Undercover MC

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Undercover MC Page 2

by Olivia Ruin

  The big engine roared to life underneath us. I gasped, unable to help myself. It’s like I’m riding a gigantic vibrator!

  Before I could gather my wits, Jed kicked off and we started to pull away, speeding along the road. It was a smaller town and the biker bar was on the outskirts, so in no time we were in the middle of nowhere, stars shining overhead amidst the blackness. A faint glow indicated the location of the town.

  The feel of the engine buzzing through me was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Each time I thought I was getting used to it, Jed either changed speed or gear and it became an entirely new experience.

  My body took control and kicked my mind to the curb for the ride. After the tension and excitement of the night so far, not to mention the effect Jed had on me, my body was totally amped up. All my body knew was that it had a hard, vibrating surface working wonders underneath my crotch, and a large, muscled man right in front of me.

  The denim shorts I was wearing started to work their way in between my lips, and my fingers tightened on Jed’s shoulders as the front seam wedged itself right in alongside my clit, transmitting the vibrations from the engine directly into my core.

  I had no idea if Jed knew the effect his bike was having on me, but I ceased to care as Nightshade pushed me closer and closer to an orgasm that had definitely not been in the plan. I’m on an undercover mission for chrissake! And I’m wrapped around the back of one of my targets!

  Reasoned thought had no place in my world at that moment, and my knees squeezed against Jed’s legs as I reached my peak and started to come.

  My hands grabbed onto that muscular torso and I ground my hips down against the seat, shamelessly taking myself higher. It was a good thing the engine was so loud, since I had a feeling I would have yelled Jed’s ear off otherwise. I leaned forward and pressed my tits against the biker’s back as I gyrated, breath coming in ragged gasps.

  As my motions slowed down and my body backed off a little, my head fell forward to rest against the broad shoulders in front of me. Oh holy shit. That was ridiculous. Why the hell did my briefing mention nothing about what a motorcycle can do to a woman? How do chicks ever manage to drive these things anywhere without crashing?

  The wind whipping through my hair lessened and the engine idled down as Nightshade slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road. I had lost all track of where we were, so when I turned my head I was surprised to see the lights of the town spread out in front of us.

  We must be on the big hill to the south of town. I didn’t even realize there was a road up here. In fact I was there wasn’t. I had memorized the maps of the area and this paved road should not have been there. Well, score one for me finding new information already.

  When the engine turned off I was surprised to realize that my breath still sounded harsh and loud. With a start I noticed that my hands were moving back and forth on the body in front of me, lightly caressing the torso through the leather jacket. I stilled them, but there was no way to take back the gesture.

  “This is one of my favorite spots,” Jed said. We sat there for a few moments, looking out over the town, before he got up off of his bike. He pulled me up after him, and grinned that devastating grin down at me, white teeth flashing in the dark. “How did you enjoy the ride?”

  Oh god, this is embarrassing. I don’t think orgasming on the back of the vice president’s bike was part of my mission parameters.

  “It was... like nothing I had ever felt before.” That was certainly true.

  Undeterred by my delicate response, Jed gave the vehicle a pat. “Isn’t Nightshade the best bike you’ve ever laid eyes on?” In the darkness with the lights off it was almost impossible to see.

  I gave him the compliment he was searching for. “She is a sexy lady, for damn sure, Jed. You didn’t tell me that she was bisexual, though!”

  He took his jacket off and laid it over the leather seat. It was the first time I had seen him without it, and I wished that the light was better so that my eyes could confirm what my hands already knew - he was packing a seriously amazing body underneath that jacket. Despite already coming on the back of the bike, my body was hungry for more. It was difficult to think of ways to turn the conversation where I needed it to go.

  “Oh, she’s not bisexual, she’s just the best wing woman a man could ask for.” Hands came in to rest on my shoulders, and his mouth, the same one that I couldn’t take my eyes off of earlier, claimed me.

  His kiss was a reflection of the rest of him; rough as the road, but also refined in ways that weren’t immediately obvious. Ways that set him apart from other bikers and criminals. Once more his manly scent washed over me, drugged me with the power contained in his body.

  Our tongues sparred, and my body reminded me that it was still needy. I molded myself against him, my tight curves in my ridiculous outfit pressed against his jeans and plain black tee.

  I need to tone this down a bit. The plan had been to use the promise of sex to extract what I needed from the club, not to sell my body off in the hopes of getting information afterwards. I was walking a dangerous line, and I knew it could get away from me any moment now. It may already be too late.

  I broke off the kiss, pulling away from the hot, hard body that I just wanted to wrap my arms around. “Jed-”

  A single word was all I got out before I stopped, confused. The strong hands on my shoulders were pushing downwards, building up the pressure until I could do nothing except drop down to the ground on my knees.

  There was a zip in front of me.

  That can only mean one thing. The way that Jed had just taken total control of the situation appealed to my base instincts, but I couldn’t let this happen.

  “Wait, Jed, stop!” I pressed my hands against his thighs and tried to stand up, but those muscles I had admired refused to let me move. It was as if I were trying to move a tank.

  “Hey, stop it, Jed!” That was all I was able to get out before a hand on the back of my head stopped me from moving and a hard, thick shaft poked into my mouth, muffling any further attempts at talking.

  Oh hell no! I can’t believe he just stuck his dick in my mouth!

  There wasn’t a lot I could do about it, either. Two hands now gripped my head and kept it in place as his length slid across my lips. I could bite down, but something tells me that I wouldn’t be leaving here alive if I try that.

  I knelt there, hands still stubbornly pressing against the hard quads in front of me in an utterly ineffective attempt to push the biker away. Eventually I stopped trying, and just let him use my mouth as he wanted to. His cock pressed deeper and deeper and his pace quickened, and despite myself I could feel my body responding to being used in such a masculine way.

  No man had ever dared fuck my mouth before, and here I was, one night into my undercover assignment, with a biker’s hips pumping away into my face, helpless to stop it. Worse, my panties were getting wetter and wetter. They had already been sodden after the ride here, and now they were absolutely soaked.

  All of my careful planning was now thrown out the window, and I needed a new approach. I’ve already screwed this up, I may as well get some benefit out of it. In more ways than one. If the ship already sailed on drawing out information by dangling the promise of sex, then maybe I could lean on the other time-honored tactic that women had used throughout history: pillow talk.

  Instead of passively accepting Jed’s member, I started to get more into it. My hands came up again, but this time to wrap around the base of his shaft and to cup his balls, gently working him and showing him that I was being a good girl. I moaned and wrapped my tongue around his head on every thrust as I sucked him hard.

  For the first time in what seemed like ages I heard Jed, low groans and growls above me. His grip on my head relaxed, and the pace of his hips slowed to let me take more control. I continued like that for several more minutes, and then I changed the game.

  With Jed completely off guard and his stance relaxed, I dro
pped my hands and placed them strategically on his legs. I threw my weight forward and knocked him off balance. His arms wind milled above me but with the grip I had on his legs and anchoring them down my weight and all the strength I could muster, he had no choice but to come crashing down onto his back.

  “Ow! What the hell are you doing, girl?” he shouted, angry and indignant. He struggled to sit up and get back to his feet, but I was already on top of his body.

  He could have easily flung me aside, but I dug my hand into his dark hair and locked my mouth onto his, taking control of the tryst. His hands, which had come up to my body and had felt ready to push me off, instead roamed across my back and gripped my ass, pulling me hard into him. It was my turn to groan as I felt his hard member underneath my crotch, rubbing against me through my shorts and panties.

  I reached down and awkwardly worked my shorts down off my hips. My legs straightened only for a moment while I kicked them free of the clothing, and then my wet pussy was able to come down and grind directly against the thick shaft I had been sucking mere moments before. Both of us moaned at the feeling of flesh on flesh, a slick meeting of bodies that yearned for each other.

  One small adjustment and I was sliding down on top of him, welcoming him inside of me while my body lay on top of him. I kissed him fiercely as I worked my hips, striving to take him all of the way in. The pleasant thickness of him filled me, and I reveled in the feeling of it as my body celebrated being able to stake its claim on this handsome hunk of man.

  I rose up on top of him, breaking the kiss. The tiny shirt and bra came off and I proudly displayed my tits in the moonlight as I rode. Those dark eyes glinted in the pale light as he took in my body, bare, on top of him in the ultimate position of powerful woman. The hands that I had first seen and desired ran up my sides and cupped my breasts, adding to the perfection of our joining.

  Jed’s hips began to buck underneath me as he tried to quicken the pace, but I put one hand on his chest and the other beside his face as I stared into his eyes and shook my head. “Don’t. This is my time. Just lay back.”

  I knew his strength was such that he could have easily lifted me up and fucked me as hard as he wanted, but he subsided and allowed me to treat him to a show as I worked.

  I wonder if he’s ever had a woman take total control before. That was the key to worming your way into a man’s life and having him confide in you. Give him something he’s never had before. Something he never even knew was possible.

  All of my experience and skill at riding men came into play as I tried my hardest to give Jed the most memorable fuck of his life to date. I reached behind me with one hand and tugged gently on his balls while I leaned forward and whispered into his ear. “Do you like how my hot cunt feels on your big cock? Can you feel how wet you make me?”

  In my experience, the filthier you talked, the higher the likelihood of catching the man by surprise and blowing his mind. My mouth continued on, motoring away, pouring filth out as I started to slam myself down on top of him harder and harder.

  The moment that his barrier burst was one of sweet success, because it meant that I could stop trying to hold back and I gave myself into an orgasm immeasurably deeper than the one that I’d had earlier in the night. Slapping sounds filled the darkness as I rocked my ass up and down on top of his shaft, pushing us both off the deep end and into ecstasy.

  He spurted deep inside of me, bathing my insides with my sweet reward. My pace slowed down and stopped, and I lay on top of Jed’s chest, panting, shuddering as great sweeps of pleasure coursed through my veins. My muscles milked him inside of me as we lay together, and his arms came up around me and held me tight.

  “Wow.” His voice contained shock, wonder, and awe. “That was the hardest I think I’ve ever come in my life.”

  “Good,” I said. “That was the goal. It was not too shabby for me, either.”

  It was a massive understatement, but my pride wouldn’t let me get all gushy. With my mind cleared a bit from the orgasm, I was able to think more clearly about what I had done and the path forward. I am definitely not mentioning this to Arnold. My boss would not appreciate the fact that I slept with Jed on the first night of my mission and especially that I didn’t get any real information to show from it except a random road in the middle of nowhere that missed getting put on a map.

  I folded my arms across Jed’s chest and rested my chin on them so that I could look down on his face. His eyes searched mine intently, as though he were looking for something in particular.

  “So, do I get the job?”

  It was clear from the way his face crinkled in puzzlement that he hadn’t expected me to say that. “You mean the bartending gig? I think you earned it, if you want it.”

  I smiled, trying to keep it soft and sensual. I don’t know if I succeeded. “A girl’s gotta make rent, you know.”

  His member had softened enough that it slipped out of me at that moment. A soft, disappointed sigh left my lips.

  Jed smiled at my reaction to the loss. “I suppose she does. Come to the bar tomorrow around noon and I’ll show you the place in better light and get you set up.”

  “Aye aye, boss,” I winked at him. “Think I could call on you to drop me off at my car?”


  Freshly showered and primped, I pulled into the lot opposite the Devil’s Roost at quarter to noon the next day. Since I had already caught a high-ranking man from the club in my web, I didn’t dress quite as slutty as the previous night, but I still made sure to display my charms to best advantage. I didn’t want anyone to question a big difference in clothing or complain about the lack of cleavage from the new bartender.

  Although considering their old bartender any female at all is a huge step up.

  I wore high cowboy boots today, since I didn’t want to be stomping around the bar all night in heels. They weren’t really suited to the scene anyway, so I tossed them aside. A short denim skirt and tight white t-shirt and bra completed the simple but sexy outfit.

  It was the middle of the day, but there were a number of bikes parked outside of the Roost. If they wanted to pretend that they made money lawfully, holding down a real job would go a long way. It wasn’t a realistic expectation though; there simply weren’t that many jobs in the small town. All of the club members were “employees” of the bar and the garage that doubled as the headquarters for the organization.

  The interior of the bar didn’t benefit from the added light streaming through the windows. Sunlight revealed just how shabby the majority of the furnishings were; considering the amount of money we knew was passing through the club, it was shocking that they kept their number one hangout in such conditions.

  “Ah, Leslie! I was hoping you would show up. I wasn’t certain you would, you know.” That low voice sent a shiver through my body.

  Flashes of memory accompanied the words. Dusty ground, sweaty skin; deep penetration and waves of pleasure. I shook myself mentally. Come on Leslie, don’t go all romance damsel on me.

  I turned towards where Jed stood behind the bar, towel over his shoulder. It was the first time that I saw him in good light, and he did not disappoint. His rugged face told of the leanness present elsewhere in his body, and his eyes held a quick level of intelligence that wasn’t there in the faces of most of the other bikers I had seen.

  Once more I received the impression that Jed was more than he seemed. More layered than I had come to expect from reading his profile. Last night after coming home I had poured over it, determined to memorize every detail about his life that the government knew about. There were more gaps in the record than I felt comfortable with, but I had the time to try and fill in those blanks.

  “What gave you that impression? Like I told you, a girl’s gotta work. Not a ton of it in this town.” I sashayed my way over to the bar, keeping track of the other bikers as their eyes followed me. “I have bartended before, I don’t imagine that there’s much special I need to know about here, is there?�

  Jed put down the glass he had been inspecting. “I doubt it. Pretty standard setup: we have two draft lines, a fridge full of beer, and shelves of liquor that barely anyone touches except for the whiskey. Prices are listed on the blackboard, and the till’s about as standard as they come.” His eyes traced down my body. He took his time, stopping at landmarks along the way as if he wanted to be able to remember it until his deathbed. “I have the feeling that you’re going to have more tips coming through for you than old Steve had.”

  I leaned forward and pressed my breasts together with my arms. “What gives you that impression?”

  He cracked that grin that I fell in love with last night. “I knew you were a saucy one when I first talked to you. You proved it last night, too.”

  I blushed at the reminder of our night. I was still ashamed that I had let things get so out of hand, but it was impossible to regret it. At least, not yet.

  “Jed! Get the fuck over here!”

  I recognized that voice. I hadn’t seen his bike outside when I’d arrived, but with so much of my attention on Nightshade it was easily possible I’d missed it. Frank sat at a wide table in the back corner of the bar, papers spread out in front of him as he glared in our direction.

  “Shit. Are you ok to start right now? It’s pretty simple, and I’m sure any of the guys would be glad to help you out if you need to know where anything is. There isn’t a man who will walk through that door today that hasn’t served himself from the bar a hundred times or more.” Jed didn’t wait for an answer before he turned and walked to meet with his superior at the back of the bar.

  The two men sunk into a furiously heated debate as soon as Jed reached the back table. Fuck. I need to find a way to get over there and listen in. I have the feeling that something’s going down, and it’s exactly what I’m here to figure out.

  I took my place behind the bar and tried to keep an eye on the argument going on without making it seem like I was paying it too much attention. It was impossible to tell what they were talking about from so far away.


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