Blood Dream

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Blood Dream Page 22

by Tobi Grim

  Dameon opened the door for her to find the office full of… teenagers. Fuck. Slasher was trying to get them all to quieten down. “Little Red… Hawk… these kids are saying they are from Blackmoars…” Slasher looked stressed out of her mind.

  Lupa eyed each of the blank and quiet faces as they stared at her, “Yeah. All their parents are dead. Actually, everyone but these guys, and the children, are fucking dead.”

  Sadie stepped forward, tossing her blonde curls and widening her big blue eyes, “We don’t know how we got here… we all woke up in some filthy fucking room and… knew we had to come here and find out what was going on… are my parents…” the girls eyes filled with tears. Lupa didn’t believe a fucking word of it, but she couldn’t exactly touch the girl and find out with Slasher right there…

  “Ok, can all of you go wait outside? I have some things to discuss with Little Red and Hawk.” Slasher’s voice was commanding, it wasn’t a fucking question. The teenagers mumbled but filed out of the room and back down the hallways.

  “Dunno if you should let them go, Commander,” Dameon gave Slasher a hard look, “We think they are involved…”

  Slasher sighed and turned to the frazzled looking receptionist, “Go watch them would you, Lucy?”

  The woman nodded slowly, throwing Lupa and Dameon a sour look. Like it was their fucking fault that thirteen teenagers had fucking showed up. As far as they knew… Lupa shook her head a resisted the urge to give Lucy the finger.

  “Ok, come in to my office guys, what’s going on?”

  They followed Slasher into her office, sitting down across from her, “Well…” Lupa started, shifting uncomfortably, “We haven’t exactly figured out what’s going on… but there’s a lot of people dead… and there’s definitely blood magick involved. And a wolfblood, though not a very strong one. And he was under a spell when we saw him.”

  Slasher gave them both a searching look. “I think maybe you should start from the beginning… I would like to know why Hawk doesn’t look like he’s been in fights as well.”

  Lupa glanced over to Dameon, but his eyes were glued to his hands. Shit. Lupa didn’t really want to have to explain everything… she’d have to leave out anything to do with Hammer. How was she going to fucking explain her knowledge on… a lot of things… Lupa took a deep breath and started, she figured she would work it out once she got to the tricky bits.

  Slasher listened patiently to the tale, Lupa was sure she’d managed to leave out anything too… far-fetched for Slasher to believe she would have come up with on her own, or with research in The Organization’s files.

  “So… you think that the teens know more than they are letting on? Or that someone else is involved?”

  “Both. I think… none of them are magick enough to… make such strong spells… no one we met in the town was. So… I think there’s someone missing…”

  Slasher nodded, pushing herself back in her chair and tapping her fingers on the desk. “I think maybe we should turn this over to The Force.”

  “No way,” Dameon finally spoke up, his eyes flashing furiously, “They took my Dad from me, I want to find answers. Besides, we’ve put so much fucking work in.”

  Slasher sighed, looking to Lupa for… something. “Ok, but… I think I need to give you this,” she handed them both an access card, “They will give you higher access on the computers. You may need to do some more research…” Lupa and Dameon took the cards and stood up. “Wait, Lupa… I need to speak with you. Hawk, you can wait outside for her.”

  Dameon bowed and shot Lupa an uneasy look before leaving. Lupa watched Slasher suspiciously as she sat back down slowly.

  “I’m worried, Lupa, about a lot of things… why hadn’t you told me most of this earlier? Usually you always call and let me know what’s going on…”

  Lupa shrugged, “It’s been a… strange case.”

  Slasher searched Lupa’s face, “I think there’s something you’re not telling me…” Lupa just stared back blankly. “You aren’t usually so… stand offish. I’m just… worried hun. Is there something else going on I need to know about? Are you and Hawk going … ok?”

  “We’re fine,” Lupa tried to keep the sharpness out of her voice, “He’s just lost his fucking family, this case… its fine. We’re fine. We’ll figure it out. Just… give us some time, ok? We are still getting used to each other and shit…” Slasher didn’t look like she believed her. Fuck. Lupa put a sad smile on her face. “We’re getting through this, Slash, we’ll be ok. Trust me. Grief affects everyone differently. Right now, Hawk just needs to keep working. And when he’s ready, I’ll be there. You just… gotta let us do this in our own way, in our own time.”

  Slasher smiled, a soft smile with sympathetic eyes, “Ok. I just don’t want you two being reckless… you’re both highly… audacious personalities. I want you to be safe, and smart.”

  Lupa nodded, giving her almost-mother a wide eyed knowing smile. Fuck she hated that concerned look Slasher was giving her. “We will be, don’t worry so much. I was raised by the great and powerful Slasher after all.”

  Slasher smiled a little wider, holding her hand out for Lupa to take, “Let me know if you need anything. Anything at all, alright?”

  Lupa lay her hand in Slasher’s and gave it a squeeze, oh what a fucking liar she was, “Yes, Ma, I’ll call. Promise.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Lupa stood uncomfortably in her apartment trying to focus on her Protector, but really wanting him to just… leave. Dameon was leaning against the bench watching her with an amused smile on his face.

  “When do you wanna go and start the research? We could go later tonight… or I could if you want some time alone?”

  Lupa felt her head screaming yes, she wanted to call Sledge… and… fuck. “Yeah maybe you go down… I got some shit to do… don’t know if I can cope with trying to retain more information right now…”

  “Ok. I might go do that then. Think the interrogators will get anything out of the teenagers?” Dameon walked over to her door, hesitating with it open.

  “Maybe. One way to find out…” wouldn’t he just… go! “I said I’d call Slasher tomorrow…”

  “Ok. Well…I’ll head off. Want me to call if I find anything or just let you know in the morning?”

  Lupa felt her body relax. Yes. Morning. The rest of the evening was hers. “Just let me know in the morning.”

  Dameon smiled and left. Lupa rested her head against the door letting the sigh pour out of her mouth and relax into her whole body. All this talk at her was making her… edgy. She just wanted some time alone. She knew she needed to call Sledge, but what she really wanted to do… fuck it. Lupa walked over to her bag and pulled another Pop out. Only one left after this… guess she would be giving Hammer some business at some point… shit. No, she just needed to get through this foul magick shit and she’d be fine.

  Lupa washed the Pop down with a beer and started calling Sledge, but he didn’t answer. She shrugged and collapsed on her couch. Shit. What were her and Dameon going to do now? She’d been so sure that the teens were involved… but why would they go to HQ if they were? Unless it was to throw them off the scent…

  Lupa was startled by her phone ringing, she hoped it would be Sledge, but it was a number she didn’t recognise… “Hello?”

  “Good evening, is this Hammer’s witch?”

  Lupa sat up, her body feeling warm. The voice had a thick accent. One she couldn’t quite place... “Umm… who’s this?”

  “It matters not. But I am calling to give you one warning. Do not try and challenge me. You have no idea how far my reach is, and I have no qualms in killing more people to get my point across. Hammer fucked with the wrong person, don’t make the same mistake.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Nothing you can offer me… unless you are wanting to share some of your… experiences.”

  “Fuck you.” Lupa felt her body warming more, the condensation of the beer hissing
in her hand.

  “Never mind then. Just listen to my warning, do not try and challenge me. It will be the last fucking thing you do, should you not take notice.”

  The phone went silent. Lupa’s heart pounded in her ears. Fuck this. She quickly pulled up Sledge’s number and hit the call button. Still no fucking answer. She scrolled up to Hammer’s and called, hoping that he’d answer at least.


  Lupa hesitated… did he sound… pissed off? “Umm… it’s Little Red…”


  “I think… The Eastern Man just called me and… threatened me…” Lupa felt like an idiot. Why would Hammer care unless it impacted him directly, she desperately wished she hadn’t called…

  “I see… I shall send Sledge to come and collect you, I do apologise my little wolf witch, I was not aware this man was resorting to threats. Are you well?”

  Lupa nibbled her lip. She felt ok now. She felt pretty damn good actually. “Yeah… I just… didn’t know what to do…”

  “Very well. Sledge will be with you shortly, he’s leaving now. We shall speak soon.”

  Lupa wandered into her room, pulling off her red hoodie and looking for something… nicer. She picked up a tight fitting black singlet and pulled it on. Pushing her jeans off, she swapped them for a short black skirt. She went to the bathroom and brushed her hair, putting on some make up. Darkening her eyes and putting lipstick on. She pulled a face and wiped it off. No, she never wore lipstick. Lupa frowned, why did she care? She wandered back out, her phone beeped. Sledge was outside waiting for her. Surely that had been too quick? She grabbed her bag and headed out to meet him, he looked… angry. Shit.

  “Um… hi.”

  “You a’right?” He looked at her with those fierce eyes as he opened her door.

  “Yeah… fine.” She sat down and waited for him to join her.

  “Aint likin’ knowin’ him dun threatin’ you.” Sledge didn’t start the car, just searched her face. Did he want her to not be ok? She felt fucking fine.

  “It’s ok. I’m ok. I just… didn’t know what to do… I tried to call you…”

  Sledge nodded, bringing the big car to life, “Aint meanin’ to still be workin’. But there bein’… a situation.” Lupa watched the light glinting of Sledge’s silver chain… she hadn’t noticed him wearing it recently… she reached her hand out to touch it but suddenly pulled it back, something… stopping her. “You a’right?”

  “Where… have you been?”

  Sledge gave her a suspicious sideways glance, “What’n you mean?”

  Lupa sighed, hadn’t they got passed this? “I mean, where have you been? Just before coming here to get me? Something feels… off…”

  Sledge pulled his car up out the front of a building she didn’t recognise. And they were definitely not in Blackwater like she was expecting. He got out and opened her door for her, but she didn’t want to get out. She didn’t like it here.

  “Can’t I stay here?” She asked, her voice sounding small even to herself.

  “Thinkin’ you better come… you a’right? You aint lookin’ right…” he reached is hand out to her.

  Lupa couldn’t move, her eyes felt wide and wet, something felt wrong here. Very fucking wrong. She didn’t want to step on the ground, it just wasn’t right. Sledge’s face appeared in front of hers, his eyes looking her over. What did he want? What was going on? Why was he grabbing her?

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Lupa’s eyes fluttered open, what the fuck had happened this time? Why… she looked around, Hammer and Sledge were watching her with… concern in their eyes. Both of them. Lupa pushed herself up, where the fuck was she?

  “You are inside the building Sledge brought you to, are you well? You… just collapsed. Sledge brought you to me, but you have not been unconscious long.”

  Lupa’s eyes wandered around the room, it looked like an apartment. A very tidy one. Who the fuck lived here? “Umm… I’m ok… is there a spell here?”

  Hammer cocked his head, “I am not aware of one. Do you feel something?”

  “I’m… not sure. When we got here… something didn’t feel right. Sledge didn’t… feel right either.” She glanced up to Sledge’s face, he was watching her carefully, as though she might start freaking out at any moment.

  Hammer stepped over to Sledge and looked him over, placing a hand on his broad chest. “I am not sure what you were…” Hammer quickly moved his hand off of Sledge and took a step back, “Ah yes. I feel it now.”

  Sledge looked down at himself, his eyebrows drawn together in a scowl, “What bein’ wrong with me?”

  “I am not sure it is something wrong with you, Sledge, I believe someone has put something on or in you to affect our little wolf witch here. Are you wearing anything new? Or… different?” Hammer studied Sledge with mild curiosity.

  “Aint worn this in a while, it went missin’…” Sledge pulled the chain over his head and held it out to Hammer, who let the chain fall into his hand.

  “When precisely did you notice this, Sledge? This is the one I gave you with your first cloaking magick inside…” Hammer turned his gaze over to Lupa, “Before we figured out how to hide the wolfblood specifically, you see.” Lupa nodded, but she had the overwhelming urge to stand up and run the fuck away from these people.

  “Aint knowin’ for sure…” Sledge rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, “What’s wrong with it?”

  Hammer walked away from Sledge, placing the chain on a clean white table. “I believe there is a spell curse in here. But… do you not need blood or nails and the likes for one of these, Little Red beauty?”

  Lupa stood up, taking a few steps towards Hammer then thinking better of it, sitting back down. “My place was gone through on Friday… I think that was to do with my case though.”

  Hammer turned back to the chain, pulling out a small knife from the inside pocket of his pale blue suit, and prying the capsule that hung from it open. Lupa watched as best she could, Sledge stepped over and handed her a lit smoke before lighting one for himself and peering over Hammer’s shoulder.

  “What’s in it?”

  “Not what I put in it, Sledge. Not even fucking close.”

  Lupa startled, she noticed Sledge stand a bit straighter as well. She didn’t like it when Hammer swore. It wasn’t… right. Fuck. “What’s… inside?”

  “Blood. And a dark strand of hair… And a small snake like creature. I advise that you do not come over here, wolf witch.”

  Lupa snorted. There was no fucking risk of that. She could feel it reaching for her, trying to niggle into that place, but she wouldn’t think about it. She watched as Hammer walked around her to a kitchen, pulling out a bottle of alcohol from the cupboard and crossing back over. He doused the capsule’s contents in it, pulling out his gold lighter and setting it on fire. Fuck.

  “Wait!” Lupa stood up, her body swaying. Both men turned to her, “If it’s blood magick…” but she couldn’t talk, Sledge’s eyes widened in realisation, he went to reach for her, “No! Don’t touch me!”

  Lupa steadied herself against the couch, her eyes were clouding, she wasn’t seeing the room anymore, she was seeing a different place. Blood everywhere, was it the room from the Scott’s? There were people all around her, someone was talking but she couldn’t understand the words. Shit. Had they got to Sledge or had The Eastern Man got to Blackmoars?

  “Lupa?” Sledge was appearing before her again, she was gripping his arm.

  “Shit,” she let go and stepped back, “Fuck!”

  Hammer raised an eyebrow at her, “Something of importance, my wolf witch?”

  “Maybe… either… someone from my case has gotten to Sledge or…” Lupa looked at Hammer, “The Eastern Man is involved in what’s happened at Blackmoars. Or at the very least, someone from my case has gotten involved with him…”

  Hammer nodded, “We need to leave, you shall come back to my place and recount what this man said to you when he call

  Sledge opened the door and waited for Hammer and Lupa to pass through before shutting it behind them and locking it. He opened the passenger door for Lupa then climbed in the back, Hammer taking the driver’s seat.

  “So, little witch, what did this man say to you?” Hammer turned the car towards Blackwater, driving exceedingly fast. Lupa quickly told him what the man on the phone had said to her. “An underhanded threat indeed. I will not stand for that. However, what makes you suspect that he is also involved in your case?”

  “Blood magick for one. And when I… zoned out, I saw the room from one of the houses in Blackmoars. I could hear someone talking but I couldn’t understand the language…”

  “And what would you be doing next?”

  “I… fuck, I don’t know… I need… Hawk and I need to find out how the teenagers are involved, everyone else except them and the children were murdered, and they showed up at HQ today. Shit…”

  “How many?” Hammer asked as he pulled the car in front of an old building.

  “Thirteen teenagers…” Lupa climbed out as Hammer held the car door for her.

  “Interesting. This way.” Hammer walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it for her, following behind as Sledge closed it behind them, “Are they magickal children?”

  “No… well…” Lupa looked around, where the hell was she now?

  “My personal habitat,” Hammer smiled as he flicked the lights on.

  Lupa gasped softly at the room around her, it was nothing like the place she thought Hammer lived. Cool concrete like Sledge’s, but the walls were filled with stunning art pieces like the ones on Hammer’s body. All of the furniture was white; big soft white couches, a bone and glass coffee table, a dragon skull was the main light covering, a large white fur rug that Lupa suspected was an albino wolfblood…

  “You were saying, wolf witch?” Lupa turned to Hammer, who was holding out a crystal glass with the green liquid in it.


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