Winning the Duke

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Winning the Duke Page 14

by Jenn Langston

  He closed his eyes. “I can’t be certain as I’m not a woman. Suffice it to say, it isn’t the most pleasant thing you’ll experience.”

  Grace stared at him in shock. That wasn’t the answer she expected. Was he a man like her female relatives warned her about? Disappointment washed over her as a sob lodged in her throat. He wasn’t like Richard. She’d be one of those bitter women telling her daughter to lie still and suffer through it.

  Misery engulfed her as silent tears escaped down her cheeks. Perhaps it was much better that he didn’t want to engage in the activity. Unable to stand there any longer, Grace spun around and fled the room.

  She didn’t stop until she closed herself in her bedchamber. Once on her bed, she allowed her tears to run their course. When she lay there, depleted of tears and sapped of emotion, she was able to think straight again.

  Braiden’s reluctance had nothing to do with a child. He didn’t want to hurt her. During the talk at their wedding, it was clear the man received great pleasure from joining with a woman. His decision cost him more than she had originally realized.

  Her heart swelled. She couldn’t possibly love him any more than she did at this moment. He may have thought he’d outsmarted her, but he hadn’t. She would double her efforts. He would have his pleasure, and she would have her child.

  “We are to share a room?” Braiden asked as alarm pierced through him.

  “Yes, Your Grace, but I—”

  Grace threaded her arm through his. “That will do fine, Mrs. Evans. The duke simply wanted verification.”

  “Very good, Your Grace.” The housekeeper curtsied and left the room.

  His wife released him and spun around to face him so quickly he barely saw the movement. “Don’t you embarrass me in front of my family. They don’t have to know about our arrangement, and I fully expect you to act as though you desire me.”

  Frustrated, Braiden crossed the room. How could she be so blind to think he would have to put on an act? His desire for her controlled his every thought and movement. Even now his body remained rigid for her.

  The carriage ride to Stonemede had been nothing but bittersweet torture. Grace had found over a dozen reasons to touch him. Whether purposeful or accidental, he didn’t know. Regardless, it had driven him mad. And her questions. In the future, he knew never to spend days alone in a carriage with her.

  “I have no intention of embarrassing you. The Lord knows we discovered every hidden spot and secluded alcove in this house, and on these grounds, for that matter, so there should be no trouble locating them again. However, that doesn’t mean we must share a room.”

  She put her hands on her hips and stomped over to him. “Braiden, I swear to you, if you dare demand another room, you’ll still find me in your bed. And I guarantee you I will not be properly attired.”

  Lust pierced him as he envisioned a naked Grace beckoning him to lie with her. Why was she doing this? Did she have any idea how he was suffering? A large part of him wanted to show her the repercussions of her actions. He would take great pleasure in doing so. But the consequences would be dire.

  He didn’t want to lose Grace. Besides, one night with her wouldn’t be enough. As of now, he only needed to hold out another six months or so to ensure she felt committed to him. If he could keep her happy during that time, they could work something out. He had to believe that. He had to trust that.

  “Considering you have honored my request of waiting, I will give you this. Just don’t anticipate our visit being extended.”

  As she shook her head slowly, she sauntered forward.

  He gulped.

  “That wasn’t so hard was it?” Her hands slid up his body to his shoulders. “Why must we argue with one another when there are far more beneficial things to do with our time?”

  Her lips caressed his as her hands tried to unfasten his waistcoat. Too raw to be able to handle her touch right now, he tried to will his body to move away from her. In response, his traitorous hands unclasped her traveling cloak and tossed it behind them, then pulled her closer. She held a power over him, and he was weak.

  A knock at the door simultaneously relieved and angered him. He wasn’t ready to let Grace go, nor was he ready to take things farther.

  When he drew back, Grace tightened her grasp. “Don’t you leave me. You must act smitten, remember?” She faced the door, and then granted entrance.

  His breathing came out much too quickly, and he knew his desire showed on his face, but for Grace’s sake, he would ignore his embarrassment. He only hoped whoever was at the door could be dismissed quickly.

  The door opened, revealing Brianna. Keeping his eyes fastened on the back of Grace’s head, he hoped her sister didn’t notice his discomfort. Why couldn’t the interruption have come from a staff member?

  “Grace.” Brianna took a few steps into the room, then halted. “And Braiden. Is this a bad time?”

  Hearing the uncertainty and laughter in her voice, Braiden decided his young wife would have to pay for this. If he had to endure this for her, she would do the same for him. Stepping out from behind Grace, he faced Brianna.

  “Of course not. Please come in. I should be able to control myself around my wife . . . This time.” He captured Grace with his eyes and drew his gaze down her body, relishing her shudder. “Or maybe not. Perhaps I should go check on Richard.”

  With an exaggerated bow, he swept from the room, but not before catching the beautiful sight of Grace’s solid red face. It felt good to know he could pay her back in some minute way.

  Pushing thoughts of his wife from his mind, Braiden worked on controlling the rapid beating of his heart. How could he make Grace happy or more agreeable to accepting him once she discovered the truth about his lack of skill in bed if he spent all his time frustrated?

  “Come in,” Richard called out when Braiden stood in the open study door. “Have you heard yet? My wonderful wife has given me another son. Two heirs. Can you believe it?”

  Taking a seat, Braiden allowed Richard’s happiness to push away the last of his uncomfortable thoughts. “I offer my congratulations. I apologize for not having Grace here for the event.”

  “No need to apologize. My son seems just as impatient as his mother. Came a week ago, much to the doctor’s dismay.”

  “Then I’m sure the women have much to discuss.”

  “Yes. I know it’s late, and you are surely fatigued from your journey, but I believe at least one celebratory brandy is called for.”

  “I accept. With such a momentous occasion, I believe you earned a full night of celebration.”

  Braiden smiled as he accepted his brandy. Grace wanted one room, and he would give it to her. All to herself.

  Grace lifted up the little bundle and drew in his sweet scent. The smell of babies was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. She couldn’t get enough. Happiness made her chest shake. She loved him already.

  “Aunt Grace.” Joseph looked up from the blocks he’d been stacking. “Why weren’t you in your room last night?”

  “Don’t you remember? Uncle Braiden and I are married. I share his bedchamber now.”

  Joseph nodded. “That’s right. I’ll go to his room then.”

  With a laugh, Grace shook her head while trying not to disturb Jackson who had fallen asleep in her arms. Braiden would probably welcome Joseph’s presence in their bedroom. She, on the other hand, would not. Tonight she fully intended to have Braiden join her.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. You can no longer come to me at night.”

  “Why?” He continued making his tower as if not too concerned with her answer.

  Grace wished Brianna had remained in the nursery for this questioning. She had no experience speaking about taboo subjects with children.

  “That is the w
ay of it. When you get married a lot of things change.”

  “Like you not visiting when Grandmother and Grandfather came?”

  “Exactly.” She smiled as Joseph nodded his head.

  “I don’t think I will get married.”

  “Why not?” She couldn’t help but ask. The reasons he came up with always entertained her. Would she be like this with a child of her own?

  “I want to sleep in whoever’s bed I want to.”

  Brianna peered in the doorway at that moment. “What are the two of you talking about? From the sound of it, I shouldn’t be allowing Aunt Grace to watch you any longer.”

  Unable to contain herself, Grace laughed.

  “Grace told me when you get married, you can’t sleep with other people, and I don’t—”

  “Grace, explain now. This isn’t sounding any better.”

  Taking a calming breath to contain her mirth, Grace handed baby Jackson to her sister. After all, if Brianna’s hands were full, she couldn’t wrap them around anyone’s throat.

  “He asked me why he couldn’t spend the night in my bed any longer. I said it was because I was married.”

  Brianna’s shoulders relaxed as she smiled. “Oh, that’s all right.”

  “Did you honestly believe I would say anything else?”

  “No, but one can never be too sure.” Brianna patted Jackson’s back to lull him back to sleep. “Now I must see these boys to bed, and if you wouldn’t mind, please make sure your husband doesn’t get mine drunk again.”

  “Mine? Why was it Braiden’s fault? The brandy belongs to Richard?”

  Although she defended him, Grace knew her husband had been the instigator. His failure to come to bed last night made her angry. Then today he acted as if nothing had happened. She wanted to strangle him, but instead she’d played the part of loving wife.

  The look Brianna gave her indicated she too knew the truth.

  Grace held her hands up. “All right. I’ll go collect him.”

  She heard her sister’s “thank you” as she made her way out of the room. Her steps became heavy as she neared the study. Male laughter spilled out into the hallway, and she didn’t want to intrude. Nor did she want Braiden to deny her request in front of her brother-in-law.

  “Grace,” Richard said when he saw her. “Whatever are you doing outside the door?”

  Swallowing, she stepped into the room. “I’ve come to collect my husband.”

  Braiden’s eyes met hers, and he didn’t look happy. Straightening her back, she glared at him. He had no right to be upset.

  “My wife doesn’t approve of my way of celebrating,” Braiden explained to Richard, who only shrugged.

  “Then I suppose you should go. An unhappy wife never bodes well for a man’s future.”

  Braiden stood. “No truer words have ever been spoken.” Then he turned to her. “Shall we?”

  Taking his offered arm, she nodded to Richard, and then allowed her husband to lead her to their assigned bedchamber. Once inside, he crossed his arms and leaned against the closed door.

  “Now you have me here, what do you intend to do? First, I’d like to point out I have earned no punishment as my performance today could not be called into question.”

  “You’re right. Although a little overly theatrical, no one can question your dedication.”

  “Then why call me in?”

  She stomped her foot, tired of this game. “Because you are going to sleep in that bed with me even if I have to tie you to it.”

  His eyes closed. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.”

  “Come on, Braiden. Help me undress so we can get this over with.”

  That finally got through to him. He pushed off the door as anger flashed through his eyes. “That’s more like it. What I expected to hear. I’ll just call for your maid.”

  “No.” She began unfastening her gown. “Don’t be ridiculous. You are here. Help me untie my stays.”

  His hands shook as he stood completely still watching her pull her dress off. When down to her undergarments, heat crawled up her face. She had to remain firm. Not show him how nervous she was.

  As if drawn by an invisible force, Braiden slowly moved toward her, his eyes dark and dangerous. Concern curled in the pit of her stomach. She spun around so he wouldn’t see how rapidly her chest moved. This was actually happening.

  She didn’t feel his hands as they didn’t touch her, but her stays became looser. Instead of making quick work as a maid would have done, Braiden gingerly pulled out one lace at a time. A slow seduction.

  Her body burned, aching for his touch. But it didn’t come. Finally the garment fell to the floor, and she heard his footsteps retreating. Why did he have to make this so difficult?

  Peering over her shoulder, she noticed he faced away from her. With unsteady fingers, she managed to pull off the remainder of her clothing, slip on her night dress, and climb under the covers.

  She watched with avid curiosity as he sat and removed his boots and socks. Then he leaned back and met her eyes.

  “Go to sleep,” he ordered.

  Sitting up, Grace ignored the blanket that fell to her waist. “If you intend to sleep in the chair, I’m coming over there to join you.”

  With a growl, he jumped up and tore off his cravat and waistcoat, throwing them on the floor. Then he blew out the candle, leaving the room in utter darkness. Hearing the rustling of clothing, she held her breath until the mattress dipped under his weight.

  “Happy now?”

  Lying down, she didn’t respond, merely remained there as still as possible. So rigid and tense, her body ached with the position. She listened intently to hear any sign of him, but couldn’t even make out his breathing. This was worse than she thought. She wouldn’t last the night.

  “Is this how it’s supposed to feel?” she whispered, partially hoping he’d already fallen asleep.

  “What?” he asked without a hint of fatigue in his tone.

  “Spending the night with someone.”

  The answering silence rang in her ears. A tear dripped off the side of her face to disappear into the pillow. Why had she pushed him? At this point, she wanted to go to sleep in the chair.

  “How does it feel?”

  She barely heard his voice, as if he hadn’t wanted to ask the question or didn’t want to know the answer.

  She drew in a shaky breath. “Like I don’t belong. Like I should disappear.”

  The bed shifted. “Damn it, Grace. Why do you have to do this to me?” He reached out and pulled her into his arms. “Why do you have to strip me of everything I have?”

  Her sadness disappeared as soon as her face made contact with his bare chest. Reaching her hand up, she placed it over his heart. The feel of him forced blood wildly through her body as if in time with his rapid heartbeat.

  “You are unclothed.” Her fingers began to stroke over the solid planes of his chest. The thin layer of hair tickled her fingertips and her nose as she learned his body.

  “No. I still have my breeches on,” he rasped.

  He didn’t stop her, merely held her close as she continued her exploration. The evening had been too seductive yet unfulfilling, and she felt raw. Tucking her hand across his chest, she snuggled closer and shut her eyes. Lying with him felt so good, so right.

  “Some of the best moments of my life”—she yawned as sleep beckoned her—“happened at Stonemede.”

  Braiden stiffened beneath her, but her mind had already passed the point of caring.

  “In one week, I’m taking you home. I’m taking you to Donetic,” he declared.

  Disappointment lightly touched her and she drifted off. She never wanted their time at Stonemede to end.

  Chapter 12

nbsp; “Tabitha! You’re back!” Braiden’s mother exclaimed as she rushed to the door and clasped Grace.

  Every nerve ending seized as Braiden looked at the woman. “No, Mother. Remember, Tabitha died. This is Grace, my new wife.”

  She pulled back and looked at Grace with confusion. “I know that. Come, Duchess, let’s get you settled.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace,” his wonderful wife sweetly replied.

  “Psh, call me Mother.”

  Braiden watched with trepidation as the two women walked away. He couldn’t be sure his mother understood, after all Duchess had been the name Tabitha had insisted on being called.

  During the trip from Stonemede, Braiden had opted to ride rather than be stuck in a carriage with Grace again. Now he regretted his decision. At least he would have been able to warn Grace about his mother’s madness.

  Following the women to the drawing room, he couldn’t take his eyes from his wife. They’d left Stonemede in just enough time. After a week of holding her while she fell asleep, he had reached his limit. Too many times he’d woken up with her sprawled across him, and his body in an uncomfortable state. She drove him to distraction.

  “I’ve been running the house smoothly in your stead, but I know you’ll be anxious to take over now,” his mother told Grace.

  Grace patted her hand. “This is your home too. I will be happy to defer to your wisdom and accept your help.”

  “Such a good girl to think of an old woman like me.”


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