Backlash Rising

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Backlash Rising Page 31

by Brandon Ellis

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the bridge. When we enter Earth’s system, you hack away at the Anunnaki fleet, or I send a plasma bolt through your brain.”



  Starship Tranquil

  “Great job, Hank.” Ali straightened her lips, refusing to smile at the guy, though pleased he did such a good job finding Sleuth.

  Hank looked up from his holomonitor, a Bawn standing next to him, waiting impatiently for his station back. “Did they find the bald prick?”

  “Eden said they found Sleuth, and they have him in custody and are apparently watching him closely.” She straightened in her posture. “Tranquil, notify everyone that we’re jumping into Earth space, and to hold on. We don’t know exactly what we’re jumping into.”

  Yes, Captain.

  Hank stood, leaving the bridge. “Sorry, I’ll piss my pants if I see something I don’t want to see on the other end of this jump.” He waved and exited.

  Ali let out a sigh. “Wimp.” She sat back, gripping her armrests. She didn’t know what would be on the other end of this jump. Whatever faced them, Tranquil would get them back to the Space Templar fleet. “Patch me to Eden first.”

  Eden appeared on the screen, swiping her black hair out of her face. “Yes, Captain?”

  Captain? Ali wanted to roll her eyes. She’d never get used to her new title. “We’re ready to jump.”

  Eden dipped her head, slightly closing her eyelids and then opening them as if sensing something. “Good. My ship and crew are ready as well.” She turned to her bridge. “Everyone, we jump on my mark. Open all comm channels.”

  The vidscreen changed from Eden to the stars in front of Ali. She gulped down any hesitation or fear of the battle to come. Eden’s voice boomed over the speakers, counting down from ten and finally to one.

  Swift blinked out of existence. A wake of rainbow colors drifted apart like a dissipating fog. Tranquil vibrated for a moment, then Ali’s consciousness faded, blinking out. Light filled her vision, then more rainbow colors danced on the vidscreen.

  An instant later, all beauty ceased, and hell awoke on the other side.



  Starship Swift

  Eden’s eyes widened when she saw Earth. Her beauty and her blue highlights tugged at Eden’s heart, nearly making her gasp. If this was her race’s birthplace, then holy hell, she’d make this her home in a flash.

  “Welcome to our real home, Eden,” said Skye from his station.

  She wanted to take Swift low into the atmosphere and land on one of the green and brown masses below. She could explore this wondrous world, dip her toes in the water, breathe precious air, and bury her hands in the sand.

  Nyx patted Eden’s forearm. “Yes, she’s spectacular and all that adorable stuff. She's my planet too, and I plan on defending her, not swooning over her.”

  “The armada isn’t here yet,” said Skye. “How long, Jantu?”

  Jantu swiped across his station’s holomonitor. “I detect high frequency and low wavelength thermal emissions nearing us. They’re coming, Captain, and they’ll be here soon.”

  “When will they enter the system?” Eden asked.

  “Twenty-eight seconds, give or take a second or two,” responded Jantu.

  Swift began to turn. Eden rubbed her heart and narrowed her eyes. “We’ll open fire the moment they blink in, all right?”

  Skye dipped his head. “Yes.”

  “Swift, search for Starship Tranquil.”

  Swift turned to face a black canvas with dotted lights, Earth behind her. She’ll jump in any second now.

  “Let’s hope it’s before the armada arrives.” Eden opened all channels inside her ship. “If we have any Thunderbird pilots on board, go to launch bays, and get inside Avens. They’re Space Templar starfighters. When you’re ready, launch. Attack the enemy at first sight.” Eden turned off the open com. “Swift, open the launch bay doors when the pilots are ready. I’m not familiar with Avens, so give them instruction in the meantime.”

  Each Aven will give instructions to each pilot.

  “All right, even better.” Eden raised her brows at the vidscreen as the blackness of space lit up in an array of colors. “Here they come.” She turned and faced the weasel sitting at his station. “Sleuth, are you ready to hack their systems?”

  Sweat dripped from his face, his lips pale, his face ashen. “Y-yes. Ready.” His hands shook, no doubt freaked out that life wasn’t under his control. “This craft is amazing, but no match for the Anunnaki fleet. We’re doomed, Eden. I don’t know what you all are thinking, trying to defend this world. Let them burn. Let us live.”

  “Oh, cry me a river. Now, do your job, or I’ll end you quick-like,” said Nyx.

  One after another, ship upon large ship jumped into existence.

  “They’re 22.8 thousand kilometers away,” said Jantu. “I count a hundred and seven ships, and more arriving.”

  Eden squeezed her hands in fists, her heartbeat picking up steam. “We need more than just Tranquil. Where is the Space Templar fleet?”

  Both the fleet and Tranquil are on their way, I assure you, responded Swift.

  Nyx let out an unexpected laugh. “They’re hailing us, those stupid bastards. I’m bringing them online as per your authorization, Eden.”

  Eden nodded and faced the screen.

  A male with a lizard-like face, light-green scaly skin, and thick neck muscles, wearing a black shirt and a green pendant, materialized on the screen. Eden clutched her crystal pendant hidden underneath her shirt and swallowed hard. She hadn’t expected to see such a menacing creature.

  “Welcome, Space Templars.” The lizard’s voice was serene and charismatic. “I’m Korrell of the Graxic Alliance. I'm their noble ruler, leading this expedition. Enlil’s Anunnaki and Leader Boll’s Reptilian’s fleet accompany my own.” He smirked. “It's rare I show myself to others, let alone to anyone I consider an enemy. But alas, the planet you attempt to protect doesn’t need your protection anymore. Earth is in alignment with our alliance. Their governments have given us amnesty to do what we will in exchange for technology and information. You have no dominion here. If you don’t leave, you will die.” He made an X with his arms over his chest and bowed his head. “Very simple.”

  Eden stood and walked toward the vidscreen. “Korrell, I'm Captain Eden Gaines of the Space Templars. A heavily armed Space Templar armada is on its way. Turn your ships around. You’re invading human space. From experience, we of the Space Templars understand governments rarely abide by the will of the people, so no, you won’t take this planet.”

  She continued, doing her best to take up as much time as she could until Tranquil and the Space Templars showed. “As a human myself, I and billions of other humans, don’t give you permission to stay here, or to kill, maim, or induce fear on anyone on this planet. Do you understand?”

  Korrel laughed. “I abide by a higher law, one of power. So, Captain Eden Gaines, I have one question. Who will shoot first?”

  “Will you leave this system?” said Eden.

  Korrel shook his head and licked his reptile lips with his thick tongue, like a greedy monster waiting for its food. “I hope you taste good, tender and succulent.”

  “Leave. You don’t understand what’s about to hit you.” Eden eyed the vidscreen, scanning all around. Where the hell was Tranquil and our armada?

  Korrel glared into the screen. “What’s your answer?”

  “To what question?” She knew the question, but taking time would work to her advantage.

  “Who’ll shoot first, little Earthling?”

  The enemy ships flew toward Earth, coming ever so closer to their position. Eden and her crew were the only barrier between the armada and the planet. Eden took a deep, long breath. “Swift, fire at will.”

  My pleasure.

  “I always love a good fight,” said Nyx.

  Eden jumped into the captain’s cha
ir, straps automatically belting her in. Korrel blipped off the screen, and his dragon ship came into view.

  “They’re 20.2 thousand kilometers from us,” said Jantu.

  The bridge heated and the lights dimmed as plasma bolts blasted from Swift’s bow cannons. The bolts spread out long and wide, moving across in a zigzag pattern. In space, at this distance, erratic plasma fire had more chance of hitting moving targets than a single stream on a specific target. “Swift, we need some laser-guided missiles.”

  Aye, Captain. Dozens of missiles launched from Swift, bluish-white fire flaming out the back of them, pushing them at a breakneck pace. I’ve targeted Korrel’s ship. The missiles will continue to pulse laser sensors at the target until it gets a steady lock. Until they lock on, they’ll fly in a predictive trajectory.

  Does that mean they might miss?

  Yes, a few will miss. Most will hit.

  Eden raised her chin, taking in a gush of air. “Swift, send another wave of missiles.” In Star Guild, missiles were labeled depending on their types, sizes, and types within types; space-to-space, space or air-to-surface, surface-to-surface, surface-to-space or air, assault, short-range, medium-range, long-range, and the list went on and on. Eden didn’t have time to get to know every type at this moment. That’d come later if she survived. Right now, generic weapon orders would have to do.

  Swift vibrated as she launched more missiles toward the armada. Swift then reversed at a forty-five-degree angle. She tilted to the side, and pushed her throttle forward, moving forward and diving at a thirty-degree angle.

  “Swift, zoom in on our first wave missiles.” The vidscreen zoomed past the second wave, landing on the first wave, just in time.

  Korrel’s ship, its bow that of a dragon’s head, arms tucked into the sides of the dreadnaught, came into view. It drifted, dipping at a twenty-degree angle. The missiles sank in, ripping into shields. The impact caused a shimmer in the invisible energy surrounding the giant ship. One by one, the missiles seemingly evaporated against the shields.

  The second wave dove into the same location, evaporating as well, until some managed to poke through, perhaps that portion of the shields deactivated from the focused pounding. The missiles rammed into the port side, and metal, debris, and broken cannons chipped away from the ship.

  Avens released, Eden.

  “Inbound missiles,” said Jantu.

  Nyx’s lips tightened at the bright lights on the vidscreen. Thousands of missiles headed their way, the rocket boosters propelling the projectiles forward.

  “Impact in eight seconds,” said Jantu.

  Activating anti-missiles. I don’t know if I’ll get all of them, but I’m a crack shot.

  Eden pursed her lips. “Swift, order the Avens to target the missiles locking onto us.”

  Already ordered.

  Avens in the hundreds steered toward the projectiles, and lasers flashed from the starfighter’s aft. Swift’s antimissile system did the same, flashing lasers. Eden watched as enemy missiles turned into small fireballs, turning into hundreds of explosions in space. Yet, some missiles barreled through.

  “All power to starboard and bow graviton shields,” yelled Eden.

  Already done.

  Do you even need a crew? It was a question Eden said and thought many times.

  More than you know. Explosions sunk into the shields, the ship shuttering from the energetic impact. Out of the corner of the vidscreen, Avens screamed toward the enemy, creating a heavy response of enemy return fire.

  “Avens closing distance on the armada. Two seconds until they're in weapons range,” came Jantu.

  Missiles and beam weapons new to Eden blasted toward the Avens. The Space Templar fighters ducked and dodged, clearly steered by their own AI systems, doing things and reacting in ways humans wouldn’t be able to. Eden sucked in wind when an Aven tore apart, a beam hitting its center, and then another beam shattering an Aven into hundreds of pieces. She bit her bottom lip, her eyes narrowed. “Send more firepower the bastard’s way, Swift.”

  Plasma bolts expelled from Swift, again the vessel vibrating, and again the bolts erratic, spreading out wide. With any luck, a few will hit targets and with more luck, a few will down targets.

  Skye stood. “The Avens will bring a bit of chaos.” He walked toward the bridge’s exit. “Now it’s my turn. I’ll have some fun out there. See you soon.” He marched out of the bridge, nearly taking half of Eden’s confidence with him.

  She pulled back into her seat and gathered herself. She eyed dozens of ships breaking off formation and heading toward Earth. “Swift cut them off.”

  Swift activated port and aft boosters, quickly turning. She barreled toward them, her speed faster than any behemoth ship Eden had ever seen. Swift targeted a cruise-size vessel, her starboard shaking as several vrooms sounded across the bridge. Large plasma torpedoes exited torp-tubes. Plasma cannons fired a moment later.

  The cruiser, now under ten thousand kilometers, buckled when the torpedo hit, the torpedo angling through an either failed or flawed shield. Internal fire blew out the cruiser’s seams and tore the ship in half. Swift’s cannon fire met with several smaller ships accompanying the cruiser, hitting a few, turning their lights out and splitting them apart, armor and pieces of engine twirling in space.

  “We need a few Avens for assistance here,” shouted Eden, her finger pointed at three other large ships not turning from their trajectory toward Earth.

  “On it,” came Skye’s voice through the intercom. “I’m in the launch tubes and will have them in range soon.”

  “Continue to fire, Swift,” ordered Eden.

  Swift did and more cannon bolts sliced through another craft, fire erupting out of its stern, the ship exploding like a fireworks display.

  Skye’s Aven shot out of Swift, and he quickly gained on the two remaining vessels. He made short work of them and turned a hundred-and-eighty degree to head toward a battle of red and orange eruptions in the middle of the enemy fleet.

  The bridge shuddered, and Swift jerked, turning away from more enemy impacts.

  “Did any of those hits penetrate through the shields?” Eden scanned the vidscreen, not seeing any warnings.

  One, but I’m repairing now.

  Nyx pointed ahead. “More ships scrambling to Earth.”

  The armada was relentless. “Swift, those ships are getting a little too close to Earth for my comfort,” said Eden.

  On it.

  Swift moved fast, the graviton shields absorbing more waves of direct hits. She veered away from the armada, and toward the ships nearing Earth. Swift opened fire. Two smaller ships exploded in a blaze, extinguishing moments later. Three more starfighter-like ships, triangular in form, spun around to face Swift.

  Too late. Swift sent plasma torpedoes down their throats, piercing the cockpits, and blasting fire outward. Sparks fizzed out a moment later.

  Swift took a cannon blast, the bridge jostling from the hefty slam into its gravitons. Eden pushed hard into the side of her armrest. “Nyx, how is the crew doing?”

  Nyx threw her arm out wide. “How are you all doing back there?”

  Eden rolled her eyes. She could have done that.

  They gave thumbs up as if everything they’d experienced so far was just a walk in the park and an entire armada looming over them wasn’t a big deal. Regardless, where the hell did Tranquil go, and when would the Space Templar armada show?

  Eden craned her neck. “Sleuth, you screwing with their systems yet?”

  Sleuth scowled as his fingers typed rapidly on a holokeypad. “Don’t bother me. I’m attempting to patch into their weapons system. It took me forever to get there, so don’t screw me up now.”

  “More ships heading toward Earth,” Nyx called out.

  Eden wanted to pull her hair out. “All right, Swift, head them off.”

  Yes, Ma’am.

  Swift shifted, spinning around, and upped her throttle. Enemy starfighters curled in less than a th
ousand kilometers starboard side, sending energy beams Swift’s way.

  Swift didn’t budge, taking the brunt of the hits, the graviton shields holding well against the starfighter’s small weaponry. Swift then sent a barrage of bolts, tagging several bandits, breaking them apart easily. Others dodged, avoiding the fast plasma. Swift flew onward, closing in fast on a medium-sized battleship leading a small squadron of starfighters and what could only be a dozen large transports, most likely full of enemy troops.

  I'm almost in range for shots they can’t avoid.

  Eden tightened her jaw. “When you’re in range, end them. Don’t miss.” They were getting far too close to Earth.

  Dozens of missiles and torpedoes launched from Swift, streaking forward and plummeting into the battleship’s shields. As more hit, the shields failed and torpedoes and missiles punctured the vessel’s armor, cracking it open. It spat out fire, and turned, no doubt attempting to volley with Swift, but a few more direct hits from Swift and the ship went dark.

  Swift targeted another ship, this one much smaller than the battleship. It continued its flight pattern toward Earth. Missiles flew from Swift, sizzling against the ship’s shields, turning the missiles into ash and debris. Swift sent forth more weapon fire. The shields deactivated, failing, and missiles blasted against its exterior. The vessel tipped to its side, then corrected itself, buckling several seconds later as a plasma blast from Swift hit true, causing a secondary burst within the enemy ship. It split apart, breaking like glass dropping from a five-story building.

  Swift targeted the rest of the squadron. They separated, giving up on their approach on Earth.

  “Excellent,” said Eden. “We—”

  Swift jerked and veered to the left. She turned, violently vibrating as she did so.

  “We're hit, and it broke through graviton shields,” said Nyx.

  Tell her it’s nothing I can’t heal from, said Swift.

  “We’re fine. Damage is being fixed now,” informed Eden.


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