Player of Life (Perception Book 4)

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Player of Life (Perception Book 4) Page 7

by Shandi Boyes

  This surprises me even more. Jacob is huge but never once have I seen him go off. I didn’t think he had an angry bone is his whole body.


  “What are you doing in here on Monday afternoon?” Isaac questions as he walks up to the bar at the Dungeon and orders a nip of whiskey from Tina.

  “Rehearsal got cancelled” I respond while taking a swig out of my bottle of beer.

  Tina walks over towards us with an extra swing in her hips. She flutters her eyelashes at a completely oblivious Isaac while she pours a large nip of whiskey into his crystal glass. I can’t help but chuckle when she huffs annoyingly and abruptly slams down the bottle of whiskey onto the bar top, triggering Isaac’s eyes to finally lift from undoing his cufflinks to look at her. When she realises that she has captured his attention, she smiles brightly and recommences the fluttering of her eyelashes.

  “Leave the bottle” Isaac instructs her firmly, not even noticing her attempts to flirt with him. Tina once again huffs angrily before she briskly makes her way over to another patron at the bar requesting service.

  “Put her out of her misery” I chuckle to Isaac. When his confused eyes stare towards me, I nod my head at Tina.

  “I already have, that’s why she wants more” Isaac responds, causing me to chuckle loudly.

  I had learnt most of my best tricks on being a player from Isaac, so I shouldn’t have been surprised at the fact that he uses his own skills on his staff members. When Tina notices me laughing while staring at her, her eyes narrow angrily and I swear I can see steam coming out of her ears.

  “Why was rehearsal cancelled?” Isaac questions as he takes a seat on one of the barstools next to me and swallows the entire nip of whiskey in one hit.

  “Noah’s friend Jacob got arrested for battery” I reply while watching Isaac pour another large nip of whiskey. “Slater said he nearly beat a guy to death with his bare hands” I continue, my voice still sounding surprised.

  Isaac freezes with his glass halfway between the bar top and his lips, his grey eyes are staring into space before he murmurs something to himself. He then lifts the glass and downs the second nip just as eagerly as he finished the first one.

  “Do you know this guy Jacob?” Isaac questions as his gaze turns to face me.

  “Not really, he is more a friend of Noah’s, he is a huge bastard though, nearly the size of Travis” I reply to the nodding head of Isaac.

  “Tina, I am going to head out, if I’m not back by tonight, make sure you get Roger to lock everything up and place the day’s takings into the safe” Isaac suddenly informs Tina.

  “Don’t forget to pay your tab before you leave” Isaac instructs firmly as his gaze stares at me sternly.

  “Yeah sure, no worries” I reply sarcastically, triggering Isaac to laugh before he quickly strolls out of the nightclub.

  I’ve never seen him so eager to get out of this place before.

  Chapter 9


  The instant I pull my car into Bronte’s peak; I spot Emily standing next to a red truck. I pull into the spare space right at the end of the carpark and jump out of my car a little excited to finally meet the guy she has been talking about nonstop for the past month.

  Emily and Noah have organised a BBQ to give their friends an opportunity to meet each other. To start with I was hesitant as I knew with Nick being in Noah’s band that he would most likely be attending the BBQ today. But it only took one look at Emily’s puppy dog eyes for me to cave on her request.

  “Jenni, this is my boyfriend Noah” Emily introduces excitedly.

  “Hi Noah, nice to finally meet you” I respond while accepting his offer of a handshake.

  “It is nice to finally put a name to a face” he replies smiling. When I notice that Noah has dimples, my knees start to get a little weak. Noah is smoking hot and when Emily notices my flushed cheeks, she does a little giggle while nodding her head.

  “His photo’s don’t do him justice” I whisper into Emily’s ear as I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

  “I know” she giggles, before we walk arm in arm towards the stairwell that will take us down to the crystal blue watered beach below.

  Once we walk down the hundreds of wooden stairs at Bronte’s peak, Noah introduces me to two of his band members Slater and Marcus. Slater looks slightly awkward sitting on a log in the sand wearing a pair of jeans, a black Harley Davidson shirt and a pair of black motorcycle boots. He has blonde dreadlocks that sit just above his shoulders and his chin has a small amount of stubble surrounding his strong jawline. Marcus has beautiful dark skin and the most mesmerising green eyes you could possibly imagine. He looks more suitably dressed for a day at the beach in a pair of long black board shorts and a white t-shirt.

  “And this is Nick” Noah introduces awkwardly, triggering Slater’s eyebrows to shoot up high into his hairline.

  “Hi” I greet kindly, while my heart starts to flutter in my chest. There is no denying the sexual attraction between Nick and I, but I refuse to be another name added to his long list of conquests.

  Nick nods his head in greeting while his eyes roam leisurely over my body. Today I’m wearing a pair of short denim shorts and a mid-drift top. I tried to convince myself that it was perfect beach wear attire, but really I just wanted to see if I could spark a reaction out of Nick, and from the way his eyes keep zooming in on the sections of bare skin I have on display, I would say my plan has worked.

  For the next two hours we sit around a small campfire that Noah had lit. Slater kept me in stitches telling me stories about Marcus and Noah in their younger years. Slater has that type of personality that although I have only known him for two hours, I feel like I have known him for years. Marcus is the very definition of a sweetheart, he is well spoken, polite and always acts like a total gentleman. For the whole two hours, Nick sat across from me glaring his eyes between Slater and I. Occasionally when I would catch his gaze, I would offer him a small smile, but very rarely did he smile back.

  It was only when I was walking over to grab a drink out of the cooler did Nick finally come over to talk to me.

  “Did you want to go for a walk?” he questions nervously. My heart rate starts to increase just from having him stand so close to me. When my eyes flick up to look into his, my defensive wall starts to crumble. Ignoring Nick’s calls and messages was easy, but when he is standing right in front of me, I can no longer deny my attraction to him.

  When I nod my head, he gently caresses his hand around mine and starts to walk us closer to the water’s edge. The sun is starting to set at Bronte’s peak, giving the whole beach an illuminous orange coloring.

  “Why aren’t you returning any of my calls?” Nick questions, the disappointment in his voice clearly heard.

  “I already told you, I don’t date players” I respond as I sit down cross legged on the sand.

  “Don’t you talk to Emily on the phone?” he questions sarcastically with one of his eyebrows raised into the air. He then sits down next to me that close his thigh rubs against my knee cap. I don’t care what anyway says, I swear I felt a spark when our skin touched.

  “Yes, I talk to her on the phone, every day actually” I respond while turning my eyes from looking at the ocean to look into Nick’s dark blue eyes.

  “Then why can’t you talk to me? I want to be your friend” he informs while his eyes slowly roam over my body.

  “I don’t sleep with my friends” I whisper as my heart rate starts to soar. His eyes continue to leisurely roam over every inch of my body.

  “I can teach you a lot of things that we can do that won’t require any sleeping” he whispers before he leans in and places a soft and gentle kiss just under my left earlobe, causing a small gathering of goose bumps to form on my arms.

  “Don’t deny it, I know you can feel it too” his deep voice whispers into my ear. The vibration of his voice can be felt all the way down to my pussy. When he pulls back away from me, I can see that his
eyes are full of lust as they stare deep within mine.

  He then swiftly stands and strolls back towards our friends. My confused gaze follows him as he walks over towards Noah and Emily and interrupts them making out, before he starts to walk up the stairs that will take him back to the carpark.

  I turn my gaze back out to stare at the ocean, completely confused with what just happened. I don’t know why I even try to work out the mind of a player. I stand up and start brushing the sand off my backside before a deep voice behind me states “Don’t give him what he wants”.

  When I turn, I notice the concerned face of Slater standing firmly behind me. His eyebrows are pulled together that tight that he has a large V in the middle of his forehead and his arms are crossed in front of his naked impressive torso.

  “The instant you give him what he wants, he will be gone” he informs sternly while his dark brown eyes stare directly into mine.

  “I know” I reply sullenly. I know exactly what Slater is saying, but that doesn’t make my attraction to Nick lessen any.

  Slater offers me a hesitant smile before he walks over towards me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. We make our way back towards the fire and since the sun is rapidly setting, we start packing away the equipment that we have been utilising. It won’t be long before the beach is plunged into complete darkness.

  Bronte’s peak is absolutely gorgeous, but the stairs are a mood killer. By the time I make it up to the very top, my legs feel like jelly.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you” Marcus informs kindly before he gives me a quick friendly hug. I wrap my one spare arm around his shoulders and give him a hug back, while juggling a smaller cooler and a picnic blanket in my other hand.

  “The pleasure was all mine” I reply kindly.

  I then give Emily and Noah a quick hug goodbye before Slater and I start walking towards the end of the carpark where we are both parked.

  “They are so cute together” I inform Slater, while waving goodbye to Emily and Noah as they drive out of the carpark. Slater rolls his eyes and sticks his finger down his throat while making gagging noises, triggering me to giggle softly.

  “This is me, where are you parked at?” Slater questions as we reach a black motorcycle. I shouldn’t be surprised that he rides a motorbike, his whole persona screams biker.

  “I’m just over there” I advise whilst pointing to my little blue BMW parked a few spots down from a large black truck.

  “Did you want me to walk you to your car?” he questions cautiously, making me laugh. You can tell he is not trying to give me any mixed signals. Slater is a cutie, but there are no sparks between us at all. He knows it, and so do I.

  “I’m sure I can manage” I reply, before giving Slater a friendly hug goodbye.

  When I turn to walk to my car, I spot Nick hopping out of the black truck. He looks over at Slater and I before he moves away from his open door. When he nods his head towards the cabin of his truck, you can clearly see he is inviting me inside. My heart rate slowly starts to climb and my palms start to sweat just from looking at Nick standing confidently next to his truck with his eyes beaming full of lust.

  “Think about it” Slater warns loudly behind me, triggering Nick to narrow his eyes angrily at him. My eyes then flick to the sticker on the back of Nick’s truck. ‘My other ride screams my name’. When my face morphs into disgust, Nick arrogantly smirks. That was all I needed to make my decision. You can’t change a player and I don’t date players or have sex with them.

  I turn back towards Slater and offer him a small smile before I dart towards my car. When my eyes flick up to look at Nick as I rush past his truck, he seems surprised that I’m not accepting his invitation. I quickly throw the picnic blanket and cooler over to the passenger side of my car, before reversing out of the carpark. Leaving Nick and Slater standing across from each other in an intense standoff.

  Chapter 10


  The instant I spotted Jenni walking down the stairs at Bronte’s peak, my dick started to stiffen. Today she was wearing a pair of teeny tiny denim shorts and a white mid-drift top. Her whole outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination considering the fact that ninety percent of her skin was on display. I sat across from her as she talked to Slater for fucking hours. I kept clenching my fists every time his corny ass jokes where awarded with her knock out smile. Occasionally, she would peer over towards me and give me a small smirk, but I never got the same large smile Marcus and Slater kept getting, and for some reason that pissed me the fuck off.

  I had only turned up to the BBQ today because Noah said Emily was bringing some of her friends. I normally would avoid these types of get togethers like they were the plague. I spend enough time with my band mates practising five days a week and performing every Friday night at Mavs, that I don’t need to spend my Sundays with them making small talk.

  When Jenni finally walked over towards the cooler to grab a drink, I realised that that would be my only opportunity to talk to her alone. I went and stood as close to her as possible, without allowing anyone around us to notice. I knew if I showed the slightest interest in Jenni, she would have everyone here warning her to stay away from me.

  When I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk, her light blue eyes flicked up to look at mine and she took in several small breaths. Her generous breasts moving up and down with every breath she took. When she nodded her head, I quickly grasped her hand within mine and swiftly made my way to the edge of the water. I noticed in the corner of my eye that Slater had spotted us walking towards the water, but Noah was too busy making out with Emily to be paying any attention to what anyone else around him was doing.

  Jenni gave me the same excuse the she had given me the past two times I’ve asked her out, she doesn’t date players. I don’t want to date her; I want her underneath me. I know if I could just get one touch on her all of her walls she currently has up would instantly plummet. When I lean in and place a gentle kiss under her earlobe, her skin breaks out into a whole heap of goose bumps.

  “Don’t deny it, I know you can feel this too” I whispered into her ear. There is no denying our sexual attraction and if we weren’t currently being spied on by Slater, I reckon she would have let me take her right then and there on that very beach.

  I quickly jumped up from the sand and made my way back towards Emily and Noah. I made sure I nodded my head at Slater on the way past, so he was aware I knew he was just watching our whole exchange.

  I ended up waiting in my truck for the nearly thirty minutes for Jenni to show up. When I noticed that she was walking towards the end of the carpark with Slater, I decided to wait in my truck until he left. It was only when I noticed Jenni wrapping her arms around Slater’s neck did I decide that I needed to mark my territory.

  When I stepped down from my truck, Jenni took a quick inhale of breath and her neck went a pink hue. She then started to fidget like she does every time she gets flustered.

  “Think about it” Slater stated arrogantly, forcing me to narrow my eyes at him. He needed to back the fuck off.

  Jenni’s eyes then flicked to the sticker I have on the back of my truck. When her eyes turned back to mine, I smiled at her. That is exactly what she is going to be doing in around an hour, if she would just get her ass into my truck. Her head turns back to look at Slater before she starts bolting towards her car. Where the fuck is she going?

  When Jenni jumps into her car and takes off out of the carpark leaving a cloud of dust, Slater chuckles loudly.

  “You just had your shit handed to you on a silver platter” Slater chuckles before he kicks over his motorbike and takes off in the same direction that Jenni just left.

  I’m left standing in the middle of Bronte’s peak carpark completely fucking confused. I could have sworn that Jenni was ready to finally give me what I wanted. If only Slater wasn’t hanging off her like a leech. I guess I will just have to wait to get her alone another time.


sp; Well my plan would have been a lot easier if Noah and Emily ever did anything without the rest of my fucking band mates. Every single time I turn up to one of their lame ass BBQ’s or gatherings the past three months Slater and Marcus were always there. Slater kept himself firmly attached to Jenni the whole time and never once did he let her out of his sight. I swear he must watch her fucking pee just to ensure I never get the opportunity of getting her alone.

  Do you know what is it like when you’re a kid and you really badly want a toy and you will do anything in the world to get it? Well that is what it is like with me wanting to bed Jenni. I want it, I need it and I will do anything to get it. That is when I decided that drastic measures needed to be taken.



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