Salvation: Saving Setora Book Seven

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Salvation: Saving Setora Book Seven Page 15

by Dark, Raven

  “Ookay,” he slurred and rolled off his seat. “Steel’s being serious. This can’t be good.”

  As soon as we were back there, I told him how bad things were with Sheriff. He cursed up a storm.

  “Fuck.” His face turned livid. “He said that about Setora?”


  “That boneheaded horse’s ass. He’s lucky it wasn’t me there, or I would have taken his head off. We have to do something, Steel.”

  I nodded. Then I told him what I’d planned earlier at the temple.

  His eyes went bigger with every word, and he suddenly looked sober. “Holy fuck. Are you shitting me?”

  “No. Are you in or not?”

  He gave me a huge, wicked grin. “Oh, hell yeah. I am so in.”

  Chapter 10

  Hawk Takes the Gavel

  Son of a bitch, I’d never felt so thrilled and yet so broken all at the same time.

  So much was wrong with the club, with so many of its vital Brotherly bonds on the verge of fucking snapping that it wasn’t even funny. Sheriff might be blind for life and was trying to slowly and gradually kill himself. Everyone was sniping at each other over the strain of the last few weeks. And to top it off, I still wanted to kill Hawk.

  And now Steel and I were about to do something that might not only make things worse, but it might split the club apart.

  It had been two days since Steel had shared his plan with me, a plan that filled me with the first real sense of excitement and purpose I’d felt in weeks. We were about to do what we did best—challenge the hell out of the status quo and make mince meat out of it.

  What Steel and I were planning was probably the dickist move of all dickishness, but we didn’t have a choice. It was either going to save our asses, or it wouldn’t.

  Unfortunately, before we took the next step, I had to see Sheriff for myself. I had to see how far gone he was.

  Oh, I didn’t want to. Once, I’d tried my luck at helping him out, bringing him his meal, and he’d thrown the glass bowl at my head. He didn’t want my help, and I wasn’t to come near him again.

  After that, I’d avoided visiting with him when I could. When I’d last seen him, back we first arrived at the village, he’d looked bad enough. That was days ago. Now, according to Steel, he looked worse. Fuck, I’d rather have stuck a fork in my eye than see him suffering. Except he was my General, one of my friends, one of Setora’s men, and one of the Four. I had to face it once and for all.

  But before I looked in on the Doc’s most problematic patient, I had another important matter to attend to. Ali’san was apparently going to be working with Setora more often than not over the next few days on some kind of mental exercises to help her locate Julian. Between that and taking over extra duties in lieu of Sheriff, the only time I had to spend with her was now, in the early hours of the morning.

  Which is why, before the sun was fully up, I walked through the forest with my woman, my arm draped over her shoulders. Soaking up what little time there was before Steel and I pulled a stunt that might break what was left of my world apart.

  “You’re quiet today, Master.” She looked up at me. “Too quiet.”

  Fuck, I was.

  I was usually better at hiding shit from people than this.

  “Probably stupid to ask why, huh?” she added, linking her fingers with mine.

  Okay, so I was still good at it. She thought I was just pissed about everything that had happened. I hated using Sheriff or my issues with Hawk or his master to throw off suspicion, but whatever worked. “Not stupid, Princess. Nothing you say is stupid.”

  “Have you been to see him lately?”

  “You mean butt-wipe?”

  “No, not Hawk. Sheriff.”

  I snorted. “I was talking about Sheriff. And I’m glad to see you’ve finally come around enough to see that Hawk is an asswipe.”

  “Hey.” Her eyes were misty with held-in laughter. “I do not see him that way. That wasn’t fair.”

  I smiled. “No, I haven’t seen him. But I will today. Anything you want me to tell him?”

  Those violet eyes of hers filled with sadness before she stopped us on a well-worn path. “I’d rather tell him myself, Master.” Her sweet voice was pleading.

  Oh, fuck, how I wanted to give in, as much to ease her worry about him as to get under Sheriff’s skin, but I didn’t dare, and not because he ordered us to keep her away. From what Steel had said about him, he’d only hurt her, say things he didn’t mean that she’d likely believe.

  “Nice try, Princess. You’re not getting near him. Not when he’s like that.”

  Setora sighed and dropped her shoulders. “I’ve heard Doc saying that nobody can get him to do anything. He’s given up. Maybe I can help.”

  I shook my head and walked on with her, hooking her arm with mine. She made an angry sound that made me want to fuck her senseless. She dropped the subject, probably because she knew she was wasting her breath.

  “Just tell him…tell him…”

  I knitted my brows at her, waiting for her to go on. An inner battle seemed to be fighting its way across her gorgeous face. What was it that she wanted to say and couldn’t?

  “Tell him that I know he can beat this,” she said at last.

  Nice words, but she’d chickened out.

  “You’ll be spending time with the She-Warrior today, right?”

  “Don’t call her that, Master.” But her lips quirked. “She has a name.”

  When I didn’t say anything, she looked up at me. “Do you dislike my spending time with her?”

  I stopped again and cupped her chin. “Would you stop if I did?” I teased.


  I let my brows fly up. “Oh, really?” I tightened my grip and raised a brow.

  “I can’t.” She laughed. “She’s helping us with Julian.”

  I became serious, because I could see in her face that she needed to know. She wouldn’t stop, but she needed to know it didn’t annoy me. I loved that my thoughts mattered so much.

  “Nah. As long as she doesn’t start teaching you to swing a sword.”

  “Oh?” She shot me a mock-affronted look. “Why is that?”

  I massaged her nape and let her mind run.

  “Don’t you think I can handle it, Master?”

  “It’s not that. I just like knowing that you need us to protect you. That’s the way it should be. The only sword I want you holding is my co—”

  “Master!” She chuckled and shook her head, then laid it on my shoulder. “What am I going to do with you men?”

  I kissed the top of her head. The sun gave the pale violet color of her hair a touch of a gold hue. I looked at the sun. Fuck, we needed to get back. I had a full day, and so did she.

  Setora stopped me yet again and entwined our fingers. “Okay, now I know something’s up. What are you up to, Master?”

  Fuck. Busted.

  “Not a thing. Come here.” I shoved her up against the nearest tree and kissed her hard. She pushed at my chest as if to try and stop me from distracting her. I pried her mouth open with mine and flicked my tongue over hers, tasting her sweetness.

  Her whole body melted against me. I smiled against her lips and crushed her mouth under mine, slipping my knee between her legs.

  When I pulled back, she dropped her head against the tree. Her eyes were deep pools of longing. “I’ve missed you, Kai.”

  Fuck me, I loved when she used my real name. Only she got to use it.

  “There hasn’t been enough time for anyone to relax and just be together,” she added.

  “I know. With a little luck, that’ll change soon.”

  “What? How?”

  “With Ali’san helping you. Stopping Julian,” I hedged.

  She sighed. “We’ve been through so much. And it seems like it just keeps coming.”

  “It’ll get better. Things always do. When we get back to the Grotto, everything will be different.”

  We k
issed again and her tongue mated with mine in a slow dance. We enjoyed each other, taking our time, what there was of it.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” I growled into her ear.

  “Me driving you crazy? You’re killing me.”

  “Push your skirt up, Princess.”

  “Here?” Her cheeks flushed a gorgeous red.

  “Yes. Now.” I stepped back, waiting.

  Setora bit her lip, her eyes pleading with me to stop, pleading with me to push her and keep things going.

  Slowly, she lifted her skirt up, up toward her…

  That temple bell tolled, donging in the distance. I slumped against her and growled into her neck. It turned into a laugh.

  Setora chuckled into my shoulder. “I have to go. Ali’san will show up soon.”

  “I’m gonna kill that fucking bell,” I said, biting her ear.

  Over the last few days, it seemed like any time any of us tried to relax or do anything remotely fun, that damn thing went off.

  “I’m sorry, Master.” She kissed my neck.

  “Yeah, me too. Come on, before I end up taking you right here and making you late for your appointment with the She-Warrior.”

  “Oh, Maker, stop calling her that.”

  “No.” I grinned.

  I took my sweet time bringing her back to the village.

  “Where is she meeting you?” I asked when we passed Sheriff’s hut.

  “At Hawk’s.”

  “Figures. I’ll drop you off at Bear’s.”

  “Master,” she drawled.

  “What? I’m not in the mood for a fight, and if I see him, I’ll end up knocking him out. Bear’s is right next door, she’d have to walk ten steps.”

  “Master, you know he did his best to get help for Sheriff. And you know he doesn’t want the gavel.”

  “No, I don’t.” I stopped us in front of Bear’s and kissed her once more, patting her ass before she could argue. “I gotta go. Have fun with She-Warrior.”

  She let out a frustrated noise that made me hard, and I winked as I let her go.

  “You still care about each other, Master. And you’re still Brothers. Don’t let this fester.”

  “Go.” I pushed her gently toward Bear’s door.

  She sighed but left.

  She just didn’t get it. I loved her, but she didn’t get it. I was far from ready to let this shit with Hawk go. Sheriff was too important to us, to the club, to her, to me to let it go, and I refused to believe Hawk couldn’t have tried harder. That was his temple, those were his people, and Leif was his teacher. All of that, and he couldn’t find a way? It just didn’t make sense. But then Hawk rarely did. He was a pirate, one of us, and for some damn reason, he’d forgotten that at the worst possible time.

  I made my way up to Sheriff’s hut, expecting to find the same thing Steel had the other day. The General, alone and wallowing in the dark, looking like death warmed over.

  He wasn’t alone.

  Fifty paces from the open door of the hut, I heard voices drifting out. I drew closer until they became clearer.

  Sheriff, and Hawk.

  Hawk. Fuck.

  I marched up to the door and looked in.

  “Hawk,” Sheriff said, standing up from his rumbled bed and handing Hawk something. The hut was too dark for me to make out what it was. “Take it.”

  Hawk put up his hands. “I already told you no, General. There is still another way. We just haven’t found it. I may still be able to change my master’s—”

  Whatever it was in his hand, Sheriff shoved it into Hawk’s chest hard enough that, were he anyone else, he’d have stumbled into the wall behind him. “Take it, Hawk. And then get out. I don’t want you here when I’m like this.”

  “Sheriff,” Hawk bit out. “I won’t let you give up.”

  “I’m not. I’m being realistic.”

  Hawk slapped whatever it was into Sheriff’s hand. The sunlight from the window caught the wooden shape and I saw it clearly for the first time.

  The gavel.

  “Sheriff, you are blind, not dead. I’m leaving now. I’ll get Setora in here to clean this place up for you.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Sheriff roared. “Keep her the hell away from here.”

  Hawk ignored him and stomped toward the door. Sheriff whipped him around before Hawk had a chance to see me.

  “Do you think this is easy for me, Hawk?” Sheriff bellowed.

  “Keep your fucking voice down.”

  “No! I know you hate shouting, but deal with it, it’s the only way you’ll listen. Hawk, what do you think would happen, huh? If Tahmi showed up? Or that violet fuck himself? Or anyone else who happens to hate us enough to find us out here?”

  Hawk growled a sigh and his shoulders dropped.

  “What do you think would happen if they came after Setora? I can’t protect her like this!” He jabbed a finger at his eyes. I can’t protect the men.”

  “You don’t always have to be the strong one, Sheriff!” Hawk roared back. “Fuck, what do you think the rest of us will do? Sit on our asses? Let us pick up the slack. Give the orders and we’ll work it out.”

  “How? When we ride, what would you have me do? End up stuck on a fucking bitch seat?”

  “We’re in carriages now,” Hawk said lamely.

  Sheriff let out a long, dangerous hiss. “Don’t do that, Hawk. Don’t play the smart assed Yantu with me. My time holding this is up.” He held up the gavel. “I’m doing the right thing here. Be a fucking man and take it. Or are you a pussy?”

  Hawk shook his head. “I know what you’re doing, Sheriff. It won’t work.”

  “You know the law. A man who cannot ride, cannot lead.”

  “Neither can a Yantu!” Hawk snapped.

  “Do I have to force you, Hawk? There are laws. Actions I can take that will leave you no choice but to accept this.”

  “Sheriff, don’t. Don’t you dare.”

  “If the General hurts one of the men without just cause,” he rasped. “If he is incapable of making decisions…”

  “Don’t, Brother.”

  “If he attacks his Second.” He closed in on him now.


  Sheriff swung.

  His fist caught Hawk right in the jaw. Hard. How? With him being blind as a bat…

  Hawk’s head lowered. “Damn it, Sheriff. You son of a bitch.”

  Hawk’s hand stretched out slowly. It was shaking. Sheriff let the gavel hang sadly at his side loosely. Hawk closed his hand around the handle and slid it from Sheriff’s grip.

  “There,” Sheriff croaked. “It’s done…General. Now get out.”

  My eyes closed and my heart went into my feet. Anger with both of them, but especially with Hawk, roared up, dark and fierce.

  “You son of a bitch.” Hawk’s voice cracked.

  Sheriff’s smile was mean. “Out.”

  Hawk turned and stormed out of the bedroom, the fucking goddamned gavel in his hand.

  Sheriff slammed the bedroom door and the hut shook.

  Hawk marched to the front door.

  And straight into me.

  His eyes lifted to mine and he froze.

  “That’s it? Not going to fight him on this?” I asked, my tone menacing. I didn’t give a shit. “Or it this what you wanted all along?”

  “Pretty Boy, back off. I’m not in the mood.”

  I snatched the gavel from him, though he probably let me, otherwise I wouldn’t have managed to get it. “This is happening now,” I said, stepping back. “Get out here.”

  “Pretty Boy, stop it.” He shook his head and snatched the gavel back. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Ridiculous? I just watched you take advantage of a blind man. Come on. We’re having this out.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about” Hawk snapped. “You know, Pretty Boy, sometimes I think you’ve lost whatever fucking marbles you ever had in that head of yours. Get away from me, before I hurt you.”
  “And there it is. You do have feelings in there.” I backed up and took off my cut. “Come on. This time, I’m not going to hold back. This time, I’m going to give you what I should have given you a long time ago, General.”

  “And what is that?”

  I gave him a grin I knew was as malicious as the anger in me. “The beating of your life.”

  Chapter 11


  As soon as Ali’san finished speaking, I knew I couldn’t have heard her right.

  When I’d come into the hut Bear shared with Doc, Ali’san had already been waiting for me. The men had left us to work in peace, allowing us to borrow the space for the meditation exercises we’d be working on.

  Ali’san sat across from me on one of two mediation mats she brought. I sat across from her on a second one, mimicking her sitting position. Legs crossed in front of me, hands on my knees, palms upturned. And that’s when she told me what we’d be doing today.

  “Ali’san, are you sure I’m ready for this? How can I…what you’re saying sounds dangerous.”

  Ali’san relaxed her hands and fixed me with a level stare. It was amazing how commanding she appeared with that look, even when she looked so serene.

  “It will be very dangerous. I won’t lie to you, Setora. But it’s necessary. You know how to go into your own head and see the dreams Julian fills your head with, to slow them down and analyze them. You must use his connection to find him, you know this. But before you can do that, you have to learn to open your mind to him and shut him out at will. Take control of the connection yourself. I’ll teach you that control by using my mind instead of his.”

  “So, I have to try to shut your mind out? To push it out of mine?” I used her words.


  “But how?” I shook my head at her. “You drew me to the temple with your thoughts, from miles away. I could never do that. You have a level of mental power I could never understand.”

  “You have the same power, Setora. I will help you find it, help you use it.”

  I swallowed. Anything concerning Julian unsettled me, and especially when the stakes were so high, but what she was asking… She might as well have asked me to move a mountain.


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