Seductive Secrets (Sweet Tea And Scandal Book 3)

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Seductive Secrets (Sweet Tea And Scandal Book 3) Page 1

by Cat Schield

  “I intend to get to know the real you.”

  When one of Charleston’s oldest families is infiltrated by a beautiful stranger, tycoon Paul Watts vows to reveal the truth. But then his grandfather’s health miraculously improves after mistaking Lia Marsh as a long-lost granddaughter, and Paul has no choice but to follow along. While he must expose Lia, soon he’s the one with the secret—he desires the woman who could destroy everything he holds dear...

  “How about if I confess something that is hard for me to admit?

  I find you attractive.”

  “Why would you tell me something like that?”

  “It gives you a little power over me,” she said with a sexy, sweet smile that sent an electric pulse zipping along his nerve endings.

  “And you think I need that,” he countered, bothered that she had him all figured out. Well, maybe not all figured out. But she had a pretty good idea of what made him tick. It served as a reminder that he needed to stay on his guard around her.

  “Don’t you?” Her presumptive manner bordered on overconfidence. “I think you crave being in control at all times and I’ll bet it drives you crazy when things don’t go according to plan.”

  “I don’t go crazy,” he said, stepping into her space, unwilling to consider his real motivation for what he was about to do. “I adapt.”

  Lia misjudged the reason Paul closed the gap between them and never saw the kiss coming.

  * * *

  Seductive Secrets is part of the

  Sweet Tea and Scandal series.

  Dear Reader,

  I’m excited to bring you the fourth installment of my Sweet Tea and Scandal series set in Charleston. I’ve loved doing research on this historic town and creating scandalous stories to set there.

  Plots where opposites attract are always fun to write, so I thought why not throw a suspicious cybersecurity specialist and a free-spirited wanderer together in a mad scheme and watch sparks fly. Toss in a case of mistaken identity and a couple of all-too-accurate tarot card readings and these two can’t resist their secret attraction despite the danger it poses if the truth gets out.

  I hope you enjoy Lia and Paul’s story.

  Happy reading!

  Cat Schield

  Cat Schield

  Seductive Secrets

  Cat Schield is an award-winning author of contemporary romances for Harlequin Desire. She likes her heroines spunky and her heroes swoonworthy. While her jet-setting characters live all over the globe, Cat makes her home in Minnesota with her daughter, two opinionated Burmese cats and a goofy Doberman. When she’s not writing or walking dogs, she’s searching for the perfect cocktail or traveling to visit friends and family. Contact her at

  Books by Cat Schield

  Harlequin Desire

  Las Vegas Nights

  The Black Sheep’s Secret Child

  Little Secret, Red Hot Scandal

  The Heir Affair

  Sweet Tea and Scandal

  Upstairs Downstairs Baby

  Substitute Seduction

  Revenge with Benefits

  Visit her Author Profile page at, or, for more titles!

  You can find Cat Schield on Facebook, along with other Harlequin Desire authors, at!

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Excerpt from Tangled with a Texan by Yvonne Lindsay


  Paul Watts entered the hospital elevator and jabbed the button for the fourth floor with more force than necessary. In two hours he was leaving Charleston to attend a week-long cybersecurity conference. His gut told him this was a mistake. His eighty-five-year-old grandfather’s medical situation wasn’t improving. Grady had been hospitalized six days earlier with cerebral edema, a complication arising from the massive stroke he’d suffered three months earlier that had affected his speech and left one side of his body paralyzed. In the midst of this latest medical crisis, the family worried that Grady wouldn’t last much longer. Which was why Paul was rethinking his trip.

  Despite the excellent care he was receiving from the doctors, the Watts family patriarch was failing to rally. At first the doctors and physical therapists had agreed that the likelihood of Grady making a full recovery was better than average given his excellent health before the stroke and his impossibly strong will. But he hadn’t mended. And he hadn’t fought. The stroke had stolen more than his voice and muscle control. It had broken Grady Watts.

  Although he’d stepped down as CEO of the family shipping empire a decade earlier and turned over the day-to-day running of the corporation to Paul’s father, Grady had remained as chairman of the board. Not one to slow down, he’d kept busy in “retirement” by sitting on the boards of several organizations and maintained an active social life.

  Accustomed to his grandfather’s tireless vigor, stubbornness and unapologetic outspokenness, Paul couldn’t understand why Grady wouldn’t strive to get well, and thanks to the strained relationship between them, Paul was unlikely to get answers. Their estrangement was an ache that never went away. Still, Paul refused to regret his decision to pursue a career in cybersecurity rather than join the family business. Stopping bad guys satisfied his need for justice in a way that running the family shipping company never would.

  The elevator doors opened and Paul stepped into the bright, sterile corridor that ran past the nurses’ station. He offered brief nods to the caregivers behind the desk as he strode the far-too-familiar hallways that led to his grandfather’s private room.

  His steps slowed as he neared where Grady lay so still and beaten. No one would ever accuse Paul of being fainthearted, but he dreaded what he’d find when he entered the room. Every aspect of his life had been influenced by his grandfather’s robust personality and Grady’s current frailty caused Paul no small amount of dismay. Just as his grandfather had lost the will to go on, Paul’s confidence had turned into desperation. He would do or support anything that would inspire Grady to fight his way back to them.

  Reaching his grandfather’s room, Paul gathered a deep breath. As he braced himself to enter, a thread of music drifted through the small gap between the door and frame. A woman was singing something sweet and uplifting. Paul didn’t recognize the pure, clear voice and perfect pitch as belonging to anyone in his family. Perhaps it was one of the nurses. Had one of them discovered that his grandfather loved all kinds of music?

  Paul pushed open the door and stepped into his grandfather’s dimly lit room. The sight that greeted him stopped him dead in his tracks. Grady lay perfectly still, his skin gray and waxy. If not for the reassuring beep of the heart monitor, Paul might’ve guessed his grandfather had already passed.

  On the far side of the bed, her back to the darkened window, a stranger held Grady’s hand. Despite her fond and gentle expression, Paul went on instant alert. She wasn’t the nurse he’d expected. In fact, she wasn’t any sort of ordinar
y visitor. More like someone who’d wandered away from an amusement park. Or the sixth-floor psychiatric ward.

  Pretty, slender and in her midtwenties, she wore some sort of costume composed of a lavender peasant dress and a blond wig fastened into a thick braid and adorned with fake flowers. Enormous hazel eyes dominated a narrow face with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. She looked like a doll come to life.

  Paul was so startled that he forgot to moderate his voice. “Who are you?”

  The question reverberated in the small space, causing the woman to break off midsong. Her eyes went wide and she froze like a deer caught in headlights. Her rosy lips parted on a startled breath and her chest rose on an inhalation, but Paul fired off another question before she answered the first.

  “What are you doing in my grandfather’s room?”

  “I’m...” Her gaze darted past him toward the open door.

  “Geez, Paul, calm the hell down,” said a voice from behind him. It was his younger brother, Ethan. His softer tone suited the hospital room far better than Paul’s sharp bluster. “I heard you all the way down the hall. You’re going to upset Grady.”

  Now Paul noticed that his grandfather’s eyes were open and his mouth was working as if he had an opinion he wanted to share. The stroke had left him unable to form the words that let him communicate, but there was no question Grady was agitated. His right hand fluttered. The woman’s bright gaze flicked from Paul to Grady and back.

  “Sorry, Grady.” Paul advanced to his grandfather’s bedside and lightly squeezed the old man’s cool, dry fingers, noting the tremble in his knobby knuckles. “I came by to check on you. I was surprised to see this stranger in your room.” He glanced toward the oddly dressed woman and spoke in a low growl. “I don’t know who you are, but you shouldn’t be here.”

  “Yes, she should.” Ethan came to stand beside Paul, behaving as if introducing his brother to a woman dressed in costume was perfectly ordinary.

  This lack of concern made Paul’s blood pressure rise. “You know her?”

  “Yes, this is Lia Marsh.”

  “Hello,” she said, her bright sweet voice like tinkling crystal.

  As soon as Ethan had entered the room her manner had begun to relax. Obviously she viewed Paul’s brother as an ally. Now she offered Paul a winsome smile. If she thought her charm would blunt the keen edge of his suspicion, she had no idea who she was dealing with. Still, he found the anxiety that had plagued him in recent days easing. A confusing and unexpected sense of peace trickled through him as Grady’s faded green eyes focused on Lia Marsh. He seemed happy to have her by his side, weird costume and all.

  “I don’t understand what she’s doing here,” Paul complained, grappling to comprehend this out-of-control situation.

  “She came to cheer up our grandfather.” Ethan set a comforting hand on their grandfather’s shoulder. “It’s okay,” he told the older man. “I’ll explain everything to Paul.”

  What was there to explain?

  During the brothers’ exchange, the woman squeezed Grady’s hand. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together today,” she said, her musical voice a soothing oasis in the tense room. “I’ll come back and visit more with you later.”

  Grady made an unhappy noise, but she was already moving toward the foot of the bed. Paul ignored his grandfather’s protest and shifted to intercept her.

  “No, you won’t,” he declared.

  “I understand,” she said, but her expression reflected dismay and a trace of disapproval. Her gaze flicked to Ethan. A warm smile curved her lips. “I’ll see you later.”

  Embroidered skirt swishing, she moved toward the exit, leaving a ribbon of floral perfume trailing in her wake. Paul caught himself breathing her in and expelled the tantalizing scent from his lungs in a vigorous huff. The energy in the room plummeted as she disappeared through the doorway and, to his profound dismay, Paul was struck by a disconcerting urge to call her back.

  Now just to get answers to the most obvious questions: Why was she dressed like that and what was she doing in Grady’s room? But also why had she chosen to tattoo a delicate lily of the valley on the inside of her left wrist? He wondered how his brother could be taken in by such guileless naivete when it was so obviously an act.

  This last point snapped Paul out of whatever spell she’d cast over him. Grabbing his brother’s arm, Paul towed Ethan out of the hospital room, eager to get answers without disturbing Grady. Out in the hall, Paul closed the door and glanced around. Lia Marsh had vanished and he noticed that didn’t bring him the satisfaction it should have.

  “Who is she?” Paul demanded, his unsettled emotions making his tone sharper than necessary. “And what the hell is going on?”

  Ethan sighed. “Lia’s a friend of mine.”

  Paul dragged his hand through his hair as he fought to control the emotions cascading through him. He focused on his anxiety over his grandfather’s condition. That feeling made sense. The rest he would just ignore.

  “You’ve never mentioned her before,” Paul said. “How well do you know her?”

  A muscle jumped in Ethan’s jaw. He looked like he was grappling with something. “Well enough. Look, you’re seeing problems where there aren’t any.”

  “Have you forgotten that Watts Shipping as well as various members of our family have been cyberattacked in the last year? So when I show up in Grady’s hospital room and there’s a strange woman alone with him, I get concerned.”

  “Trust me—Lia has nothing to do with any of that,” Ethan said. “She’s really sweet and just wants to help. Grady has been so depressed. We thought a visit might cheer him up.”

  Paul refused to believe that he’d overreacted. And Ethan was transitioning into the CEO position at Watts Shipping, replacing their father who planned to retire in the next year. Why wouldn’t his brother take these various cyber threats seriously?

  “But she was dressed like a...” It wasn’t like him to grapple for words, but the whole encounter had a surreal quality to it.

  “Disney princess?” Ethan offered, one corner of his mouth kicking up. “Specifically Rapunzel from Tangled.”

  “Okay, but you never answered my question. Where did you meet her?” Paul persisted, making no attempt to rein in his skepticism. Ethan’s persistent caginess was a red flag. “What do you know about her?”

  When meeting people for the first time, Paul tended to assess them like it was an investigation and often struggled to give them the benefit of the doubt. Did that mean he was suspicious by nature? Probably. But if that’s what it took to keep his family safe, then so be it.

  “Can you stop thinking like a cop for two seconds?” Ethan complained.

  Paul bristled. It wasn’t only Grady who hadn’t supported his decision to join the Charleston PD after college and several years later start his cybersecurity business.

  “What’s her angle?”

  “She doesn’t have one. She’s exactly like she seems.”

  Paul snorted. A cosplay fanatic? “What else do you know about her?”

  “I don’t know,” Ethan complained, growing impatient. “She’s really nice and a great listener.”

  “A great listener,” Paul echoed, guessing that Lia Marsh had taken advantage of Ethan’s distress over their grandfather’s illness. “I suppose you told her all about Grady and our family?”

  “It’s not as if any of it is a huge secret.”

  “Regardless. You brought a complete stranger, someone you know almost nothing about, to meet our dying grandfather.” Paul made no effort to temper his irritation. “What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking Grady might enjoy a visit from a sweet, caring person who has a beautiful singing voice.” Ethan gave him such a sad look. “Why do you always go to the worst-case scenario?”

  Paul stared at his brother. Etha
n behaved as if this explanation made all the sense in the world. Meanwhile, Paul’s relentless, logical convictions prevented him from grasping what sort of eccentricities drove Lia Marsh to parade around as a storybook character.

  “She was dressed up. I just don’t understand...”

  Ethan shrugged. “It’s what she does.”

  “For a living?”

  “Of course not,” Ethan countered, showing no defensiveness at all in the face of his brother’s sarcasm. In fact, he looked fairly smug as he said, “She dresses up and visits sick children. They love her.”

  Paul cursed. Actually, that was a damned nice thing to do.

  “How did you meet her?”

  Ethan frowned. “I’m a client.”

  “What sort of a client?”

  “None of this matters.” Ethan exhaled. “Lia is great and your trust issues are getting old.”

  A heavy silence fell between the brothers as Paul brushed aside the criticism and brooded over Ethan’s caginess. He hated being at odds with his brother and wasn’t sure how to fix the disconnect. With less than a year between them in age, he and Ethan had been tight as kids despite their differing interests and passions. Paul was fascinated by technology and could spend hours alone, turning electronic components into useful devices, while Ethan was more social and preferred sports over schoolwork.

  Both had excelled through high school and into college. And while they’d never directly competed over anything, once Paul decided against joining the family business, a subtle tension started growing between the siblings.

  “You might as well tell me what’s going on because you know I’ll investigate and find out exactly who Lia Marsh is.”

  * * *

  Lia Marsh blew out a sharp breath as she cleared the hospital room and fled down the empty hallway, noting her thudding heart and clammy palms. While Ethan hadn’t glossed over his brother’s suspicious nature, she hadn’t been prepared for Paul’s hostility or the way his annoyance heightened his already imposing charisma. Unaccustomed to letting any man get under her skin, Lia studied the phenomenon like she would a fresh scratch on her beloved camper trailer, Misty. Unexpected and undesirable.


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