Capture The Moment: An O'Brien Brothers Novel

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Capture The Moment: An O'Brien Brothers Novel Page 18

by Susan Coventry

  “Well. What do you think?” Finn asked, coming to stand next to Harper near the front window.

  “Oh. Well, it’s not up to me.”

  “But I’m interested in your opinion,” he said, seemingly unfazed that Nikki was overhearing their conversation.

  “Truthfully? I love it!”

  He gave her a satisfied smile and then turned back toward Nikki. “I’m interested,” he said. “So, what happens next?”

  Nikki handed him a folder. “I would suggest reviewing these documents. I’ve included an estimated cost sheet and some tax information, along with some more specific details about the property.”

  “I appreciate that,” Finn said, taking the folder from her.

  “My business card is also inside, so feel free to call me with any questions,” she added.

  “I will. Thanks.”

  “Is there anything else I can do for you right now?”

  “I think we’re good,” Finn said.

  Once they’d stepped outside and Nikki had locked the door, she said to Harper, “Thanks so much for the pictures you took of Max. You did a fantastic job!”

  “He was a great subject,” Harper demurred.

  After Nikki had driven away, Harper and Finn sat in his truck for a few minutes, looking at the storefront.

  “What are you thinking?” Harper ventured.

  “I’m thinking I’d like to do it. I just want to go over these documents, and if everything looks in order, I’ll tell my brothers.”

  “Do you think they’ll agree with your decision?”

  “Liam will be no problem, but Connor’s another story.”

  “Speaking of Connor—has he said anything to you about Julia lately?”

  “No. Why?”

  Harper shrugged. “It’s probably none of my business, but Julia seemed upset earlier today. She’s worried Connor might be keeping something from her.”

  “Not that I know of, but Connor has his secrets, that’s for sure.”

  “Well, I hope Julia doesn’t get hurt. I haven’t seen her this hung up on a guy in a long time.”

  Finn stared hard at her for a long moment.

  “What?” she finally said.

  “Nothing. You hungry? Because I didn’t eat dinner yet.”

  “Me neither.”

  “Pizza at Mr. B’s?”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “God, I hope so,” he teased as they drove away.

  They were each on their second slice of pizza when Finn looked over her shoulder and said one word: “Burberry.”

  And in the next second, Will was standing beside their table, holding the hand of a very attractive woman with a sleek black bob.

  “Harper. Finn. Nice to see you,” Will said congenially, reaching out to shake Finn’s hand.

  “Bur—Will. Good to see you too,” Finn replied after Harper had kicked him under the table.

  And then, turning toward his date, Will said, “Allow me to introduce my fiancée, Megan.”

  Sure enough, when Megan raised her hand in a brief wave, there was a sparkling diamond ring on it.

  “You’re engaged?” Harper said, not bothering to hide her surprise. She hadn’t seen Will since they’d parted ways that night at the bar, but Julia hadn’t said a word about him getting engaged. Had she thought that Harper would be upset? But Will quickly resolved the question.

  “Yes, as of tonight. You two are the first to know!”

  “Wow!” Harper said for lack of anything better to say. Will had certainly moved quickly after Harper had stopped seeing him. But she didn’t feel anything other than happy for Will, who was positively glowing, if that could be said about a man. And Megan was too.

  “We probably owe you a thank you,” Will said, glancing from Harper to Finn.

  “Why’s that?” Finn asked, looking confused.

  “Because if Harper hadn’t dumped me for you, I wouldn’t have found the love of my life. So, thank you. Really.”

  Megan tapped him lightly on the arm as if to scold him, although her eyes were dancing. There was no doubt that the two of them were madly in love.

  “You’re welcome?” Harper ventured, and everyone laughed.

  “We’ll be sure to invite you to our wedding, and I hope you’ll both come,” Will said.

  Harper wrung her hands underneath the table, not because she didn’t want to attend Will’s wedding, but because it was what she did anytime there was mention of some future event. How could Will be sure that she and Finn would still be together when he got married? How come everybody else seemed sure about them but her?

  “We’ll be there,” Finn answered confidently.

  Harper just smiled, hoping that would pass for confirmation enough, and then Will and Megan walked away.

  Once they were out of sight, Harper leaned across the table and said, “You almost called him Burberry!”

  Smirking, Finn replied, “I would have if you hadn’t kicked me so hard under the table!”

  “It wasn’t that hard.”

  “I guarantee there’ll be a bruise.”

  “Well, if there is, you deserved it.”

  “Did you notice that he was still wearing a scarf?”

  Harper rolled her eyes. “So what?”

  “It’s fifty degrees out today!”

  “This is a real thing with you, isn’t it?”

  “Not anymore,” Finn said before taking a long slug of beer.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “It means that I used to be jealous of Burberry, but I’m not anymore.”

  “Why? Because he’s getting married?”

  “That’s part of it, but I stopped being jealous about him once I found out you’d never slept with him.”

  “Hmm. And what if I had?”

  “Wouldn’t have happened.”

  “Aren’t you cocky tonight?” she accused, taking another bite out of her slice.

  “It has nothing to do with being cocky. It’s because I know you. And I know you wouldn’t give yourself to a man unless you had feelings for him.”

  Somehow, she didn’t think he was talking about Will anymore, but she was saved from having to comment by the waitress, who came over to give them their bill.

  “Any dessert tonight?” the waitress asked.

  “No thanks,” Harper replied, suddenly anxious to leave the restaurant.

  After Finn had paid, they stood up, and he helped her on with her coat. It was no surprise that given the balmy winter weather, he hadn’t worn one. But it was somewhat surprising that he grabbed her hand before leading her out of the restaurant.

  They walked past Will and Megan’s table on the way out, and Will winked at Harper and said, “Have a good night, you two.”

  “Will do,” Finn replied and hurried her out the door.

  Harper thought he might let go of her hand once they were outside, but he didn’t. Instead, he walked her to the truck and gave her a boost up before closing the door behind her.

  They were quiet on the short drive to her house, where, once again, Finn helped her out of the truck and followed her up the walkway to her front door.

  It was almost like they were communicating telepathically and no words were necessary. Daisy gave a few yips of greeting and then sniffed Finn’s pant legs as if she were conjuring up memories of Hunter.

  Squatting down, Finn scratched her behind the ears and said, “Sorry, Petunia. Your boyfriend isn’t with me today.”

  Daisy replied with another yip before Harper scooped her up and took her outside. When she came back in, Finn had made himself comfortable on the couch, long arms stretched casually along the back of it.

  “Come and sit with me,” he said with that gleam in his eye that she now recognized.

  “Here?” she replied, holding onto Daisy for dear life. Why was she nervous? They’d already done this several times over. And then she realized that was exactly why she was nervous: because they both knew that this wasn’t a casual fling
. Finn was right. She never would have gone to bed with Will, because she didn’t have feelings for him. Not like she did for Finn. The cocky bastard!

  “What’s wrong with here?”

  Harper cocked her head at Daisy a few times instead of speaking, like parents do when they’re trying to hide something from their children.

  “Are we playing charades now?” Finn asked, looking amused.

  “I don’t want her to see.”

  “Afraid it would scar her for life?”

  “Do you want to get lucky or not?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Finn said and pushed himself off the couch. “Where do you want me?”

  Harper set Daisy down on her doggy bed and patted her head before heading upstairs with Finn right behind her. When they reached the top, Finn automatically turned toward the spare room where they’d made love the first time, but Harper put a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “In my room.” She’d said it so quietly that Finn didn’t appear to have heard. “My room,” she repeated, a little louder that time.

  She’d acted on impulse, something that was happening far too often these days. For some reason, she wanted him in her own bed this time. Because that’s what it was now—her bed.

  He followed her into the dark room and waited for her to shut the door behind them. Her heart was pounding so hard that her ears were ringing as she stepped up to him and leaned her head against his chest.

  His arms immediately closed around her, and he held her tight, his lips barely grazing her forehead. After what felt like a long time, he said, “You didn’t have to bring me in here.”

  Realizing the enormity of her action, she almost dragged him back out of the room, but she held firm. She could do this. Needed to do this. Not for him but for her. And maybe a little bit for him too. She was trying to show him with actions instead of words that he was right. She did have feelings for him beyond friendship, and this was another step in the direction that she wanted to go with him.

  After all, he hadn’t hesitated to share his life with her both personally and professionally. He wasn’t the one who was afraid or who had made her afraid. She’d done that to herself, and she was tired of it. She wanted to love and be loved again, and she knew that to have that, she’d have to put herself out there. Take a risk. And who better to take a risk with than this man? A man who had meant so much to her before he’d ever laid a hand on her. A man who was patient, kind, and generous. Not just toward her, but with others too.

  If there was anyone she could give her heart to again…

  “Harper? Baby? You’re shaking.”

  “I’m sorry. This feels…different. Having you in here.”

  “Are you sure you want to?”

  Nodding vehemently, she said, “I’m sure.” And with that, she took his hand and led him to her bed.

  He seemed to understand that she needed to be in charge, and he let her be. Standing stock still, he watched her undress, which took an inordinate amount of time given that her hands were shaking.

  He didn’t reach out to touch her, keeping his hands at his sides while each item of her clothing hit the floor. She maintained eye contact with him the entire time, hoping that he could see how she was feeling. How much she wanted this. Wanted him.

  Once she was completely naked, he sucked in a raspy breath and then he finally spoke. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.”

  And she smiled up at him, warmed to the core by his words and by the love that was flowing out of him and into her, making her feel braver by the second.

  Taking one of his hands in hers, she slowly brought it up to her left breast, where he could certainly feel the pounding in her chest and the tightening of her nipples. Placing his other hand over her right breast, he gently kneaded them both and then flicked her nipples with his thumbs until she let out a soft moan.

  “Feels so good,” she said.

  He fondled her for a while until he exchanged his hands for his mouth. Threading her fingers in his luxurious, thick hair, she tipped her head back and sighed.

  “What else, Harper? What else do you need?”

  Covering his right hand with hers, she slid it down her belly and between her legs, where she was already slick with desire.

  She kept her hand atop his as he plunged a finger deep inside her and twirled it around as she moaned. She was vaguely aware that he was still completely dressed, but she couldn’t stop now and didn’t want to.

  Finn let out a few groans of his own as he explored her slick folds. In the short time they’d been intimate, he seemed to have gained a good handle on what turned her on, and he was doing an excellent job of it now.

  “Finn,” she said, panting.

  “It’s ok. Keep going.”

  And she did—and going and going and going. Erupting against his hand and gasping for breath, she came harder than she had the last time she’d been with him, and that was saying something! The man knew how to push all her buttons—expertly.

  With one arm around her waist to hold her up, he slowly removed his finger and then brought it to his lips and sucked it clean.

  She found the move incredibly hot, even though she feigned surprise.

  “What? It’s my dessert,” he teased.

  “I’ll give you dessert,” she said and playfully pushed him onto the bed, where, together, they quickly removed his clothes.

  Once he was naked, she sat back on her haunches and gazed down at him for a few beats, admiring his hard body, his mussed-up hair, and his sexy-as-all-hell grin.

  “You done yet?” he asked, hands entwined behind his head.

  “It’s really not fair, you know?”

  “What’s not fair?”

  “How good looking you O’Brien boys are.”

  Finn squeezed her butt cheeks playfully and gave them a little pinch. “One, I’m the only O’Brien brother you need to look at, and two, thank you very much.”

  With that, he pulled her forward until she was stretched out on top of him, his erection poised at her entrance. He was rock hard, and she felt the glaze of wetness at his tip. The poor guy had been more than patient, making sure to satisfy her first before seeking his own relief. And now she wanted to make him feel as good as she did.

  Taking hold of his erection, she started to guide him inside, but he clamped down on her wrist to stop her.

  “Uh-uh. We need to get a condom. Not sure I’d be able to hold back this time.”

  He started to scoot out from under her, but she put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back down.

  “I got this,” she said and leaned over him to slide open the drawer of her nightstand, from which she pulled out a condom. “Ta-da!”

  “Impressive,” he said, watching her tear open the packet.

  He didn’t ask, but he didn’t have to. She had a feeling she knew what he was thinking. “I just bought these,” she said as she removed the condom from the packet. “It’s not only your responsibility to be prepared.” And then she carefully rolled the condom down his impressive length while he watched intently.

  “Gotta say, I’m even more turned on now,” he growled, pulling her on top of him again.

  She giggled against his lips, but a minute later, her giggles had turned into moans as he entered her slowly and deeply, filling her to the hilt. Wiggling her hips, she found the perfect position, and then she started to move, propping herself up against his chest for better leverage. And truth be told, she wanted to gaze into his crystal-blue eyes as he made love to her. Wanted to see how she affected him as they moved together, finding the perfect rhythm to satisfy them both.

  Finn’s hands shifted from her hips to her breasts and back again as if he couldn’t decide where was the best place to be. She knew he was getting close when he gripped her hips tightly, almost painfully, and she watched his muscles go taut and his head fling back as he rode out his release.

  This time, she was the one who took charge of the clean-up, and when she came
back from the bathroom, Finn was lying like a starfish across her bed, sans sheet. Once again, she thought about how she would have loved to capture the moment on camera: that satisfied smile, the glisten of sweat on his skin, the way the light filtered in through the blinds, casting cool shadows across his bare body.

  She was so lost in thought that it took her a second to realize he was looking at her too.

  “Come here,” he said, crooking his finger at her.

  “I should probably check on Daisy.”

  “Petunia’s fine. Five more minutes.”

  And so, she went to him, crawling onto the bed, naked, to curl up by his side.

  They were quiet for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow and silently interpreting what had just happened between them. It was more than having sex, and they both knew it, but only one of them was unafraid to put a label on it.

  Gently stroking her hair, her head against his chest, Finn said, “I want you to know something. And I don’t want you to say anything. Not one word. Promise me.”

  “Ok,” she said, her heart leaping to her throat.

  He continued to stroke her hair as he whispered, “I love you, Harper.”

  She immediately tipped her head up and searched his eyes as if to confirm what he’d just said.

  “I do. I love you. And I know you’re not ready to say it back, and I don’t expect you to. But I wanted you to know. And this doesn’t have to make things awkward between us, so please don’t let it. Ok?”

  He was holding her face in his hands now, and she didn’t even realize that a tear had fallen until he gently wiped it away.

  “Promise me,” he said again.

  “Ok,” she said, her tears flowing freely now.

  “Come here,” he said, and pulling the sheet up over them, she nestled into the crook of his arm, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

  Chapter 20

  Finn. Loved. Her. Those were the first words that sprang to mind when Harper woke up the following morning, still naked under the sheet. And then, patting the space beside her, she discovered that he wasn’t there. Peering at the clock on her bedside table, she saw that it was already seven thirty, and she realized he’d probably left for work a long time ago.


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