Pale Stars in Her Eyes [The Starlight Chronicles]

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Pale Stars in Her Eyes [The Starlight Chronicles] Page 1

by Annabel Wolfe, Emma Wildes

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Copyright ©2007 by Emma Wildes

  First published in 2007, 2007

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  The Starlight Chronicles

  Pale Stars in Her Eyes

  Jerra has been abducted, indoctrinated, and sentenced to a life of sexual servitude. It doesn't matter that she had a satisfying life on earth, the superior species evolved from her own planet has other plans for her. When she discovers she is the female who must service the three most important males on a ship bound on an important mission, she is both intimidated and rebellious.

  Ran Kartel is a diplomat and he knows this expedition is the most dangerous he has ever undertaken. Never does he consider that a human female—inferior in every way—would stir not only his predictable lust but also his heart. Yes, his body must be sated, but he never expected his emotions to be so engaged.

  Three males, one human female, and a very combustible situation that explodes under the pale stars...

  Sensuality Rating: SCORCHING

  Genre: Futuristic / Multiple Sex Partners

  Length: Novel (30,500 words)


  The Starlight Chronicles

  Annabel Wolfe


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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ABOUT THIS E-BOOK: Your purchase of this e-book allows you to one LEGAL copy for your own personal use. It is ILLEGAL to send your copy to someone who did not pay for it. Distribution of this e-book, in whole or in part, online, offline, in print or in any way or any other method currently known or yet to be invented, is forbidden without the prior written permission of both the publisher and the copyright owner of this book.

  Pale Stars in Her Eyes

  Copyright © 2007 by Annabel Wolfe

  ISBN: 1-933563-73-7

  First E-book Publication: November 2007

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2007 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  The Starlight Chronicles

  Annabel Wolfe

  Copyright © 2007

  Chapter 1

  The clothing was unfamiliar and Jerra realized with a swift glance in the mirror she had the damned thing on backwards. With a muttered expletive, she pulled the soft material back up over her head and turned it around before she slipped the gown back on.

  Good God, that was even worse.

  She stared at her reflection, seeing the crests of her areola visible over the clinging drape of the neckline. The other way, her breasts were minimally covered so she took it off once more. Her nude body gleamed in the light of the passing stars outside the window of her cubicle and the soft glow of a single recessed light. She put the gown back on the way she first had it and had to be satisfied with the fact the amount of skin showing was indecent. At least her nipples weren't exposed. After all, she had no choice but to wear it.

  The door slid open behind her without warning and she whirled, grateful her visitor hadn't entered the moment before and caught her naked. Heat rose into her cheeks as the man who stood in the doorway deliberately raked her body with cool, appraising perusal before he gave a curt nod. He commanded, “Come with me."

  "Where?” she asked, her hands clenched at her sides. The dress barely covered her upper thighs and she fought the urge to tug the gauzy material lower.

  "It isn't your place to ask.” In his uniform of tunic, fitted pants, and polished boots, Lieutenant Herad was an impressive figure. Taller than most human males, he filled the doorway to the room that had been her cell for the past few days. His features were starkly masculine, and his dark hair was immaculately neat, tied back from his angular face. He looked both stern and annoyed. “You've been schooled, Miss Aubrey."

  "I've been kidnapped,” she said bitterly, even though it was probably a stupid thing to argue when she was on a strange ship, bound for a destination unknown, with no protection or a single familiar face. “You took me from my home, violated my privacy in every way possible, and no one has explained to me why. Yes, I've been told to cooperate, to stay quiet and obedient, but forgive me if I'm not interested in pleasing my captors."

  "You'll please at least some of us, don't worry, whether you want it or not. And you know full well we harvest females from Earth.” His tone was cold and detached. “It is our legal right."

  Jerra fought a shiver of apprehension. Yes, she knew the S-species were in domination and agreements had been made because there had been little choice. Her planet was defenseless against the evolution of a new form of life, the result of a colonization effort and incredible genetic advances. The S-species, or Superhumans, were physically and mentally superior in every way to her ordinary, original race. They were children of the old Earth, spawned to live in diverse conditions on distant planets.

  Who would have guessed within a few short generations, they would rule most of the known galaxies and keep their mother planet neatly under their thumb with very little effort?

  "What about my parents?"

  "They've been compensated, don't worry. They knew this was coming, for they were informed last year we'd decided you were suitable."

  They had known? In retrospect, she had noticed her mother or father hadn't been as affectionate in the past months, probably in sheer self-defense over her inevitable departure.

  It was impossible to keep her voice from wobbling. “You intend to breed me?"

  "Yes. Eventually.” His gaze was steady and unapologetic though he must have caught the edge of fear in her voice. “Right now, we are headed out on a diplomatic mission that will take the better part of a year in your terms of time. On the return voyage to Minoa, you will be impregnated."

  She felt a little dizzy at that revelation, though it was what she feared all along. The S-species were very careful not to become inbred and took human females to make sure the genetic pool did not narrow too much. Jerra said recklessly, “I wish I'd simply broken the law and not stayed a virgin."

  "And had it discovered and been thrown in prison?” He lifted a dark eyebrow in reproof. “Come now, Miss Aubrey, we both know you are too intelligent for such a foolish decision. It's part of the reason you were chosen. According to the mandatory tests, you have a high level of cognitive function that's entirely natural. You also meet all the other standards—good health, a sense of self-preservation strong enough to obey the laws, and the most important, physical beauty."

  Well, lucky me.

  "That's why we have to take the tests as children?” she asked with cold fury. “So you can pick the next specimen to breed like an animal? We're told it is to mon
itor the evolutionary process of mankind."

  "Humans don't need to know everything. Besides, you will not be bred like an animal, but like any woman, inseminated by a fertile male during sexual intercourse. In the meantime, however, the journey is a long one and the males get restless, even the most disciplined, without sexual activity. We learned a long time ago having a female available when the need arises helps the crew. You'll be most useful, I am sure."

  The blood drained from her face. She could feel herself go pale. “You ... you expect me to ... to ... with your entire crew?"

  For the first time, he looked amused. “No, of course not. Do you have any idea how many soldiers and flight crew there are on a ship this size? Besides, we aren't barbarians, quite the opposite. I think you'll actually find your assignment both an honor and a pleasure. Now, come with me."

  She doubted the part about feeling honored and even more the pleasure, but his assurances were a distinct relief. Her current predicament was bad enough. Jerra didn't move. “What assignment?"

  A low sigh escaped him and his eyes narrowed. The lieutenant muttered, “What a stubborn female."

  "We all fear the unknown. I imagine even the S-species has that problem. Just tell me and I am much more likely to cooperate."

  "That would be refreshing, but trust me, you'll cooperate either way.” He explained briskly, “You will share quarters with three males. Colonel Ian Helm who is in command of the military presence on this vessel, Larik Armada, who is a brilliant engineer, and maybe you've heard of Ran Kartel, the diplomat who leads this expedition. For the duration, you are theirs."

  Though she normally did not follow interplanetary news, for there was enough in her own world to keep track of, she had heard of Kartel. He had negotiated several treaties that were thought impossible, and was reputed to have not only persuasive powers but physic abilities.

  Three men?

  The idea was daunting and mortifying. One moment, she had been living a normal life and now, she was supposed to be a concubine to three strangers who would use her only for physical pleasure. No wonder they'd given her clothing that barely covered her body.

  This is insane...

  But apparently it was real.

  "Come,” Lieutenant Herad said for the third time with no equivocation in his voice.

  There didn't seem to be anything to do but obey.

  * * * *

  He felt her before he saw her.

  Ran Kartel glanced up sharply, waiting for the door to open. The girl was apprehensive, and waves of uncertainty and dismay rolled like a lapping ocean surf through his mind. He wasn't sure he blamed her, for like all the human women on the ship, she had been plucked from her placid earthly existence and brought as a captive to please the men on board. All would later be bred to keep the bloodlines free of mutations and weaknesses in immune systems. To him, the practice was not entirely fair, for his government preached impartial rule, but he had not crafted the legislation that put it in place. Nor was he involved in any way in the harvesting program, except one.

  He would reap the benefit of not having to go three months without sex. That length of time would be nearly impossible, for along with elevated intelligence and superior physical size was an increased sex drive among his kind.

  "She's being brought in,” he murmured to the other two men sitting at the table in the common area of their berth. The room was round, and each of them had a sleeping cubicle. On the other side was a different room, this one with a large window through which a bed was visible from the community area where they ate their meals.

  The window into the room served two purposes. The first was so they could enjoy watching the girl at all times, even when they weren't using her. After all, she was there for their pleasure. The second was to show when she was with one of them, and already occupied.

  It was quite a practical arrangement, for there was simply no way to bring a woman on board for every man. The soldiers had to share ten to one and schedule their time, but since he, Armada, and the colonel were the highest raking men on the ship next to the admiral, they were given not only the privilege of sharing between fewer men, but the most beautiful of the captives.

  Armada, the engineer who designed the new super engine that now powered them with silent force across the depths of space, lifted his fine brows. He was like most S-species and remarkably good-looking. Thick fair hair waved around features that were both sculpted and classically handsome. He was tall, leanly built, and keen intelligence showed in his remarkably blue eyes, their color pure cobalt. He said, “I'm told she has blond hair and the color is actually real for a change with human women.” He grinned, making his face look boyish. “Her snatch is just a slightly darker shade."

  "How the hell do you know that?” Ian Helm gave him a glimmering look, his long fingers wrapped around the stem of his glass. He was a contrast to the young engineer with sleek dark hair, high cheekbones, and eyes dark as the endless universe without stars. He was known as a remarkably brave soldier, his build massive and heavily muscled, and he was a good six inches taller than either one of them even though they were considered tall males. Ran had always thought privately he wouldn't want to ever really see him angry, but normally, the colonel was a very controlled man and had an agile mind under pressure.

  "Dr. Yent did the examination. He mentioned to me she was a gorgeous specimen of a human female and her hymen unbroken until he did it surgically. The blood tests confirmed she's entirely clean of any of their typical diseases."

  "You would ask for such details.” Helm looked amused. “Blood tests, purity issues, and the color of her pubic hair. Tell me, did you inquire on the state of her teeth?"

  "I'm an engineer. We like to know just what we're dealing with. Details are important to us.” Armada laughed.

  "Soldiers are less complicated, I guess. I just don't want my dick to be best friends with my hand for the entire way to Septinium and back. A warm female, S-species or human, beats the hell out of masturbation any day. I'm already tense and we've been out only a few days."

  "She's frightened and not particularly willing,” Ran interjected. “I feel it."

  Both of them looked at him, their expressions hard to read, but he felt their first reaction was one of surprise he even brought up the girl's feelings. After all, she was just a human and a captive at that. Larik said, “Surely she's been instructed our captives are never ill-used. Besides, at her intelligence level, she must realize she has no choice."

  It was true, she didn't have a choice but to submit and service them whenever they wished. Still, Ran wasn't interested in a woman who didn't want sex as much as he did. “I just think we should approach this the right way. The four of us are stuck with each other this journey in close quarters, and as you pointed out, Colonel, it's a long one. If we take care to make sure she's sexually initiated with as much sensitivity as possible, she'll be much more likely to participate with enthusiasm."

  "That's logical.” Armada nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of wine in his cup. “I want to be fucked back. I've never taken an unwilling woman, human or not."

  Helm blew out his breath in a small sigh. “I guess I hadn't even thought about how the woman might feel. We're told it doesn't matter because the humans have no rights. I just knew she was going to be here with us for that purpose and my cock took over. I've never forced myself on any female who wasn't ready to spread her legs with enthusiasm."

  Ran looked around the table. “Which one of us then, goes first? She's a virgin, though thank the stars and moons it won't hurt her because the medical procedure took care of the physical part of it. If properly aroused, she'll enjoy it even her first time."

  Helm shook his dark head, his raven hair shifting across the material of his uniform. “I'm very big,” he said with obvious reluctance. “Probably too big for an uninitiated woman. One of you two should probably break in our beautiful guest."

  That revelation was not a surprise, considering how large the
colonel was in every other way, his cock probably was huge. And ‘guest', Ran thought, is the wrong word. ‘Slave’ was more appropriate, but he refrained from mentioning it. He looked at Armada. “We can toss for the privilege."

  The young engineer thought for a moment, and then said, “No, you do it, sir. You'll know just what she's feeling every moment and surely that'll help you guide her in the right direction. I can wait for her to adjust to the arrangement."

  Maybe it was just as well they both agreed before the door slowly slid open. Lieutenant Herad stepped in first, saluted the colonel, and then turned and made an imperious motion with his hand. The creature who answered the unspoken order made the room fall to a sudden hushed silence as she entered.

  The first thing that sprang to Ran's mind was that the rumors of her beauty were not exaggerated. Instead, they didn't do her justice. Shining golden hair tumbled over slim, tense shoulders, framing a perfect oval face. Her features were delicate and fine-boned with arched dark blond brows, a straight small nose, and a soft pink mouth. A flush stained her smooth cheeks as the silence lengthened and they stared at her. Long lashes dropped slightly over a pair of azure eyes, the color not the almost startling sapphire color of Armada's, but instead like the pale stones mined on his native planet, Minoa. Her body also rivaled any fantasy, male or female. The girl was slender and lissome, her arms and legs bare, and from what he could see of her breasts and the depth of the inviting cleft between them, her tits were spectacularly large and lush. She wore the standard issue for a female sexual slave—a scanty gown made of an almost sheer material that was a token covering but little more.

  She didn't move or speak, not even when Herad nodded his head at their unspoken approval of his choice and silently left the room.

  The door swished shut.

  Armada finally tore his gaze away and muttered, “You lucky bastard, Kartel."

  The girl heard the words and her gaze shifted to him. There was a hint of defiance there and Ran sensed it too, the willful urge to resist even though he knew she had been warned punishment would be involved if she didn't submit. It almost overrode her fear, but not quite, and the warring emotions crowded his mind.


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