Winning the Duke

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Winning the Duke Page 4

by Jenn Langston

  He attempted to clear his head. After all, it wasn’t right to think of Grace like that, but his mind had other plans. Once she and Thomas were married, and he knew those lips didn’t belong to him, he would be able to strike the vision from his thoughts.

  “Do you suspect Thomas would be pleased?” Richard asked.

  After clearing his throat, Braiden took a deep breath. “I hope so. Grace will make someone a fine wife. And I know Thomas would be a good choice for her.”

  He wanted to feel sincere in his words, but he wasn’t sure he liked the idea of Thomas being the one to give Grace her first kiss. Thomas tended to become over exuberant. Grace needed someone to move slowly and ease her.

  The following day as Braiden ambled through the streets of the village, he still couldn’t eradicate the image of Grace’s lips. The town had decorated for the day’s fete celebration, but he could hardly concentrate on any of it. Everywhere he looked, people moved about with joy on their faces. But he felt nothing.

  On the verge of returning to the manor to pass the day in solitude, he caught sight of Grace. She looked lovely in her blue gown. Although flattering, he would have much rather she had worn something that went up to her neck. In this ensemble, the barest amount of breast presented itself when she breathed. Clearly Lord Meadows, who escorted her, noticed as well.

  Unwilling to leave her with Meadows, he trailed behind at a respectable distance. As they moved through the crowd, it didn’t escape his notice how often Graced turned her lips up in a smile.

  “No.” He heard Grace say when they stopped walking. “I don’t believe anything is down that way. Most of the gathering is out here.”

  Meadows gave her a smile Braiden didn’t like. “You’re wrong. There is more to see down that way. Something in particular I’d like to show you.”

  After nodding, Grace allowed Meadows to take her down the alleyway. Braiden felt uneasy. Surely the man had been mistaken. Nothing could be down a seemingly deserted alleyway. After about a minute, Braiden realized waiting for them to reemerge took more patience than he had. Deciding to keep out of sight, Braiden followed behind.

  When he saw them, red clouded his vision. Meadows had her pinned against a wall with his body, and her hands futilely swatted at him as if to dislodge him. Without thought, Braiden rushed over and yanked Meadows off of her.

  “What are you doing?” Meadows demanded.

  Braiden didn’t respond, simply narrowed his eyes and used his body to block Grace from Meadows.

  “I’ve done nothing wrong. She wanted it. She’s been practically begging me this whole time.”

  Taking a deep breath, Braiden tried to clear his rage. Meadows could be right. After all, Grace had begged him for a kiss before. Needing confirmation, he remained with his eyes fixed on Meadows, hoping Grace would refute the statement.

  “Grace?” Braiden prompted.

  No sound came from behind him.

  He slowly twisted his head back to her, only to see tears streaking down her face. Breathing became difficult. He would kill the bastard. When he spun around, he caught sight of Meadows’s back as he scurried away.

  Before he could chase after the man, Grace tugged on his arm. “Don’t leave me.”

  Knowing her need for comfort trumped his for vengeance, he complied and opened his arms to her. She flew into his embrace.

  Mixed thoughts swirled inside him. Fury at Meadows and at himself for not aiding her sooner. Satisfaction in being the one to come to her aid. And pleasure at how much she trusted him.

  “He took it.” Grace’s watery voice was muffled against his chest.

  His body froze. “Took what?”

  “My first kiss.” Another round of tears shook her body.

  His arms tightened around her. How could that bloody bastard do this to her? He’d shattered her fantasy and destroyed her future memories. Braiden wanted to pound the man into a bloody pulp.

  Kissing the top of her head, he took a deep breath to calm himself. He felt helpless. He’d always been out of his element with a crying woman, but this was different. This was Grace. He couldn’t let her pain continue.

  “Don’t worry, Grace. It will be all right. Besides, what he did doesn’t count as a kiss.”

  She sniffled, then peered up at him. Moisture shone in her wide eyes and spread down her cheeks. His heart ached. She was a fragile woman. This shouldn’t have happened. He once again cursed himself. He should have been there sooner.

  “Why not?”

  “Well.” He eased back from her, partially to give him room to think and in part to answer the need to distance himself from her. “A real kiss is something shared between two people. Something given. Not taken.”

  “Then give me one, Braiden. Fix this. Please,” her weak voice pleaded.

  A lone tear escaped, sliding down her cheek. He couldn’t take her hurt any longer. He’d hoped his words would ease her and clear the sadness, not put desperation in her eyes. But how could he deny her something that cost him nothing?

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. Those perfect red lips had been haunting him. Did he dare taste them? His breathing increased as his body involuntary reacted to the thought. Indecision tore at him. Glancing back into the blue depths of her pain, he knew he couldn’t refuse her.

  “Close your eyes,” he rasped.

  When she complied, he took her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to hers. The first chaste touch brought him warmth but wasn’t enough to satiate his fantasies. He moved his lips on hers, and his body thrilled when she learned quickly and emulated his movement.

  His heart pounded in his chest. Breathless and incomplete, he needed more. Sliding his arms down to her back, he pulled her closer. Powerful lust shot through him, making his hands shake. Fog flowed through his mind, blocking out everything but Grace and her lips.

  Still it wasn’t enough. He opened his mouth, desperate for more. She didn’t follow suit. Trying to encourage her, he stroked her back as his tongue ran along her closed lips.

  “Open up to me,” he breathed against her. He couldn’t stop. She couldn’t deny him now.

  When she obeyed, relief made him weak. As he slid his tongue inside her warm mouth, he thought he had died. Wonderful sensations poured over him. She tasted so sweet, he never wanted to stop. Her soft moan as she clutched at him only served to encourage him further.

  Drawing her nearer, he molded her against his body. Pleasure cascaded through him in waves. He knew she could feel the extent of his desire pressed against her, but he didn’t care. He needed her proximity too much.

  She gave and took to perfection. He’d never shared an experience with a better partner. Trailing kisses down her face, he found her neck. His body burned as he licked and suckled at her sensitive flesh.

  “Braiden,” she whispered as her head dropped back, giving him more access.

  As if a torrent of cold water flooded him, he jumped back, leaving her a good three feet in front of him. Her eyes were heavy. Her lips were swollen. Her legs held her unsteadily, and she never looked so wonderful. But this was Grace. Grace. He was supposed to protect her, not maul her.

  “I’m sorry,” he managed to force out between heavy breaths.

  “Why?” Her voice mirrored his. “That was . . . amazing. I never thought . . . I never imagined . . .”

  Closing his eyes, he tried to block out the image of the sexual being before him. He had to remember who she was. For so long he’d seen her as a little sister. How could he take advantage of her? He was no better than Meadows.

  “Come. Let’s get you out of here. This alleyway isn’t safe for you.”

  With a smile, she clasped onto his arm. He wished he couldn’t feel how her fingers trembled on his arm, or how her body swayed. He was such an ass.

Grace needed to become betrothed, and she needed to do it soon. Until then, he couldn’t trust himself with her. Something about her called out to a forgotten part of him. A part that was better off long buried. From this moment forward, Grace was off limits.

  Looking out over the rushing water, Grace allowed the serenity to flow through her and relax her body. She’d been tense and restless since her encounter with Lord Meadows, then Braiden, yesterday. She still wasn’t sure what had happened.

  Lord Meadows had appeared to be a decent gentleman, so she never suspected he would try to attack her like that. She shuddered remembering how weak she’d been when trying to protect herself. Her words fell on deaf ears and her arms would have been more effective against a stone wall.

  Then there was Braiden.

  A smile touched her face. He’d been sweet and solid. Leaning on him during a rough time would be simple. And his lips. She closed her eyes and took breaths through her mouth as her body reacted to the memory. Never in her life had she expected kissing to be so invasive, and so enjoyable.

  In the past, she’d caught sight of Brianna and Richard stealing kisses upon occasion, but she never fathomed what it entailed or what it felt like.

  “Are you all right?” Ashley asked, breaking through her musings. “You look flushed.”

  “I’m fit. I suppose I’m just a little tired.”

  Ashley sank down to her knees beside Grace. “Do you want to talk about yesterday?”

  “Yesterday?” Grace squeaked as panic streaked up her neck.

  “Brianna just told me. Apparently Lord Donetic told Lord Stonemede what happened between you and Lord Meadows.”

  Swallowing, Grace kept her face straight. “Was that all he said?”

  “Why? Is there more?”

  “No. I mean yes.” Grace’s heart raced, and she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to respond. “Lord Meadows kissed me, and if Braiden hadn’t come, I don’t know what else would have happened.”

  Ashley’s hand flew up to cover her mouth. “Good God. Did he hurt you?”

  “Luckily I was saved only a few moments after he forced his clammy lips against me.”

  “Then the duke is a hero. I want you to know Lord Meadows is gone. Lord Donetic said he took care of that long before he notified anyone of the situation.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask exactly how Braiden had done that. She remembered how angry he’d gotten. Instead of bringing her fear, his fury made her feel further comforted by him.

  “That is a relief. I don’t believe I could handle running into him again.”

  “It is such a shame he ended up to be unscrupulous. I heard he had become one of your favorites.”

  Grace’s mouth dropped open. Her favorites? Where could Ashley have gotten such a notion? From the beginning, the man had grated on her nerves. They’d spent a significant amount of time in each other’s company, but that had been due to her inability to say no, and his persistence in asking. Besides, there had been worse options.

  “Lord Meadows held no such designation with me.”

  “What about Mr. Everett?”

  “I enjoy his company, nothing more.”

  She’d actually been grateful for Braiden’s cousin. Mr. Everett saved her from inane conversations and regaled her with stories of Braiden as a youth. Several times she found herself seeking him out simply for the insight into Braiden’s character.

  Ashley let out an exasperated breath. “Do you fancy any of them?”

  Tapping a finger against her cheek, Grace pretended to consider the question. In actuality, she debated whether to tell Ashley about Braiden or not. Before their relationship became more official, it probably wasn’t the best idea for their siblings to find out. But Ashley had proved trustworthy many times over.

  “Aunt Grace,” Joseph called from behind her. “You promised me you would look for frogs with me. Aren’t you going to come?”

  Grace smiled. “Of course. Ashley, please excuse us.”

  Ashley made an irritated sound, but Grace didn’t care. Although it was too cold for the amphibians, she couldn’t resist spending time with her nephew.

  As the two of them moved along the water’s edge, Grace memorized everything about him and this moment. The curiosity and enjoyment of life existing at three years old never lasted. She cherished every moment with him.

  The outing served to solidify her decision to marry Braiden and give him an heir. He deserved it, and so did she.

  Later that night as she let a young lord swing her around the ballroom, she searched for Braiden. She hadn’t seen him since he’d kissed her, and she couldn’t wait to talk to him.

  “Did I mention you look lovely this evening?” her dance partner inquired.

  Glancing at his face, she noticed his preoccupation with her gown. “You did, my lord, but I do enjoy hearing it.”

  She’d selected the light green dress with care. This garment flattered her best, and it happened to be the one with the least modest neckline. The slight amount of cleavage she’d intended for Braiden to see, not all the other men.

  Resisting the urge to tug at the fabric, she cleared her throat. The man’s eyes shot back to her face as red crawled up his neck.

  If Braiden didn’t show up soon, the whole evening and her planning would have been a waste of time. Another scan of the ballroom brought no sign of him.

  “Would you like to go for a walk through the garden?” he asked once the song ended.

  She froze as panic increased her breathing. Did he plan to attack her like Lord Meadows had? Her eyes scanned the crowd, seeking an escape. Mr. Everett moved into her vision like an answer to a prayer.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice came out weak. “I promised Mr. Everett I would dance with him.”

  “Maybe another time.” After leading her off the dance floor, he bowed and left.

  Swiftly crossing the room, Grace kept Mr. Everett in her sight. When he turned in her direction, the color drained from his face as he hurried to her side. She realized her horror from before must have been clearly displayed. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to school her expression.

  Mr. Everett touched her arm. “What has happened? Are you well?”

  She forced a smile. “I’m fine. I simply wanted to dance.”

  “A dance?” He cleared his throat. “Of course. Would you care to dance with me?”

  Nodding she took his arm and nearly sagged in relief when she heard the waltz being played. She needed his strength to hold her while she shook off the lingering fear weighing her down.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened now?” Mr. Everett asked after they made a full circle of the room.

  “It was nothing. I just . . . needed a moment.”

  “Does this have anything to do with Lord Meadows? Braiden relayed the entire incident to me.”

  “The whole thing?” Disappointment pierced her chest. She didn’t like the idea of Braiden telling everyone about their life-changing kiss.

  “Of course. When he told me what Meadows had done, I demanded to hear the rest. I would have done the same thing in his place. As a matter of fact, I still might take my turn.”

  She missed a step, and they almost plowed into the couple dancing beside them. Mr. Everett would have kissed her? His admission unsettled her. Although she truly liked him, she couldn’t imagine him offering the same delight as Braiden.

  “Lady Grace, I don’t believe you are well.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just surprised by your statement.”

  “Why? I’m sure half the men in the room would condone Braiden’s reaction if they knew what had happened.”

  Half the men? Dear Lord, she felt faint. “You mistake my worth.”

  He looked at her with his brows drawn t
ogether. “I think you do. Lord Meadows deserved that thrashing as well as the one I plan on giving him.”

  “Braiden fought him?” Confusion jumbled her thoughts. Somehow she’d been left out of part of the conversation.

  “What else did you think we were discussing?”

  “I . . . I don’t really know.”

  Mr. Everett laughed. “Braiden was right about you. You are not like any typical woman I’ve ever known.”

  Heat climbed up her cheeks as she ducked her head. She wasn’t sure if he’d meant that as a compliment or not, but she’d take it. After all, Braiden had spoken to his cousin about her.

  “Would you like me to take you to your mother?” he asked as he led her off the dance floor at the conclusion of the song.

  “Actually, I would really like to talk to Braiden. Do you know where I can find him?”

  Mr. Everett shifted uncomfortably. “He’s in the card room. He’s also made it clear to me he has no intention of removing himself from there this evening.”

  Pinching her lips closed, she drew in a deep breath. Was his decision due to her? Could he be avoiding her? After the trouble she’d gone through with her appearance tonight, she refused to let the night end without seeing him.

  “I can’t believe he’s abandoning me like this. Especially after Lord Meadows . . .”

  “Don’t worry.” He patted her on the arm. “I’ll tell him you want to see him. I suspect he’ll rush to your side.”


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