Ryker_Alliance of Peace [Book Two]

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Ryker_Alliance of Peace [Book Two] Page 1

by Lisa Ray

  If you haven’t read

  Alliance of Peace: Book One


  Wolf and Vampire must stand together

  it’s not too late. Get it now.

  Book Two

  Alliance of Peace:


  The alliance stands fast

  This book is dedicated to my loving husband, Greg. He has put up with my late nights and time away from him. He has cooked for me and given me the time I needed to write. Thank you.


  All Rights Reserved

  September 2017


  It was easy to forget the past when so many years separated you from the horrors of it. But as Ryker sat on the front balcony of his second story medieval styled home, he remembered. He was already a thousand years old when the Great War ran its horrific course. Vampires lived forever unless silver, fire, beheading or a stake managed to take one out. And so far Ryker had avoided those things. He felt mentally tired and old. The memories of the past were coming back hard and fast.

  The Great War didn’t happen all at once. The Lycans and the Vampires had always fought for control of the lands. The humans that lived were only chattel that was necessary for his kind to survive. Leading up to the war had been many battles for control of certain lands and places throughout the world. Then one day the wolves had attacked and killed a whole clan of Vampires. At that time, the Vampire king decided that he had had enough. War was declared. All Lycanthropes were to be extinguished from existence. And although the Vampires were able to go without sleep, the strength and cunning of the wolf packs were equal to them. So war had raged. Ryker could remember the many battles he had fought. The blood soaked ground and the many dead from both sides laying side by side as far as his eyes could see. His blood soaked clothing and his weapons dripping bright red, adding more color until the green grass was no longer green. The losses on both sides were tremendous. And after ten years the war was still raging. Ryker didn’t know how many he had killed; hundreds, thousands. The numbers of both Lycan and Vampire were dwindling. Soon there would be few left on both sides. That is when the King of the Vampires and the High Leader of the Lycans had agreed to a meeting. Ryker had been there as a guard to his king. It was a tense situation. But both leaders had sat and talked for hours. They had agreed to a truce. They had put together a council of both Lycans and Vampires that would sit in judgement on any Vampire or Wolf that didn’t abide by the new peace agreement. Ryker had been one that sat on the council. The council was never needed much. Each faction seemed to take care of their own problems when one of their own went against the peace. Eventually, over time, peace had become the norm. The council had become obsolete. And so that’s what brought Ryker to the small town of Brent, Maine. His clan lived on the outskirts in houses like any others. His being the only one that looked any different. His clan was large. The largest one in America. On the outskirts of the other end of the town was the largest Lycan community within the states. Led by Archer, a Lycan that had also fought in the Great War, the two factions had found a way to live in peace with each other and the humans between them. None of his people had to work because of the accumulated wealth over the vast years. But most of his people did. They enjoyed being out and had made many human friends and even some Lycan ones. There were humans that lived among Ryker’s clan. Most had been with them for a hundred years or more. They lived there by choice. Some were the mates of his people. They were the donors that fed their thirst. And it benefited them too. As long as they were donors, their life expectancy was expanded to hundreds of years. And they were treated as well as any of his own. They were part of the clan.

  And now the peace was being threatened. What he had once thought was a simple band of rogue Vampires and Wolves that had joined together had turned out to be a well-organized worldwide organization that was determined to go back to the old ways before the Great War. Only this time it was the humans that would become slaves. Any Vampire or Lycan that stood against them were the enemy. Peace was their enemy. There had already been attempts on all the Lycan and Vampire leaders throughout the states. Some dead some hurt and some forewarned.

  Ryker knew now that this wasn’t going to be easy. They had banded with Archer and his pack as one to fight against the rogues. To fight to keep peace. The first skirmish had been fought close to here. He was afraid it was the first of many.

  He looked out at the peace and quiet that covered the land and didn’t want it to change. He like things the way they were. He was tired of killing.

  The Wolf leader, Archer, and he were meeting tomorrow night at the town’s one small restaurant. Archer had just married Bella, the new veterinarian in town. And Bella’s mother, Lisette, had helped forewarn of the attack against the Vampire leaders for which they were all beholden to her for.

  Lisette. There was something about her that stirred his senses. She was a beautiful woman. His mind seemed to wander to her at odd times. He wanted to be in her presence. It was a new feeling for him. As a leader, he allowed himself no distractions. But Lisette was one that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard he tried.

  Ah well, he was going to go in and try to sleep. They didn’t have to sleep but it felt good when they did. And tomorrow he would meet with Archer and plans would be made.

  He feared the battle had just begun.

  Chapter One

  Archer was already seated at a booth when Ryker arrived. Bodyguards were scattered throughout. His and Archers. They had each sent some of their own to help guard the other as a symbol of trust. The restaurant was well protected. Ryker kept his eyes on Archer’s table as he strode across the room. Bella sat close to Archer’s side and Lissette sat across from them. Ryker thought Lisette had never looked more beautiful. She wore a dark red blouse and black pants and her blonde hair swirled gently around her shoulders. Her eyes of gold met his as he reached the table. He saw the spark of interest flicker in her eyes. He quickly sat down beside her as she moved over to make room.

  “We weren’t going to stay. We know you two want to talk.” Lisette spoke as she looked from Archer to Ryker.

  “Stay and eat with us first. Let us enjoy each other’s company. Then Archer and I can talk.” Ryker’s voice held a note of authority. He didn’t want Lisette to leave. He could smell her unique scent and he wanted to stay close to it. It was sweet. He could hear the blood coursing through her veins. The small pulse on her neck had sped up at his arrival. That pleased him.

  The two women looked at Archer who nodded his head in agreement and soon the two couples were enjoying the small moment together. They talked of mundane and gentle things. Ryker asked Lisette of her life and he learned of her bravery as she raised her daughter as a single mother.

  They had just finished eating when the doors opened. In walked four strangers. Rough looking and dressed in leather, all four spoke not a word as they entered and sat down. Archer and Ryker looked at each other. The tension in the room had increased tenfold. The whole room grew eerily quiet.

  “What is it?” Archer’s wife, Bella, asked.

  Ryker reached beside him and took Lisette’s hand in his, “Those four men aren’t from here. Two are Vampire and two are wolf. That tells us one thing. They are here to send us a message. They know of the skirmish that just caused them the loss of their leader and they aren’t afraid to show their faces in this public place because they know we can’t do anything to them. There are too many humans in here for that. They are taunting us.”

  Archer and Ryker watched as the four strangers took a seat in the middle of the room. The human waitress waited on them and the four simply glanced around the room as if all was jus
t dandy.

  “We should leave now and let you two talk.” Bella said. “We can go to the apartment above the clinic.”

  Archer grabbed Bella’s hand and both he and Ryker responded in unison with a resounding, “NO!”

  Ryker continued, “As long as those four are here, then we stay together.”

  Several of Ryker’s and Archer's bodyguards had moved in close to the table where they sat. They all waited. The four rogues ate a quick meal and then stood up, chairs screeching across the floor as they were pushed back. The four strangers looked directly at Ryker and Archer, smiled and turned and left the restaurant. Ryker and Archer both motioned for a couple of their men to follow them. Then the atmosphere changed back to one of relief.

  “Why don’t you two ladies go to the bar and wait there for us. We don’t want you out of our sight for a while. Do you agree Archer?”

  “Exactly what I was thinking. We will talk for a bit then leave together. First our men will make sure that all is safe.” Archer agreed.

  The two men stood up and let each woman out of the booth. Ryker was still holding Lisette’s hand. He was reluctant to release it. He raised it to his lips and dropped a light kiss on Lisette’s opened palm. Lisette seemed almost spellbound. Then she came too and Ryker released her hand and watched as the women made themselves comfortable at the bar. He motioned for a couple of his men to guard them. Archer did the same. Then both men sat down to talk.

  “I don’t like it,” Archer said.

  “Me either. I am sure they have a plan. It seems they are far more organized and someone at the top is very smart.” Ryker nodded.” The problem is we don’t know the next move.”

  Archer agreed, “I’m afraid this is going to be much bigger than I first thought. We are both still in agreement to work together for peace and I am talking with all the packs around the states to make sure they are also. Some have reported that some of their pack members have joined the rogues. Mostly the young and brash that have no clue what true bloodshed is like.”

  “I also have been hearing the same news from the other clans. However, most are staying true to peace.” Ryker sighed. “We must be diligent. Those four that were just in were warning us. I’m afraid there is another plan at foot. And we have no idea who their new leader is and where they are headquartered.”

  Archer nodded in agreement, “So now we just wait? Or do we try to infiltrate their ranks.”

  “I have already put that in motion. I have sent out several of my most trusted younger looking ones. Although they all fought in the Great War. They will send any and all information they can get.” Ryker said.

  “Good. I believe I will do the same.” Archers mind was already thinking of those in his pack he would choose. “Meanwhile, we wait. And also, are my people working out well working with yours?”

  “Absolutely. My people are learning much about your kind and how to fight them better. I suppose my people are also helping yours?” Ryker asked.

  “Very much so. It is a good thing.”

  Ryker nodded. The two men looked at each other, Archer reached his hand across the table first. The two men shook hands and stood, each making their way to the bar. Archer perched beside his Bella and Ryker sat down by Lisette, once more taking her hand in his. They talked for a few minutes then Ryker watched as Archer, his wife and Lisette were escorted out by their guards. He felt a small stab of jealousy and something akin to loneliness.

  Chapter Two

  Lisette was confused. For so many years she had been an independent woman raising her daughter so she was having trouble understanding her emotions. When she was around Ryker, she felt vulnerable and unsure of herself. She also felt like she wanted him to protect her. These were all new to her. Even though she had dated Lane, a man she thought was a good person. At least for awhile. He had turned out to be a high ranking member of their arch enemies now. He had been the rogue leader that had come after her when she ran from her home in Alabama. He had followed her all the way to Maine. The one man she had dated in over twenty-five years had caused the first major fight for the existence of human kind. Maybe she wasn’t a good judge of character.

  But when she looked at Ryker she saw something there that stopped her in her tracks; A look of loneliness and appreciation. She felt an invisible bond existed that somehow linked them together. She didn’t know what to make of it. Did she want to get involved with a vampire? He would stay forever the age he was now which looked to be in his early fifties, but strong and virile and handsome beyond belief. She would grow old and die. She wasn’t sure that was the way it should be. However, she couldn’t deny her attraction. It was there. It simply was. Bella, her daughter, had noticed it too. She even commented on the way Ryker had looked at her mother. Bella had teased her about it and even told her mother that she deserved happiness wherever she found it for as long as it lasted.

  Ah well. She had more important things to do. She was helping Bella out at the Veterinarian clinic during the days. Bella had a receptionist, Chloe, who had become Bella’s best friend. Chloe was a Lycan. But Lisette had found a roll for herself without imposing on Chloe by cleaning up around the place. The apartment upstairs that Bella had lived in when she first arrived was empty now that she had married Archer and was living with him in the pack community. Lisette was living with them also. She felt like a third wheel. She tried to stay out of their way as much as possible. She had decided to talk to Archer to see if there were any empty houses she could move to. That was on her list. But right now she needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow she would head to the clinic. She tried hard to ignore the two bodyguards that were constantly but discreetly trying to shadow her. She knew they were there for her safety and appreciated them.

  Ryker didn’t like it. Sanding on his balcony he was watching the sun as it set. Twilight was his favorite time of day. But he wasn’t enjoying it much this nioght. For two days now all had been extremely calm. Too calm. Something was about to blow. He knew it. Then Walker rushed in. Walker was a Lycanthrope that was one of Archers pack sent to guard him and help train his people in their ways.

  Walker was shouting, “Ryker, I have to go home. I just heard over the emergency band that the pack community is on fire.”

  This was it. This is what Ryker had dreaded. The rogues had made their move, “Wait, I’m coming with you.”

  Soon fifteen or more vehicles were speeding out of the Vampire gates and toward the opposite end of town.

  It was a busy day at the clinic. For such a small town, it seemed like everyone owned more than two pets and so the clinic, although it had its slow days, was busy enough. It was getting dark when the clinic closed. Archer was there to meet Bella and Lisette would be driving Bellas car in front of them on the way home. Of course, the bodyguards would be in front and back. They would look like a convoy. Chloe was another of Archers pack that was staying at the vampire community as one of Ryker’s guards and helping with their training. They all exited the waiting room . As Bella turned the key in the lock, they all turned as the local volunteer firetrucks, two of them, went speeding by. Since the clinic was the last house on the main road out of town, the trucks could only be heading to one place. The pack community. Archer, Bella and Lisette looked at each other and sped to their vehicles. Soon they were all racing toward home. Even from miles out they could see the flames. Rising high above the tree tops, it looked as if the whole world was burning. Smoke rose thick and black and covered a vast area and they all feared the worst.

  Lisette, alone in her car, knew it must be the work of the rogues. She could see many cars behind them and knew that Ryker would be on his way. She also knew the townspeople; humans would turn out in full force to help. She prayed that no one would be hurt. And she was afraid.

  The firetrucks had separated and were trying the best they could to fan water over the massive flames. It looked as if most, if not all, of the homes on the main street were engulfed in living red flames. She could see Archers house as she
approached the center of town. The smoke was making her cough. She was surrounded by flames. She stopped her car and Bella and Archer and the bodyguards were beside her in seconds.

  They watched as Ryker’s dark SUV pulled up behind them. The women were coughing becaue of the heavy smoke.

  “Ryker!” Archer shouted and Ryker was there in a flash. “Will you take the women out of the smoke? They can’t breathe and can’t be here. I need to make sure Dr. Bernard and Selma (Dr. Bernard’s daughter) are safe. I’m sure the other pack members got their human mates out. I’m pretty sure that Cash got the doctor and Selma out since he’s so smitten with her but I have to know for sure. Then I need to stay and help.”

  “I’m not going anywhere!” Bella said.

  ”Yes you are. Our young one inside you doesn’t need his mother to be overcome with smoke.”

  Bella looked surprised, “What? I’m pregnant? How can you know this?”

  Archer smile, “I can smell him. Or her.” And he smiled.

  Ryker grabbed Lisette and Bella by the arms and moved them quickly to his vehicle. Surrounded by his guards, he took the women and drove. As soon as they were out of the smoke He stopped and turned the car around. They watched from a distance as the Lycan community burned. Lisette and Bella held each other in despair.

  And they waited.

  Chapter Three

  Morning was slow to come. When it did, it found Ryker leaning against the front bumper of his SUV, arms crossed. His bodyguards hovered ever near, talking in small groups. None of his Lycan guards were around; they had stayed to help with the fires. Through the night he had watched as the humans from town were led out, overcome with smoke inhalation or small burns. Soon the rest of the townspeople that had breathing masks followed. An ambulance sped by, lights flashing. Obviously one of the humans was hurt badly. He could tell the high flames were out but could also see smoke still rising from what he thought must be the whole community.


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