Ryker_Alliance of Peace [Book Two]

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Ryker_Alliance of Peace [Book Two] Page 7

by Lisa Ray

  “Lisette. And I will prove my worth. What is your name?”

  “For your sake, I hope so. And you can call me William.”

  He led her across the room to a set of large double doors. It was locked from the outside and it took him only a few seconds to produce a key from his pocket and open the door. He took her hand and they entered a room that looked almost as plush as the one they left. But it was smaller and on one end it was covered with security monitors. And that’s when she saw Ryker. He was hanging by his wrists and ankles opposite the monitors. His head was slumped forward and he looked almost shriveled. She could see that the silver had eaten the flesh to the bone. It was all she could do to pretend indifference.

  “You already have him,” Lisette clapped her hands in glee.” Oh how exciting. I love seeing him the way he is. Suffering. It’s actually too good for him.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ryker heard a voice deep within his cloudy mind. It sounded like his loves voice. Then he managed to rouse himself enough to remember. She was here. He raised his head to see her and couldn’t hide his shock. She was here and she wasn’t his Lisette. She was Vampire. There was no way she could have succeeded in becoming Vampire without the thirst overcoming her this soon. She probably was here to join the rogues in her thirst for human blood. He had to help her. He had to save her.

  “Lisette, what are you doing here? I left you…….” Ryker was stopped from speaking further.

  “That’s right you left me. You dumped me like I was nothing but trash. After all the time I invested in our relationship. You treated me as if I had never meant anything to you. So I’m glad to see you hanging there, already rotting away. Losing your consciousness and your mind. All these months together and you tossed me out for that human woman. Oh I could see the love in her eyes for you. She would have done anything for you. Even give up her humanity. And I saw your love for her. But if I can’t have you, no one will. So I’m here to offer my services to William,” Lisette took Williams elbow and wrapped both of her arms around it. She leaned over and reached her face up and licked his mouth, slow and seductively. “What are you going to do with him, William? I want to be a part of it. I want to make him suffer.”

  Lisette walked to Ryker and pressed her body against his, “OH, Ryker. You don’t know what you did when you threw me away. I’m not one that takes rejection well.” Then she leaned forward and nipped Ryker’s ear with her fangs. She sucked in a few drops of his blood. Then she took his head between both her hands, her back completely hiding her face from William. She mouthed the words “I love you, forgive me” then she bit her lip again and pressed her mouth against his. Her blood flowed into his mouth. He didn’t move as he let the liquid flow into him. He didn’t let on that it was giving him strength. He kept his slump. Lisette pulled away. “So I suppose that was my good bye kiss.” And Lisette laughed loudly as she turned to face William.

  “I’m hungry now, William. Would you treat a lady to a nice meal? I would love to hear the fate of the King of America. And I can give you whatever information you want. Can we eat up her on the top floor? Your penthouse is so amazing and the view is gorgeous.”

  William had watched all that had taken place and he believed her. He took her arm and led her out the door, locking it behind him and dropping the key in his pocket. “Come my lady, I’m sure we can have something delivered that will sate your appetite. We can talk until it arrives.”

  Hidden close by, Hagan, Archer, Chloe, Roman and Ben had heard everything. They now knew where Ryker was. Archer phoned J.J. and soon the 5 were inside, joined by J.J., who had let them in, and Lamar. They had dressed as the rogues did in order to hopefully be ignored. There were so many here maybe a few would go unnoticed. They knew no one was at the monitor’s as Lisette was keeping William occupied.

  Ryker had gotten the message. Lisette loves him. She had given up her humanity, managed to control her appetite and was here to try to save him. He looked at the monitors and watched as Lamar and J.J. took out the four guards at the gate. Soon several familiar faces were let inside the massive compound. He watched until they were out of sight of his camera. And then he stood up and realized that Lisette’s blood had given him enough strength to stand on his own. He only hoped is friends knew what they were doing. If they were caught here would be no questions asked. They would be dead. And if William hurt one hair on Lisette’s head he was going to die more horribly than he had originally planned. For touching her, Williams’s death was going to be swift. And it was going to be by his hand.

  After locking the immense door behind them, Lisette hoped that Ryker had understood what was going on. She was the distraction. And she hoped she was a good enough actress. So far all seemed to be going well. She hoped the others had heard her clues as she had been talking to William. If so, they knew where Ryker was. And she was right next to him with only a massive door between them.

  “I hope that that’s not all you’re planning for Ryker, Lisette asked scornfully, “To starve to death.”

  “Oh, no my dear. In a few days we will make an example out of him. One that will give us a great advantage as it throws all the other clans into chaos when Ryker dies before their eyes. It will be a huge celebration, a feast and party of massive proportions. And once he’s gone, we will only have one other that is a threat and that’s Archer. But I have a plan for him too. Then the country is ours for the taking.”

  Lisette walked to a massive fireplace and brushed a finger along the edge as though she were checking for dust,” That pleases me. And I can be of some help about Ryker’s clan and the people and what not. They will become weak without their leader. They will be easily overcome. And in the remote place they are, it shouldn’t be that hard to keep it from the humans.”

  “Ah, the humans. That’s another part of my plan. You see, the humans need to know the truth. Once Ryker and Archer are dead we are going to announce to the world who we are. If we have control of one of the most powerful countries in the world then it will be time for the humans to shiver in their mortal boots. Ryker and Archers deaths will lead even more to our cause. “William spoke with great excitement. “I can’t wait until the whole world finally knows. I’m tired of hiding and pretending when we are so much more powerful than those we’ve hid from. It’s time to take our rightful place.”

  Lisette nodded her head as if to agree, “And I want to be a part of it all. I crave human flesh.”

  “I’m glad,” William spoke as the elevator door opened and two guards walked in with a young human between them. The boy couldn’t be any older than 10. And there was no describing the terror written on his face.” Because here is our appetizer.”

  Lisette watched as the young boy, hands bound, was shoved to the floor.

  “You can leave us now,” William commanded the guards. “What do you think?” William nodded toward the boy.

  Lisette’s fangs had already stretched her face in desire. Being so new, there was no hiding that she truly did desire to taste the flesh of the child. She could hear the beat of the heart as his blood flowed through his veins. She watched the pulse of his neck where one bite and blood would spurt into her mouth at a tremendous rate. And she grappled for control. “He looks delicious.”

  “I thought you’d like that. Nothing like young virgin blood. The finest there is.” William smiled slyly. “Go ahead, enjoy.”

  Lisette was at a crossroads. If she didn’t eat, William would know something was up. If she did, she could not live with herself. She walked slowly toward the boy who was sobbing, gulping and gasping as the tears ran freely down his cheeks. She knelt down beside the boy and ran her finger across his neck. Finding the pulse that gave him life. She hated to terrorize him so, but she had no choice.

  Chapter Sixteen

  In the room behind the doors, Ryker was struggling with the chains that bound him. Try as he might, he couldn’t break free.

  The others had managed to walk into the massive building. Findi
ng the elevator, the guards were quickly and quietly disposed of and hidden. Gaining access, they pushed the button for the top floor. Nothing happen. That’s when they realized that the button was apparently coded. Off to the side of it was a panel box. Flipping opened the flap they saw the box of numbers. Looking at each other, they knew they weren’t gaining entrance without a code. So they pushed the button for the floor beneath the top button. Lamar and J.J. weren’t going up. They didn’t want to blow heir cover ifthey were needed here after this night. Lamar told them that the floor they were going to was filled with rogues. It was the general barracks and sleeping quarters for all the upper ranked Lycan. It wasn’t going to be an easy task to find a way up from there, if they could get through the rogues unnoticed. Everyone listened and accepted within themselves the consequences. Ben had been looking for his boy ever since they’d arrived. But he hadn’t seen him yet.Neither Lamar or J.J. had seen David.

  Everyone readied themselves as the elevator rose.

  The elevator doors opened smooth and quietly. From within, the group looked outside the opened doors and could see bunk after bunk filled with bodies of the sleeping rogues. They could hear laughter and jostling of others that weren’t in their bunks. Stepping out, they all looked around and took in all they could. There had to be stairs or something from this floor up. Then Archer had an idea. He led them down a hall where he sould smell the strong odor of urine and into a bathroom they went. It was designed with several stalls. Once inside they blocked the door and Archer looked around. Seeing a small grate, he opened it and looked at the ductwork inside. There was no way they could make it through the small opening. Then the door was pushed on and a loud voice was demanding to be let in. Soon the blocked door was opened and they stood as one, facing at least 4 brawny Lycan.

  “What’s with blocking the door? Your stink doesn’t bother us. We need to go.” The largest of the four made his way to a stall.

  Another of the rogues looked at them curiously, “I don’t recognize you. Are you new? And whats with the three Vamps. Yall sleep below?”

  Chloe looked around at and knew the gig was up. That’s when Ben spoke up,” Yes, we are. The Boss is expecting me but we had to make a quick stop. Then someone needs to take me to him. He will know who I am. Call him and see. Tell him I’ve come for my son as agreed.”

  The suspicious rogue pulled out his radio and turned his back where no one could hear him.

  Upstairs, Lisette listened as William received the radio transmission from the floor below and she was glad that it had come at the right time. She looked at the boy and tried to reassure him with her human smile as she gained control and her fangs receded.

  “Well, our appetizer will have to wait a minute. It seems that I have to meet with Ben. You probably know him. He was one of Ryker’s most trusted. He helped us put Ryker where he is now. I owe him his son back.” William smiled.” But that’s not going to happen. His sons already dead.”

  Lisette thought quickly, “Yes I know Ben well. Maybe it’s best he doesn’t see me. In case he’s wired for sound or something. I can be an asset to send back in if no one knows I’ve come to you. I should disappear”

  “Ben won’t be telling anyone.”

  “I know, but like I said, someone could be listening. He could be transmitting all that’s happening.”

  William thought for a minute. “Maybe you’re right.” He walked to the locked door of Ryker’s prison and opened it. Walking to the boy, he grabbed him by his bound wrists and dragged him into the room.” Wait in here. Don’t start the feast without me. Actually, we may have another to dine on if Ben looks appetizing. Of course, being a Vampire, he won’t be nearly as good.” And William laughed.

  Lisette walked slowly into the prison room, “Don’t keep me waiting long then. I’m quite hungry.” Lisette smiled at William and her fangs grew long and sharp.”

  “Control yourself my dear. I won’t be long.” William shut and locked the door

  The guard that had radioed the Boss turned to the other in the restroom. “All right, I’m to take you up. But only you. The rest can wait down here.” They all looked at each other. The one guard motioned for another to follow. The two escorted Ben to the elevator. Chloe, Archer and rest right on their heels. The elevator doors opened almost immediately. The two guards entered with Ben between them. One opened the coded panel door and punched in the code for the top floor as the elevator doors began to shut. Just in time, Archer’s arm stopped the door from closing all the way. The doors began to open again and the guards within began to shout. As quickly as they could Chloe and Archer and Ben took the guards down. But the room full of rogues had been woken. As the elevator doors shut, there was a mad rush of many bodies to stop them. Looking at each other, they knew getting out wasn’t going to be easy. The elevator slid up a floor and stopped. The doors began to open.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Inside Ryker’s prison, Lisette was wasting no time. She had used a lock pick she had hidden in her bra. Soon Ryker was free of the silver bands that had bound him. Lisette grasped him in a tight hug and whispered that they didn’t have much time and she loved him. He took her face between his hands and kissed her, savage and hungrily. She backed away and He took a tentative step forward and stumbled, almost falling. Lisette saw his ankle and wrist bones. He wasn’t going to be any help like he was.

  She looked at the boy lying on the floor. She went to him and unbound his wrists. “We aren’t going to hurt you. We are here to save this Vampire. He is all that is standing between the rogues and the humans all being enslaved. Do you understand? I need your help. Ryker needs to feed so he can regain his strength. He won’t hurt you. He will only take a small amount and we will take you away from all of this with us. Do you understand?”

  The boy nodded. Walking toward Ryker, the boy held out his arm. Ryker looked at the brave boy and spoke, “I promise you will be fine and I will always be in your debt.”

  The boy nodded as Ryker sank his teeth into the large vein in his wrist. The boy winced but held still. Ryker drank. And when it was all the boy could stand to give, Ryker pulled himself away, “Are you all right?” He asked the boy”

  “A bit weak but I can still move as fast as you tell me too.”

  Ryker smiled at him. The skin was beginning to cover his ankles and wrists as the boy’s blood renewed him. He looked at Lisette,” That was a start but I am still weak. I have not the strength I need,” And Lisette knew what he was asking.

  She looked at him and leaned her head to the side, exposing her neck. Ryker reached for her and bit down, causing Lisette to almost moan. He drank his fill and then he pulled away. He looked deep into Lisette’s eyes and saw that he had weakened her too. But he knew she was strong and would keep up. He stepped back. His body once again whole and strong.

  “I thank you both. Stay close to me. Boy, what is your name?”

  “Levi.” The boy stood up straight.

  “Levi, you will stay especially close. I will take care of you.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  Lisette and Ryker both looked at the boy.

  “My parents are in those horrible cages in the caverns below. And many more humans. I won’t leave them.”

  Ryker sighed. This was getting complicated. “We will see what we can do. Until then, you stay close to my side.”

  The boy nodded his head.

  The elevator doors slid open to a silent room. There was no rush of guards or weapons in their faces. Only silence. Ben emerged first and walked into the room to find William waiting. The others stayed hidden inside of the elevator. Roman jammed the panel box so the elevator wouldn’t move.

  “Ben, how are you? I’ve been meaning to get in touch. I’m glad you’re here.” William greeted Ben with his hand outstretched.

  “Where is my boy? We had a deal. I kept up my end. I want my boy back.” Ben didn’t waste time on pleasantries.

  “I’m afraid there’s been a slight problem
, Ben. I hate to tell you this, but David got into a fight and ended up dead. I knew nothing about it until it was too late. You know I would’ve kept him safe if I had known.” William gave Ben a look of pretend empathy.

  Ben didn’t say a word. Then he launched himself on William, fangs bared, fast as lightning. But he was no match for William. William had Ben by the neck when the rest burst out of the opened elevator doors. Soon William was under their control. Cloe was having her hands full holding Ben back.

  “Where’s Ryker?” Archer spoke.

  William only smiled.

  From through the double doors the group could hear a faint voice. It sounded like Lisette. Roman searched Williams’s pockets and found the keys. Opening the doors, Ryker, Lisette and a young boy walked out.

  After a jubilant few hugs and pats on the back, the mood of the group grew somber.

  “Problem is, we are stuck up here unless anyone has any ideas,” Hagan spoke the truth, “The rogues are trying to get in and will soon.”

  William, held tightly between Archer and Hagan, leaned his head back and laughed, “Then all of you will face my justice.”

  Chloe spoke, “We can go up and have the chopper pick us all up from the roof.”

  Ryker looked down at the young boy by his side, “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

  Everyone but Lisette looked at Ryker curiously.

  “This young human saved my life. His family is in the dungeon. He won’t leave them. Therefore, neither will I.”

  “There’s no way the small group of us can help those poor people. As much as I’d like to,” Chloe said. “We have to go. We can come back for them.”

  “I disagree. William, if you will be so kind as to let me borrow that phone you have in your pocket.” Ryker demanded.

  Hagan searched William and produced a small cell phone. Handing it to Ryker, he looked curiously at his Leaders iintentions.


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