The Krinar's Informant

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The Krinar's Informant Page 10

by Charmaine Pauls

  “I want you. Happy?”

  “That’s better. Was that so hard?”

  He had no idea.

  “Now that’s out of the way,” he said, “how about dinner?”

  “I’m not hungry. I’m sure you know I ate not so long ago.”

  Ignoring the bite in her words, he stepped back, setting her free. It was almost like a give and take, like she’d given him something, and he’d given her something in return. She just couldn’t define what he’d given her.

  “What would you like to do?” he asked.

  Her laugh was bitter. “You’re giving me a choice?”

  His expression darkened, but his tone remained even. “What do you do to relax? Maybe you’d like to watch a movie or play chess.”

  She loved chess. The simple fact that he knew infuriated her for reasons she couldn’t fathom. Anyway, what was the point? She’d never have a fair game against a K. Their intelligence was superior, wasn’t it? Like with everything else, she’d always lose, unless he faked it. The thought sent a wave of rage through her. Much more devastating was the sadness it evoked.

  The latter made her say, “No sex? May as well get it over with. That’s what I’m for, isn’t it?”

  Sparks detonated in his eyes. They narrowed to slits as his cheekbones darkened. “As you wish.” His tone was cold and impersonal. “Lie down on the bed and spread your legs.”

  It was a self-induced punishment, a self-destructive move, but her legs shook nevertheless as she walked to the bedroom. She wasn’t going to make it easy for him. She didn’t undress before lying down in the center of the bed.

  If she hoped to make it difficult by forcing him to remove her clothes, she was sadly disappointed. He flipped her skirt over her hips as he climbed between her legs, sparing her not a single look as he pushed her underwear aside and expertly fingered her clit. His movements were sparse and clinical. He got her wet, but there was nothing erotic or romantic about it. When her channel was slick, he pushed into her, taking her with the same mechanical, emotionless efficiency. For all his lack of feeling, she made up for it in abundance, her sadness at the pinnacle as she came despite his coldness. Her shame at how hard she climaxed while he used her as nothing but a vessel in which to empty his release didn’t fall far behind. When he got up and went to the bathroom to clean himself, she remained in the puddle of shame and self-loathing in his bed, filled with his seed, and left so empty.

  A short while later, he walked from the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed. He paused at the side of the bed to look down at her. Two, three heartbeats passed, and then he left the room. Silence stretched through the space. What was she supposed to do? She could stay there and wallow in her shame or follow him and make the best of the situation until she figured out a solution. A bargain. An escape. Letting the resolution strengthen her, she got up, took a few minutes to clean up in the bathroom, and went through to the living area, but it was empty.

  He was gone.

  The way Zavir stalked into the meeting room demonstrated his lack of constraint, but he couldn’t make himself care. All he could think about was the obstinate woman in his quarters who accepted him with her body and rejected him with everything else. The two people around the float–Xita and Korum–studied him with interest. Their curiosity only irked him more.

  “Love trouble?” Xita asked on a chuckle.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep quiet now,” he growled.

  She snickered. “The man who single-handedly took down armies can’t tame his charl.”

  “Xita,” Korum said, giving her a warning look.

  Best get to the point, so that he could get back to his charl. He didn’t like the way he’d left her, but she needed to understand he wouldn’t stand for her little rebellions. “What do we know about Karl?”

  “Erik and Hans are gone too,” Xita said. “I found their holding room empty just after you’d left us this evening, a couple of Earth hours ago.”

  “What?” he asked with disbelief.

  “Someone let them out,” Korum said, his face tight. “There’s no other way they could’ve escaped from the medical center.”

  “Someone who knew how to remove their shinings and wipe out the security feed,” Xita added.

  Zavir rubbed his temples. “Any suspects?”

  Xita shook her head. “None. We checked all the staff that had access to the medical center. There’s more. Their rehabilitation hasn’t been completed.” Xita looked between him and Korum. “It looks as if someone reversed the procedure. Their memories have been restored.”

  “Therefore, technically, all three are guilty,” Korum concluded. “They didn’t just walk out of here with someone believing they’re on holiday. They know they escaped.”

  “Still no trace of them?” Zavir asked.

  “Nothing,” Xita replied.

  Zavir had considered all angles, and it always came back to this. It was the only plausible theory. “Someone on the inside is working for the Resistance.”

  Korum got to his feet and walked to the wall, which turned transparent to give him a one-way view of the meeting center garden. “I want the traitor found.” He rounded, his eyes on Zavir, the command in them unquestionable. “Without delay.”

  “How do you suppose I do that? Have everyone take a lie detector test? With the amount of Ks in here, it will take ages.”

  “It’s not what I had in mind.”

  Zavir raised a brow, waiting in silence.

  Korum’s smile was calculated. “We’re going to use your informant as bait.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “No.” Zavir planted his fist on the float. “It’ll put her life in danger.”

  Korum’s golden eyes darkened. “It’s an order.”

  “It’s dangerous,” Zavir insisted.

  “She’s an informant,” the leader said.

  “Who helped us.”

  Undeterred, Korum turned for the exit. “I’ll send instructions.”

  “Mia was an informant, and worse, for her own kind, against us, yet you forgave her.”

  Korum spun around. He looked like a tiger ready to attack. “Do you have a problem with my charl?”

  “No,” Zavir replied quietly. “I’m only asking for your understanding.”

  At that, Korum stilled. He seemed to consider the words for a while, his body slowly relaxing.

  “Fine,” he said at large. “Your engagement party is in a month’s time. You have until then to find the traitor.”

  Zavir nodded his gratitude.

  When the leader was gone, Xita regarded Zavir curiously.

  “What are you going to tell your charl?” she asked.

  His tone was clipped. “Nothing.”

  “What if she asks to see her brothers?”

  “I’ll tell her to wait. I’ll find them, one way or another. For your sake, I hope you’ll have better results with the rehabilitation then.”

  Her lips curved into a smile. “I will. The data mining, though, was impeccable.”

  “Did you extract all the information?”

  “Everything on the Resistance.”


  “As I said, confidential.”

  “Nothing I should know?”

  “If the Council wants you to know, you will.”

  He was tempted to push her, because where Liv was concerned he could never learn enough, but she was right. His job was to execute cleanup missions, not analyze intel. Still, he didn’t like being in the dark, and he had a feeling he was not only navigating his way through the dark, but also doing it blindfolded. Especially where his human was concerned. He had no idea how to make her accept the inevitable. He was running out of ideas, and now also out of time, thanks to Korum’s deadline. The knowledge weighed on his shoulders as he made for the exit, suddenly eager to get back to Liv.


  He paused, waiting for Xita to continue.

  “I’m on your side.�

  Giving her a look from over his shoulder, he said, “I know.”

  Time and more time. That was all Liv had. After being busy every minute of every day, doing nothing was getting to her. After the expanse of the South African desert and the Costa Rican jungle, being locked up in an off-white room with off-white furniture and off-white fixings didn’t help. She paced, and read, and paced. She watched news broadcasts and paced some more. She had a lot of time to think.

  There was no point in resisting Zavir. He’d proven his point. Too well. Turning into a puddle of lust under his hands made her cheeks burn in shame. Insulting him resulted in a humiliating spanking. Fighting him didn’t accomplish anything, either. His punishment for that was far more effective than a spanking or gleeful seduction. When he’d reduced her being to nothing but an object it hurt. He’d made his point. The choice was in her hands. She could either enjoy sex with him, allowing him to make it incredible or only hurt herself by letting him keep it cold. No matter what she chose, sex was going to happen. That, he’d proven, too. Why fight a losing battle?

  Escaping from Lenkarda was impossible. She knew better than anyone the place was a fortress. Hadn’t the Resistance searched for ways in for months? Even if she did manage to get away, she wouldn’t get far. Not with a tracker. For now, she had no choice but to make the best of being Zavir’s prisoner, but did she want to get engaged to him? Did she want to be his charl? When he announced it at their engagement party, she’d be irrevocably bound to him for life. He’d never be able to turn his back on her, whereas without too many people knowing yet, he could still denounce her as his charl. Maybe he’d tire of her. Could she convince him not to go ahead with the announcement? In the light of the situation, asking for more time wasn’t unreasonable.

  She was still contemplating her options, or lack of them, when Zavir returned. If he harbored any grudges about the way she’d reacted or how he’d left, he didn’t show it. His gaze homed in on her. For a long moment, he did nothing but stare at her. She got to her feet and went to him, stopping close enough that she had to crane her neck to look at his face. His eyes flared in surprise. He’d clearly not expected her to come to him. Maybe they could have that dinner he’d mentioned, and she’d tried to behave in a civil way and ask him for time.

  “When will you have your next meal?” she asked.

  He traced her cheek with his knuckles, his gaze softening. “Not for a while.”


  “We don’t have to refuel as often as you.”

  She bit her lip. “I know.” Okay, dinner could wait.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Not yet.”

  From the way his eyes darkened as they roamed over her, she knew what he wanted. Most of all, she knew because she wanted it, too. Their chemistry was undeniable. That was true, but it took more than chemistry to forge a life-long bond.

  Turning on her heel, she walked to the bedroom. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know he’d followed. She could feel him standing on the threshold, watching her as she pushed the dress from her shoulders and let it fall at her feet. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her panties followed next. He let out a hiss when she bent over to free her feet from the underwear. Before she could climb onto the bed, he was behind her, folding his large body over hers. Her breathing quickened as his hands slid down her back to cup her ass. He pulled her open, exposing her for his eyes. It made her feel more naked than ever, having her need splayed and laid at his feet, having him witness her arousal.

  He dragged a finger through her slit, gathering her wetness. More proof. More evidence. She closed her eyes as he palmed a breast while pushing a digit inside her channel. Torturously slow, he moved his finger, finding the sensitive spot that made her back arch. As she pushed into him, he grunted his approval. He abandoned her breast to brush her hair over her shoulder and dragged a thumb over the spot where he’d bitten her. A shiver ran over her back. Goosebumps broke out over her arm. He kissed the spot tenderly. She expected him to bite again, but he only kept his lips there for a few seconds, all the while teasing her with his finger.


  He kissed the shell of her ear. “What do you need, kitten?”


  His answer was to pull out of her. She moaned in disappointment, looking over her shoulder at him. There was a blur of movement, and then he was naked, aligning his erection with her slit. He pressed in slowly, caressing her breast and clit, taking his time. He was excruciatingly gentle, studying the place where their bodies were joined with unwavering concentration. Watching him watching them fuck was so hot. His cheekbones darkened, and the color of his eyes turned to a molten iron. Her slickness eased his movements, allowing him to go faster and deeper.

  “Make me come,” she demanded, breathing heavily.

  He didn’t hesitate to fulfill her wish. Pinching her clit between a forefinger and thumb, he rolled the nub gently. The spasm of pleasure that contracted the muscles in her lower region was instantaneous. She came on the spot, tightening around him and provoking his curse. Her legs started shaking. Snaking an arm around her waist, he lifted her higher onto the mattress without breaking their connection. He increased the pace. Her passage slickened more, and her folds swelled. The pleasure was unbearable.

  “I can’t,” she whimpered.

  He freed his cock. His command was staccato, his voice strained. “On your back.”

  When he released her, she rolled over to face him.

  “Spread your legs, kitten. I want to look.”

  She opened her legs. He looked until he had his fill, slowly shifting his eyes up until their gazes locked. He didn’t break the stare as he pushed back into her and started a new pace, more urgent than before. She wrapped her legs around him. He intertwined their fingers and lifted her hands above her head. They were wound around and into each other.

  “I can fuck you like this all day long,” he murmured, hitting her sweet spot.

  She cried out, rolling her hips to meet his rhythm. Already, her channel tightened.

  “Yes,” he hissed. “That’s a good girl. Come with me.”

  When he roared out his climax, she came around his thickening cock. He swelled and swelled inside her, filling her with warmth and showering her with soft words and tender kisses.

  She sighed in bliss. This was so much better than having her skirt hitched up for a cold fuck. It was only lust, but this was mutual. This was them.

  His kitten was pliant in his arms when he carried her to the shower to clean them both. She was agreeable, like she’d been in bed. The sudden change was welcome. Alarming, even. It wasn’t like Liv to be so docile. He couldn’t help being a little worried. When he carried her back to the bedroom and told her to get on her knees, she did so without arguing. She allowed him to fuck her hot mouth, and she swallowed his seed. When he ordered her to bend over, she offered herself to him, moaning as he brought her to an orgasm with his tongue. Even when he commanded her to sit naked on his lap while he read over some reports, she said nothing as his erection grew and jutted, seeking entrance between her thighs. He took her there, on the spot, against his better judgment, knowing he’d have to use the nano-healer again. He laid her down to sleep and pulled her body tight against his. Like the bastard he was, he slipped the ring he’d gotten the day before onto her finger while she was passed out from exhaustion. He wasn’t sure he could handle another rejection. He had the thick skin many humans and Krinar accused him of having, but he had no protection where his charl was concerned. As far as she went, his heart was naked, an open target, too prone to bleeding. Although he didn’t need the rest, he stayed with her, enjoying the feel of her warm, soft skin and the sound of her breathing. Only when the first rays of the sun entered through the ceiling and she opened her eyes, did he stir.

  She blinked, as if surprised to find him there.

  “Hey,” she said in a cute, shy way.

  He brushed a strand of hair fro
m her face. “Morning.”

  “You stayed.”

  “I did.”


  “Do I need a reason to stay with you?”

  “It’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “I know you don’t need sleep. Not yet.”

  “I wasn’t sleeping.”

  She flushed a little. “Oh.”

  He smiled at her. He liked them like this. Not at war. Then she rubbed her eyes. He knew the exact moment she felt the ring. She froze. Her face lost its blush, turning pale. Her body went rigid. Lifting her hand in the air, she stared at the platinum band with the tanzanite stone. He’d chosen that stone because it looked like the color of her eyes. It had seemed infinitely beautiful to him, but she was regarding it as if it radiated toxic waste.

  Her voice was tremulous, and not in a good way. “Zavir.”

  He couldn’t help sounding defensive. “What?”

  “Of all the low-life things to do.”

  Declaring her bond with him in human terms was low-life? He suppressed his anger, trying to look at the situation from her point of view. “I’m sorry it was like this.”

  “In my sleep?” she asked, her tone bitter.

  “I know you deserve better. I’ll make up for it with the party. I promise.”

  Sitting up, she hugged her knees. Her bare back was exposed to him. He trailed a path over the pale skin, his heart clenching when he remembered the blood and deep lines where Hans had tortured her. His nostrils flared at the memory. The mental images were imprinted in his mind, waking a deep rage inside of him.

  “Zavir?” She faced him sideways, looking at him from under her lashes.


  “May I ask you something?”

  He traced the delicate line of her spine. “Yes.”

  Her skin contracted with goose bumps. “The engagement party…”

  He tensed, dropping his hand. Their newfound peace wasn’t going to last long, after all. “What about it?”

  “Does it have to be next month?” She continued quickly. “I mean, can’t we wait a bit?”


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