His Two Alphas

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His Two Alphas Page 7

by Anna Wineheart

  “Who’s gonna help you with your problems, then?”

  Davis looked away. “Who said I needed help with them?”

  Out of curiosity, Kai reached over for Davis’ scarred hand. The professor pulled it away from him.

  “Does it still hurt?” Kai asked.

  Surprise flashed through Davis’ eyes. “Not—Not often. Sometimes.”

  He tugged his sleeve down, though, trying to cover up the mottled skin.

  It occurred to Kai then, that Micah Davis was embarrassed about his scars. Kai had vaguely noticed his discomfort last week, but seeing the professor now, seeing the way he tried to hide himself... Had Spike always been aware of this?

  Was this why Spike had said I want to hold him and kiss him and tell him he’s the most beautiful person in the world?

  Kai looked again at Davis, and realized that Davis needed intimacy like that. That Davis and Spike would be good together—Spike was so eager to give Davis everything he wanted.

  Gods, Spike would’ve given anything to hear what Davis had just admitted, wouldn’t he? Kai felt slightly guilty. Except he could tell Spike, too. Later, when they were home together.

  “So, the class material,” Davis said, his expression carefully blank. “Which did you need help with?”

  He was so different from the omega last week, who had squirmed and gasped against Kai, thrusting his ass up, pleading. He was different from the omega a few minutes ago, the omega who had pressed himself against the wall, afraid of Kai.

  Kai couldn’t help watching him, trying to piece together this puzzle that was Micah Davis.

  And maybe he couldn’t help wondering what it’d be like, sleeping with Davis again. Feeling Davis tremble against him as he took Kai’s cock. He’d been tight, and so very appreciative of Kai opening him up.

  I shouldn’t.

  Kai’s pants tightened. It seemed like his cock had other ideas. He breathed out, trying to focus. “Basically, I need help with everything.” He winced. “From Lesson 2 onward.”

  Davis’ expression fell. “That’s... a lot of ground to cover. We’re almost midway through the semester.”

  But he didn’t blame it on Kai. Davis pulled out a heavy textbook, flipping to the front. “I guess we’ll start from the beginning. It’ll take a lot more lessons, and you may have to return after-hours. But I’m sure we can help improve your grades.”

  “I’ll be asking a lot of stupid questions,” Kai said.

  Davis cracked a tiny smile. “We’ll need those questions so I can understand how to help. I promise I won’t judge you.”

  Kai looked up, and read sincerity in those blue eyes. Peace. Patience. And he realized that Davis... was someone he could trust. This wasn’t one of the screaming omegas Dad had brought home.

  Maybe not all omegas would turn out so terrible, after all.

  Kai didn’t know how to feel about that.



  The moment Spike stepped out of Micah’s office, his smile faded.

  He knew what he’d done back there—he’d patched things up between Micah and Kai. Maybe now Kai would finally get closer to Micah, and fall in love with him.

  That probably wouldn’t happen so fast, but Spike could always hope.

  He trudged through the tiled hallways of the chemistry department, then down to the next floor, passing the general department office.

  Past the glass doors, and past the high receptionist’s counter, he glimpsed an older alpha—tall and stern, hovering over a department staff.

  Spike thought he recognized that alpha—Bernard Hastings, president of Meadowfall College. That was about all he knew of the guy, besides Hastings being a hardass and the rumors that he’d almost disowned his son.

  Spike winced, hurrying along. I wouldn’t want him to be my dad. He looks way too uptight.

  His own mom was the best. She’d worked multiple jobs trying to raise him and Kai, and Spike wanted to give her everything in the world. Mom had offered to help pay for Spike’s tuition, but Spike had refused.

  Every month, Spike gave her money to make sure she had a roof over her head, because Dad never really helped with that.

  It made Spike angry, thinking about Dad. Technically, Dad was Kai’s dad, except Kai and his dad looked nothing alike. Spike had never questioned it—he was bad with matching faces together.

  Thing was, if he ever entered a relationship... he didn’t want to be the one who never contributed. He’d found a second job at a taco place this past week, working a night shift every other day.

  It wasn’t much extra cash, so he wasn’t sure Micah would even consider him worthy. He didn’t know how he was going to afford childcare.

  Kai was better off. Kai had money from his scholarship, and that part-time job at the music place. Often, Spike found himself envying Kai—the scholarship, the basketball talent, the maturity.

  Kai could have any omega he wanted, but he wasn’t interested in any. It meant Spike had been keeping Kai for himself—a very good thing.

  Except Kai would never love Spike the way Spike wanted him to.

  It sucked to be Spike.

  Spike scowled, stomping down the stairs to the ground level.

  In nine months, if Micah’s pregnancy went okay... Spike would be a dad. He would be twenty, and... it scared him. I don’t know how to be an alpha dad. I’ve never exactly had one.

  Why the hell would Micah Davis even agree to see Spike, aside from letting Spike fuck him?

  Shit, now Spike felt like a depressed lump.

  In the parking lot, he bumped into York.

  “Hey,” York said, waving Spike over. “Where’s Kai?”

  “He’s—” He’s with Micah, Spike almost said. Crap. “He’s with your dad. Consultation.”

  York nodded absently, chucking things into his trunk. “Hope it helps.”

  Spike stuck his hands in his pockets. How did you tell your friend that you’d knocked up his dad? You couldn’t, not without getting punched in the face.

  But it didn’t just involve Spike—it involved Kai, too. Kai didn’t ask to be punched. So Spike kept his mouth shut, wondering how long Micah would keep the baby’s parentage a secret. Would Micah tell his son?

  Briefly, Spike imagined telling York, I’m your brother’s dad. Or I’m your sister’s dad. Whatever. Either way, Spike would probably end up with two black eyes. Maybe some missing teeth. Then Micah would definitely ban Spike from his bed.

  “Plans for tonight?” York asked.

  Gods, was this just the start of Awkward Hell? Spike chewed on his lip. “Kai and I are seeing an omega. We, uh. We might’ve knocked him up.”

  York paused in the middle of closing his trunk. He turned to stare. “You and Kai? Together? Did you, like, touch dicks?”

  Oh, we do a lot more than that. “Kind of?” Spike shrugged. “Does it matter? We’re in trouble now, so...”

  “Which omega is it?” York asked. “Is it someone I know?”

  Spike almost choked on his spit. “Uh, I don’t know. Maybe?”

  He felt bad, lying to his friend. But he understood now why Micah had removed their scents from his skin. If Micah allowed Spike to continue seeing him... How long could they hide it?

  “You ever thought about your dad seeing someone?” Spike asked.

  York frowned. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “Well, nothing, I guess.” Spike’s neck burned. The longer he stuck around York, the deeper the shit he was going to get into. He just knew it. “Look, I gotta go.”

  “All right,” York said, looking askance at him. “Catch you later.”

  Hopefully not. Spike beat a hasty retreat.

  * * *

  Nine hours later, Spike said, “I told York.”

  Micah paled. “You what?”

  Then he looked surreptitiously around, in case anyone recognized them at the noodle restaurant.

  They’d requested a corner booth at Wy’s Drive-In, tucked at
the back next to the kitchen entrance. The elegant latticework dividers helped shield them, too, but Micah had asked to sit facing away from everyone else, just in case.

  Spike had volunteered to take the spot between the aisle and Micah, further hiding him from the public. His motives were entirely pure, of course.

  “No, relax,” Spike murmured, pressing his arm against Micah’s shoulder to try and calm him down. “I told him that Kai and I knocked someone up, but I didn’t say who.”

  Micah groaned. “York’s pretty sharp. It’s risky.”

  Across the table, Kai raised his eyebrow. “York say anything about you and me?”

  “Well, he asked if we touched dicks. Then he asked who the omega was.”

  A flush went right to the tips of Micah’s ears. Gods, he was adorable. Spike fought the urge to lean over, and suck on his earlobe. Or maybe trace his juniper scent down Micah’s front, between his thighs.

  “Did you tell him?” Kai asked.

  “Nope.” Spike laughed, self-deprecating. “I just fled like a coward.”

  For a moment, they sat in silence, mulling over the news. Clinks of cutlery and the murmur of conversation ebbed and flowed around them, accompanied by the scent of rich pork broth in the air. Spike’s stomach rumbled.

  “Are you planning to tell York?” he asked Micah.

  Micah bit his lip, looking down at his flat belly. “It’s... still early. We don’t know if the pregnancy will be successful. It might not be.”

  Spike almost cheered up when he heard that—except Micah’s gaze dulled. Micah... wanted the baby? Spike’s baby. Or Kai’s. Theirs.

  “You want it,” Spike said, disbelieving. “You really do.”

  The professor reddened, fiddling with the corner of his napkin. “Like I said, I’m not holding you to that responsibility. It’ll be my child.”

  “If you lose it, I can give you another one,” Spike offered.

  Kai snorted. Micah choked, glancing warily around them. “It’s not that,” Micah mumbled, so quiet that Spike had to lean in to hear him. “I’m forty-one. The risks increase as I get older. I don’t even know why you’re doing this—”

  Spike’s heart swelled for him. He leaned in, wrapping his arm around Micah’s waist, reaching across Micah for his scarred hand—Micah had tucked that side of him closest to the dark, polished wall.

  Micah snuffled, looking up in surprise. And Spike pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips.

  Like before, Micah froze, his gaze longing, except he was too afraid to act on it. He wanted more of Spike’s touch. Spike’s heart thumped.

  “In bed, you’re my omega,” Spike murmured. “Or ours, if you want Kai in there with you. Or if you just want to be Kai’s.”

  It always made him afraid, saying that. Giving Micah the choice to drop Spike, and only have Kai. Despite everything Spike was doing to push Kai and Micah together... part of him, the selfish part, wanted this omega to desire him in return.

  Micah blinked hard. “There are... so many things wrong with this,” he said quietly. “I’m your teacher. I’m not the best-looking person out there.”

  “Spike’s been head-over-heels for you since he was a kid,” Kai said dryly. “Doesn’t matter what you look like, or who you are.”

  Micah stared, disbelieving. “A kid? I didn’t even know you then.”

  And now Spike’s chest squeezed tight; Micah could reject him when he found out the truth. “I was there when the fire happened,” Spike said, holding his breath. “I was in your backyard. I was the one who lit the fireworks, and I’m sorry.”

  Micah’s jaw hung open. “You—You know about the fire.”

  Spike breathed out, trying to stop his hands from shaking. “Yeah, that’s what I said. I started it. There was an older alpha, too. I don’t remember his name, but I was the one who asked to play with the fireworks. I gave you the scars.”

  For a long moment, Micah didn’t move. There was recognition in his eyes, though. He remembered. That scared Spike even more.

  “Oh,” Micah said. “That... That was you. You were York’s friend back then, too?”

  “Yeah. And I’ll do anything to make things up to you,” Spike said, his throat closing. He’s gonna tell me to disappear now. His heart squeezing tight, Spike almost whined. Almost got on his knees to beg.

  Then he gave up trying to quell the urge, and knelt on the floor next to the booth, gingerly clasping Micah’s hand.

  “I’m sorry,” Spike murmured. “I grew up seeing you with your scars. I know I caused it. It—It doesn’t change the way I feel about you.”

  Micah gaped, looking... horrified? Then he reached forward with both hands, cradling Spike’s face. “No, don’t kneel. I don’t blame you.”


  “Get back up here,” Micah said, the corners of his lips pulling down. “There’s no need for you to apologize. And there’s nothing to forgive.”

  Spike bit his lip. He sat back down next to Micah, still uneasy. For the past few years, he’d been phrasing and rephrasing his apology to Micah. He’d been torn about telling Micah the truth, because he wanted this omega so much.

  And the weight of his past sat on his heart, heavy and incriminating.

  “He needs your forgiveness,” Kai said, his gaze understanding. Spike felt a surge of fondness toward him, too. “That fire fucked with Spike.”

  Micah glanced at Kai, looking raw. “Were you—Were you there, too?”

  Kai shook his head. “No, only him.”

  “I looked for you around town when I was growing up,” Spike said, locking his fingers together so he wouldn’t touch Micah. He wanted to, though, so badly. Before Micah changed his mind and banished him. “I feel guilty about the scars, but they don’t make you any less beautiful.”

  Micah stared. Then he cracked a smile, and touched Spike’s hands. “I forgive you,” Micah said softly. “I harbor no bad thoughts toward you at all.”

  “Just the naughty ones, right?” Spike joked. Relief unfurled through his chest, rolling the boulder off his heart. “Thank the gods, Micah. I never knew if... if you were gonna shove me away if you found out.”

  “I’m not—At least, not because of that,” the professor said, squeezing Spike’s hand. “The fire was an accident. No one is to blame.”

  “But you won’t kiss me,” Spike mumbled, his heart fluttering hopefully.

  “Because I’m older than you.” Micah looked away. “Because you’ll do better looking for a younger omega.”

  “I spent my whole life practicing everything with Kai so I could be perfect for you,” Spike said.

  Kai frowned like he was unhappy about that, but Spike was too focused on Micah Davis right now. Micah could judge him and Kai for what they’d done as stepbrothers, too.

  Micah stared and shook his head. “This is such a mess, isn’t it?”

  Spike sagged. “I know I’m a sick fuck,” he said quietly. “Kai calls me that sometimes. But—Kai’s okay with the things I do with him, and I’m okay with it, too.”

  Micah looked like he wanted to ask more about it, but he refrained. “That’s none of my business, is it?”

  “It is if you’d like to join us.” Spike gulped, hoping he didn’t look like an eager puppy. “I want you in my bed, Micah. I want—Gods, I want to taste you and fuck you and make you scream.”

  Micah’s breath hitched. His eyes grew dark, and musk coiled off his skin. He rubbed his face, breathing out. “Oh, gods.”

  “Try it again,” Kai said, jerking his chin at Spike. “If your heat isn’t influencing you, you’ll know if it’s good. Better yet, you don’t need condoms.”

  Dark red swept through Micah’s face. Spike couldn’t stop looking at him. “You’re so pretty,” he said, leaning closer. “I want to pull you and Kai into bed with me. Kai’s gonna fuck me, and I’ll fuck you—”

  “But you’re stepbrothers,” Micah said. “This—”

  Someone coughed lightly next to them. Spike froze,
glancing to his other side, where a waiter had paused next to the booth with a tiny smile.

  Shit. Is he going to judge us, too? Kicking himself for his big mouth, Spike pasted on a grin. “Hey!”

  “Hi,” the waiter said, waving a notepad. “Do you guys need another minute, or are you ready with your orders?”

  Unlike the other staff at the drive-in, this waiter—an omega, from his barely-there magnolia scent—didn’t wear an egg-yellow apron. Instead, he had a silver badge pinned to his shirt: Wyatt Fleming, Manager.

  Spike paused to look at the menu. In his hurry to meet Micah and sit with him, he’d clean forgotten about picking out something to eat. “Um, recommendations?”

  “I’d go with the pork broth ramen,” Wyatt said. “That’s our most popular item.”

  “Sure,” Spike said.

  “I’ll have that too,” Kai added.

  “Me too,” Micah said.

  “Right, I’ve got that.” Wyatt grinned. Then he glanced casually at the other tables, and lowered his voice. “I heard someone mention stepbrothers...”

  Spike tensed, prepared to defend himself and Kai if he needed to.

  But Wyatt gave him an honest smile, and leaned in. “I married my stepbrother,” he said in an undertone. “So I wanted to let you know that you’re welcome here. No judging.”

  Spike stopped breathing, his thoughts going from zero to sixty. Kai and I can get married? “You—married your stepbrother? But that’s... wait, you’re alpha and omega, aren’t you?”

  Wyatt’s smile fell for a moment. “Oh. You mean you’re not?”

  Spike chanced a glance at Kai, and saw Kai reading him too deeply again. Fuck. Kai’s not supposed to find out. And now his skin felt too tight.

  “I’ve heard that alphas can get married in Texas,” Wyatt said. “One of my staff is bonded with two alphas. Again, not judging.”

  “Oh,” Spike said. Kai was looking at him with a raised eyebrow, like he was asking What, you want to marry me? and Spike couldn’t look at him, suddenly. His heart hurt too much for him to.

  “Well, I just—I just wondered, is all,” Spike said. He was fumbling, and Kai knew, damn it! This wasn’t supposed to happen. “I’m glad you found happiness, though. I’m happy for you.”


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