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Page 11

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” the female voice says in Italian. “It has been one week since my last confession.”

  He reaches between us and rubs my clit. “Tell me your sin, child.”

  Oh god! A ripple of unadulterated pleasure shoots through my core. I grip Diego’s shoulders and increase the speed, riding his cock with all I’ve got as Diego listens to the woman’s perceived sins. I can hear her voice, but I’m focused on what’s happening between us and staying as silent as possible as I finish unbuttoning his clothes. Draped around his neck are several rosaries, one with a large crucifix hanging from it.

  With a glimmer in his eyes, Diego moves his fingers from my clit to my mouth, slowing his motions to a slow grind as I taste myself. I press myself against his chest, lifting the rosaries over my shoulder.

  “Did you ask your sister for forgiveness for arguing with her?” Diego carries on his task as if nothing unusual is happening. His voice is steady, comforting, but his eyes are filled with passion for me.

  “I did, Father, but I have so much guilt.”

  “You must ask the Lord for mercy and forgiveness so that you may forgive yourself.”

  Diego counsels the woman, not missing a beat as he fucks me so hard all I can do is suck his fingers to remain quiet. I bite down on them, coaxing a smile from his lips. The woman begins her absolution prayer as he gazes at me, pulling my neck down to kiss me hard. His strong arm wraps around my waist and then he lets loose, driving his cock so deeply I have to bite my lip to prevent screaming as his hand covers my mouth. I worry the slapping sound our bodies make is audible to the woman, but not enough to stop. We fuck this way, our bodies grinding together, our eyes locked. His brow creases and I know he’s close.

  “Tell me when,” I whisper.

  “The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  Diego gazes up at me. “Now.”

  “Now?” The woman on the other side repeats.

  Diego can barely speak as I climb off and get on my knees. “You can go, child.” The door on the other side opens and closes as I continue stroking him until he explodes in my hand. I close my mouth over his cock, swallowing every drop as I pump his load out. His eyes widen as he watches me, then he slumps back against the wall. After a moment to catch my breath, I stand and collect myself, slowly buttoning my dress. Diego stands and tucks his cock away. We’re so close our chests are nearly touching.

  He cups my face and leans down to kiss my mouth softly. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  “I will not ask for forgiveness. I do not regret what I just did. Do you?”

  “You will come to me tonight and we will discuss your penance.”

  A smile pulls at my lips. “What is my sin, Father?”

  “You are a temptress.”

  “I didn’t tempt you. I gave you complete access. Always.”

  He kisses me softly. “You are a dream, Julia. My dream.” He kisses me one more time. “I must work now. Come back to me tonight.”

  “I will.”

  His thumb brushes over my bottom lip. “Be careful as you leave.”

  “Of course.”

  I open the door, surveying the area before quietly slipping out. As I turn to leave I bump into Sister Louisa. I’ve never seen her here on the weekend.

  “Hello, Sister.”

  “Hello, Julia. Did you have your reconciliation?”

  “Uh, yes.” Something like that.

  “Good. It’s nice to see young people attending.”

  “Yeah. I’ve never seen you here on the weekend. Do you live nearby?”

  “Yes, just up on the hill. I usually attend mass with my convent sisters.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.”

  “Yes. I stopped by just to check in on the restoration. It’s coming along well.”

  “I’m happy you’re pleased.”

  “Will you be staying in our little town when it’s over?”

  I half shrug. “Not sure what my plans are yet. My job sort of takes me where I’m needed.”

  “Ah, yes, like a spiritual life. If Father Montesanto was called to another church, certainly he would go, although he would be terribly missed here.”

  “Does that happen often?”

  “It happens more lately in smaller towns where the population is aging. We’re lucky enough here to have a university nearby, but we still struggle to have young men enter the priesthood. Father Montesanto’s youth is refreshing.”

  “I bet.”

  “One would think a woman my age prefers a more conservative approach, but I’m very concerned about young people today. I want the church to stay as approachable as possible. I want them to feel welcomed and accepted here.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Perhaps they may even seek to become a nun or a priest.”

  “I think it would help if they could get married.”

  Sister Louisa’s eyebrows shoot up. “I’m afraid that perspective is probably still too progressive.”

  “Probably, but…” I pause, considering my words. “I don’t understand why you can’t love God and a person.”

  She nods. “Yes, this is a challenging concept for many.”

  “What do you think?”

  She offers a slight smile. “I think romantic love is a distraction. I think caring for a family and tending to a relationship take us away from serving God if we are in the clergy.”

  I nod. “Yeah, I can see that I guess.”

  “I chose this life and I do not regret it, but I was never tempted by love. I went to the convent at just fifteen. I was never romanced by a boy. I did not hold hands or write love notes or any of those things.” She glances around the church for a moment. “But I am an old woman, and life is different now.”

  “For you?”

  “No, not for me. For young people. At fifteen, they already know so much more about the world than I ever did.”

  “True. I had my first kiss at fifteen.”

  Sister Louisa smiles. “I would not have known what to do if a boy tried to kiss me at that age.”

  I laugh softly. “It’s kind of neat though, that you knew from a young age what you wanted to do and you did it.”


  We’re both silent for a moment. “Well, I should go.”

  She puts her hand on my shoulder. “I know you and Father Montesanto share a special friendship.”


  “Do be careful. This is a small town full of gossips.”

  My brow creases. “What do you mean?”

  “While the time you spend together may be completely innocent, you must take care how it looks to others. For Father Montesanto’s sake.”

  I nod slowly. “I understand.”

  “Good.” She smiles again. “If you need to talk about anything, perhaps things you don’t want to share with Father Montesanto, you can always come to me for counsel.”

  “Oh, thank you, Sister. I’m okay.” I glance at the confessional as Diego steps out. “Have you seen anything that makes you concerned?”

  “I don’t concern myself with things that don’t affect me. You are an intelligent woman and Father Montesanto is also very smart. Whatever the nature of your relationship is or isn’t, is between the two of you and God. I only warn you because whispers travel fast. I haven’t heard any yet, but the amount of togetherness you two share is bound to raise an eyebrow at some point. You’re both young and attractive people. You have a history. It would be easy for someone to assume something more than friendship exists.”

  “Right. I get it.”

  “I knew you would. I’ll see you on Monday?”

  “Yes, Sister. Thank you for chatting.”

  “My pleasure.”

  She walks away and I exhale slowly. Maybe we’re not a slick as we think we are. Back at home, I text Diego the conversation I had with Sister Louisa and my phone rings.


  “Are you okay?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m totally fine. I think she was being kind and concerned for us.”

  “That would make sense. She’s always been kind. Stern, but kind. Like a mother to me when I need it.”

  “That’s how she came across. Like a mother. I don’t want you to get in trouble over me, Diego.”

  “Neither of us want that, so we just have to be more careful.”

  “Are you worried?”

  “No. I’ll tell you what I am though.”


  “Ready for you. When are you coming back?”

  “When you tell me it’s time.”

  “Come at six. The entire town will be distracted.”


  “There’s a futbol game at the university. No one will be out.”

  “Come to your place?”

  “Come to the church. Meet me in the sanctuary.”

  A twinge of excitement shoots through me. “Yes, Father.”

  He laughs softly. “Don’t be worried about anything. Bring your fears and concerns to me and lie them at my feet. I will take care of you, Angel. Always.”

  “I will take care of you too.”

  “You already do. In some ways, I think you always have. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “Should I wear anything special?”

  “Clothing will be the last of your concerns. Where whatever you want.”

  I exhale slowly. “I’m looking forward to my penance.”

  “So am I, Angel.”

  We hang up and I lie back on the sofa with a huge grin on my face. My phone rings startling me.


  “Hey, sis. How’s it going?”

  “Good. Great, actually. How are you?”

  “Things are good. I was just flipping channels and this movie comes on about a priest and I thought of you.” She laughs. “Sorry, but it’s true.”

  I laugh too. “Funny, I just got off the phone with a priest.”

  “Yeah? So you two are hanging out?”

  “Yeah.” I bite my lip. “Sister secret time.”

  “Ooh. Okay.”

  “We had sex.”

  “What?!?” She shrieks so loud it hurts my ear. “Julia Nicolette! You had sex with a priest?”

  “I had sex with Diego. A few times. A lot actually.”

  “Wow. He had no problem with that?”

  “It was difficult at first. We tried to avoid it, but the attraction between us in insane. One day we just ending up, you know, doing stuff, and then it just progressed.”

  “This is shocking, Julia. What now?”

  “I don’t know. We’re just figuring out things as we go.”

  “You’re dating a priest?”

  “I guess.”

  “Mom and dad would shit their pants.”

  “Which is why mom and dad will never find out.”

  “How you gonna pull that off if this keeps up?”

  “If it keeps up, something major will change. He can’t stay a priest and be in a relationship long term.”

  “So he’s gonna quit being a priest for you?” Her voice is nearly yelling now.

  “Calm down, Katie. We’re not there yet. This literally just started, and we have a lot to figure out still. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

  She exhales slowly. “Okay, fair, but you like him?”

  My eyes immediately well with tears. “Katie…”

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “I’m in love with him.”

  “Oh damn. Really?”

  “And he’s in love with me. He said he always has been since that day we met.”

  “But that was just for a little while ten years ago.”

  “He’s the reason I’m here. He looked me up years ago and followed my life, and when he found out I was studying to become a restorer, he recommended me for this project. He brought us back together.”

  “That’s incredible.”

  “I know. He never forgot me or stopped thinking about me at all. He told me he thought if there was any way I would be back in his life, he doesn’t know he would’ve become a priest.”

  “I don’t know how to feel. I’m worried for you. What if he can’t leave it behind, you know? And you get your heart broken.”

  “But what if he can? What if he’s the love of my life. Do you remember when we went to our cousin Christina’s wedding last summer?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you remember what the priest said? The scripture he quoted?”

  “Most definitely not.”

  “I do. He said ‘therefore what God has brought together, let no man separate’. I remember it because I thought it was so sweet. Like you get married and no one can tear it apart.”

  “Okay. This applies how?”

  “Maybe we were brought together for a reason. A good reason, and no one can tear us apart. Maybe it’s not as bad as it seems.”

  “That’s a stretch.”

  “I don’t think it is. Just look at everything. I became an art historian. That professor planted the idea and I loved it. It led me to a church in Italy where Diego is a priest. If that’s not predesigned, what is?”

  “You already admitted Diego orchestrated that.”

  “Exactly my point. He never stopped thinking of me, and I didn’t stop thinking of him either. He could’ve looked me up and I was a vet or in law school or a hairdresser, whatever. Our paths were connected all this time.”

  “Well, okay, that’s kind of a point.”

  “If you could feel the connection between us, you would know. Erika even said it was tangible. He loves me, Katie.”

  She’s quiet for a moment. “Listen, I’m your big sister, and I’ll always love and support you no matter what. I want you to be delirious with happiness and if that’s with Diego, that’s great, but you guys have tough decisions to make. You can’t marry a priest or have kids or live a normal life.”

  “I know.”

  “And our parents would die.”

  “I know. Hopefully it won’t come up.”

  She laughs. “How did the two of you meet up again? Oh, at church? Where he was a priest, but he’s not now because you fell in love. Should be fine, sis.”

  “Ugh. Awkward.”

  “Just a bit.”

  “Here’s the thing though. I don’t care what they think. They don’t control me anymore. Dad already tore me away from Diego once, and he’s not doing it again. If he doesn’t accept it, then he’ll lose me.”

  “That’s how it’s gotta be. His oppression has been overbearing for too long. We’re grown women and we can make our own choices.”


  “At least you know you got me.”

  “That’s all the family I need.”

  “What about the dreams?”

  My mouth falls open. “I almost forgot. I haven’t had one since…” A smile pulls at my lips. “Since he told me he loved me.”

  “I don’t know if I think it’s cool or creepy.”

  “Maybe deep in my subconscious, I needed someone to love me, and the dreams are that desire for me. Maybe when Diego told me he loved me, it all stopped because what I was looking for was found.”

  “But you’re not the one chasing. He is.”


  “So I vote creepy that somehow you can dream about what Diego needs.”

  I scrunch my nose. “Yeah. Creepy. Hopefully the dreams are over for good.”

  “Let’s hope. I’ll call next week for an update.”

  “Perfect. Thanks for calling. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  After hanging up, I glance at the clock on the wall. Just a couple of hours now. I think a nice hot bath will relax me and get me ready for whatever my sexy priest has planned for me.

  When it’s time, I walk down the street to the church, noticing how quiet the streets are. Diego was right. It’s damn near desert
ed. I pass two older woman, strolling slowly. I smile, but they both look at me with suspicion. Maybe or maybe I’m just feeling self-conscious because I know where I’m going. When I reach my destination, I look up at the imposing doors before walking up the steps and slipping inside.

  It’s quiet and somber as it always is. I look around, but don’t see Diego, so I walk slowly to the front where the altar is. Staring up at the big crucifix, I pause to consider my emotions. Do I feel guilty? After a moment the answer is clear. No. I only feel excitement and hope.


  I twist around at the sound of his voice, surprised to see him still wearing his cassock. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He steps closer to me. “Thank you for coming.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Do you remember why you’re here?”

  “Oh yes, Father. My penance.”


  “Fucking you in the confessional.”

  Diego grins. “Exactly, child.” He pinches my chin. “Wait here on your knees. I need to lock up the church. We must ensure we are uninterrupted.”

  I swallow hard. “Yes, Father.”

  His dress shoes clicking on the marble floors is the only sound echoing in the room. I sink to my knees, waiting dutifully for his return. As he comes back, I swear I saw him lick his lips.

  “I’m looking forward to this, Julia. Are you?”

  “Yes, Father.”

  “Do you know why we do penance?”

  “I’m sure I’ve forgotten.”

  He nods, circling me, as he lifts my hair and lets it fall through his fingers. “It is to help you overcome your selfishness.”

  “When I have been selfish?”


  “It was only partially a selfish act, Father. I wanted to give you pleasure.”

  He steps back enough so I can see his face and smiles. “So you aren’t sorry for what you did?”

  “Nope, but if you think I deserve punishment, then you should give it to me.”

  “I’m going to give it to you. Stand up and remove your dress.”

  I glance around me. “Here?”

  “We’re alone. No one can enter. All the doors are locked. It’s just you and me.”

  “Are you going to fuck me in here?”

  A smile tugs at his lips. “You’ll see. First, you’ll perform your penance for me.”

  “Okay.” I stand up and pull my dress over my head, tossing it to the floor.


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