped at the knee. It was normal for my clothes to rip but now, of all times! This was not good.

  “Are you alright?” the middle guy asked. I turned my attention to him and besides from being rather annoyed at his perverse smile, I realized he was a looker. I mentally shook myself; now was not the time to be staring at gorgeous men. Especially not when you’re trying to forget about one in particular.

  His white body towered over me and his chocolate eyes looked puzzled.

  “Miss?” He toyed with the collar of his black shirt, before he bent down and hauled up my suitcase. A sweet sickly combination of smells struck my nostrils and I nearly gagged.

  “Yeah I’m fine,” I answered, reaching for my case.

  “Feels like you’ve got a lot on your plate,” he said, wheeling it backwards and forwards. It was almost like he was weighing it up, and that made me a little nervous.

  “Nothing I can’t handle,” I replied, a little tersely.

  “Bet a nice girl like you can handle anything she wants.” He rested the handle in my palm and gently caressed his fingers up to the tips of mine. Power surged through in that simple touch and my head reeled.

  I gave him a hard stare, and still holding on to his hand, a low growl escaped my throat.

  “Who said I was a nice girl?”

  He jerked his hand away then and I was hit with slight recoil. It was like an insect had invaded my body and was crawling through my veins and the feeling wasn’t nice at all, but then again why is anything in this life ‘nice’?

  I tugged the case to my side and gave him one last hard look. And if that didn’t work, I’d turn on the charm. I would suss this guy out, even if it took me all night, and if it took that long… well I could always leave early morning.

  It felt like my senses were dulled and I couldn’t tell a thing. It was like he didn’t exist.

  Didn’t exist.

  It hit me, like a great bolt of lightning that had been thrown from the sky by the hand of an almighty God. The eyes, the scent, the power, the dulling of my senses - it made perfect sense now that I thought about it.

  There was only one word to truly describe him.


  A filthy blood-sucking, walking corpse.

  “Oh I can tell you’re a bad girl, alright. Listen, do you fancy stepping back in? I’ll buy you a drink,” he practically purred.

  I snorted. I wasn’t fond of his preference of beverage. Well… not in human form anyway.

  “Take it that’s a no?” he asked, and there was definitely a hint of rejection in his voice.

  “That’s a no,” I smiled sweetly, and brushed past the little group to head in the direction of the train station. It was my only way out of town tonight, since the boys back home had decided to dismantle my beloved Triumph motorcycle.

  “You know, dog, the only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name.”

  I turned on my heel to face him, anger exuding from every pore.


  “You thought I wouldn’t know what you are. Pathetic really,” he said, raising an eyebrow slightly.

  My knees shook ever so slightly and memories flooded to the surface of my brain, one word resounding in my ears… Pathetic…

  I saw my mother’s cold dead body as she lay on a concrete slab, blood staining her face and my half clawed fingers. I saw my father’s angry expression as I failed to catch my prey. I saw Joseph’s face as he told me everything he’d ever wanted to tell me…

  “Quite the little daydreamer aren’t you?” a voice trickled into my ears.

  I shook my head to dislodge the memories that were now starting to plague me like a fly. How could I think this guy was a looker? He was, in fact, a sarcastic, blood-drinking sonofabitch.

  “It’s none of your business what I am, alright?” I snarled.

  “In actual fact, sweetness, I’m afraid it is. You see, whether you like it or not, you’re going to be my bride.“

  “I beg your pardon?” My jaw dropped.

  “Please don’t interrupt. It’s awfully rude. Remember your manners. Now, as I was saying,” he pierced me with his eyes and I shivered, “you’re going to be my bride. I’ve been watching you for a while, and you’re exactly what I need.” He smiled, what he imagined was a ver
y winning smile. It wasn’t.

  “Well begging your pardon Fang-Face, but I am not going to be anyone’s bride - not for a long, long time. If you’ve been watching me, that’s rather perverse and I am not what anyone needs.” I smirked back. I resisted the temptation to stick out my tongue, like a child.

  “As you say,” he said simply and bowed his head.

  My dad always says take every opportunity that presents itself by the paw, whether it’s for business or whether it’s for pleasure. His advice was going to work in this situation.

  Making sure, I had a firm grip on my case, I turned away, glad to get away from this town full of monsters and men.


  Christoph cracked his knuckles and scowled as he watched the girl walk away from him. No one had ever walked away from him. No one. The rejection stung but it only tightened his resolve. He wouldn’t let her get away that easily. If he played it out right, it could turn into a rather interesting game of cat and mouse.

  He knew the girl was the only daughter of a powerful Alpha, and then meant money and territory. Territory meant a home. Money meant power. Power meant everything. He would make her his for an eternity, whether she wanted to be his or not.

  He glanced first to his left, and then to his right, taking in the sight that was his children. Two, strong, handsome lads that he just hadn’t the heart to drain. He knew on instinct that they would make remarkable vampires and he hadn’t been wrong. Matthew and Brian; Brian and Matthew. They were his sons. Twins, in fact. All they needed was a mother to keep them from trouble. And he knew where to get the perfect one, even if she was a little unorthodox.

  “Boys,” he said sharply, “I want her alive.”


  I fought the urge to look back over my shoulder, because I knew it would only invite trouble. And trouble wasn’t what I wanted. To be honest, I wish I hadn’t left the bar, but I was stubborn and wanted to follow my plan. Considering that, though, how was I supposed to know that there were three vampires outside?

  The sounds of drunken laughter assailed my ears and I stopped in my tracks. I ducked into the shadows. From another bar further ahead, a group of alcohol-fuelled humans started yelling and shouting.

  And that created a dilemma and half. If I carried on straight down the road, past the drunks, they would be sure to stop me and I was not in the mood to deal with them, yet it was the most direct route to the station.

  However, a series of connecting alleys led to just near the station’s entrance, and that was good enough for me. No drunks to deal with, just the ever encroaching darkness.

  I’d take my chances in the dark.

  The smell of week-old food and stagnant water overpowered every single one of my senses. Who knew what I was standing in? Humans were truly disgusting.

  I hauled my suitcase into my arms, and started to make my way between the slowly-building heaps of garbage dusted with frost. Noises unnerved me, which was not comforting. It sounded at first like a rat gnawing a hole through something. Filthy vermin. I’d stand on the little bastard if I got a chance.

  A nearby cat screeched as if its tail had been trodden on and I stopped, heart in my mouth. I wasn’t usually a nervous wreck - what was wrong with me?

  “Little wolf, little wolf, come out, come out wherever you are!”

  “We won’t bite… hard!”

  Terror welled inside me and almost regretting it, I turned my head and spotted the two vampires from earlier.


  I waited until one stepped forward, and I heaved the suitcase over my head, aiming it straight at them. As soon as it left my grasp, I hurtled down the alley, leaping over upturned boxes, the bottom of my trench-coat flying behind me.

  I could feel anger well up inside me. I gasped, bending slightly at the waist. As soon as I bent, the pain receded, and I pushed on, harder than before.

  My foot caught on the side of a junk pile and I landed sprawled out down the alley, slicing my arm on the ground. Blood erupted, spilling down my arm and I heard the vamps inhaling.

  “Double shit.”

  Ignoring the blood, I scrambled up onto my feet and kept going. There was a metal ladder just up ahead or another alley that veered right. If I climbed up, I’d probably have a better chance to fight back… If it was a fight they wanted. I needed to propel myself forward and then I’d have the upper hand.

  Taking a deep breath, I sprang forward, arms outstretched. My right hand connected with cold metal and I knew I’d judged it right. Quickly, I started to scramble.

  “She’s headed up!”

  I had only climbed a few rungs when something grabbed at my ankle, stopping my ascent. It felt like rotting flesh and I instinctively kicked out. I felt my foot connect with its target and I heard the grunt of pain.

  Satisfied, I climbed again, gaining speed, getting higher and higher until I reached the top, where the ladder had taken a beating from the weather. It looked as unstable as I was feeling. I vaulted over the battered brick-top as best as I could, rolling as I landed, breaking what would have been a hard fall.

  I shrugged off my jacket, letting it fall to the ground, and concentrated on the foul creatures that had me fearing for my life.

  Vampires. Fucking vampires. Stinking, foul, blood-sucking bastards.

  Pain rippled along my body and I resisted the urge to scream like the woman I am. Dropping to my knees, I concentrated on the gradually building anger. Vampires. I could see that creep right before my eyes and my vision clouded.

  It was coming.

  I could see a wood, tall, green and lush, teeming with all manner of wildlife. A stream bubbled and splashed. The wind rippled the long grass.

  A rabbit wasn’t far away. I could smell its fear. Its black beady eyes grew wide, as I bounded across the expansive landscape. A rush of pleasure trembled through my body as I sank my pearly canines into its lithe brown body.

  I flung my head back and let out an ear-piercing howl, my long ears pricked high. As I fell silent, the echo reverberated through the air.

  I padded forward softly, my paws denting the ground. Dropping my nose to the ground, I followed the muddy pathway to the river, where I witnessed my reflection.

  A pure white wolf stared straight back at me and the transformation was complete.

  Back on the roof, I lowered my body, head raised, fully prepared. The seconds passed before the bloodsuckers vaulted over, landing in a similar crouch to myself.

  Without waiting for them to strike, I leapt straight at the nearest cretin and sunk my teeth into his right shoulder. He screamed and struck out with a hand. It caught the side of my jaw and knocked me backwards, so I ended up sprawled in a heap.

  My eyes flickered and the looming fanged face of one of the vampires, eyes wide with blood lust, appeared. I rolled to one side and struck out with my paw, hackles up. My paw connected with his face, and my sharp claws dug in.

  Blood spurted from his face and my claws dug more ferociously. His pain was music to my ears. He tried to fling me off, but this only resulted in him toppling backwards. Taking my chance, I sank my teeth into his flesh again, relishing in the taste of his blood.

  A putrid smell arose from the wound I’d made and I released him, just as fingernails sank into my ruff and flung me backwards.

  My spine scraped the rooftop and I let out a deep growl of pain. The vampire’s screams resounded in my ears. I shook myself, as a new scent invaded my nostrils. Twisting my body, I spotted a pure black wolf trotting slowly towards me.

  Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Sophie? Sound kill, girl.

  My hackles raised and I showed him my blood stained teeth.

  Fuck you Joseph!

  I padded over softly and nudged against him.In his wolf form, Joseph is still taller, faster and stronger than me… Joseph was a protector, worthy of ranking higher in our pack.

  He nudged me back and I felt him nip my ear in an affectionate manner.

  I’ve never thought
of Joseph in a romantic way, but at that moment… I could see what my father meant. He does love me, and I’m just too stu—

  “You bitch! You killed him! You killed Matthew!”

  I dropped to my front legs, backside raised and felt Joseph fall into sync with me. The vampire was fixed in my sights. The creature was blood-stained and his shirt was in tatters. The ‘Matthew’ he spoke of was dead - he was still bleeding out, with deep scratches all along his body.

  “You’ll pay for that!”

  A deep growl erupted from Joseph and he started to gently prowl forward.

  “Harm one hair on my son's head and you will find yourself taking a long walk off a short roof, mutt.”

  Standing atop the ridge of the roof was the blood-sucking bastard. My tail flicked and swished with frustration. He lightly jumped beside his ‘son’. They looked nothing alike, but I guess he meant his created son. It made my blood boil, knowing he had taken a life merely to have a companion.

  I narrowed my eyes to see the ‘son’ clearly. Small tears rolled down his face and he was muttering something under his breath. Without warning, he shouted, “Die!” and leapt straight at me.

  I met with him, striking his chest with my paws, pushing him away. He went staggering backwards and came back, attempting to throttle me. I leapt slightly to the side and snapped at his ankles, making him dance away from me.

  “Dumb dog!” he laughed.

  A blur of fur hit him in the chest, making him barrel over.

  A prolonged howl pierced the air and I knew that Joseph could handle himself.

  Joseph and the vampire started what could only be described as a frenzied dance, until they became small blurs. It was hard to keep focus, but the howls and growls meant that Joseph was alive. That was a good thing. Once he set himself after his prey, he never gave up.


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