Santa's Little Helper

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Santa's Little Helper Page 3

by L. R. Black

  I draw in a deep breath and sigh heavily. “Okay... yeah, I’ll admit it, I have no experience with men. Hell, I never even kissed until you, and I feel really stupid because I have no idea what to do.” I confide, the words tumbling from me as I look down at my hands, not wanting to consider those bewitching eyes. I feel him come closer, feel his hand lift my chin. I look up, expecting to see disappointment but instead I see something else etched into his smile.

  “Baby, you have just made me the happiest man on this earth.” He lifts me into his arms and walks to my queen size poster bed covered in my oh-so-festive red and green sheets – when I said I loved the holidays, I wasn’t kidding.

  He lays me back on my mattress and pulls my shorts and panties off in one swoop, his appetite clear in the hungering look he gives me. I make short work of pulling off my tank and bra; giggling as I think to myself how strange it is that could I forget to lock my doors but somehow managed to put on a bra before I left the house. I feel like I should be feeling shy as Kris’s heated gaze roams every inch of my body, and yet I don’t. If anything, I feel just as hungry as he does.

  I sit up and grab the hem of his t-shirt, emboldened by this newfound desire burning within me. He leans forward so I can pull the shirt up and over his head, leaning close enough that I can breathe in his scent; all musk and muscle and unfathomable sin. I toss his shirt onto the floor and reach for the button of his jeans.

  He reaches down and helps me undo the button and watches as I slowly slide the zipper down. I reach inside his jeans, wanting to touch and tease him when I suddenly realize that he’s gone commando. I look up at him and he gives me a sly grin and growls, “I was kind of in a rush earlier.”

  I slip from the bed to my knees on the rug to make it easier to slide his pants down his legs. My eyes widen in shock as I get the second surprise as his cock pulls free from his pants; not only is he hard as a rock and but he’s... he’s....

  Holy shit! He is pierced!

  I stare in dumb fascination; the head of his cock is pierced - a silver bar through the skin right below the back of his gleaming glans. The sheer size of it alone fills me with both fascination and dread. “There is no way that is going to fit inside me.” I tell him, my voice cracking ever so slightly from nerves and lust.

  “Oh, baby, believe me, not only is it going inside you, you will be begging for it all over again as soon as we are done.”

  I get a fluttering sensation low in my stomach at his words, and feel myself drip with desire. I’ve never known anything like it, and it’s at once both terrifying and exhilarating beyond words. As I stand I can’t help but want a taste, and I teasingly lick the tip of his cock before I straighten up before him... fuck, he tastes so good.

  He growls and grabs me by the arms, taking a seat on the side of my bed as he guides me over his lap. “What are you doing?” I question, my voice cracking with surprise and anticipation.

  “I promised you a spanking, remember?” Kris rubs his hand over my ass cheek making me squirm, his skin rough and callous over the softness. Before I can blink or object he delivers a firm spank to my ass, making me wiggle and jump with shock and excitement.

  “Be still.” he commands me, the authority in his voice causing me to do exactly as he says. His attention goes back to my bottom and he continues to spank me, alternating between each cheek as he delivers firmer and firmer slaps on each, rubbing each teasingly in between. My mind reels with pleasure and confusion over how this can all feel so wrong yet so damn good, but I manage to count five altogether; by the third I’m tingling all over and the warmth from the spanking is spreading throughout my lower body. I want to beg for more, yet I can’t believe that something as kinky as a spanking is turning me on as much as it is.

  “I think that is enough for now,” he tells me. I look over my shoulder at him, my brow raised at his comment. “For now?” I ask. “Baby, I have a feeling you will be earning a lot more spankings in the future.” I drop my head back down and sigh happily, knowing I can’t argue with that statement. Kris spends a few moments rubbing away the sting on my bottom until all that is left is the soothing warmth. Scooping me up from his lap, he slides up onto the bed with me in his hold until his head is on my pillow, helping me up and over him. “I want you to be on top, it will make it easier on you this first time.” His concern for my pleasure warring with his own animal hunger obvious.

  I straddle his hips as he reaches down and slides two of his fingers through my folds, the unknown pleasure making me whimper, rocking my hips as he circles my clit before sliding his fingers inside and gently spreading me open like some delicate flower. “I want to make sure you’re good and wet, so you can take me, baby... and damn are you ever.” He looks at me and growls, a deep chuckle slipping from the oh so kissable lips of his as they pull back into a wicked grin. “I think you loved that spanking just a little more than you let on. God, you have no idea the nights I have laid awake dreaming of this very moment”

  I blush scarlet at his dirty words, biting my lip as I stare down at him. “Well, I would hate to disappoint you.” I whisper, moaning as I feel his fingers slide deeper still, my tightness melting away under his careful hand.

  He grins and growls, deep and low. “I love that. So innocent with your blushing, yet so bold and wild... you have no idea what a turn on it is.” He pulls his fingers from inside me and paints my wetness on my nipples, grinning wickedly as they stiffen and gleam in the light. He guides me down and holds me in place with one hand as he uses the other to teases my pussy with the head of his cock, oh god, he wasn’t kidding about that piercing. The metal bar rubs my clit in just the right way, cool yet warm, hard and yet oh so wonderful - I can’t help but whimper. “God, Kris, please…. I need you inside me right now.” I beg, looking at him, pleading without words as he continues to tease, to torment. Finally, he takes pity on me and holds his cock in place as I push down onto the head. Holy shit, he feels even bigger than I thought he would be. His cock stretches and slides inside of me, my breath ragged and fast as I slowly edge down onto him, taking him until there is no more space between our bodies.


  The growl that tears from my throat is sudden, feral and such a welcome release I must fight not to blow like an inexperienced teenager. The feel of Joy’s tightness wrapped around my cock is almost more bliss than I can take, I never expected her to be so deliciously warm, so inviting, so... eager.

  I grip her hips, fighting the urge to take her, to surrender to all the urges I have held in all this time, giving her those precious seconds to adjust, to settle, her little wince as I pushed through the proof of her innocence soon replaced by a shuddering whimper.

  “That’s it... ride me. Ride me, my beautiful baby.” I groan, my hands guiding her hips as she settles into the most natural of rhythms.

  Our bodies move together in perfect sync; rising, falling, breathing, rocking, hands wandering, questing, seeking, exploring. I fight to hold on, not wanting to finish too soon, wanting her to experience everything I can offer, growling softly as I fight off the all too familiar throbbing, feeling everything tighten and strain to be released.

  She’s moving harder on me now, her nerves gone, her inhibitions shattered, her own animal fully unleashed. Her soft wet sex tightens, quivers, her body trembling as she nears that peak, that climax, her breath fast and ragged – she’s so close....

  I can’t help myself as I reach between us and rub her clit firmly, teasing the sweet wet little bud with my thumb, sending over the edge as she falls over me, her body shuddering and trembling as she cries out and let’s go, her climax tearing through her and drenching my cock in her cum.

  “That’s it, baby, let it all go. Come all over me.” I shout, reaching up and cupping each of her breasts in my hands as I let go and flood her full of my cum, suddenly realizing neither of us thought about protection.

  But fuck it, I say to myself, I know we’re both clean and right now all I can see is her; my baby, m
y sweet Christmas angel, and there is nothing more I want than her carrying my babies. She’s my future, my world, and nothing is going to change that.

  Joy collapses on my chest as we both breathe hard, basking in the afterglow. I turn us to our sides, keeping my cock inside of her as I run my hand through her hair and gently kiss her lips.

  “I love you,” I confess, “I’ve always loved you, ever since that first awkward moment.” My voice softens and my heart melts at her wonderful sex-flushed smile.

  Her face lights up in happiness, making my heart squeeze in my chest. She slides her hand down my jaw and looks straight into my eyes. “I love you too, so much. I knew the moment you arrived you were meant for me.” Her voice soft and sleepy, yet even more wonderful because of it.

  We lay there, blissful, serene.... until we hear a scratch at the bedroom door.

  Joy giggles as I yell at the door, “Mommy and Daddy are busy.” I laugh myself as I hear our little matchmaker whine on the other side of the door; Joy’s giggles turn to full-out laughter as I pull her to me, kissing her deep and hard, followed by another, and another and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I have found true happiness.

  And I have no intention of living the rest of my life any other way.


  New Year’s Eve Joy

  I curl my legs up under me as I hold my mug of hot chocolate in my hands and lean into Kris’ chest. We sit watching the ball about to drop on the television as Jolly lounges at the other end of the couch.

  We’ve been inseparable since the night Jolly went missing. He spends more time at my house than his; we’ve been discussing him moving in with me permanently and selling his house.

  He and Jolly have even come to a truce, well of sorts – there was that one time one of his shoes went missing and turned up with a few teeth marks in it....

  We watch as the countdown to the new year begins, both of us ready to make this start together. I look up at Kris as the countdown winds down to one, we need no words between us in this moment. Forgetting the countdown, Kris takes my lips in a soft kiss, lingering long after the countdown has ended, and the fireworks take over.

  With the fire burning in the fireplace and a blanket and my two favorite guys with me, there is nothing more I could want in this moment.


  The Following December Joy

  “Son of a bitch!”

  I walk to the front door as I hear a curse from outside.

  With my sweater wrapped around me and my fuzzy slippers on to protect me from the cold, I step onto the porch to see my husband standing on a ladder cursing a tangled strand of Christmas lights. I can’t help but laugh at the picture in front of me.

  Kris looks up when I laugh, a scowl on his face. “I hate these damn lights, I told you we should have bought new ones,” he complains in frustration.

  “Honey I told you I would help you hang them.” I offer. He gives me a stubborn look, “No chance! You should be relaxing, not out here in this cold.”

  I sigh like I do every time he gets on this kick. “Kris, honey. I’m five months pregnant, not an invalid.” I attempt to explain, knowing my opinion is pointless when it comes to my determined husband.

  Ever since we found out I was pregnant he’s gone into total caveman mode; fussing and worrying and fretting over every little thing. Hell, I have to argue him down just to be able to do something on my own. I love my husband to pieces, but sometimes I want to throw the Christmas wreath at his head.

  “You wanted these lights hung and I’m gonna hang the damn things, even if it kills me.”

  I laugh as I turn to go inside out of the cold. I walk into the living room taking a seat on the couch and continue to pull the decorations out of the box in front of me. Jolly is sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace and eyes the elves on the mantle.

  True to his word, he bought me a new elf to make up for the one that was lost that night, even giving in with a reluctant sigh and eyeroll when I insisted he buy two, grumbling about how creepy they were. Can’t have the elves getting lonely at Christmas, and it’s always good to have spares in case one meets with an “accident”.

  I sigh as I run a hand over my bump, smiling as I think about how much has changed between this Christmas and last.

  I have a loving husband, a baby on the way... I can’t think of anything better. Well, maybe a new little friend for dear sweet Jolly, after all without his help none of this would have been possible.

  I look over at Jolly and smirk; we won’t tell Kris about the puppy just yet... after all, we wouldn’t want to ruin the Christmas surprise, now would we?

  The End


  Note from the author:

  I had not planned on writing a holiday book. When this story popped into my head of course I had to bring it to my readers. I hope you all enjoyed Jolly and his antics as much as I did.

  Happy Holidays!


  There are several people that were awesome in helping me pull this book together at the last minute. As I sit here typing this while half asleep I am going to say a huge thank you to everyone involved. You all know who you are.

  Sue, My Bitmoji Queen, I hope you enjoyed both of your epilogues lol

  About the Author

  L.R. Black is a mom of two wild kids with endless amounts of energy. She is a southern girl with a dirty mind and can always be found with her nose in a book or writing about dirty alpha males.

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