Their Shadow Queen

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Their Shadow Queen Page 5

by Kim Loraine

“Yes. I’m good with things that grow. And, other things.”

  We walk through a long corridor in silence, only the echoes of our footsteps cutting through the quiet. The walls are the same stone and moss as in the room I’d woken in, except the tree roots which grew here were thick, twining together to create large, evenly spaced columns. Dead vines cover the stones of the walls making a woven pattern along each side of the hall.

  I’ve never seen anything like it, and can’t stop myself from brushing my fingers along the roots as we walk. It’s as if I can feel the trees they are connected to. A rush of energy races up my arm and sends a jolt through me. I feel like I just chugged an energy drink.

  “What was that?” I breathe.

  Finn stares behind me, his eyes wide. “Shit,” he whispers.

  I follow his gaze and gasp as I see the entire left wall is covered in blooming flowers, beginning at the point I touched the roots and back as far as I can see.

  “Did I do that?”

  He grips my hand tighter. “No one has been able to bring the hall to life in two decades.”

  “I just touched it. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  His eyes lock on mine and I am staggered by the fierce intensity in them. “You weren’t awakened yet. Your powers are only going to grow.”

  “So, that’s an earth power right? Am I an earth faerie like you?”

  He shrugs. “In a manner of speaking.”

  “Oh, no, no. Am I going to glow, too? No offense, it works on you, but I’m not sure I want to glow.”

  Shaking his head, he pulls me away from the wall and farther down the hallway.

  “I’m serious. Am I going to glow?”

  The large doors at the end of the corridor burst open and the hall fills with a cold wind. I shiver as I’m blinded by a bright, silver light. As the light fades, a tall woman steps forward, her expression uninterested and slightly annoyed. I stare at her in awe. Her skin shines like Saskia’s, but instead of a golden hue, she radiates cold silver. Her hair tumbles down her back, all the way to her waist in shades of lilac and gray, glinting in the light.

  “Of course you won’t glow, you stupid child. Finn, haven’t you told her anything?” The woman holds her pale hand out to me in a gesture of unearned familiarity. “Come now, Maeve. You’ve already met my sister. Show your aunt some respect.”

  I look at Finn, hoping for some sort of help. His face remains steely.

  “Um, who are you exactly?” I ask, trying to keep the shaking from my voice.

  She tosses her hair over one shoulder and lets out a bell-like laugh. “Oh that Saskia. Always leaving me out.” With a sweeping curtsey, she smiles at me. “I am Imogen, lady of earth and fire. Your mother’s second sister. And we have all been waiting to find you.”



  “Find me? I haven’t been lost. As far as I know, Finn has known where I was since we…well, since last year.” My words come out a little harsher than I’d planned, but honestly, she makes it sound like I was hiding from them. Shirking my duties.

  “Actually—“ Finn begins, and Imogen’s gaze drops to our linked hands a frown furrowing her brow. “I was hidden from their sight as well.” He drops my hand and bows to Imogen before continuing. “Once our queen’s powers began to show themselves, I was sent by the white lady to guide and protect her until she came of age. I lived as human for the past year.”

  She sneers as though the thought disgusts her. “We are grateful for your sacrifice, warrior. But, you have delivered the queen to us. Your service is no longer required. Return to wherever you came from.”

  My heart clenches. I can’t let Finn go now. He’s the only person I know. “No. I…I’m appointing him as my royal guard. Jensen too. They will never leave my side.” I look at him, begging for his assistance. “I can do that, right? I’m the queen.”

  Imogen rolls her eyes and sighs. “Technically you aren’t queen until you’ve had your coronation.” Then she frowns at Finn again. “I suppose you shouldn’t be without protection. There are still those who wish to take control of the Shadow Court. The best way would be to kill the heir to the throne.”

  My stomach turns as her words wash over me. “They want to kill me?”

  “Oh yes, child. They tried to kill you the night you were born. I predict they would have succeeded if it hadn’t been for the bravery of Jensen. He saved you. Spirited you away to the white lady before the rebels could find you and kill you.”

  Finn’s shoulders stiffen and I can feel the animosity rolling off him in waves. He suddenly doesn’t like Jensen. Why? From the way Imogen speaks of him, the man is my savior. And during the year we all spent together they seemed to have a strong friendship.

  “So, if I’ve been gone, who has been ruling in my place?”

  “My sister and I have shared that burden.” Imogen’s stern expression gives me a moment’s pause. If they’ve been ruling, why would they be so happy for me to take their power?

  “And you have no problem with me taking the throne from you?”

  She tosses her head back and a peal of laughter fills the hall. “Oh, goodness, no. We’ve only been keeping things…in order until you came back. The rebels are few and far between now. They are so stupid to try and kill the entire royal bloodline.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because, without the queen to rule the court, our magic dwindles year by year. They are all lesser fae, and by now, basically powerless. You, the child they’d hoped to kill, will end up being their saving grace. But they don’t believe that’s true.”

  “They won’t see it,” Finn mutters. “Misguided fools.”

  “But I have no clue how to use my power.” My chest is tight with worry. They’re pinning all their hopes on me. What if I fail them?

  Finn’s green gaze finds mine and my breath catches. “You will. I’ll help you.”

  Imogen snorts. “What are you going to be able to teach her that I can’t?”

  “She can’t learn from someone she doesn’t trust.” He threads his fingers with mine before turning to face me. “I’m still the same Finn you’ve known the last year. I just have some special…qualities. You do trust me, don’t you, Maeve?” Finn asks.

  I want to trust him. Because he’s right. I don’t trust anyone else. Instead of answering, I offer a slight nod.

  Imogen’s hands ball into fists. She’s not happy with this development, but aside from her telling me she’s my aunt, I know nothing about the woman. I’ve spent countless hours with Finn, talking about life, our hopes, our goals. Although, how much of that was all an act for him?

  My aunt huffs. “Have it your way. Maeve, I’ll be needing you to attend me in my chambers soon. There’s much for you to learn about this life.” Without giving me the opportunity to answer, she turns on her heels, heading back the way she came in, a cloud of gauzy fabric trailing behind her like a current.

  I pull my fingers free of his grasp and step away. “You know, I think I’m going to go back to my room for now. I’m a little overwhelmed, what with the whole faerie queen, magic powers, and glowing.” He nods and turns as though he’s coming with me, but I shake my head. “I want to be alone.”

  “Maeve—“ he begins, but I raise my hand.

  “Stop. I just need some quiet.”

  “Fine. But I can’t leave you completely alone. Make a compromise with me?”

  God, I can’t tell this man no. “What did you have in mind?”

  “You let me stay in the living quarters. I’ll draw you a hot bath and you can soak while enjoying a glass of wine.”

  He knows that’s my favorite way to unwind. Damn him and his observation skills. “It’s tempting.”

  “I promise I’ll steer clear. You won’t even know I’m in the next room, but if anything were to happen, I’d feel better being close.”

  Part of me wants to ask him to get in with me. We’d been so close to crossing the line we’d drawn. But I
’ve still got too much to process and I’m glad we stopped when we did. It was the right choice. The smart choice.. No matter the intense pull I feel toward him.

  Taking a steadying breath, I nod and start back toward my room. He doesn’t let me get far before his warm palm is on the small of my back, the slight pressure of his fingers making me fight a shiver of want. Damn him.

  “I…I need you to stop touching me,” I say. My voice is breathy even to my own ears.

  “Maeve, please…” He doesn’t finish his thought because as we round the corner we both see Jensen standing at my door. The handsome man’s arms are crossed over his chest and his mouth is pressed in a grim line. Finn stiffens, but doesn’t remove his hand from my back, instead choosing to slide it around my waist. “Jensen, what are you doing here?”

  Jensen leans against the wall and an amused light fills his eyes. “Thought you were going to get to keep her all to yourself a little while longer?”

  Finn’s fingers tighten just enough for me to notice. He’s possessive. But Jensen doesn’t want me. He shut that idea down early on in our friendship.

  “I didn’t realize Lady Imogen would send you so soon.” Finn’s words are tight making me wonder about the earlier conversation the two men had in the hall.

  Putting my palm on Finn’s chest, I turn toward him. “I’m going inside. Either you two can stand out here and growl at each other all night, or you can come in. I’ve got a bubble bath and a glass of wine waiting for me.”

  Releasing me from his hold, Finn nods and moves to open the door for me, but Jensen has already taken the handle. I swear these two are going to be the death of me. Sighing, I cross my arms over my chest and glare at them.

  “Seriously? Do you want me to get you a ruler?”

  They both frown in confusion and their unasked question of why hangs in the air.

  Another sigh falls from me before I say, “So you can measure your dicks to see whose is bigger? This is ridiculous.”

  Finn’s eyes widen and Jensen releases his hold on the doorknob. Pushing past them, I open the door myself and stride inside. I won’t look back at either of them. I don’t want to see anything that might make them appear attractive in this moment because I’m annoyed. I’m going to hold onto that feeling until I figure out exactly what the hell is going on with these two.

  Glancing around the room, I fight my frustration when I don’t see anything resembling a door that might take me to a bathroom. There are beautiful tapestries, windows that overlook lush green gardens, candles and a set of French doors that lead to a balcony, but no bathroom.

  “Where is the bathroom?” I ask, finally giving in and looking at the men.

  Finn smirks. “You just have to will it into view. See those doors?” He gestures toward the French doors to my right. “They will open to any room you require in these chambers.”

  Casting him a dubious glance, I offer a light laugh. “So…faerie magic. That’s the answer to everything here?”

  He chuckles and reaches out to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. “Pretty much. There are limits to what you can do, but you’re the queen. This palace is here for you.”

  “He’s right,” Jensen says. “It hasn’t served the true queen since your mother died, but everything you need should be at your fingertips.”

  Walking past them and toward the doors, I can feel the hum of energy coming from the panes of glass. Behind this barrier I still see a balcony overlooking gardens.

  “Put your hand on the door and picture what you want.” Jensen’s deep rumble is close enough that I can feel his breath on my ear. A wave of desire hits me unexpectedly. His fresh, clean scent takes hold of my senses and I nearly lean back into him.

  Instead, I take a moment to steady myself and close my eyes, reaching out to grasp the gilt handle. The hum in the glass becomes stronger and the doorknob warms at my touch. Focusing, I think of a spa-like bathroom, calm and serene.

  “Open your eyes and go inside.” Again, Jensen’s voice sends need slicing through me, but I do as he says and when I cross the threshold, there it is, the place I’d envisioned.

  Everything is light and beauty around me, from the egg shaped tub big enough for four people, to the plush towels. There’s a walk-in shower made of glittering white stone, a round tufted bench in the middle of the large room, and the water is already running in the tub. I can’t help but suck in a shocked gasp at the sight.

  “Does it look like this for everyone or just me?” I ask.

  Jensen laughs but the sound isn’t nearly as close as it was moments ago. Turning, I see him standing in the doorway, his face lit up with amusement rather than lined in concern. My heart leaps at the sight. He’s beautiful like this.

  Finn stands to the side, his own smile not reaching his eyes. “You just changed every bathroom in the castle. They’ll all be to your liking as long as you’re queen.”

  My eyebrows rise in question. “What? Shit. Did I just screw up and piss everyone off?”

  He shakes his head. “Not by the looks of this room.” He gestures into the bathroom. “If anything, this is a major upgrade. We’ll leave you in peace. Just call out if you need anything.”

  I nod and smile at them both before Jensen closes the door. Steam curls from the water in the tub and the bubbles fill the air with the enticing scent of honeysuckle. I am so ready to relax and let the hot water take away my stress, if only for a moment. Moving toward the tub, I tug at the bodice of my gown, my hands searching for a zipper. All I find is satin ribbon crisscrossing in the back out of reach of my hands.

  “Damn,” I mutter. I can conjure up the most beautiful bathroom in existence but I can’t manage to take off my own dress. Cracking open the door, I peek my head out and see the two men set to guard me sitting across from each other in deep conversation.

  They both look my way at the same time, the sudden silence in the room stifling. Jensen clears his throat. “Something wrong?”

  My cheeks heat, but I’m not going to let a little embarrassment keep me from getting my bath. “I can’t get out of my dress.”

  I’m waiting for a smirk from Finn. Instead I end up getting a heated gaze that makes my nipples harden and I’m thankful for the thicker fabric of this tight corset top. He rises and comes to me. My focus flits to Jensen, still seated, but his fingers are digging into the tops of his thighs with so much strength his knuckles are white.

  “Turn around,” Finn murmurs as he closes the distance between us.

  Doing as he says, I face the bathroom and fight the urge to sigh at the feel of his fingers brushing the exposed skin of my shoulders before he trails them down to the laces in the back of the dress. The sound of satin brushing against satin has an erotic edge to it in this tense room. As though every pull brings us closer to something forbidden. Then, my gown is loose around my torso, requiring me to hold it up in order to keep my breasts covered. Finn’s hands part the dress, exposing the line of my back. A shiver runs through me at the same time his hands run along my sides.

  “You’re all set,” he says, his voice tight.

  I don’t feel set. I feel worked up. Right now, the last thing I want is to leave him—leave them. Glancing over my shoulder I look past Finn, who still has his hands on my body, and stare into Jensen’s eyes. There’s fire and desperate need in those hazel depths. Jaw tense, posture rigid, Jensen is barely holding back.

  “Maybe I don’t need a bath after all.”



  Jensen swallows hard against my statement, his foot tapping a staccato rhythm on the floor. “My queen…” he begins, but tapers off when Finn slips his hands around to the inside of my gown and runs them up until he’s cupping my breasts.

  I moan and release my hold on the fabric, letting the green satin fall to the floor in a heap. Finn’s lips find my nape, burning kisses blaze a trail over my shoulder, up my throat, to my jaw. I should be concerned that we have an audience in Jensen, but the thought of him watc
hing, of him possibly being turned on, makes this even more powerful.

  “Finn,” I whisper, needing more from him.

  “Anything, my queen. I’ll give you anything.”

  His teeth nip my earlobe while I thread my fingers in his hair. “I just want you.”

  Spinning me around, he tugs me against his body and claims my lips with his. There’s nothing gentle in this kiss, it’s all pent up desire and unresolved feeling. I melt into him, letting his taste and scent overtake me. But I can’t keep myself from wondering about our silent observer. Opening my eyes I stare at Jensen, expecting to see anger or frustration. Instead, I find lust. He bites his lower lip and slides his hand from his knee to the obvious bulge in his pants.

  Breaking the kiss, I don’t take my eyes off Jensen as I run my hands over Finn’s broad back. My stoic bodyguard likes to watch. I never took him for a kinky guy, but there’s obviously a lot I don’t know about him.

  My whole body feels like it’s on fire. Heat races over me, collecting in my hands and building with every touch from Finn and each harsh breath from Jensen. God, I can’t take it. There’s so much burning through me, I think I might actually combust.

  “Fuck,” Finn shouts, jumping back and tearing his shirt over his head.

  The scent of smoke fills the room and I stare in shock at the scorched fabric of his shirt on the floor. “What just happened?” I ask.

  Finn turns toward Jensen and I cringe when I see the hand-shaped burns on his back. “Did she really just do that?” he asks, Jensen.

  With a solemn nod, Jensen stands. “Are you okay? Your back took the brunt of her fire.”

  My fire? I have fire? “Wait, someone needs to tell me what the fuck I just did to Finn.”

  Gathering my gown, I cover myself and walk to the bed. The burns on Finn’s back are already healed, now only faint pink marks show any evidence of injury.

  “I’m fine, Maeve.” Finn settles next to me but he doesn’t take my hands. “I should’ve known better than to get you so worked up while your powers are growing.”


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