Pleasured By The Aliens

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Pleasured By The Aliens Page 8

by Maia Starr

  “You are just saying that because you don’t want to play against me because I will win,” I said.

  He turned to me, intrigued.

  “Win? Show me,” he said moving to the other side of the table. He picked up the paddle and held it awkwardly. I couldn’t help but to laugh at him.

  “I am going to bounce the ball to you. You want to hit it back gently to me, over this net and you want it to bounce in one of these boxes,” I said showing him the white outline on the table.

  I bounced the ball to him. He awkwardly bounced it back. His thick black brows were furrowed together as he concentrated, taking it very seriously. Before long, we were actually playing a game. I liked seeing this side of him. It was playful and less serious.

  “Now do you see the appeal?” I asked putting the paddle down on the table. “It’s just to laugh for a while, to have some fun.”

  Kandyr was smiling at me, but then that smile faded. His brown eyes glazed over. He threw the paddle on the table and took three long strides around the table to me.

  “What are you doing Kandyr?”

  “I’ll show you Sabine,” his voice was thick with lust and my body responded to it.

  He picked me up and set me on the table. He pushed my knees apart and put his hips between them. His mouth covered mine and my body instantly responded. I could feel my nipples getting hard and pressing against the fabric of my dress.

  “Mmm, I have you all to myself. It’s the way I like it,” he moaned.

  “And what are you going to do now that I am all yours?” I whispered between kisses and my hands moved through his dark long hair.

  “I’m going to taste you human,” he said. He dropped down to his knees and pushed up the skirt portion of my dress. I giggled. Then he pushed his face between my thighs and onto my sweet center. I moaned. I loved the feeling of having a strong sexy alien between my thighs. It was sexy as hell.

  His tongue found my slit and licked up and down between my folds. I tilted back, raising my legs and putting my knees over his shoulders.

  “Yes, you like that don’t you. You want me to taste you,” he moaned.

  “Yes. Please don’t stop,” I moaned.

  He groaned and licked some more while his hands massaged my thighs. I breathed in and out heavily. My hands moved to my breasts, massaging and caressing them and I realized just how much I was used to having one of my other husbands touch me there.

  Kandyr moved his tongue over my rosebud. I shouted in pleasure as he moved skillfully.

  “Yes, that’s it husband. My alien husband,” I whispered over and over. Hearing these taboo words for the first time made me so damn hot. It was going to be the truth and I liked it, even though I didn’t want to admit it.

  “Mmm, I like the way that sounds,” he whispered and groaned.

  My body trembled. I released in climax. “Yes! Yes! Oh yes!”

  “You are so wet. You taste so good,” he moaned.

  Kandyr stood up and pulled his cock out of his uniform. He grabbed the straps of my dress and pulled it down to my waist. I was now wearing this dress like a belt as my bottom half and top half of my body were naked.

  His mouth moved over my breasts and his tongue played with my nipples. I moved my hands over his back and up his shoulders. I liked feeling every strong and toned muscle.

  Pressing against my thigh was his hungry cock. I reached down and wrapped my hand around it.

  “Oh fuck, that feels good,” he moaned.

  “It does? What about this?” I asked as I began to rub it up and down.

  “You know that it does,” he said and then hungrily pressed his mouth over mine, kissing me deeply. His tongue rolled with mine. I moved my hand faster. He groaned. He put his hand over mine and guided the tip of his cock inside of me.

  “Mmm, yes. Yes,” I whispered as he entered me.

  Kandyr’s hands pressed against my hips and he pulled me toward him. His cock slide deep inside of me.

  My hands moved around his neck and he picked me up from the table. I wrapped my legs around him.

  He pumped his cock in and out of me. Our skin slapped together as he carried me. He was so strong and lifted me with ease. I hung on to him, hanging off of him like he was a tree because of his extreme almost 9 foot height. He moved easily like a ragdoll. This strong alien was taking me, claiming me. I was going to be his official wife, and he would be one of four husbands. That thought only turned me on more.

  “Human, you are sexy. You make my cock so hard,” he whispered as he slammed my body onto his.

  His words made me moan. I could not get enough of feeling so desired by these alien Dains. Then he tensed up. He groaned louder and louder. “I’m going to release.”

  The juices flowed inside of me, filling me up. He sat me down on the table once more, and moved his cock in and out slowly. This was only the beginning. When we had both caught our breath, we moved upstairs to my new room and christened the bed. It was definitely a good homecuming.

  The next morning, I rolled over in bed feeling good. I had not awakened inside a proper house in so many years. It felt good. It felt safe. It was nice to wake up and not have to be quiet to listen for the sound of raptors. I looked at the sleeping alien next to me. His strong naked blue body stretched out before me. I put my hand on his hard chest and ran it up and down, caressing him. I just couldn't help myself. His eyes opened, and a smile came across his face.

  “Good morning Sabine.”

  “Good morning.”

  A low rumble reverberated through the house. My eyes opened wide.

  “What is that?”

  “It's a vehicle. Someone's here,” Kandyr said as he quickly rolled out of bed and pulled on his trousers. He looked at me seriously, “Stay here.”

  As he walked out of the room and down stairs I went to the window and peeked out of the drapes. There was a large Humvee like vehicle in the driveway. The door opened and Jate stepped out. A smile came across my face. Neevon and Priah got out of the back. I ran toward my jeans and sweater and pulled them on. I quickly looked in the mirror, fixing my hair and realizing that I actually cared about looking good for these aliens, which was new. Then I ran downstairs to join them. They all stood in the lobby with big smiles on their face.

  “There she is, our new wife.” Jate said holding up his hand, I could see the tattooed ring band on his finger.

  “It worked?” I asked.

  “It worked,” Neevon and Priah said holding up their hands too.

  “So, we’re all married now?” I asked timidly not knowing exactly how to feel about this.

  “Yes. It’s all set,” Jate said.

  We all stood there quietly. I looked it all four of them. Suddenly, I had four alien husbands, and didn't know what to think of it. This was not what I had expected and a part of me was really starting to like it. I had to admit that I felt very safe with them standing there, masculine, tall, and protective. They had saved my life from the graptor, and now they were going to protect me from anything that could harm me. It felt good. For the first time I didn't feel so alone, and it made me feel like a princess having these royal guards to protect and pleasure me. Goosebumps appeared all over my body as this thought penetrated through me. This was the start of a new chapter, a very dirty one.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Commander Kandyr

  We were all together, one happy family. But as the weeks went by, I was strangely growing increasingly unhappy. It wasn't like me. I was loyal. I was a commander first and a husband second, but Sabine was growing on me in a way that I did not expect. I was becoming possessive.

  “Where is everyone?” She asked as she came down the stairs.

  “Working. You are with me today,”

  “I understand.”

  “Are you hungry? I have made us food.”

  She turned to look at me with wide eyes. She had been the one making food, all of the meals for us every day for weeks. But this time, I had a plan. This tim
e I wanted to pleasure her and not just sexually. I wanted her affection.

  “Yes, I am hungry. Thank you.”

  “Here, come sit down,” I said pulling the chair out for her at the table. She sat down and moaned. “Kandyr, this all smells delicious. I can’t believe it. How do you know how to make pancakes?”

  “I read about it. Please eat. I have a surprise for you after breakfast,” I said sitting down to eat with her.

  “You do?” she smiled.


  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You will find out after you eat,” I said.

  She bounced up and down in her chair. I liked it. Seeing her excited like this made me happy. It was exactly what I wanted to happen. She was beautiful when she beamed like this and I could not wait to surprise her even more.

  After breakfast, she got dressed and met me at the front door.

  “I am ready for the surprise, you have kept me waiting long enough.”

  “I can't tell you, but I am going to show you. Let's go,” I said grabbing the key to the vehicle.

  “Wait, you mean we are leaving the house? I have not been able to leave since we arrived.”

  “I know and that is why I'm taking you out now. You have been stuck here inside long enough. Let's go.”

  I opened the door and she skipped out, extremely happy. I followed her laughing, realizing the simple act of just leaving the home was making her happy. Why had I not done this before? We, the husbands, had been very occupied with breeding this human female and nothing else. With our work as soldiers that did not leave a lot of time to do things like taking her away from the home, even just for a little while.

  Minutes later we were driving down the road out of the gated community. I drove her across the city until I came to the destination. It was a place that I had seen a week before when working in the region.

  “This is it”

  We got out of the vehicle, and I walked around to her side.

  “What is this place?” I have no memory of this place.

  “Come on, I will show you. I said taking her hand in mine. I walked her through the ruins of the massive building in front of us into the main rooms of the building that were still only half standing walls.

  “Kandyr…” she breathlessly whispered.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes, I love it. I can't believe… this is incredible.”

  “I believe it was called a museum.”

  “Yes, that's exactly what it is. Look at this... This is a massive Egyptian statue. Thousands and thousands of years old and look it is survived an alien invasion. Look over here, it is part of an ancient temple wall,” she said running from one item to another. The look on her face brought me great joy as she smiled and laughed happily picking up items and looking at them with wonder. I knew that I had made a great choice and bringing her here.

  “Look at this. It's an ancient gold bracelet. You wear it on your wrist,” She held up a ring of gold with a blue gemstone in it.

  “Then you shall have it and wear it on your wrist,” I said taking the large gold ring and slipping it over her hand. She looked up at me with something in her eyes that I had not seen before. Was it love?

  “Thank you Kandyr. I absolutely love it.”

  “And I love you Sabine…” I held her hand.

  She gasped. She held my gaze for a long time, but she did not say anything in return. I was waiting for her to tell me that she loved me as well, but could I expect such a thing from a human? After all I was part of the alien race that decimated her planet and her people. I knew that she tolerated us, but love? It was impossible, it had to be.

  “I want to see more,” She said pulling away from me. She turned her back to me and looked through all of the large statues and small items scattered throughout the complex ruins. A part of me felt dark and empty, that she did not return my emotions, but that should not be a surprise. I swallowed my pride and walked after her, watching her look through all of the remains of the ancient past.

  Later that night, after we all ate dinner together, my patience was put to the test.

  “Sabine, you are coming to my room,” Priah said to her standing at the bottom of the stairs. It was his night to have her. We had been on a schedule, rotating every 2 nights. She would be with one of us, then no one. There would be a gap where she would spend the night alone for 3 nights straight and then it the schedule would start over again.

  He held his hand out to her and she took it. I watched as he let her upstairs and felt the heat inside of my body growing. I was feeling jealous, I did not want to share her any longer. But that was part of being a Dain, that was part of my loyalty to my race. I couldn't go against it, and yet everything inside of me was urging me to.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When I lived in the wilderness alone, my blond hair was short down past my ears in a bob. I kept it that way being a child of the forest. Now it was down to my shoulders. That was how long it had been that I was living with these alien men as my husbands.

  I felt the strong hand of Priah caressing my breasts, slowly, lazily. He was half asleep in bed next to me. On the other side of my body was Neevon. His hand was resting on my thigh and he was asleep. His blue chest heaved up and down slowly. Jate was asleep at the foot of the bed horizontally. We had all just enjoyed an entire day pleasure, and I was feeling exhausted but exhilarated at having been satisfied by for alien men. We all laid there happily in a lazy state after orgasmic pleasure, all of us except for one. Kandyr stared at me from across the massive bed, but he wasn't looking at me with lust in his brown eyes. No, it was anger and rage, it scared me a little. What was he thinking? Why was he mad at me?

  I broke my gaze from him, feeling a little bit disturbed by the way he was looking at me. I rolled onto my side letting Priah move against me, spooning me. We were one happy family, and I was enjoying being shared by these alien men over and over. I was practically begging for more every time. I was bonding to each of them, but there was something about Kandyr that always made me think about him more than the others. It was the fact that he had confessed his love to me. I had never had a man, human or alien tell me that. It shocked me. But none of the other husbands have said anything like that to me, it was just lust and friendship. But with Kandyr it was different and that scared me because I was starting to feel the same way.

  Days passed… Until one day…

  “Sabine,” Kandyr said loudly as he put his hand on my thigh, waking me up.

  I sat up in bed in my room. I was alone and it was early in the morning.

  “What? What is it? Is everything alright?”

  “No, it is not alright. I can't sleep. I can't work. Everything in my life is suffering!”

  “What do you mean?” I wiped the sleep from my face and watched him walk back and forth in my room.

  “It's you. It's all because of you,” he said as he turned to look at me, with those brown eyes digging a hole deep inside of me.

  “What? What did I do? What do you mean Kandyr, you're not making sense.”

  “I can't do this anymore.”

  “Do what?”

  “I cannot share you with them. I need you. I need you to be mine and mine only.”

  “What? I can't do that. I care for you deeply, I care for all of you. But this is not up to me, I am your prisoner, remember.”

  “I know. I do remember. Let's get away from here. I will take you anywhere.”

  “Just you and I? Kandyr what are you saying? You are not making sense,” I got up and stood in front of him, putting my hands on his arms. He towered over me.

  “I mean, I want you and I to be together. Just the two of us. We don't even have to stay on Earth I can steal a ship and we can go to another planet. Just you and I and we can be husband and wife and I won't have to share you with anyone.”

  I was silent. I couldn't believe what he was saying. I liked the idea of being away from all of this
, from the ruin and despair. I liked the idea of being away from the killing of humans and the destruction of the cities, away from virgin camps. But most of all I like the idea of being with him and only him. But deep inside I also cared deeply about the other three, my three husbands.

  “No, we can't do that. I can't do that to the others. Go away, far away into space? Another planet? You have lost your mind.”

  “Ah”” he groaned and punched the wall. Then he walked out. I could hear the heavy stumping of his boots as he descended the stairs. I walked out of my door and into the hallway. Priah was standing there. I just looked at him and then turned and walked back into my room and closed the door.

  What was I going to do? I cared for Kandyr, I really did. I cared for him more than the others, but not enough to abandon them. Or did I? I didn't know. I was feeling overwhelmed with emotion, more than I had in a long time. I threw myself on my bed and started to cry. It was strange, but was just a flood of emotion coming over me and I could not hold it back. Suddenly the bliss I was feeling having this happy family had gone away. Now it wascomplicated and I didn't know how to deal with complicated. I had spent so much time alone. I cried myself back to sleep.

  When I woke up, it felt like it was late afternoon. I quickly put on my clothes and went downstairs. Neevon was sitting at the table in the kitchen.

  “I overslept. I was so tired. I am sorry, where is everyone?” I asked.

  Neevon smiled at me. “Hello beautiful human. Everyone has gone to work, but I am here with you today.”

  “Breakfast? I missed breakfast. I'm sorry I neglected my duties and…”

  “It is all right Sabine. I think we can feed ourselves for one meal. We are soldiers after all, and truth be told, we need to give you a break. We should all be contributing more, not just relying on you. I made breakfast for everyone and I saved some for you. You need your rest, we have been depleting you of your energy in bed,” he winked.

  I smiled and sat down. He got up and grabbed a plate that was covered with another plate and sat it in front of me. There were scrambled eggs with roasted vegetables and an herb salad. He poured water in a cup for me and placed it in front of me. Then he sat down across from me once more.


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