Fatal Encounter (A Counterstrike Novel Book 1)

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Fatal Encounter (A Counterstrike Novel Book 1) Page 12

by Jannine Gallant

  Eli opened his eyes, disoriented in the dark room. What had woken him from a deep sleep? For a moment he didn’t move, until a faint creek sounded, followed by the front door shutting softly.

  What the hell? Jaimee had no reason to go downstairs, certainly not outside. The bathroom was right across the hall.

  Throwing back the covers, he slid out of bed. His door wasn’t closed completely, probably the reason he’d heard the soft sounds. He pushed it wide. Had the killer somehow located them and come to eliminate the only witness to his crime? Jaimee’s bedroom door was open. Had she gone downstairs to confront the man alone?

  Why didn’t she wake me up?

  Because that’s not how Jaimee rolled. His anger spiked as he ran silently down the stairs, wishing he hadn’t left his grandpa’s shotgun in the car trunk. Still, he had the element of surprise on his side. That was something.

  Just as he reached the entry, the front door opened again. Nails clicked against the floor, and Watson jumped up, planting his front paws on Eli’s thighs before letting out a sharp bark.

  “Eli?” Jaimee’s voice held a note of confusion.

  “Yeah, it’s me. What the hell are you doing down here?” He pushed the dog off him and approached the dark shadow hovering a few yards away. “You scared me to death. I thought the noise I heard was the hitman coming to finish the job.”

  “And you came downstairs to confront him?”

  “What else would I do?”

  “Not face an armed killer without a weapon. Watson had to go to the bathroom. I forgot to take him outside before bed.”

  “Oh. I didn’t even think about the dog.”

  She stepped closer and touched his arm. “Thank you for trying to protect me. Your intentions were incredibly noble. More than a little stupid since you would probably have gotten yourself killed, but brave, none the less.”

  He smiled at what was undoubtedly an accurate summation. “I didn’t stop to think the situation through.” He put an arm around her good side and pulled her up against his chest. “Even if I had, I still would have come down to save you.”

  She stood on her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I appreciate that.”

  He threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her back. Slowly and thoroughly, eliciting a little moan of pleasure from her when he lowered his hand to cup her ass and tug her closer. At least he hoped the sound indicated pleasure, not pain.

  “How’re your ribs feeling?”

  “I forgot all about them.”

  “Good.” He kissed her again before pressing his forehead against hers. “As much as I’m enjoying this, if we keep it up, I’m not going to want to stop.”

  “I feel like I cheated death twice in the last twenty-four hours. Maybe I should quit worrying so much about the future and focus on the present.”

  He pulled back a few inches but couldn’t see her face in the dark. “Are you sure?”

  “I couldn’t sleep. You told me to think about what I want, so I did.”


  “All I know is you make me feel alive. For the last six months, I’ve only been marking time. Maybe that’s safe . . . but it isn’t much fun.”

  “I hope you know I have your best interests at heart.” He touched her cheek. “This isn’t going to be a one-night stand.”

  “I know, and I trust you. But can we start with tonight and see what happens? I don’t want to worry about what comes next. When I do, I put too much pressure on myself. Let me live out my college fantasy and not overthink this.” She hesitated. “Unless you don’t want to.”

  “Are you kidding? Of course, I want to. I’ve wanted you since that first day when you came to pick up Watson, and I handed over his leash. There was a definite spark between us.” Eli turned her around to head up the stairs by her side. “Your college fantasy, huh?”

  “Back then, you were simply a crush. Now, I actually know you and like you, which makes this a whole lot more meaningful.”

  “I agree, but I’d probably agree to anything right now. You’re wearing next to nothing, and you smell incredible.” He sniffed her neck. “Like dessert.”

  “Vanilla-scented lotion. I’m wearing a T-shirt.” She ran her hand up and down his bare back. “A lot more than you have on.”

  “You’re lucky I went to bed in my boxers. Otherwise I would have run down here bare-ass naked to protect you.”

  She laughed softly. “That’s a mental image that might keep me up at night.”

  He paused outside his bedroom door. “Are you sure you’re up to this. You have a fractured rib, and bullet wounds.”

  She touched her finger to his lips. “As long as we don’t try any gymnastic moves, I should be fine.”

  With a nod, he led her to his bed, afraid that if he argued further, she might change her mind. He’d treat her like a fragile piece of art and make certain not to cause her any pain—even if it killed him.

  “I need this, Eli,” she whispered as he eased the T-shirt over her head. “I need to be close to someone. I’m tired of always being alone. Never letting down my barriers. Never allowing myself to trust.”

  He took her into his arms and simply held her, one hand stroking the long, silky hair that cascaded down her back. Her breasts pressed against his chest, testing his determination to take this slow and gentle.

  “I understand why trust doesn’t come easily for you. But I hope you know I’ll always be here for you whenever you need me.”

  “I do.” She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Have you forgiven me for looking into your background? I felt bad enough when I asked Wolf to check you out. I feel even worse about it now.”

  “Yes, and I’m not just saying that because you’re naked in my arms.” He ran his lips along her neck and felt the rapid pulse beating at the base of her throat. “We all make boneheaded moves now and then, and I have my share of past regrets. Making love to you isn’t going to be one of them.”

  “I hope not.”

  Lifting her in his arms, he laid her on the cool sheets before kicking off his boxers and stepping over Watson to join her on the bed. Gathering her close, he stroked the hair off her cheek. “If you’re uncomfortable, please tell me. The timing for this could have been a lot better.”

  “I’m not going to let the bastard who shot me interfere with my life. That being said, I promise to yell if anything hurts.”

  He ran his hand gently over the bandage covering her side. “I want to kill that asshole for what he did to you.”

  “You’ll have to get in line.” She dropped kisses across his chest. “Enough talking. I don’t want to think about it anymore. I only want to feel.”

  “I’m good with that.” He slid downward and pressed his face between her breast. “I’ve been wanting to do this for what seems like forever.”

  “Not so very long.” A gasp escaped when he drew one nipple into his mouth. “Oh, wow. That feels—” Her whole body quivered beneath him. “Amazing.”

  He grinned as he stroked her smooth stomach. “You’re incredible. So damn hot.” Moving back up, he balanced above her on his forearms and nipped her lower lip. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  She buried her fingers in his hair and kissed him. “Me, either. Can we—”

  “Yeah, just let me—” Leaning to the side, he opened the nightstand drawer and felt around inside for a condom, praying he’d find one. “Oh, thank God.” He pulled out the square packet and ripped it open.

  “What?” She licked the side of his neck and nipped the lobe of his ear.

  Goose bumps broke out across his skin as he fumbled to cover himself. “I’m not in the habit of bringing women here. I wasn’t sure I had any protection.”

  “Good to know I’m not just part of the herd.”

  He finished what he was doing and cupped her chin in his palm. “You’re unique and special. Don’t ever doubt that.”

  “If I didn’t feel the same way, we wouldn’t be doing this
.” She stopped speaking and swallowed. “I haven’t been with anyone in a long time, Eli.”

  His heart ached at the vulnerability in her voice. “Then I’m honored you trust me.” Sliding inside her, he joined with this woman in every way he knew how. Body, mind, and soul. Rocking steadily against her, he captured the small sounds she made in his mouth as he kissed her.

  Her fingers dug into his back, and her heels pressed hard against his calves as she levered upwards. The scent of their lovemaking surrounded him, and all thought of holding back disappeared as the need for completion grew to a fever pitch. When Jaimee let out a cry, he pushed one last time and let himself fly . . .

  * * * *

  Vanna rubbed her hands up and down her arms to ward off the midnight chill in the air as the wind rustled the tree branches overhead. She should have worn a heavier coat since she’d insisted on meeting outside in the woods, face-to-face. A risk, certainly, but a necessary one to make her position clear. Phone conversations weren’t getting the job done.

  When a stick snapped, she spun around and pressed a hand to her chest. The Closer approached, only his silhouette visible in the moonlight. He stopped less than a yard away, looming over her. She didn’t doubt for a moment his intention was to intimidate.

  Vanna wasn’t falling for it.

  “I guess the third time wasn’t a charm after all. You let her get away. Again.”

  “A combination of luck and skill on her part. I don’t know who the hell Jaimee Fleming is, or what agency trained her, but her evasive tactics are exceptional.”

  “I’m not looking for excuses.”

  “I’m not making any. Just stating facts. Whatever she did in the years between her skiing career and moving to Hawthorne—which, I might add, my source has had no luck uncovering—is making my job much more difficult. But rest assured, I’ll eliminate the problem. I always do.”

  “If I wasn’t afraid the authorities would somehow trace our common connection, I wouldn’t give two shits what happens to you.” She made sure her voice remained strong. “I expected a clean hit. Instead, I got a bungled disaster.”

  “You’re in this as deeply as I am.” His harsh tone sent a shiver through her as the hint of accent grew more pronounced with each word. “If you turn on me, you’ll wish to hell you hadn’t.”

  “I’m not a fool,” she answered with as much calm as she could manage. Not many men frightened her, but this one made her uneasy. “Did you learn anything from the latest fiasco? Any clue about who’s helping her?”

  “She must have called someone to pick her up since she left her car with the tracker on it at Sugarland. If you hadn’t demanded this meeting, I’d be back there right now. Once I get my hands on the surveillance footage from the cameras monitoring the property, I expect to know a whole lot more.”

  Slightly mollified, she nodded. “That sounds promising. How do you intend to get the footage?”

  “You let me worry about that. If you’ve no further questions—or complaints—I’ll get back to work.”

  “Fine.” Vanna didn’t move after he slipped away into the trees. Instead, she dropped down onto a stump to pull her scattered thoughts together.

  She wasn’t happy with all the damned loose ends. The freaking dog walker was still in the wind. The safe deposit box key hadn’t turned up. Now she had to contend with the detective who’d been brought in to replace Sheriff Frank. O’Leary had seemed plenty bright when he’d stopped by the estate to ask a few questions, even if the man did look like an unmade bed.

  A lot of variables were out of her control. Too many.

  Her stomach clenched just thinking about it, but there was nothing more she could do at the moment. Rising to her feet, she snapped on her flashlight and headed back toward the spot where she’d left her car. She’d simply be patient and wait for the winds of fortune to turn in her favor. Because when it came right down to it, she had no other choice.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jaimee sat at the kitchen counter next to Eli with all the Robert Brown documents spread out in front of them. She clicked photo after photo with her phone and hit send.

  “Albany, New York is listed as his current address.” Eli scanned the included resume. “Most recent job experience is with a legal aid firm. I wonder if that means this guy’s next target is an attorney or judge or possibly a defendant.”

  “I don’t have any idea. My only guess is that Mark Johnson, the name on the mailing envelope, is the identity the contract killer has been using here in Hawthorne, and for whatever reason, he plans to switch to Robert Brown. Maybe because his current ID has been compromised, or as you suggest, he needs a different background. Whoever sent the packet went to a lot of work to produce these documents.” Jaimee picked up the driver’s license and scowled at the photo. “Since a passport was included, the bastard might be planning to leave the country.”

  “Maureen is dead. Why hasn’t he left already?”

  “Maybe he can’t until he gets his new identity. Either that or the current job isn’t finished since I can still identify him.” When her cell beeped, Jaimee checked the display. “Luna says she’ll look into this and get back to me if she learns anything useful.”

  “That’s good, I guess.” Eli planted one elbow on the counter next to the scattered pages. “What about the state cops who’re investigating Maureen’s murder? Are we going to bring them up to speed?”

  The edge to his voice made Jaimee turn to look at him. They hadn’t talked much after making love again in the early morning light, though Eli had tried to get her to open up about her feelings. Held close in his arms, she’d been afraid to examine her emotions too closely. Instead, she’d pulled away and hurried off to take a shower. Now his expression was guarded.

  She didn’t blame him.

  “What are your thoughts?” She kept her tone neutral. “If you want to turn over the documents, I won’t try to talk you out of it. So far my instincts have only led us into trouble.”

  Some of the stiffness in the set of his shoulders eased. “I guess we can wait to see what Luna discovers first, but I’d like to keep that option on the table. I got a call from O’Leary while you were in the shower. He wants to meet with me later today. I have a feeling I’m on his person of interest list.”

  Jaimee frowned. “I don’t like the idea that he may consider you a suspect. What’re you going to tell him?”

  “The truth. Doesn’t mean I have to volunteer answers to questions he probably won’t ask.”

  “Are you comfortable with that?”

  “Sure. I’m not going to mention your involvement. I agree we don’t want to make the target on you any bigger than it already is. But if this detective is sharp, he may be an important resource.”

  She propped one elbow on the counter. “How’s that?”

  “With any luck, I can learn which of my relatives he believes had a motive to kill Maureen.”

  “Doubtful. Cops don’t usually like to share their theories.”

  Eli grinned. “When it comes to research for my books, you’d be surprised what I can weasel out of people when I lay on the charm. Let’s hope he’s a fan. I’ll bring him an autographed copy of my latest thriller to warm him up.”

  Jaimee refrained from rolling her eyes. “If you’re a person of interest, the detective might look on that as a bribe. Anyway, you’d probably stand a better chance if he was a woman.”

  “True,” he teased. The opposite sex can’t resist me. Last night is proof of that.”

  She felt her cheeks heating but didn’t hold back. “Charm didn’t have much to do with it. Your sexy smile was definitely a factor. The abs don’t hurt, either. Let’s hope you’re O’Leary’s type.”

  Eli threw back his head and laughed. At the outburst, Watson jumped up off the couch and ran toward them, barking like a lunatic.

  “Now you have the dog all worked up, too.”

  He cupped her chin in his palm and stared into her eyes. “Are you worked u
p? If that’s the case, we could head back to the bedroom.”

  Her stomach fluttered, and she let out a shaky breath. “I don’t think so. We still need to figure a few things out.”

  “Can’t blame a guy for asking.”

  “I don’t, but discussing our . . . involvement . . . isn’t productive right now. Last night, you wanted to map out a plan of action. While we’re waiting to hear back from Luna, let’s do just that. I’m tired of being on the defensive. Going forward, I’d rather take an offensive approach.”

  He sat back with his arms crossed over his chest. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like where this conversation is going?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’re a natural born sceptic.”

  “Or I’m simply beginning to understand the way you think. You want to flush out the killer, is that it? What did I just say about not putting a target on your back?”

  “We have to do something, and I’m pretty sure turning over our suspicions to the cops isn’t going to get the job done. He’s tracking me. If I use myself as bait to lure him into a controlled environment, I can eliminate the threat.”

  “You mean turn him over to the authorities?”

  Jaimee was silent for a moment. The man regarding her with doubt-filled eyes wasn’t like her Counterstrike teammates. She couldn’t expect him to understand that they had to make tough decisions to protect the innocent. Too often, the only choice for her had been to kill or be killed. This situation was no different.

  She evaded the truth. “That would be ideal . . . after we learn who he’s working for.”

  “I don’t want you anywhere near that freak. As you pointed out, so far your ideas have led to disaster.” When she opened her mouth, he raised a hand. “Don’t give me a lecture about how you know what you’re doing. That may be true, but so does the asshole hunting you. The odds of you getting shot again—or worse—seem too damn high to risk.”


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