Sights on the SEAL: A Secret Baby Romance

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Sights on the SEAL: A Secret Baby Romance Page 1

by Alexis Abbott

  Table of Contents





  Bonus Book: Sold to the Hitman



  Teaser: Redeeming Viktor



  Teaser: Owned by the Hitman



  Teaser: Saved by the Hitman



  Teaser: Captive of the Hitman



  Teaser: Stolen from the Hitman


  Teaser: Hostage of the Hitman



  Teaser: Taken by the Hitman



  Also by the Author

  Romance Novels to your Email

  Sights on the SEAL

  Alexis Abbott


  1. Rebecca

  2. Adrian

  3. Rebecca

  4. Adrian

  5. Rebecca

  6. Adrian

  7. Rebecca

  8. Adrian

  9. Rebecca

  10. Adrian

  11. Rebecca

  12. Adrian

  13. Rebecca

  14. Adrian

  15. Rebecca

  16. Adrian

  17. Adrian

  18. Rebecca

  Bonus Book: Sold to the Hitman


























  Teaser: Redeeming Viktor



  Teaser: Owned by the Hitman




  Teaser: Saved by the Hitman




  Teaser: Captive of the Hitman





  Teaser: Stolen from the Hitman





  Teaser: Hostage of the Hitman




  Teaser: Taken by the Hitman





  Also by the Author

  Romance Novels to your Email

  © 2017 Pathforgers Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved. If you downloaded an illegal copy of this book and enjoyed it, please buy a legal copy. Either way you get to keep the eBook forever, but you’ll be encouraging me to continue writing and producing high quality fiction for you. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imaginations. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Wicked Good Covers. All cover art makes use of stock photography and all persons depicted are models.

  This book is intended for sale to Adult Audiences only. All sexually active characters in this work are over 18. All sexual activity is between non-blood related, consenting adults. This is a work of fiction, and as such, does not encourage illegal or immoral activities that happen within.

  More information is available at Pathforgers Publishing.

  Content warnings: PTSD, violence

  Wordcount: 53,000 Words

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  I am still numb with shock. Utterly paralyzed with disbelief.

  I never, ever expected to hear from him again. When my cell phone rang earlier while I was in the bathtub, it was only by sheer luck of circumstance that I sighed and stepped out of the thick, comforting warmth of the bathroom to answer the call. And only because I was expecting someone to call — someone very important and very needy. You see, the client I am working for on this particular gig owns an extremely powerful, far-reaching business enterprise, with its headquarters in the city of Mississauga, Ontario. That’s why I’m here in this ritzy hotel the likes of which I would never book for myself on my own dime, even though I make pretty decent money as a private contract security specialist. I possess a staggering level of security clearance after holding a high position in the Canadian sector of NATO years ago, which I have used to my advantage now that I’m a freelancer.

  My client, a rather trembly and pale older man named Mr. Green who wears oversized suits even though he could certainly afford a private tailor, is quite nervous about protecting his assets. During my week-long stay here in Mississauga, he has called me no less than forty-eight times with various questions and concerns, even though he has seen me in person every single day. He’s stomped all over my patience, with his patent-leather boot hovering just over my very last nerve. But he’s given me a high-profile, extremely well-paying job here, so as much as I want to ignore him or tell him to calm down and take his jitters elsewhere, I have no choice but to answer his calls — every, single one of them.

  Earlier this evening I had just began to ease my aching, naked body into the steaming water when I heard the tell-tale brrrring of my cell phone ring tone. With a frustrated groan I stepped out of the shower to dry my hands on a fluffy white hotel towel and slide the screen open to answer the call.

  But I hesitated when I noticed that my client’s name was not illuminated on the screen. No, it was a number I didn’t recognize at all, and I squinted at the series of numbers intently, wracking my brain for any memory of such a sequence. But nothing came to mind. Still, there was a good chance that it could be another potential client calling after being referred to me by some pleased former customer of mine. And with the situation I was dealing with back home… well, I was in no position to turn down a potential gig.

  So I took a deep breath and answered the call with a curt, businesslike greeting of, “Hello, you have reached Summers Private Security, this is Rebecca.”

  There was a pause. I waited impatiently for someone to speak on the other end of the line, as I was more than eager to get back in my steamy tub instead of continuing to stand here shivering nakedly on the phone with this mystery stranger.

  “Hello?” I repeated. “Is anyone there?”

  And the voice that finally spoke, filling my ears with deep, velvety thrums of familiarity, both flooded me with warmth and raised goosebumps on my flesh at the same time.

  “Becca,” said a male voice, and he spoke the two simple syllables of my name like they formed a reverent prayer. Like my name was some magical incantation and he had been holding the powerful sounds of it between his lips for ages, just waiting to expel them out into the air once more.

  I recognized his voice instantly. Without a doubt. Without a second thought. And just like that, I was transported backwards, punched in the gut so hard that I was repelled into the past. Suddenly, it was like I could nearly smell the residual musk of collective body odor, gunpowder, diesel fuel, and the unmistakable but indescriba
ble smell of the blisteringly hot desert. The symphony of ominous scents that formed the eau de parfum of my time in Afghanistan as a NATO officer, surrounded by exhausted, war-beaten men and women of many nationalities to whom I delivered goods and relief as much as I could.

  I was thrust back into the moment I first looked across a crowded open air market, over the carts of produce and vendors selling t-shirts and fabrics, to lock eyes with the most handsome and intimidating man I had ever seen in person.

  My mind spiraled straight back to the night in my private tent, our bodies moving against one another in the heat of my little temporary home while the air cooled outside. Nighttime in the desert was surprisingly cold, a sharp contrast to the miserable heat of the daylight hours. But the two of us, one Canadian, one American, both a little lost and lustful, pressed together to form our own campfire, striking powerful sparks between our undulating bodies.

  It was him.

  “Adrian,” I breathed, my fingertips going cold as I clutched the phone to my ear, desperate not to lose signal, desperate to keep the soft comfort of his voice coming through the receiver as long as I could possibly manage.

  “Yeah, it’s me,” he replied, and I felt my knees start to buckle as my stomach twisted into knots.

  “How did you — what are you — where are you calling from?” I stammered, struggling to even find the words to say. Nothing seemed appropriate. No sequence of words I could string together would possibly convey the complicated storm of emotions I was feeling at the sound of his voice in my ear. I heard him sigh, and a shiver ran down my spine.

  “I just landed in Toronto. My tour is over and I… I needed to find you, Becca. Wherever you are. I don’t know where you live or where you’ve been all this time, but I remembered that you were from Canada and you wanted to go home. I need to see you. I need to hold you in my arms. I don’t care how far I have to go, if I have to fly halfway around the world or walk a thousand miles on foot. I will go to you, Rebecca. I just have to,” Adrian explained.

  He was in Toronto.

  Just a few miles north of where I was. He was so close. I trembled, nearly panting with exhilaration, with mingled joy and horror to find out that he was here. I had never imagined that I would see him ever again. All this time, these two long, life-changing years, I simply assumed he was a figure to remain shrouded in the mists of my past. A broad-shouldered, hulking silhouette I sometimes looked back to when I felt lonely and afraid.

  But now, he was here. Nearly within reach.

  “Becca?” he prompted, and I realized I still needed to answer him. So I did.

  “I’m here. I’m in Mississauga. You’re nearly on my doorstep,” I responded breathlessly. “The-the Arcadian. Room 605.”

  “I’ll be there soon,” Adrian said, and with that, he hung up.

  And now I’m standing here in the bathroom again, letting the hot water drip down over my shoulders, thick beads of water rolling over my full breasts, sliding down my smooth back and bum. I’m supposed to be washing my hair, but I keep getting distracted as my mind wanders repeatedly back to Adrian. I have not seen or heard from him in two years, ever since his work as a Navy SEAL stole him away from the camp where I was stationed, but he still plays a starring role in all of my wildest, hottest fantasies. He is still the one whose body my own longs for, the man who walks tall and strong in my sweetest dreams. He is the man I lust for, even now. Even though we were only intimate one time, on that fateful night in the desert.

  Both of us were so raw and passionate that night after fighting our magnetic attraction for over a week at the camp. We were both there on duty, with enormous responsibilities weighing down our shoulders, and there was no room or time for some romantic dalliance. Still, that level of animalistic lust could not be shelved. It could not be ignored. And so we fell into each other’s arms with a unifying sigh of relief and ultimately, of release. We were not careful. We were not slow.

  It was fast and hard and everything the two of us needed so badly in the moment.

  It was a distraction from the bleakness of our surroundings and the perils that haunted our every step out there in the desert. It was a momentary lapse in attention and vigilance, a break from our usually upstanding attention to duty.

  And it was the night that altered the course of my life forever.

  I shiver, even under the warm water. I can’t believe this is happening. He’s coming back for me.

  Just like I imagined he would a thousand times before, making up these impossible scenarios in my head. I have pictured him striding confidently back into my life, his handsome face bright and bronzed from the desert sun like it was in my still-vivid memories, his enormous height and finely-honed muscles striking awe and desire within me once again.

  I close my eyes and let my hand wander down between my thighs, softly stroking that sweet, tantalizing slit, slick with the memory of Adrian’s powerful body moving against mine in the desert. My lips slide open in a quiet sigh as I stroke myself, my other hand coming up to caress my breast, my stiffening nipple. A spiral of delicious sensation moves downward through me as I rock my hips forward and backward, rutting into the rhythmic pressure of my own fingertips between my legs.

  Then, suddenly, I force myself to stop. I don’t have time. What am I doing standing here in the bathroom touching myself to the thought of Adrian when the real thing is going to appear at my door in less than thirty minutes? I know it’s only a short drive from the Toronto airport to my hotel, if the cab ride I took is any indication of measurement. And as commanding and charismatic as Adrian is, I’m sure it takes him barely a split second to get a taxi to stop for him. But then I remember his words from so long ago, when he insisted upon getting a vehicle for us rather than just paying a local driver:

  “In my line of work, I have learned not to trust anyone but myself. Especially behind the wheel. I need to be in control. Nobody can take me anywhere I don’t want to go. It may sound unreasonable, but this is the way I have to do things,” he told me, shrugging.

  Yes. Of course he will rent his own car. But even that will only take him a few minutes of fussing with the rental services at the airport. I don’t have time for anything. Unless I want him to show up and find me naked and dripping, with wet hair and no makeup on.

  It will be our first reunion in two years, and much has changed since then. Of course, he saw me without makeup, with my then-shoulder length dark hair tied back in a utilitarian ponytail, all the time when we served together. In Afghanistan, I was only there to work. It didn’t matter if I was pretty or even decently presentable, as long as I was properly dressed, alert, and ready to follow orders.

  But now, I don’t want him to see me that way. I’ve changed… in more ways than I could have ever imagined back when we first met. I am a different person now, with totally different priorities and needs. I’m no longer living in a tent and wearing a uniform caked with desert sand, and I have no excuse for looking unkempt.

  So I quickly finish up my shower and hop out to dry off and start hastily blow-drying my hair, which falls nearly to my mid-back by now. I glance over at the alarm clock perched on the nightstand and my heart skips a beat. I’ve wasted so much time already in the shower; it won’t be much longer until Adrian gets here! I hurriedly shake most of the moisture out of my hair and start attempting to apply some minimal makeup, just enough to make me look more like a civilian. Because that’s what I am nowadays.

  But my hands shake as I try to put on eyeliner and mascara, and when I try to carefully dab some peachy-pink color onto my lips, I just feel silly. How do I prepare to meet the man who changed my life? It’s been so long, and I don’t even know who he is anymore. I have changed immeasurably since our night together in Afghanistan, so who is to say that he hasn’t changed, too?

  A horrible thought occurs to me: what if he is angry?

  What if… what if he knows?

  There is a secret to my transformation that I have kept from him. The one man who
deserves to know more than anyone else. What if he has somehow figured it out? But I’ve been careful, kept a low profile. I’ve been more or less a recluse since I left military life and came back to rural Ontario to live with my aging parents in farm country.

  What if he doesn’t see me the same way? How did he even see me back then?

  What if we don’t connect the way we did before?

  Suddenly, I am jolted from these paralyzing thoughts by a knock at the door. I freeze up, my eyes going wide as I glance over toward the doorway. I realize that I’m still naked, having gotten used to being alone in the privacy of my hotel room. I gulp and quickly pull the silk robe down from the hook by the bathroom door and wrap it around myself. I felt like a fool for taking so long to get ready. Adrian always was a fast traveler, a savvy driver who seemed to instinctively know the shortest, quickest routes to get absolutely anywhere.

  And now he’s here.

  He knocks again and I rush to the door, taking a deep breath as I unhitch the deadlock and slowly pull the door open. My eyes travel up his hulking 6’3” frame, raking in his wide, powerful chest and thick arms, his muscles tight under the gray button-up shirt he’s wearing with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. I have to tilt my head back slightly to look up at his glorious, gorgeous face.

  Adrian is exactly as handsome as I remember. No, if anything he is more handsome now.

  His once-cropped military crew cut has grown out somewhat, so that his dark blond hair sticks out in tousled tufts, and his usually-smooth jawline is peppered with a light shadow of stubble. He looks slightly older, more dignified. But there, in his jade-green eyes is a weighty sadness that wasn’t there before. Like those eyes have seen horrors the likes of which I could never fathom. As though he has been traveling for far too long without rest or respite, only to end up standing on my doorstep, just waiting to walk back into my quiet life.

  “Becca,” he says, and a flicker of a fond smile plays upon his lips momentarily, and then disappears. He reaches out to cup the side of my face, and I can feel the scars and callouses of a hard life rough against my cheek. I find myself leaning into his touch hungrily. I have been waiting for this, even if I didn’t acknowledge the fact until right this instant.


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