Four Decades And A Poem

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by Lencio Rodrigues

  Four Decades

  and a Poem

  “Includes Sonnets, Haiku, Lentos and other contemporary forms.”

  Lencio Rodrigues


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  © 2011 Lencio Rodrigues. All rights resserved.

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  Published by AuthorHouse 12/14/2011

  ISBN: 978-1-4670-5018-0 (sc)

  ISBN: 978-1-4670-5017-3 (hc)

  ISBN: 978-1-4670-5016-6 (e)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2011917772

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  Indigo Lips -

  A Poet’s Sonnet

  Scents and Essence of the Seventies

  The Immortality of Mother

  Ode to the Golden Cosmos

  Tributo ao Cosmos Dourado


  The Monster

  Grandma’s Attic

  Cucumber Thieves


  Our Fishermen


  Tamarind Seeds and Sweet Potatoes

  Iced Candies


  Summer Scent

  of 70’s

  Learning from

  the best

  Rosewater and a Fairytale

  The Prince Lost his Crown

  Jano’s Ballad

  Early Lessons

  The Big House

  Face in the Ashes

  Sighs of a Virgin ~ Shakespearean Sonnet


  Of The



  Food for Thought


  The Millionaire (Monorhyme)

  Notice Board

  Tongue Twister

  Unspoken Goodbyes

  What Then?

  Kites ~ Tanka a Suite

  Hick! anazer zrink bleezz

  Body, Mind and Soul

  Ranjo Macaro

  The Calling


  The Rose

  Another gate and Pomelos

  When the Wandering

  is Over

  Watered Down

  Take Him Home


  The Peepal Leaf

  What Dreams Could Come ~ For the Unborn Children

  Kannel ~

  The Lake of Renewal


  Paper Boats

  Cursing Sr. Joan

  If God wasn’t good…


  Bloody Tears

  Nature’s Palette

  Opening Envelopes and Storytelling

  Athletes’ Feet - Tanka

  Let Flowers Die

  Wind Songs

  Vampire’s Reprisal


  That last Day in 1987

  Nuances of the


  Sipping Significance

  of Life



  Children Come, Children Go

  The Reflection

  Forget the Umbrella


  The Friday Mapusa Market

  Toy Train (Rictameter)

  Halfway Home

  When Night Turns to Day and Vice Versa


  Is this sentence false?

  Life’s Simple Code

  Mysterious Stranger

  Blissful Revenge


  Doubtful Shadow


  Cherry Blossom


  One Sided

  A Mother’s Lament

  The Strength of a Man

  The Yellow Leaves of Autumn

  Beyond the Horizon


  Off Balance

  An Ode to Myself

  Love and Lust: A Perfect Spell

  Lost Pages

  Love has no appearance

  A Life Still Beautiful

  The Unsung Village Hero ~ For Dileep

  Leaving No Spaces

  The Builder

  An Artist’s Portrait

  Santa’s Mailroom

  Pieces of Emotion

  Retired Teachers

  Running on Green (for those who use their feet)

  Waiting to Reconnect

  Two Sonnets on My Departing

  Girl-child ~ Living is Harder Than Dying

  Thoughts of the New Millennium

  Life Goes On (Lento)

  A Ride With Lady Godiva

  The Masseur on Bank Street

  Whispers of the tulips

  Fortune Reading

  Typical Tramp ~ Alliterisen

  Morayshire ~

  The High Dreamland

  Tonight I Set Out at Sea



  Half a Sonnet for Lucifer

  My Fantasy


  Wine Fest!

  Goa: The Silent Noise

  The Overhead Bridge

  The Invisible Overhead Bridge

  Wedding Visuals ~


  That One Moment ~

  For The Youth

  Lebanese Restaurant

  Spiraling Smoke ~ Alliterisen

  Monday Lemonade

  The Opposite Window

  Pearl’s Dance ~ An Inverted Sonnet

  Horn of Africa

  Arabian Sunset

  Come With the Wind and Dance ~ For Rouvier

  Trolley Jam

  The Truth About my Land (Double Rictameter)


  Parking Officer on Nasr Square

  Perfect Peace

  Cities of the Century

  Nights at Casbah

  In The Mirror

  Auntie Mary’s Heaven

  Origami Wish

  Driving, Driving Me Nuts!!!

  Of Old Souq and the Press

  Dubai Metro Line and September Nine Eternity

  Pack of Cherries

  Beneath Your Strange Silence (Monchielle)

  Cacophonic Torture

  The Other Laundryman

  The Coupon - Seduction Versus Talent

  The Legend of Our Time, Gone Too Soon

  Early Morning Office

  Lonely seagu
ll and a million fishes

  The Sculpture

  Ode to the Elevator

  Chef Mommy

  When the City Sleeps

  The Face of God


  Mint and Honey

  One Christmas at Farmville! (Zynga)

  Unstitched Wear

  Sketches and Splashes

  Brainless in Transit!

  Mother’s Visit

  Until then…

  The Top Floor

  Time Changes Everything

  War is Over…

  Hailstones and Rain

  Lasting Impressions


  Self Portrait

  I Learn

  Open Wounds


  Unseen, Uninterrupted

  Forgotten Endings

  Stillborn Joy

  Silent Auction

  Bare necks cry for gold

  Breaking News

  Our Freedom

  Denunciation ~ Lento


  Glossary of terms


  A tribute to my grandmother, Mary Josephine Pinto.


  My most precious family – you are in my heart, always.

  St. Mary’s Church English Choir – Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  Mario de Miranda for contributing his marvelous artwork.

  - Loutolim, Salcette, Goa

  Gerard da Cunha of Architecture Autonomous

  - Torda, Salvador do Mundo, Bardez, Goa

  Pearl D’silva, my three year old “cheer-girl”

  Antônio Carlos Januário for the splendid rendition of “Ode to the Golden Cosmos”

  - Pouso Alegre, Brazil.

  Kevin Watt and everyone at All Poetry for their tremendous support.

  Amanda Warren, Alyson Bell and Rudy Thomas of AuthorHouse, USA

  All my friends in Goa and United Arab Emirates.

  and lastly,

  All the readers.


  Today, one would certainly find it brow-raising to discover a deluge of young people into poetry – written and the spoken word. I am glad that the last two decades have given me the opportunity to meet these like-minded people, share thoughts and touch lives. I am truly grateful to my most exotic childhood and how it has influenced my life and my poetry today: the vast raw grounds strewn with crisp leaves that whimpered beneath our feet and fields that nurtured little frogs and mysteries sketched on farmers’ faces. It was here that my poetry began, traveling with me, with my lifestyle and places I have been and now dipping in the ink of this urban buzz.

  In this shrinking cosmos and fast-paced e-world, despite the fact that people are slumped in their chairs in front of their computers, poetry still remains a thing of the time, and there is nothing more exhilarating than to capture moments and paint them in words just as how a music composer does with notes that are hammered inside his brain and then bringing them to the world outside it as a beautiful song, tethered by his inner-most feelings. It is but connectivity between the subject and the soul.

  There is a hidden poet in each of us. Many of us feel things, and imagine things, and say things. Some simply scribble them in their diary, while others inclined, relate themselves to what’s been written by others and feel as though those words were theirs. Poetry to me is about sensibility whereby it affects both – the reader and its writer.

  From tranquil-traumatic tales of the village to the flamboyance of the city, Four Decades and a Poem is a collection of my literary work showcasing the experiences of my life, my dreams and my thoughts. Here, you will find various behavioral aspects of people in time, the tones they live their lives and how it changes with modernization, affecting our life, our society. I thank all those who walked the journey on this road with me and have been a part of this tapestry – the four stunning decades.

  Indigo Lips -

  A Poet’s Sonnet

  Her lubricity excites my impotent cells,

  rejuvenates my passion one more time,

  my thoughts kiss her, and she ~ her inkwell,

  playing for me her most splendid rhyme.

  Unfailing, her love, constant her laud,

  whispering thoughts not so familiar,

  leaving me intoxicated, thrilled, awed…

  as my thoughts drink her indigo liqueur.

  She speaks of daydreams and secrets,

  of a life, place and time: unknown,

  she sees through me, painting portraits,

  sketching depths in happy or aching tone.

  She writes my life as I hold her gently,

  she’s the one I adore most: She is me…

  Scents and Essence of the Seventies

  The Immortality of Mother

  I know of the One who created me,

  The One we all talk about,

  The Almighty, the intangible,

  The One without creed, shape or visible beauty.

  I know of the one who bore me,

  She exists in the image of my God,

  a woman I adore,

  She is all mighty, tangible

  with love written on her face,

  love infinitely pouring from her heart,

  synonym of love,

  symbol of womanhood,

  one I see in my mother’s divinity and grace.

  I know of the one who creates peace,

  the one in whom I find solace,

  Like being in the womb of my mother,

  where trees dance and brooks laugh with ease,

  where the vast sea lets me drown my sorrow,

  and tears dry when sun shines on me

  Mother Earth, pregnant with billions of us.

  I know of the one who gives all this naturally

  and no open arms would make me feel

  the same as hers,

  no distance would keep me far from her,

  for she is all around and within my heart…

  She is my God: nature lives and gives freely, forever.

  Ode to the Golden Cosmos

  In pretty petals, bees played hide and seek,

  brushing pollens with their wings,

  swaying as wind kissed your cheek

  of bright gold facing skyward

  on stems like guitar strings.

  Fidgety fingers frightening you

  ~ little boys knowing little of pain,

  clouds turning grey from clear blue

  and the wind blowing wayward

  calling out to the rain…

  calling to the rain to tear you down…

  In golden days of school and fun

  shirts of white waiting for a smack,

  sleeping on our palm, we’d slap and run

  leaving impressions of your face

  on a mild unsuspecting back.

  The impressions turned into memories

  of days we’ll never see again

  in our world of chaos and worries

  no time and chance to play the games

  though we sometimes seek, in vain…

  Tributo ao Cosmos Dourado

  Portuguese Version of Ode to the Golden Cosmos

  (Translated by Antônio Carlos Januário)

  Em pétalas bonitas, as abelhas brincando de esconde-esconde,

  escovam os pólens, com suas asas,

  balançadas com o vento que beija suas bochechas

  de ouro luminosas bem de frente para o céu

  em hastes, como cordas da guitarra.

  Dedos inquietos ameaç

  Os Meninos conhecem um pouco da dor,

  nuvens de azul leve se tornam cinzas

  e o vento que sopra rebelde

  clama pela chuva …

  ligando para a chuva para te derrubar …

  Em dias de ouro de escola e diversão

  as camisas brancas aguardam um beijo,

  dormem nas palmas de nossas mãos, nos dão um tapa e fogem

  deixando impressões do seu rosto

  atrás, de forma leve e desavisada.

  As impressões se transformaram em memórias

  de dias que nunca verei de novo

  em nosso mundo de caos e preocupações

  nenhum momento e oportunidade de jogar os jogos

  embora, por vezes, procuram, em vão …


  Claudia, my love, my song,

  playing a million times like soothing raindrops,

  the HMV gramophone record

  turning like girls jiving all day long.

  Your eyes are a sad melody

  making me cry like your children, not then,

  Other men, lost in storms

  gazed your almond eyes differently.

  Your beauty, flawless as the blooming lily

  voice, soft and gentle.

  Your song embraced me, until

  I kissed the moon on mothers shoulder and another lullaby.

  Claudia, we’ve both grown older,

  but my love for you, has never.

  The Monster

  Bloody fights with life,

  life fighting back,

  your will has failed again.

  six dry shots of Urak

  is all you need to fix,

  bring it down.

  Then you are down.

  Your breath and brain in balance

  with your face,

  seeing a monster with one arm.

  He has no head,

  wears a ring on his neck,

  parading, pounding your skull,

  joyfully grinding

  your gelatinous stuff.

  You whimper

  like a horrid child,

  begging not to kill you…

  Turbulent hours later,

  the monster’s gone

  but the thumping goes on.

  Dark moods return,

  and so does the monster…


  This might not be his last night,


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