Pleasured By The Aliens

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Pleasured By The Aliens Page 11

by Maia Starr


  I could not believe this was happening. After everything had been going so well, now this, somethingthat could separate us forever. It was a miracle that I had fallen for all four of my husbands, but we were a close-knit family now. I felt safer than I had in a long, long time. I had been alone for so long and now I actually had friendship, love, passion and a child on the way. It was everything that I could ever hope for but never dreamed I could have when I lived alone in the forest.

  Now this Lieutenant Dirgo was going to take it all away from me. What the hell would happen if my husbands were put in prison? Where would the authorities of the Dains take me? Would I be put in some sort of breeding program where I would just give birth to my child and have it taken away from me? The anxiety was overwhelming. As Kandyr held me trying to comfort me I could not get my heart rate down. I was panicking.

  “This is not good for her. Sabine, don't worry, we are going to take care of this.” Priah said.

  “We have to take her mind off of this,” Jate said.

  They all looked at me, and then looked at each other. Suddenly Kandyr good to me up into his arms. I felt safe in his arms as he carried me up the stairs. My husbands followed him. He laid me gently on the bed and begin to kiss me. I kissed him back, feeling the love that he was giving me. My body was becoming aroused. I felt hands on my legs, on my arms. I felt strong hands on my breasts. Every part of my body was being touched and caressed. The moaning sounds that my husbands were emitting were taking my mind off of the problem. I was getting lost in a sea of lust and the problem was going away.

  “Be careful with her, remember she’s pregnant,” Kandyr moaned between kisses.

  His words made me instantly wet. I was calmer. This was working. I felt protected by my group of husbands. Neevon kissed my legs, taking my boots off my feet and massaging them and kissing the tops of my feet. Jate was massaging my breasts and pushing my shirt up, caressing my belly. I felt his strong hands softly on my skin, cradling my baby bump. Priah kissed my arms, up and down, caressing the inside of my wrists.

  I was wet and I was ready. They were overwhelming me with pleasure and it was exactly what I needed in this moment.

  Jate pulled off my shirt and exposed my breasts. Neevon pulled off my skirt and now I was naked. He kissed my legs and thighs, while Jate kissed my belly, softly. Kandyr hovered over me and looked at me with love in his eyes. I smiled. He lowered his lips onto mine and kissed me gently.

  I could feel Priah at my side, slowly caressing my arms. I had all four husbands touching some part of my body and it was working to take away my anxiety.

  Kandyr moved between my thighs. “You are so beautiful,” he said as he got on his knees.

  “So are you,” I whispered.

  He smiled and put his hands on my hips and pulled me toward him. I bent my knees, placing my feet flat on the bed.

  “I won’t put my weight on you,” Kandyr said as he put his hands down on either side of my body holding up his weight, hovering over me. His cock pressed against my wet slit.

  “I know you will be careful,” I whispered.

  He pushed his cock inside of me. I moaned with pleasure. Then I felt Jate’s hands on my breasts, massaging them. I closed my eyes enjoying the pleasure of having Kandyr’s cock inside of me and Jate’s hands on my breasts.

  Lips pressed against mine, and even with my eyes closed I knew that it was Priah. Each of my husbands had distinct qualities and that was also true of them in bed. I opened my eyes and saw his blue and white hair framing his face. I smiled as he kissed me.

  “Are you happy, wife?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  “Good. I only want you to be happy,” Priah whispered. He kissed my neck and shoulders. I looked at Kandyr, holding himself up above me. His long thick cock was gliding in and out of me slowly. He was taking his time, making love to me.

  He sighed, and then looked down over my body. I could tell that he was letting his eyes get his fill.

  But he was soon releasing himself inside of me. When he was done, he moved aside. I got up on my knees and kissed Neevon. He was on his knees facing me, touching me. A warm body pressed against my backside. Large hands came around my body, groping my breasts.

  “I want you so badly,” Jate whispered in my ear and I knew that he was the one behind me.

  “I want you too, husband,” I said.

  Neevon and Jate kissed my body up and down. Neevon kissed the front side of me while Jate was behind me. I was in bliss once more.

  Neevon laid down on the bed in front of me. He grabbed my hand. “Get on top of me wife.”

  “Yes, husband,” I responded.

  I straddled him as he held his cock in his hand. He entered me and I let it slide inside me as I sat down.

  “Mm, that feels good.” He whispered.

  Jate came next to me and kissed me. His large hands moved over my breasts. Neevon’s hands were on my waist guiding me.

  “You are beautiful,” Kandyr said. I looked to see him lying on the bed in his post orgasm bliss, watching us. I smiled at him.

  Priah was standing near the bed watching me. He grinned.

  I had all of my husbands that night. They took me slowly, made love to me. They were keeping me occupied so that I did not think about our problems, and I didn’t. It was a beautiful and long night. My four alien husbands thoroughly satisfied me and I was completely exhausted when they were done with me. I fell into a deep sleep surrounded by their warm blue bodies and felt safer than ever.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  We took care of our wife, in the best way that we knew how. We could not have her filled with anxiety and stressed out. That was dangerous for a human female that was pregnant. The entire purpose of having a human wife was to breed her, we had done that successfully and now this Lieutenant Dirgo was trying to take it away from us. I felt like it was all my fault.

  “Where is she?” Priah asked Kandyr as he came into the kitchen.

  “She is sound asleep,” he responded.

  “Are you sure? She cannot hear this meeting, it is a secret meeting,” Priah said.

  “I am sure. We exhausted her, she is in a deep sleep,” Kandyr said.

  “Good, now let's talk about what we are really going to do about this situation,” Priah said.

  “I can do what he wants. I can do what I did for us, but it will take more than 24 hours for me to do it. I don't understand why you wanted to meet him in 24 hours,” I sent to the commander.

  “Because I was already thinking ahead. I was already thinking about how to handle this situation. No matter what we do we will need to meet with him in 24 hours to check if he is still with us, or if he is already against us and has turned us in. I need to stay on top of the situation at all times and be informed. No matter what stage we are in, we will need to meet him in 24 hours to give him an update,” Kandyr said.

  “Good thinking Commander,” Neevon said.

  “So, what's the plan? We need a step-by-step plan, and we need one now,” Priah said.

  We walked around the kitchen, all of us restless and thinking.

  “If Jate does this for him, what is to say his demands will stop there?” Priah asked.

  “He’s right. He could come back a month from now, harassing us,” Neevon added.

  “He will continue to blackmail us always wanting something and his demands will just get more extreme,” Kandyr said.

  “We can’t have that in our family. It’s not good for Sabine, or the baby,” Priah said.

  We all looked at each other, and we already knew what needed to be done.

  “So we just eliminate the problem,” Kandyr said.

  “Precisely.” I said.

  “Then that is the plan. This stays between us. Do not tell Sabine, we do not need her to worry,” Priah added.

  “Jate, I want you to look into the lieutenant. If he suddenly goes missing I want to know who is going to m
iss him. We need to find out if he has told anyone else about this, perhaps other Dains that he has promised to bring into the plan to get them a wife. We cannot do this carelessly,” the commander ordered.

  “I am on it.”

  “We will need to make this look like an accident,” Neevon said pacing the room back and forth.

  “We are going to meet him at the pier, that is a good place for an accidental drowning,” Priah said.

  “He could be walking on the broken pier, slip, hit his head, and fall into the water. He would drown,” Kandyr said.

  We were all quiet as we thought about this. It was a plausible course to take.

  “That is it then. That is what we will do. Everyone get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a full day and a full night. Remember, we are doing this for Sabine,” the commander ordered. He put his hand out, and we all grabbed each other's forearms, agreeing to this. We were now a family unit and we were working as one against the enemy. No one fucked with our family. We now had a mission, a mission to save our family.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The next day after the incident with Lieutenant Dirgo, I was filled with anxiety. I didn't know what my husbands were planning, but they assured me they were going to take care of everything. But I had a hard time getting through the hours of the day. I could see them looking at each other, not wanting to say what they were really thinking in front of me. They were trying to protect me. I thanked them for that, but I also wanted to know the truth.

  They went to work like usual, all of them except for Neevon who was there to be with me that day. I took my usual nap, always around the same time of day to wake up 2 hours before dinner. But it took me a long time to fall asleep, and when I finally did I slept hard. When I woke up it was already dark outside.

  “Oh no,” I said as I jumped out of bed and put on my clothes. I quickly went downstairs. It was very quiet which made me nervous.

  “Neevon, where is everyone? It is time for dinner,” I said.

  He smiled at me. “Did you have a good nap? Did you get some rest? I know you have been having a hard time sleeping.”

  I moved to him, standing directly in front of him just inches away. “Don't do that. Don't avoid the question, answer me, Neevon.. Where are they?”

  He took my hand in his. “I don't want you to worry. They have already gone. They have gone to go meet with Lieutenant Dirgo.”

  “What! Why didn't they wake me? I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye, to hear what was going to happen. How could they do this?”

  “Sabine, Sabine, look at me. Look into my eyes. Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise you that. I need you to stay calm, remember the baby. We can't have you stressed and sick.”

  I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself as he massaged my hand. I knew that he was right. I knew that I had to think about the baby, and that meant not making myself sick with worry.

  “Good, take a deep breath and calm down. You are safe. The commander made me stay here to keep you safe. Your husbands are the best soldiers I have ever known, nothing is going to happen to them. They are fierce, strong, and skilled. You have nothing to worry about. We all took an oath to protect you and to make life good for you and we are going to make good on that promise, no matter what,”

  “Thank you Neevon,” I said. He pulled me between his thighs as he sat in the chair and hugged me. He rubbed my back.

  “For now, drink some water. I made dinner, soup and an herb salad, nothing too heavy to upset your stomach. Remember you are eating for two now.”

  I pulled away from him and nodded my head yes.

  “That's a good girl,” He said. He moved me around the table and pulled the chair out for me. I sat down as he served me soup and an herb salad. My anxiety was through the roof, and I had to keep focusing on a happy thought to get my heart rate back to normal.

  After I ate, I sat with Neevon as he read out loud to me from an old book, David Copperfield. I was trying to pay attention, trying to get lost in the story, but every now and then I would hear noise outside and think it was my husbands returning, but it was nothing. Hours went by. It was after midnight.

  “This isn't right, Neevon. It is so late. Something has gone wrong. What are we going to do?” I walked back and forth in the foyer near the front door.

  “I am a soldier. I can tell you from experience that a mission goes by in a blink of an eye when you are on it, but when you are the one waiting it takes forever. I am sure they are on track. Haven't you ever done something that went by so fast yet in reality hours went by? Come on, you are a tough woman, we found you in the wilderness alone fighting against raptors, remember?”

  I smiled. “Yes, you are right. One time I spent the entire night in the hole with a small door covering me while a graptor was digging at it trying to get to me for hours. But it felt like a blink of an eye even though it was overnight,” I said, remembering what it was like that night that I had stayed in the hole. That felt like a lifetime ago. I had been on my own in the wilderness, taking care of myself. I was a tough woman, although a part of me had forgot about that after being pampered by four alien soldiers. I knew what a mission was, and I knew what it was like. Going out hunting for food in the wilderness was a mission and I would be hunted by raptors during that time. My husbands weren't dealing with something like that. I had to be patient. I needed to wait it out.

  “It is late. Why don't you go to sleep and I will come get you as soon as they returned,” Neevon said, putting his hands on my waist. His lips pressed against my cheek.

  “I can't. I can't sleep. But I will lay down on the couch, if you will come sit with me,”

  “Yes, of course I will. Anything for you, my lovely wife,” He grabbed my hand and led me to the living room. He pulled up a chair next to the couch. I laid down, staring at the ceiling and waiting. Would my husbands return? Would they all return or just one of them? What were they doing out there? Why was it taking this long just for Jate to get that Lieutenant set up with a fake document for a wife? It didn't make sense to me. There was something going on, something they weren't telling me, and that is what terrified me.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Commander Kandyr

  The boat quietly moved through the water of the Great Lake. We were slowly pushing the paddles in the water, we had to. We couldn't take a motorboat, because this needed to be done quietly. We needed to be invisible.

  “There it is. That is the broken pier,” Priah said, pointing out the pier in the darkness.

  “Good, the lieutenant won't be showing up for another hour. That gives us plenty of time to plan. Let's move to the last pylon and tiethe boat underneath the pier. Jate, do you see anyone on the shore?” I asked.

  “No, the coast is clear.”

  “Let's move in, soldiers,” I ordered.

  Quietly we paddled to the pier, making as little noise as possible. Once we reached the pylon, we tied the boat. Each of us slowly went overboard, quietly entering the cold water and swimming toward the shore,using the pylons of the pier to hide our bodies. We reached the sand and sat down.

  “Everyone remember what they are doing?” I asked, looking around for any signs of movement.

  “Yes,” they both answered.

  The coast was quiet and clear. We didn't even see patrols and I realize this was why Lieutenant Dirgo wanted to meet here, because no one came to this part. There was no patrol and that was good for us.

  “There he is, I think that is him. He is alone,” Priah said standing up and looking down the coast. There was one body walking toward us and it was definitely a Dain.

  “Good of you all to show up. What do you have for me?” Lieutenant Dirgo said, walking under the pier.

  “I have everything set. You will have a wife in less than a week, but first things first. We all had to get our bands. You will have to do that too, I have the machine here,” Jate said opening his bag. He pulled out the tattoo band
machine, it was small.

  “You have thought of everything. I am impressed. No wonder this worked for all of you, you didn't leave anything to chance. Will I be getting my letter?”

  “Yes, it will arrive in 48 hours. You know as well as I do though the system takes a while to process,” Jate said, holding out his hand.

  The lieutenant looked at him and then looked at me and Priah. Did he know? Did he know that we were up to something else? Obviously you could feel the tension, but that tension would be there even if we weren't going to do something. The fact that we were all meeting like this was a tense situation. Finally, he put his hand in Jate’s.

  “Alright so this only takes a few seconds and…”

  Bam. Priah hit Dirgo on the head. It knocked him unconscious.

  “Grab him, take him out to the water,” I whispered looking around. We all grabbed him and waded out until the water was up to our chest. Then we held him under, drowning him. He came to and begin to struggle, but the struggle didn't last long. We took his life.

  “That pylon there,” I said pointing to one. We dragged his body to it in the water. We attached his uniform to a few nails and ropes that were at the bottom of the pylon, making it look like he got caught in them and drowned.

  “That is it. Priah, check the coast one more time. Any movement?”

  “Scanning the coast,” Priah responded.

  “He is tied on there tight and good, he won't get away.”

  “We have to go into the sand and erased our footprints,” I said.

  “Yes, I have the tool,” Jate said, walking back toward the shore. He took out a laser from his bag. I was a cold laser. It did not emit any light. He turned it on and ran it over the sand, and it quickly pulled the sand up from our footprints, making them disappear. The only footprints left were that of the lieutenant coming from down the coast to the pier. Now it really looked like he was alone.


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