Role Play (Plaything Book 4)

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Role Play (Plaything Book 4) Page 8

by Tess Oliver

  I reached between our bodies and untied the string on his trunks. They dropped to his ankles. His massive cock pressed urgently against my belly. We had decided to take the next step in our relationship and get the all clear for having sex without a condom. I was already on birth control, so there was no worry of a pregnancy derailing my acting career. Or the career I was hoping to have.

  We stretched out on the towel. The warmth of the sun mingled with the salty breeze, making it the perfect place to be naked.

  Aidan leaned on his side and propped up on his elbow. He trailed his fingers over my breasts and my stomach. "If I ever get stuck on a deserted island, I want to be stranded with you." His hand moved down between my legs.

  I drew in a long, slow breath as he ran his fingers through the moisture. He kissed my breasts as his fingers slid inside of me. My eyes drifted shut, and the rays of sunlight warmed my face.

  His fingers probed me, while his thumb strummed against my clit. Hot wetness pooled in my pussy. He groaned as his fingers penetrated me. He teased my nipple between his teeth. I arched my back for more. He tugged at them gently, bringing each one to a tight bud.

  "Fuck baby," he muttered. "You are so wet. I'm your fucking Tarzan, and I want my Jane on her hands and knees. Will you do that for me?"

  He always knew exactly what to say to push me to that next level of arousal. With a long, low sigh I turned onto my stomach and pushed up to my hands and knees.

  "Fuck yeah, that's the only way to fuck in the middle of a jungle." Aidan got up on his knees and circled behind me. He pushed my knees wider and moved closer.

  I held my breath, waiting for his enormous cock, but he leaned over me and kissed my back for a few seconds. One hand reached around me and found its place against my pussy again. He massaged my clit and continued to kiss my naked back, bringing me close to orgasm with just his magical touch.

  My moans floated up through the trees and away with the breeze as he brought me closer to climax. "Oh, Aidan, I'm almost there."

  He continued to fondle my clit as his free hand took hold of my hip, holding me firmly in front of him. Before I could catch my breath, he thrust his cock inside of me. I cried out and my pussy squeezed against the pressure of his thick erection. I came in dizzying waves. No longer hindered by the thin walls of the apartment building, I cried out with each penetration.

  I could barely keep my arms and legs steady beneath me. He pumped his cock into me over and over again until his body stiffened and his deep groan filled the air.

  We collapsed down together onto the towel. I turned to him and curled against his chest. I could feel sand beneath my bottom, but it was a minor inconvenience given the amazingly erotic setting.

  "I don't think I've ever had sex outside in the open air," I said as I cuddled closer to steal some of his body heat.

  "No? It's pretty cool, isn't it?"

  I popped my head up. "Wait a minute. How the heck did you know about this ideal little place with the soft sand and curtain of trees and bushes?"

  He stared up at me without a response.

  I rested back down. "Never mind. I'm sure it's best I don't know the answer to that." I had already told myself that I was going to ignore Aidan's past. We didn't know each other then, and it was none of my business. As long as I had him all to myself now, my heart was content, content and nearly bursting with feelings for the man.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I had just finished lacing up my steel-toed boots when a rapid knock hit my door. I even knew the sound of her knuckles.

  I swung open the door. Jane squealed with excitement as she pointed at her phone, apparently trying to let me know that she'd had a good conversation with someone.

  "You're never going to believe this. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it, so why would you believe it?" The words were spurting from her lips so fast I could barely catch what she was saying.

  I took hold of her hand and pulled her inside. "Deep breath, Jane. What's happening?"

  "It's down to me and one other actress." She waved her hand dismissively. "Yes, she has a bigger resume than me, but I don't think she's right for the part at all. But they might think so. I don't know." She jumped around like a kid who just won a pony at the carnival. "But I have a fifty-fifty chance to get the part. Maybe even better because Russell has an in with one of the casting crew. That's how he got me in for the audition in the first place."

  She hopped up on tiptoes and threw her arms around my neck. "Can you believe it?"

  "Yes, I can. I've told you, you are perfect for the big screen. And you're by far my favorite leading lady."

  That comment earned me a long kiss. Then a number of questions swirled through my head.

  She dropped back to her feet. "I smell coffee. I haven't made any yet. I was so excited I couldn't even do that simple task." She walked into my kitchen and grabbed a cup.

  I followed and sat at the counter as she poured herself a cup. "If this happens, my first question would be who is the leading man because I already hate him."

  Jane smiled over the brim of her cup. "You don't have to hate him because he's nothing compared to my giant honey bear of a man who always knows exactly what to say without a script. It's Nick Sutter, and he's not all that great. I'll be meeting him this afternoon. The third reading is with him. They want to assess how much chemistry the two leads have together."

  "Great. That's the guy all the women fantasize about."

  Jane walked around to me and took hold of my hand. "Not all the women because I only fantasize about you."

  It felt like I had swallowed balls of lead instead of cereal for breakfast. I hadn't thought enough about what Jane's life would be like if her acting career took off. A movie like this would definitely be a huge start. As badly as I wanted it for her, I knew it wasn't going to be great for our new relationship.

  "Would you have to travel? You'll probably be away for a long time on some faraway movie set. Moscow, right?"

  "Most of it will be filmed right here in the studio, but there will be some traveling to Europe." She pressed her hand against my face and kissed me lightly on the mouth. "It'll be fine. Besides, I don't have the part yet."

  I hugged her against me. "You'll get it. They would be nuts to let someone like you slip away." I was one part happy for her and one part sad. But that part was mostly for me. Now I knew how Chase, Zane and Trey felt. I'd laughed off their steady love interests, convinced that I'd never want to settle down with one woman. But that was before I met Jane.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I was only two minutes late to the floor, but Hilda had decided to make me suffer for those two minutes. She placed me on bathroom monitor duty during the midday rush, which was as awful as it sounded. At least it was sort of a mindless task. It was gross, but it required little thought. Which suited me because I couldn't think about anything except the audition.

  Yesterday I'd spent four hours, doing lines with Nick Sutter, the leading man, who in person was a little underwhelming and small. Although that might have been because I was now in the habit of comparing every man to Aidan.

  The casting director and producers had decided to do a film test after we ran through lines. Russell assured me that was a good sign. As positive as things seemed, I had been working hard to remind myself that it might not happen so that I'd be ready for the death blow.

  I patted the pocket of my smock to make sure I didn't drop my phone. It would be just like me to lose the thing and miss Russell's call. I was not supposed to have a phone with me on the floor, but there just wasn't any way I could leave it in my locker and wait until break time to look at it. If the call did come through, I didn't want to hear the fate of my future on voicemail.

  I tucked my clipboard under my arm and walked with my head held high past Hilda's bitchy sneer. She wanted to see me looking miserable, but I refused to give her the satisfaction. Hilda was about five years older than me. She'd been eng
aged to the same man for three years. She talked about planning a wedding all the time, but they never set any kind of date. I figured she was the only one on board with actually going through with it. She was one of those self-important people who went through life trying to prove that they were better than everyone else. I had always been a target for her anger, and I had no idea why.

  I knocked on the men's bathroom, pushed the door open and yelled inside. "Restroom inspection. Is there anyone in here?" Unlike the women's bathrooms, the men's were almost always empty. I walked inside and cringed. Even though they were used less, they were still gross.

  My phone echoed in the tile room, and I nearly dropped my clipboard. I pulled out my phone. It was a text, which helped slow my heart rate because I knew Russell wouldn't tell me anything important through a text.

  My heart raced again when I saw it was a text from Aidan. "Have you heard anything yet?"

  I loved that he was thinking about me in the middle of his busy work day. I knew he was feeling a little apprehensive about how my life would change if I got the part, but it seemed he wanted this for me as badly as I wanted it for myself.

  "No word yet. But I can't concentrate on anything else. And Horrid Hilda put me on bathroom duty, so I'm standing in the men's room."

  "She really sucks. Let me know when you hear."

  "I will." I stuck the phone back in my pocket just as a call came through. This time I dropped the clipboard and the pen went rolling across the disgusting floor. I was never picking it up again.

  "Russell," I said way too loudly and lowered my voice. "Any news?"

  "Well, let me see. If you mean news about the part, then yes."

  I waited and assumed the pause meant bad news. I was gearing up for disappointment. My whole body felt as if it was sinking into the ground from the weight of it.

  "Uh, earth to Jane, are you still alive?"

  I sniffled once and told myself it would only be that one sniffle. Then immediately went to a second sniffle. "I'm here."

  "Then did you hear me? I said yes. You got the part, sweetie. Oscar party here we come!"

  My squeal circled the room and bounced off every corner. "You said yes you had news, not yes I got the part. I was just about to sink into the drain in the bathroom floor."

  "Why the heck is the next silver screen mega star talking to her very important agent while standing in the bathroom?"

  "Because I work for a terrible woman," and just as I said it, Hilda knocked and pushed open the door.

  "Jane! Why are you on the phone?"

  Russell heard her in the background. "God, she sounds awful. I'll call you later. Congratulations, baby, you're on your way."

  "Thanks, Russell." I hung up and smiled at Hilda.

  That made her even angrier. She grimaced and brought together her dark brows, making her look much older. I was waiting for fire to shoot from her nostrils. She kicked the clipboard. It slid across the sticky floor, stopping right at my toes. "Pick that up. I'm going to the office to write you up right now."

  I began unbuttoning the smock, which made her face red with rage. "What the hell are you doing?"

  I shrugged out of the smock and dropped it on the floor next to the clipboard. "You can pick it up. Oh, and the pen rolled under one of the stall doors. I quit. Good luck with that wedding." I sidled past her, feeling the heat of her angry scowl on me as I opened the door and walked out.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  We clinked our glasses together for the fifth time. The entire morning, since she'd called with the news, my feelings about Jane's movie role bounced back and forth between being elated and being apprehensive. But when she showed up at my office door, looking as if she needed weights on her shoes just to keep her feet on the ground, I landed firmly in the elated category. If she was happy, I was happy. And if things were meant to be, then they were meant to be. It sounded simple, almost too simple in my head. But I just wanted her to know that she had my full support.

  I discretely checked my phone for a message from Heath. We had a major shipment going out today. It was the kind of day when I wouldn't normally break for lunch until the last truck was gone. But Jane was so excited, and I was dying to see her. So I carved out an hour of free time.

  "Is everything all right at work? I hope I didn't take you from something important." Jane sipped her third glass of champagne. Her cheeks were pink from being slightly drunk, which naturally made me wish there was time to stop at my apartment on the way back to the warehouse.

  "Nothing more important than you. I only wish we had time for a quickie."

  A sly smile crossed her lips as she moved her foot under the table. Seconds later her toes were rested against my crotch. "Are you sure there's no time? I'm free until three o'clock when I have to meet up with Russell to go over details. Holy shit.” She dropped her foot, seemingly forgetting all about the under the table flirting idea. "I can't believe I'm going over details with my agent about a movie role. It's all so surreal. I'm sitting here with my superhero sized boyfriend, who is one half dream and one half fantasy, and I'm talking about being a leading lady in a movie. Things never line up so beautifully like this. It's just not in my stars. When I was in high school, I wanted nothing more than to be head cheerleader. I worked my butt off. I got the position only to trip on a curb on the way out of the gym after tryouts. I broke my leg. My cheer career was over and head cheerleader went to my lifelong nemesis. That's how things usually go for me." She picked up her napkin and pressed it over her mouth. Her green eyes flickered with worry.

  "What's wrong?" I looked behind me expecting to see a monster, or worse, her ex-boyfriend, but there was no one there. As I turned back to her I figured out why she'd pushed the napkin over her mouth. "You are worried you just said all that out loud?"

  She nodded. "I'm so stupid, always testing fate like that."

  "Jane, stop worrying about superstitions. You got the part because you are beautiful and talented. And as for me, you're stuck with this half dream, half fantasy. Until you become too famous and I'm just a memory."

  "Never." She sipped some more champagne. "Woo, this stuff has me bubbly all over. Are you sure you don't have any extra time? I get kind of loose when I've had champagne."

  "Loose, huh? Let's get out of here. I just found an extra half hour in my work schedule."

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  We barely made it inside my apartment. My head was light from the champagne and from the incredible events of the day. I wasn't just on cloud nine, I was on cloud ninety nine.

  My giddiness put a plan in my head on the drive home, and it was time to move into action. Aidan had me squeezed between his hard body and the wall as I fumbled for the button on his pants. He pulled my shirt off and as it came up over my head, I dropped to my knees in front of him. The move caught him by surprise. But by the time he figured out what was happening, he had resigned himself completely.

  I tugged at his pants and briefs until they were down to his knees. His cock was an extraordinary sight up close, impossibly big and shiny wet with precum. He rested his hands against the wall in front of him. His groans rained down on my head as I wrapped my hand around his shaft. I cupped his balls with my free hand and gently pushed the slick, fleshy tip against my lips. My tongue circled the salty liquid and then I slid my mouth over him.

  "That feels so fucking good, baby."

  Giving him pleasure and making him growl with desire coaxed wet heat between my legs. Having him in my mouth was nearly as fulfilling as having him inside of me. I dragged my lips back and forth over him, using my hand to cover the length of him that I couldn't take into my mouth. He was so big, so dauntingly big, it made me shiver with the thought of him being buried to the hilt inside of me.

  I cupped his heavy sac in my hand and lightly traced circles around his balls.

  His big hand reached down, and he tangled his fingers in my hair. "This is fucking hot, but I can't
leave here without fucking you." His voice was deep and sticky as if every word took effort. "Please, Jane."

  I slowly withdrew my lips. He took hold of my arms and lifted me to my feet. His eyes were dark with passion. In seconds, he had me stripped naked. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my ass and lifted me up against the wall. He was inside of me before I could take another breath. His strength and the fury with which he thrust into me shook the entire wall, and I wondered if it would crumble like the door. The wall would be much harder to explain.

  His large hands circled my ass cheeks and spread me wide, pulling my clit against him. The heat and pressure immediately brought me to climax as he pumped his cock inside of me.

  "Yes, fuck yes, Aidan!" I still hadn't dropped back to earth from the extraordinary day I'd had, and my voice sounded strange to my ears.

  Aidan's powerful arms clamped around me, signaling that he was close to coming. His mouth slammed over mine, and he jammed into me one last time.

  He still held me tightly against the wall. I brushed the hair back from his face and waited for his breathing to slow. I kissed his mouth.

  He opened his eyes. "Glad I decided on a long lunch break."

  "Best break I've had in a long time."

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It had been three days since Jane heard the news. She had a late afternoon meeting with her agent to sign papers and then I was taking her out for a night of celebration. She was still constantly pinching herself, and I couldn't blame her. It was a big fucking deal.


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