First Class Justice (First Class Novels)

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First Class Justice (First Class Novels) Page 12

by Harmon, AJ

  “Crap,” she muttered. Wrapping the towel around her under her arms, she opened the door and cautiously took a small step into the bedroom. Where is he?

  He was standing by the window and turned as he heard the door. A grin appeared on his face as he gave her the up and down glance over her long legs and up to the towel wrapped in a turban over her hair.

  “Umm,” she began, “my purse and backpack are still in my car.”

  “So?” He was still grinning.

  “Could you go get them for me? Please?”

  Mark walked over to her and stopped a few inches away. Katy’s breath hitched as she gazed up at his face. He was gorgeous. He had thick dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. He had stubble all over his chin and it gave him a rugged look; a look she liked.

  “Where is your stub?”

  Katy continued gazing at him, unable to look away.



  “Where is your valet stub?”


  Mark chuckled and grabbed her shoulders.


  The tone of his voice snapped her out of her daze and she stepped backwards.


  “If I’m going to your car, I need your valet stub.”

  “Oh. Umm, I guess it’s over there.” She pointed at her black medical bag.

  Mark walked over to the table where the bag sat and underneath it sat the small yellow stub. He picked it up, grabbed his flip flops from the closet and walked out of the hotel room.

  “Good grief,” Katy muttered to herself. “Yep, just like a silly sixteen year old.”

  She turned and walked back into the bathroom and rummaged through Mark’s toiletry bag. She found toothpaste and grabbed the unwrapped toothbrush off the marble counter and brushed her teeth. Then she pulled a comb from his bag and after towel drying her hair, she combed it through and put it back into a ponytail.

  Let’s hope I have something to wear in the backpack...


  Mark stepped off the elevator in the lobby and walked to the valet station. He explained that his guest had left her bags in her car and he needed to retrieve them for her. The smirk on the young man’s face told Mark that he would be sharing the conversation with his co-workers as soon as Mark stepped back in the elevator. A few minutes later, Katy’s Subaru pulled in front of the hotel and Mark climbed in the backseat looking for her backpack. Her purse was on the front passenger seat and her backpack on the floor in the backseat. He looked for anything else that might be valuable and found a PSU sweatshirt that he grabbed as well. He thanked the valet and headed back to the room.

  It’s only Saturday, he thought as he stepped into the elevator. I can make this a weekend to remember.

  As the doors opened and he stepped out onto the eighth floor, a plan was formulating in his head.

  “I might just have to owe you for this, Matt,” he grinned.


  While Mark took his turn in the bathroom, Katy emptied her backpack on the king-size bed and tried to find something presentable to wear. She had running shorts but it was too cold for them. She found a pair of yoga pants and put them aside. May be my best option, she thought. There wasn’t any clean underwear, but there was a stick of deodorant and a sports bra and Mark had grabbed her sweatshirt. There was a pair of running shoes and clean socks so that would have to complete her outfit. It suited her fine. All she had to do was wear it home and who cared what she wore while she was driving?

  With the shower still running, she quickly got dressed and packed up her clothes from the night before. Katy never went without make-up so she always kept a small bag of essentials in her purse; moisturizer, foundation, blush, eyeliner and mascara. She could make that work and with a quick swipe of her tinted lip balm, she felt presentable again.

  Mark exited the bathroom, steam pouring out behind him, with a towel wrapped low on his hips.

  “You look lovely,” he smiled.

  “Thank you for getting my stuff for me,” she replied.

  Katy picked up her backpack and her purse and stepped away from the bed.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Going home.”

  “NO!” he yelled. “You can’t leave!”

  Katy was surprised by his response. “Why?”

  “Because I’ve made plans,” he said.

  “What? When did you make plans?”

  “Just now. I’ve planned out the whole day. Don’t you want to spend the day here? With me?”

  More than anything! “Well, I guess I could stay. I don’t have to work today.”

  Mark took the backpack from her shoulder and threw it in the closet. He looked immensely pleased.

  “Great!” he said. “Let me get dressed and we’ll start with breakfast!”


  Mark held the chair for Katy as she slid in for breakfast. The waiter laid the napkin across her lap and went to grab a pot of coffee. Mark sat opposite and smiled.

  “I have been here for a few days now and this is the first time I have shared a meal with anyone. A very nice treat and I’m happy it’s with you.”

  Katy smiled and looked down at her menu. She had felt conspicuously underdressed as they entered the restaurant, but Mark had tried to make her feel more at ease by wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Who cares what we wear,” he’d said.

  She looked at her surroundings. It was obviously a very expensive hotel and an uppity restaurant but she was hungry so she pushed it from her mind.

  “What do you want Katy?” Mark asked her, his voice gentle.

  The waiter returned and filled their cups with the hot beverage and Katy took a sip.

  “It all looks good,” she replied.

  Mark looked down at his menu. “Sure does.”

  They placed their order, Katy getting the egg white frittata and Mark the muesli and sipped at their coffee.

  “So I thought we’d start with the aquarium,” Mark said.

  “For what?” Katy asked.

  “To visit. I’ve never been there and it’s just down the street.”

  “Okay,” Katy grinned. “I’ve never been there either.”

  “Great. It will be an adventure.”

  “I’m not so sure that looking at fish in tanks would be considered an adventure, but I’m sure we’ll enjoy it.”

  Mark smiled. “Let’s see how the day ends up.”

  Katy wasn’t sure what he meant, but the waiter arrived with their food so she turned her attention to her plate.


  The day did in fact turn out to be an adventure. They started at the aquarium and then moved to Pikes Market. They had a late lunch there and loved watching the fish being thrown around.

  They walked a few blocks east and found themselves at the mall.

  “Let’s go shopping,” Mark grinned.

  “Why?” Katy wasn’t really interested.

  “Let’s get you some clothes for dinner.”

  “Dinner? Do I need clothes for dinner?”

  “Yep. And besides, we’ll let Matt pay for it. I think he owes you.”

  “You bet your ass he does!” Katy grinned. “Fine! As long as you’re sure Matt pays.”

  “I’ll use the company credit card.”

  Katy bought a stunning strapless dress in ruby red for dinner. Of course she picked out matching heels and a clutch. She shooed Mark away so she could also pick out some underwear; panties and a strapless bra. Then, because she really was pretty pissed at Matt, she selected a killer leather jacket, some new boots and a pair of jeans and three shirts.

  Mark laughed when he saw the pile of clothes as the sales clerk was ringing them all up. Mark handed over a black Amex and happily signed the receipt when he saw that Katy was quite thrilled with her purchases. Then she stopped in at another store to purchase a flat iron and a few other essentials. If she was going to need a killer dress for dinner, she would need s
ome items to make sure she matched the dress.

  “I think I can handle this one,” she said as Mark tried to hand her the credit card.

  With shopping bags in hand, they wandered back through the streets of Seattle to the hotel. It had been a fun day. She was smiling as they entered the Four Seasons and headed up to Mark’s room. Anticipation was creeping in as to what Mark had planned for dinner. Only time would tell.

  Back in his room, Katy took her bags and locked herself in the bathroom while Mark changed into a suit in the bedroom. She was actually excited as she curled her hair, did her makeup and slid into the incredibly well-made and form-fitting dress. It came to just above her knees and had some beading of the same color down the front to her waist. The fabric was gathered over her breasts and showed enough cleavage to be sexy but not slutty. Katy was pleased with her reflection as she slid on the black pumps and looked in the mirror.

  As she opened the door and stepped out into the bedroom, Mark looked up from the chair and his mouth dropped open.

  “Wow,” he whispered. “Katy you are absolutely gorgeous!”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” she grinned.

  Mark stood and Katy was equally impressed with him. He wore a black suit and a pale lemon colored dress shirt and a yellow and grey striped tie.

  “You are looking pretty good yourself,” she said, openly admiring him.

  “Thanks. I don’t look as good as Matt in a suit, but I guess it’s fine.”

  “Oh, Matt’s got nothin’ on you,” she drawled.

  “Well thank you Ms. Miles. Shall we go?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Wait and see,” he winked.

  Katy grabbed her new leather jacket and clutch and they rode the elevator down to the lobby and out the front door. A taxi immediately pulled up and the bellman held the door as they slipped inside. Mark gave the driver an address and off they went, through the streets of Seattle on a Saturday night. Katy felt a little like Cinderella, although she didn’t believe in fairy tales anymore. Her life had not ever had the happy ending. But this was exciting and new and she wanted to appreciate every moment.

  Mark reached over and took her hand in his. She glanced over at him but he was looking out the window. She liked the warmth of his fingers over hers and closed her eyes. She would remember this night as something very special.


  The cab came to a stop and Mark paid the driver and jumped out. He ran around and opened the door for Katy before the valet had a chance. Before her stood the Space Needle, all lit up and looking magnificent. Mark took her hand in his and they walked inside. Mark gave the man behind the desk his name and was handed a piece of paper. Katy wasn’t sure what was going on because she had never been here before. It was all very exciting. She assumed they were having dinner in the restaurant towering above them. She had heard about how cool it was but spent little time in Seattle and had never had the opportunity to do so. They walked to the elevator and Mark squeezed her hand as they waited for the doors to open.

  “This will be fun. Have you been up here before?” Mark asked.

  “Nope, this is my first time,” she grinned, trying to not to squeal with delight.

  “Good. I’m glad you’re first time is with me,” he winked.

  The doors opened and they stepped inside. Katy watched out of the windows as they started climbing higher and higher. It was thrilling. The city sparkled at her feet and the view of the Puget Sound was incredible. Mark squeezed her hand again as she sighed, a smile lighting up her face.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I was talking about you.”

  “Oh,” Katy said, turning to look at him. “Thank you.”

  The lift came to a stop and the doors opened to a lobby outside the restaurant. Mark handed the hostess the slip of paper and then they went and sat and waited for their name to be called. There were several people waiting and Katy smiled at the young couple next to them. They had only sat for a minute or so when the hostess called Mark’s name.

  “That was quick,” Katy grinned, as they followed her to their table. It was next to the window and Katy couldn’t take her eyes of the view. Spectacular didn’t even begin to describe it.

  “I’m glad it’s a clear night. The view is better,” Mark said, helping her out of her new leather jacket.

  Katy slipped into her chair and Mark sat opposite her.

  “Okay,” she said. “This is an adventure!” she grinned.

  The waiter arrived and handed them menus and Mark ordered a bottle of red wine. Katy looked over the menu and couldn’t believe the prices.

  “Hope you’re charging this to Matt, too,” she gasped.

  “Katy, while it’s not something I ever talk about, you do know that I am a partner with Matt in a very lucrative real estate company, don’t you?”

  “Well, yeah, but this is pretty spendy.”

  Mark chuckled. “I think I can afford dinner here. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Okay then. What’s the most expensive thing on here?” she teased.


  Bite after bite, course after course, Katy was in heaven. The food was delectable and the view incomparable to anything she had seen before. And she very much enjoyed the company. Mark was articulate and funny and the conversation flowed freely. She had missed sharing their evening meals together. She’d missed their early morning runs. She’d just missed him…terribly.

  The waiter came to take their dessert order.

  "What do you want, Katy?" Mark asked.

  "You keep asking me that in that weird tone," she frowned.

  The waiter looked at Mark and retreated, leaving them alone.

  "Because I want to know what you want," he explained.

  "I'm not sure I can eat another bite," she said.

  "I'm not talking about dessert."

  Katy looked at him, his eyes boring into hers.

  "What do you want," he whispered.

  Katy turned her head, unable to look at him.

  "I can't have what I want." Her voice was almost inaudible.

  "Why?" he asked.


  "That's not an answer."

  "It's the only one I've got."

  "Katy, look at me," he pleaded.

  A few seconds ticked by and Katy gradually turned her head and looked into his eyes. He looked...sad?

  "Why can't you have what you want?" he asked again.

  "Nobody is going to want me after...after what happened."

  She folded her arms across her chest, her body screaming retreat. Mark had seen this defense mechanism before. He stood up and walked around the table and slid into the chair next to her. Slowly, he untangled her arms and pulled her hand away from her chest and intertwined her fingers in his. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.

  "Katy," he whispered. "I want you."

  Her body froze, her heart stopping. Her mouth opened and she tried to breathe.

  "You want me?"

  "I do. I want every part of you; the good, bad, the beautiful, the bruises, even that sailor mouth of yours," he chuckled, "and everything else that comes with it."

  Katy couldn't speak. She just looked straight ahead and concentrated on breathing.

  "When you told me about your dream it pierced my soul. I can't understand how you could ever think that you disgust me. Have I done something that has made you feel that way?"

  Katy shook her head. "But you saw it. You saw me. You saw what he did to me," she whispered.

  "Yes. I saw what he did. That is not a reflection on you. Nobody could ever think to blame you for what happened. Nobody could think less of you for what happened. I couldn't. I haven't. Never!"

  Katy turned her head ever so slightly to see his eyes pleading with her to believe that he spoke the truth.

  "I want you. With me. Always. What do you want?"

  “I have wanted you for a l
ong time," she admitted, although hesitantly. "But..."

  "No buts," he interrupted. "I love you Katy. I will love you forever." He lifted her hand and kissed it again.

  "You do?"

  "Never been surer of anything in my life," he smiled.

  Katy's body relaxed inch by inch and slowly turned to look at him square on. She placed her hand on his cheek.

  "I love you too."

  Mark leaned in and kissed her lips, softly and slowly. It was a sweet simple kiss, but one that melted her heart.

  As he broke away and leaned back to gaze at her, he felt something at his back.

  "Ahem, I apologize sir," said the waiter.

  Mark took a deep breath, smiled at Katy and then turned his attention to the man standing at their table.

  "So, can I get you dessert this evening?"

  "Just the check, please," Mark grinned. "I think we have some place to be."


  Holy shit! she thought as they stepped into the elevator. Mark held her hand tightly and she never wanted him to let go. He loves me!!

  The smile wouldn't go away. She tried biting her lips but it didn't work. Holy shit!! And she smiled again.

  Not a word was spoken as they slipped into the backseat of the cab. Mark told the driver they were headed to the Four Seasons and they pulled away from the curb. Mark turned to her, a grin plastered across his face. Apparently he couldn't stop smiling either.

  It wasn't a very long ride and they pulled up in front of the hotel. The bellman opened the door and they hurried through the lobby to the elevator.

  As they stepped inside, they heard a voice asking them to hold the doors and Mark immediately threw his hand out to stop them from closing. The elderly couple Katy had seen just the evening before stepped into the lift and smiled at Mark.

  "Floor?" he asked.

  "Seventh," the gentleman replied.

  Mark pushed their number and then his, eight.

  "Thank you," the gentlemen smiled.

  "Seriously?" Katy turned red. "Unbelievable!"

  "What?" Mark asked, confused by her outburst.

  "Nothing," she muttered. She wouldn’t let these snobs get to her. She wouldn’t let them ruin her night.

  The doors opened on floor number seven and the elderly couple got off. The doors closed and took them one floor higher.


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