A Brush With Obsession

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A Brush With Obsession Page 28

by Theresa Papa

  “You’re so wet and ready for me. I can’t wait to be inside you. You’re mine forever.” With those words, he poises himself over me as he fills me so completely it’s as if our bodies have fused together as one, never to be separated again. We reach the heights of mutual gratification to revel in our everlasting love for each other; a love so deep it has defied the horrors of our impending deaths to come out stronger and more resilient.

  Afterward, we lie together entwined. Nico breaks the comfortable silence.

  “I have a surprise that I want to tell you about. There was a sexy dress I saw the other day that I just had to buy for you to wear tonight when we celebrate our engagement.”

  I pick up my head to rest it on my hands and reply, “You mean you planned a special dinner celebration and bought me an outfit too? Could you be any more perfect?” I stretch up and kiss him passionately on the lips.

  “Oh no, you don’t! We’ll miss our reservations if you start all that up again.” He smiles. “I promise a rain check afterward. Now stay here and don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  The succulent view of his sculpted ass when he heads to the bathroom makes me wish that the reservations were later. No sooner have I finished my wicked thoughts does he return with a warm washcloth and proceed to gently wash away the evidence of our lovemaking from my body. It feels even more intimate than making love in a way. The rituals of cleansing are usually so personal, but he makes me feel comfortable to let him take control. It feels good, and I enjoy the attention. From the look on Nico’s face as he bathes me, he enjoys it too.

  “Okay! Get up, my bewitching princess. It’s time to get dressed.” He hops off the bed and disappears into the next stateroom. When he returns, it’s with shopping bags and a hanging clothing bag.

  “Yaaay!!!!” I scream and jump up to investigate the gifts he has picked out for me. He chuckles, and then a wave of lust comes over his features when he takes in my naked body in the act of jumping for joy. My face warms with embarrassment as I imagine all the jiggling my voluptuous breasts and ass are doing. He’s so intuitive to interpret my blush at my sudden imprudence; he grabs me, pressing my body against his, and nuzzles his face in my neck.

  In my ear, he whispers in a low growl, “You are the sexiest woman on earth. Don’t ever have another insecure thought about yourself because I will be here forever to worship every inch of your gorgeous body.” He loosens his hold and kisses my forehead. “Now enjoy your new things and get dressed.”

  The dress Nico chose is glamorous. I stand in front of the full-length mirror to tie the halter-style top with a deep V in the front that highlights my breasts nicely. The luxurious cream and aqua print fabric glides over my curves as the length hits a bit above the knee. He even thought of the expensive silk underwear and gorgeous designer shoes. I pull up the front part of my hair in a clip and leave the back to fall loosely around my shoulders.

  My breath catches when Nico walks in dressed in a gray lightweight suit that fits his muscular body like a glove. A crisp aqua shirt almost white is under the fitted jacket. The hint of color brings out his eyes to stunning proportions and harmonizes with the color of my dress. He looks like a magazine cover model as my mouth hangs open in awe. He must perceive the adoration in my facial expression as he returns one of his own. I decide to put the words to what I’m thinking to make him feel as special as he always makes me feel.

  “You just told me I’m the sexiest woman on earth; well, you are the sexiest, handsomest man on earth. I’m so proud that you're mine and ecstatic that now I get to spend the rest of my life with a man who is captivating inside and out.” I chuckle as I walk toward him. “I’m a lucky lady.”

  He wraps his arms around me and grins. “You bet you are.” We both laugh out loud, and he kisses me.

  “One more thing before we leave. Turn around.” He directs me to stand in front of the full-length mirror and briefly walks away. When he returns, he has a box in his hands that contains a stunning diamond lariat necklace. I get my first glimpse of it as he places it around my neck to sit long between my breasts. The size and length are perfect for the neckline of the dress. It sparkles while it attracts attention to my cleavage to make me feel even sexier.

  “It’s so extravagant! You shouldn’t have bought this. You just bought me the ring.” We admire each other in the mirror; his arms are around me now with his hands clasped in front. “Are you trying to spoil me rotten?”

  “You’re going to be my wife, and it will be my pleasure to spoil the hell out of you from now until forever, beautiful.” He nuzzles my neck with soft kisses that make me sigh in blissful euphoria. I look in the mirror at our reflection and admire how well we coordinate together. We really are a stunning couple and made for each other in every way. Could this day get any better? Thank you Lord for blessing me with this breathtaking man. Life is good.

  Chapter 63

  Nico Pope

  The whole day is going as I planned. Finally, I get a stress-free day that moves to my whim smoothly. Samantha and I have a memorable day on the yacht together. Then when it comes time to get ready, I make sure I pamper her like crazy with a massage and all the great stuff I bought for her. And when we make love, the word I would use for that is epic. It is as if we connect on a completely different level than before. I know Sam feels it and so do I, very deeply.

  Sam and I dress up in our finest, and I drive the boat to Navy Pier. I made previous special arrangements to pull up right at the dock where the party is being held so all the guests can yell “surprise” from the terrace. I can’t wait to see Sam’s face. It’s getting dark as we view the lights of the city flicker on along what is the best skyline ever. Chicago has magnificent places to live, work, and raise families nearby. It has served my family well in the generations who have built our legacy here, and I can’t wait to start a family with Samantha to continue that legacy. Sam comes from a big Italian family, and I know it’s important to her as much as it is to me. At the party tonight, I told her mother to invite all the family and friends she wanted to have. On my side, I invited our large family, friends, and all my business associates, so there will be quite the crowd to help us surprise Samantha and celebrate our engagement.

  Navy Pier is brightly lit and filled with people as we approach. The famous Ferris wheel spins in the front. I had briefly thought about popping the question on the Ferris wheel right before the party. After Giselle foiled my first attempt, I was so happy to be alive with my Samantha that I couldn’t wait all the way to tonight to ask her. Sam sits up in her chair across from me.

  “Are we eating dinner in a restaurant at Navy Pier?” she asks.

  “Don’t ask questions. I told you it’s a surprise,” I answer with a smirk in her direction.

  She gets up and comes over to stand next to me as we drive alongside all the big charter yachts. As I pass them, she starts to get a little nervous because she’s bouncing on her feet. I pull her into my good arm as I drive with the other one for now. I spot my Navy Pier operations manager friend waiting up ahead to guide us into the space along the dock. Hopefully, everyone is in his or her places. I made sure to tell Sam’s Mom, Dad, and Nana to be in front on the terrace along with anyone else she’ll recognize immediately when they yell “surprise.”

  My friend greets us, and I shut off the motor right away. I look up to breathe a sigh of relief and appreciate that it’s all exactly perfect as I imagined. There are all our guests along the terrace railing as they look down on us framed by white billowing draperies and twinkling lights. I put both arms around Samantha from behind and point up toward the terrace. When she looks up, everyone yells, “Surprise!” to shock the hell out of her. She jumps back startled and gasps.

  “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” she screams. “What did you do? Those are my parents and Nana. Oh my cousins and Dafny! There’s your dad and Jaxson! Oh my gosh!”

  There’s a big ass smile on my face from ear to ear. I pulled it o
ff and really surprised her. My friend John already slid a plank down so we could climb off the boat. He will take it back to dock it in its slip at Burnham Harbor for me. Sam and I will catch a ride with Jax after the party. I grab her hand, and we climb the stairs to the rooftop terrace where everyone waits to greet us with open arms. The crowd separates us from each other for congratulations and hugs. After a few minutes of my phone vibrating in my pocket incessantly, I check the display to find an unknown number. It starts to vibrate again in my hand. I catch Sam’s attention while I hold up my phone to indicate where I’ll be. I walk to a quieter area and answer it.


  “Nico, I’m so glad you finally answered.”

  “Elizabeth? Is that you? It’s hard to hear. I’m at a party.”

  “I know you’re at a party, dummy. I’m calling to congratulate my favorite person in the world on finding the love of his life. That’s what the party’s for, right?”

  I chuckle at her familiar banter with a wish that she could be here to celebrate with us.

  “Yes, Lizard! That’s what the party is celebrating. Thank you.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her. I’m sure she’s the total package because you deserve the best. Listen, I can’t talk very long…”

  “Please Liz, I have to know if you’re safe.”

  “You know me, Nico. I’m always one step ahead of those bastards. I don’t trust anyone in this world except you.”

  “Wait, listen to me please. You have to trust Tony. He’s out there trying to help you, and we will stay away so as not to draw attention to your location.”

  “Yeah, I hear ya. It’s all gonna be okay.”

  “Liz, he cares deeply for you and is working hard to make sure you come home to us safely.”

  “Listen I gotta go, tell that fiancée of yours I can’t wait to meet her. She’s a lucky lady in my book.”

  “That’s funny. She just told me that today too.”

  “She’s smart too! I love you, cuz!”

  “Love you too, Lizard! Be careful!”

  I hang up, wishing I could be there to help Lizzie again like I was during the trial.

  Samantha walks toward me with a smile. I quickly get my mind back into the celebration as I take her hand and lead her over to where Jaxson and Jen are sitting. We sit with them and our parents for dinner while we enjoy the conversation. It’s the first time my dad and Mr. and Mrs. Marconi meet, but everyone gets along great. And Sam’s grandmother is so excited she pinches me.

  I signal to Jax to meet me at the bar to talk a minute and excuse myself from the table.

  “What’s up, bro?” He asks as he swirls his scotch.

  “Elizabeth just called me to congratulate me on my engagement.”

  “No shit! Is she okay? Does she know Tony’s looking for her?”

  “She’s fine right now. When I told her about Tony, she mentioned she was fine to allow him to help keep her safe.”

  “Well, okay… Thanks for filling me - uh...” Jaxson looks at something behind me. When I turn around to comprehend what he’s preoccupied with, Amanda Harrington appears in the vestibule at the top of the stairs.

  “I’ll catch you later, bro.” He walks over to her; his arm domineeringly guides her back down the stairs. It makes me deliberate if Amanda knows Jennifer lives in his house yet. He and Amanda have dated casually for many years, and I thought she was clear on Jaxson’s no-strings-attached rule. Maybe Amanda didn’t want to follow that rule anymore. She has been a known serial rule breaker since childhood.

  When I look for Samantha, she’s saying good night to Dafny … and Joe? I knew she wanted to introduce the two of them, but I never thought they would hit it off. I tried to discourage the matchmaking idea so as not to embarrass anyone if it fails. Who knew? They leave together down the stairs, and she turns to me, her face lighting up like the brightest sun. Wow, is that for little old me? Every lover deserves that reaction frequently. Why not make him or her feel like they are on the top of the world? I read once that you should also always look at your children with love and pride in your facial expression so they will have a good self-esteem. It’s supposed to let them know that they are loved unconditionally and can accomplish anything in life. If she looks at me that way for the rest of our lives, I just may become the next Superman because it makes me wanna fly.

  Other guests gather around to say goodbye as we stand arm in arm to monitor the place as it clears out. The only people left are Sam’s parents, grandmother, and Jennifer. I guess Jaxson is Jen’s ride home too. Sam and I walk along the railing toward the tables, and she happens to glance down to the level below.

  “What’s Jaxson in an argument about down there?” She points at the couple below.

  I know already, but I look anyway to grasp if it is as heated a conversation as it sounds from up here.

  “She’s Amanda Harrington. Jaxson’s known her since he was a little boy.”

  Samantha turns to me and with a ruffled brow asks, “Harrington? Isn’t that the last name of the man offering money for Elizabeth? Is she any relation to him?”

  I nod my head put my arms around her and answer, “She’s his daughter. I forget that you never really heard the whole story.” She looks up at me curiously and shakes her head. “Elizabeth’s father, my uncle Bradford, was best friends with Richard Harrington—Amanda’s father. The two very demented sick fathers would trade their five-year-old daughters to be used for sex. It continued for many years with the use of drugs when the girls got older.”

  “Oh my gosh, it’s clear now why Lizzie would have a grudge against her father and temporarily go insane,” she replies.

  The voices below are louder now, and we both look over the railing. I decide that maybe I should referee. Samantha goes to the table, and I head for the stairs. By the time my foot hits the bottom step, Jax rounds the corner and almost plows right into me.

  “Whoa, brother! You okay?” I look over and see Amanda as she disappears down the dock.

  “Yeah bro, I’m good. You guys ready to go home?” Jaxson replies nonchalantly.

  “Jaxson, what were you and Amanda arguing about? We could hear you all the way upstairs.” I push him back from the stairs to wait for an answer. His face scrunches up like he tasted a rotten piece of fruit.

  “You know her. She’s dramatic on a good day. I had to calm her down because she found out I drove Jennifer here.”

  “Didn’t you ever give her the ‘no strings attached’ memo?” I smirk.

  He rolls his eyes and blows out a big breath of air like he’s disgusted.

  “With Amanda, things are on a different level. The fact that I’ve known her for so long makes it difficult. She’s vulnerable, so I need to protect her to an extent. I feel bad if I hurt her ’cause she’s been through so much. She’ll be fine. Anyway, are you guys ready to leave?”

  “Sam and Jen are just with her family waiting for us.”

  I turn and head back up the stairs while I purge Jaxson’s woman problems out of my mind. We say goodbye to my future in-laws and walk toward the front near the new Centennial Ferris wheel. It really is spectacular with navy blue gondolas that spin on a base and soar a couple of hundred feet into the sky.

  “Hey, how about we take a ride on the Ferris wheel before we leave?” Samantha says.

  I look over at Jax to get his reaction, but there really is none. I find it very difficult to gauge his relationship with Jennifer. Maybe he’s hesitant because Amanda might still be here and see them get on the ride together. Then he surprises me, walks right up to the ticket booth, and buys all of us tickets.

  Samantha is like a little girl as she dances around when we wait our turn in line. I laugh at her silliness and catch her in my arms.

  “Nana pinched me when I hugged her,” I reveal.

  “Are you kidding? Yeah, she really does like you. Am I going to have to have a talk with her about boundaries?” Sam says, gi

  “No, leave her be. I like that the Marconi women find me irresistible.”

  It’s our turn to claim a car, and we sit side by side as Jax and Jen sit across from us. Each time we move a little higher, the view is more spectacular. The car we are in is now at the very top of the gigantic circle. Jax and Jen are turned to admire the whole city in view with its iconic skyscrapers sketching the unforgettable skyline. The twinkling lights from the boats on the lake wink at us through the darkness.

  But somehow, I can’t take my eyes off my girl. She turns toward me with those big brown eyes, and my world is flawless.

  “I love you, beautiful. You’ve made me the happiest man on earth when you agreed to be my wife.” I kiss her softly on the lips.

  “I love you too! I was so surprised tonight. If you weren’t holding me up, I would have fallen over. That party was so spectacular, and my mom told me you made all the arrangements yourself. From flowers to food, all the intricate details were executed perfectly. How in the world did you do all of that yourself?” She smiles, her forehead against mine.

  “Samantha, with you as my motivation, I have the power to do anything!”



  Book #2


  Elizabeth Pope is being hunted as a pawn in a sick online game.

  As a child, Elizabeth’s own mother didn’t even care enough to save her from abusers. Now, she’s old enough to seek revenge on the game’s creator, the criminal most responsible for her woes.

  Brave and resilient, she tries to deal with the situation alone. But Tony might be her only hope. Strong, capable, reliable he's going to protect her even if it means giving up his own life.

  As Elizabeth and Tony reconnect, the game’s players hijack their destiny. Can she maneuver through the trauma of facing her past transgressor? Or will she risk it all to get her retribution on the monster that otherwise will never leave her alone?


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