Broken Empire (Broken Empire Duet Book 2)

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Broken Empire (Broken Empire Duet Book 2) Page 12

by Savanna Gray

  “Slit his fucking throat,” Antonio said.

  “No,” I shot back. “Death is too easy. He deserves to have everything taken from him piece by piece.”

  Luca’s hazel eyes gleamed under the lights in his dark club. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I need a confession first.”

  Luca buttoned his suit jacket. “Torture, then?”

  I nodded.

  Antonio rubbed his hands together with a creepy grin.

  After all the years of being forced to do Senator York’s dirty work, Antonio was more than ready to take this motherfucker down. He deserved much worse than what I had planned. But we had a short window before we had to leave for Boston.

  I grinned so fucking much my face hurt. Senator York was strung up in the basement of Luca’s club by his ankles, without a shirt, and his hands tied behind his back. A handkerchief covered his mouth. Tears streamed down his reddened cheeks. He tried to scream when he looked at me, his dark eyes full of hatred. The more he tried to kick and shake free from his shackles, the more energy he wasted. He wasn’t going anywhere.

  Even when I had control over this man, he still couldn’t stop fighting. At least he wasn’t a fucking pussy. I had to give him that. Most men would have crumbled in this situation, maybe even begged for mercy. But not Senator Jonathan York. He still thought he was invincible.

  Standing in front of him, with a wicked smirk plastered on my face, I tugged the fabric away from his mouth.

  “Let me down, you piece of shit,” he yelled.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and laughed. This was the first and only time I would ever get the best of this man. Because of that, I wanted to savor every second.

  Antonio stood at my side, a sharpened blade in his hand and the same evil grin crossing his lips. We had used this tactic dozens of times. With the blood rushing to Senator York’s head, it wouldn’t be long after Antonio sliced him open before he lost consciousness. Even though I wanted my vengeance, I let Antonio do the honors.

  Antonio dragged the knife along the Senator’s chest. A trail of blood ran down his body, over his right shoulder, and onto the floor. I wanted to cut into his flesh until every last drop of his blood was pooled on the floor at my feet. But I needed information from him. His confession was the key to Sienna’s freedom as well as mine. And his downfall couldn’t be his death. That would be too kind. He hadn’t earned my mercy.

  “You sick fucks,” Senator York growled. “You will pay for this. Mark my words.” His last breath was ragged as if he expelled the last of his energy to get it out. He closed his eyes for a second and breathed through his nose.

  “If anyone is going to pay, it will be you, Senator,” I shot back.

  Glancing at Antonio, I tilted my head to Senator York to tell him to keep going. This time, Antonio stuck the knife into his neck, slicing deeper than before. Blood dripped onto the cement floor, right in front of my Ferragamo oxfords. I took a step back, careful not to ruin my dress shoes.

  “What did you do with my daughter?” Senator York could barely get out the words.

  “Ruined her,” I said to piss him off even more. “Like I’m going to do to you.”

  “You’re just a boy.” He spoke with one eye open, kicking his feet to try to shake free without any luck. “You have no power.”

  “For someone who’s tied up and bleeding to death, you still think you hold all the cards.” I hunched down next to him. “You killed your own son. I know the truth. Your daughter knows the truth, too.”

  “Ethan wasn’t my son,” he countered.

  “But you killed him. Admit it. You had someone push Ethan off the roof at the charity event, and then you tried to pin it on me.”

  “What’s your point?”

  He was so fucking stubborn, something we had in common. But even I knew when I was on the losing side. There was no way he was getting out of this basement without giving me what I needed. His demise was the only way I could have a legitimate future with Sienna. She deserved better than a fugitive who would have to be on the run for the rest of his life, which would make her one, too. And I couldn’t do that to her.

  “Just admit it, Senator.” I squeezed the cut on his neck and smirked as his blood poured onto the floor. “And maybe I’ll let you live.”

  “I had Ethan killed,” he confessed. “Satisfied? Now let me down.”

  I looked up at Antonio, who had a greedy look in his eyes. He wanted to kill Senator York. Antonio was part of every bullshit mission I had to endure over the years, all at the Senator’s request. Under different circumstances, I would have helped him kill this asshole in a second.

  Luca remained quiet, with his cell phone held out in front of him to record our conversation. Ethan’s death wasn’t enough to force the Senator’s hand. We needed more.

  “I never threatened you,” I said to Senator York. “You fabricated the evidence.”

  He shot me a pained look. “So, what? You were interfering with my plans for my daughter. I did what I had to do to get you out of the equation.”

  “You mean I was messing with your re-election campaign. Don’t even pretend like you give a shit about Sienna.”

  “I love my daughter,” he said, defensive. It was hard to believe he loved anyone but himself. “What did you do to her?”

  “You’ll never see her again. She wants nothing to do with you.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes. The Senator wouldn’t last much longer at this rate. He was losing consciousness by the second. I had to get this over with—and fast. Luca raised his other arm to show me the Rolex on his wrist, telling me we didn’t have much time left. The ship was departing from Boston in the morning, leaving us without much room.

  “Got what we need?” I asked Luca.

  He nodded.

  I pushed myself up from the floor and brushed my hands down the front of my slacks. “Thanks, Senator. I have everything I need from you.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath and sighed. “Just kill me and get it over with already.”

  I laughed. “I’m not going to kill you.”

  “Then what the fuck do you want?”

  “Tomorrow, you’re going to have the charges dropped against me. Tell the FBI it was a misunderstanding and that you overreacted. And then you’re going to withdraw your nomination to the Senate.”

  He snorted. “Not gonna happen. I’ve been a United States Senator for over twenty years.”

  “If you don’t, you’ll get a piece of Sienna in the mail every week for the next year.”

  “You wouldn’t,” he growled.

  Staring down at him, I moved my hands to my hips. “Try me.”

  “And then we’ll repeat the same process with every member of your family,” Antonio added, “saving you for last.”

  “I don’t have any family left.”

  “Your mother is still alive,” Antonio said. “She lives in Connecticut with your younger sister. We’ll start with them.”

  “Fine,” Senator York whispered.

  I’d never seen him so vulnerable, and it brought a smile to my face. He’d caused Sienna so much pain, so much heartbreak. Everything he had coming to him was well deserved. Too bad I wouldn’t be there to watch his downfall.

  “If you try to back out, Luca and his men will be there, watching over you. My father can’t help you anymore.”

  He closed his eyes and kept them shut. Blood ran down his chest and neck, still dripping onto the floor. As expected, he lost consciousness.

  Sienna was free from this man. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her beautiful face when I told her everything was about to change, and this time, for the better.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I stood on the balcony, waiting for Marco’s car to arrive at his grandfather's vineyard. The Salvatores were one of the wealthiest families in Italy. They owned hundreds of acres, most of the shops in the village, and three other vineyards in Italy. In
Calabria, they were in charge, which was a change from my life back in New York. My father wasn’t here to torture me anymore. He no longer held his position of power.

  Last week, I sat on the bed next to Cara and stared at the television in shock as my father announced his intention to leave public office. All he’d ever wanted was to rule the world. And he gave it up. I still wasn’t sure why he did it, though I was positive Marco and his family had something to do with it. Alessio had encouraged me to watch my father’s downfall for a reason, and I loved every second of it.

  When a black Mercedes pulled up out front, my heart pounded in my chest. Marco was here, at our new home, in the seaside town where we would start our life together. The driver opened the door for Marco, and Antonio was right behind him. I was surprised to see both of them. I should have figured Marco wouldn’t want to be apart from his twin.

  Without thinking, I hopped over the first-floor balcony and landed on the stone walkway. My feet carried me over to Marco, faster than I’d realized, and then I was in his arms.

  He lifted me up and off the ground, holding me so tight I thought he would break me. “My raven,” he whispered against my ear. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”

  “It’s been hell without you, Marco.” I kissed his cheek and continued to press my lips to every inch of his face until he laughed at me. “I missed you, too.”

  He slid his hand beneath my chin until our eyes meet, an intense fire burning behind his deep blue irises. “Everything will be different here. I took care of your father. We’re both free from our fathers.”

  “You’re going to work for your grandfather, right?”

  He nodded. “That part of my life isn’t going to change. This is who I am.”

  I smiled so hard my face hurt. “I’ve known who you are from the first time you touched me. The first time you kissed me. I’ve always known you were different, unlike the men my father would have chosen for me. And that’s what I like about you. What I’ve always loved about you.”

  A smirk turned up the corner of my mouth. Marco rolled his tongue over his bottom lip, looking at me as if I were a piece of meat he wanted to devour. And then he kissed me. Rough, hard, and with so much passion I had to grip his muscular arms. The air shifted when we were together, his gravitational pull rocking me to the core.

  When he peeled his lips from mine, my head spun. Every part of my body was alive, on fire from the burning sensation spreading down my arms and legs.

  “I need you, Marco,” I said against his lips.

  “I have to talk to Grandpa Pete first, and then you can have me for the rest of the night.”

  I kissed him once more, this time a quick peck that made my body tingle. My panties were damp, my core aching. I was desperate for him to touch me.

  “Hey, Sienna.” Antonio moved to Marco’s side, with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

  “Hey,” I muttered. “How was your trip?”

  He shrugged, the color in his face a little off. Antonio had the same olive skin as Marco, except he had a yellowish tint as if he were sick. “Tiring. I’m looking forward to sleeping for the next few days.” He smacked Marco on the shoulder. “This asshole wouldn’t stop snoring. The storm we hit didn’t help. I got seasick from it.”

  “I wouldn’t sleep in the room next to ours,” Marco said with a wicked smirk. “Sienna and I have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Rolling his eyes, Antonio laughed. “I doubt even you two could keep me up. After dinner, I’m taking a bottle of wine up to my room and passing out.”

  Leading me into the house, Marco said, “You should wait for me upstairs. Grandpa Pete is private when it comes to family matters. Antonio and I have to talk to him about our new positions. I’ll find you after we’re done.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” I kissed him on the cheek and walked toward the staircase at the end of the long tiled hall.

  I left the door unlocked for Marco and stood on the balcony attached to my bedroom, staring out at the vineyard. The villa had picturesque views from this side of the house. I still couldn’t believe I was in Italy, free of my father, and living with the Salvatores.

  For the first time, I felt like I was part of a real family, instead of the fake one I was raised into. I wasn’t expected to pose for pictures or pretend I had this amazing life for the world to see. There were no constituents I had to impress or dinner parties to attend for election campaigns. None of it seemed real to me. I often pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming because it was too good to be true.

  I heard the door shut behind me, but I didn’t bother to turn around. Marco wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

  I leaned my head back and smiled up at him. “I can’t believe we’re here. Together. I never thought I would see this day.”

  He rested his chin on top of my head, cradling me. “I made you a promise a long time ago.”

  “I never expected you to make good on that promise. After my father sent me away, I never thought I would see you. And then there you were… always there to rescue me.”

  “I told you I would free you from your father. I knew it would take time.”

  I covered his hands with mine. “And you made it happen. All of my dreams are finally coming true.”

  He laughed. “It was your dream to be smuggled out of the country and hidden on the estate of a Mafia boss?”

  “You, silly.” I smacked his hand and chuckled. “You are my dream. I’ve wanted to be with you from the first time I saw you in the hallway at school. You gave me this look like I was your property. No one has ever looked at me the way you do.”

  He slid his hands up my stomach, tugging the thin fabric of my dress down to expose my breasts. As Marco pinched my nipples, he awakened the hunger inside me.

  “Marco,” I whispered. “People can see us up here.” I had trouble getting out the words.

  He kissed my neck and then ran his teeth along my skin, his breath causing me to tremble. Ignoring me, he continued his exploration of my body. He pinched the tiny bud between his fingers, igniting a fire beneath my skin. My nipples were hardened peaks, swollen and begging for his mouth.

  Marco spun me around and lifted me up, hooking my legs around his back. My core was aching, ready to burst from the pressure. Once his tongue made contact with my sensitive skin, I closed my eyes and moaned his name. I’d missed everything about him. Only Marco could do this to me. Make me come completely undone.

  Marco cupped my ass in one hand and the side of my face with the other. “I love you, Sienna.”

  I brushed my lips against his. “I love you, too, Marco.”

  “This is it. You. Me. Us. Forever. Things will be different in Italy. No more fathers to interfere with our lives.” He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled. “Never again. But my family works differently here. What I did back home was tame compared to what my grandfather expects of me.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “My family is more active here.” He set me on the floor in front of him. “They have ways of doing things you might not like.”

  “Are we in danger?”

  He shook his head. “We’re safe in Calabria. My grandfather has connections, but we also have our fair share of enemies.”

  “If you’re not worried, neither am I.”

  Before I could get out another word, Marco’s lips crashed into mine. He kissed me like he owned me. And he did. My heart belonged to him.

  He pulled away from me, long enough to unbutton his shirt and remove his pants. Standing before me, with his muscular chest on display and his cock, long and hard and peeking through his boxers, he tugged at the straps of my sundress. The fabric gave way, falling to the floor at my feet.

  Marco licked his bottom lip, a seductive gaze in his deep blue irises. He looked like he wanted to eat me, and I was hoping he would do just that. We stripped away the rest of our clothes, and then Marco picked me up again and lowered me to the b
ed, covering my body with his. He kneed my legs open wider until I granted him full access, his cock growing thick against my inner thigh.

  Marco consumed me, with his mouth on mine, his hands roaming every inch of my body. He took his time, his hand caressing my thigh as he kissed me.

  I thrust my hips, wanting to feel him, greedy to have him inside me. “Please, Marco.”

  Marco smirked. It was a simple gesture that made me even wetter in anticipation. “So impatient, my love.”

  I sat up, fisting his hair between my fingers, and pulled him closer. Marco pushed my back to the mattress, pinning me down with his muscular body. His tongue slipped into my mouth, and then he inched inside me, stretching me out as he filled me. He stopped being gentle and thrust into me hard. With each inch, he rocked into me, ripping a scream from my lips.

  I pressed my palm to his cheek, and our eyes met.

  Marco gripped my left thigh, sliding deeper inside me. “You’re so perfect for me,” he muttered.

  I ran my thumb over his bottom lip, struggling to get out the words. “And you me.”

  My skin was on fire. Every movement Marco made bringing me closer to climax. I clutched the sheet between my fingers, a brush of heat rushing over me as my orgasm hit me with a violent force. Marco wasn’t far behind me. His body jerked, his cock pulsing inside me, and a sexy look crossed his handsome face as he came.

  Before he pulled out of me, he planted a kiss on my lips. “Fuck, baby,” he hissed. “I missed your sweet pussy.” He rolled onto his side and pressed his lips to mine, giving me a quick peck.

  I laughed. “Well, my pussy missed you, too.”

  “I’m not done with you.” Marco dragged his thumb along my bottom lip. His soft touch caused my skin to tingle. “We have a lot of time to make up tonight. And then tomorrow I’m taking you somewhere special.”

  “I hope you don’t expect me to walk there,” I joked.

  He shook his head, smiling. “I’ll be gentle.”


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