Four Decades And A Poem

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Four Decades And A Poem Page 10

by Lencio Rodrigues

  of shoppers scurrying,

  Fragments of this crazy world

  appear in a hazy streetlight,

  hovering over a garbage bin,

  insects whirring in its focus,

  and Pathans in salwars

  scratching their crotches.

  At least the scent of attar,

  spices and suleimani tea

  enrich the air like invisible mist.

  Illiterates flip through adult magazines,

  Others through Ahlan, with creased foreheads.

  I laugh. What a world!

  In such a place where people find

  obscurity in controlled words,

  Where so much of truth is hidden,

  and reporters, journalists and editors

  sit and plan what they will print

  over a couple of caffeine beverages,

  or maybe a coke,

  inconsiderate of what the readers like.

  I laugh again and enter a store to sample

  and buy pistachios!!!


  gold beads from palm trees

  sweetly fall on august ground

  sun turns them to stones


  Dubai Metro Line and September Nine Eternity

  The time has finally come

  like a train itself, on tenterhooks.

  The city with a new look,

  metro lines like mascara tears

  running over children’s erased parks

  and tracks of fitness freaks.

  Men in orange overalls

  replaced the flame tree petals

  strewn on the lawn like pictures drawn upon

  the slates by tearful children,

  men, lost all charm, struggling in the scorching sun

  weathering winter’s wrath,

  cursed and fought sandstorms,

  toiling silently and unnoticed

  like the work of all the years done underground…

  Deadlines met at the cost of weakened bodies

  covered in dust and soaked in sweat.

  (sigh) they breathe in relief, at last!

  09.09.09 - Dubai makes another history

  as people rush to catch the first train “all day long”

  and experience the first-day-first-show

  talking about state-of-the-art stations and conveniences.

  The driverless trains may not take us to far away places

  like London to Moscow

  or Mumbai to Lucknow,

  but it will give us a few minutes of thrill

  and relief of not getting caught in traffic!

  Encyclopedias and calendars will mark this day

  - to be remembered for generations

  and exalt like the elevated viaducts…

  the heroes too.

  Pack of Cherries

  Cherries would lose their color,

  sometimes taste, going to waste,

  but they never fell down,

  twenty Dirhams

  for a pack of few grams,

  outrageous price!

  he’d frown, I’d frown.

  He’d say “they grow in my place

  and fall down, going to waste”

  eyes turning red on his paling face…

  He could barely afford the cherries,

  a labourer with low salaries.

  The Center told they’re good for him,

  and when he bought them,

  he’d want to share some with me.

  “I don’t like them”, I’d say…

  If ever I made it to the supermarket

  I’d pick three packs of cherries,

  two for him and one for me,

  telling him there was a promo

  of “buy one and get one free.”

  The spring that year was beautiful

  I suppose,

  when it called him home,

  with the cherry trees in blossom

  just the way he described it.

  Spring turned to summer

  with millions of cherries on the trees

  all unwilling to take his WBCs down

  Imanitib too,

  except the red sun fading slowly with him

  behind his cherry farm.

  Beneath Your Strange Silence (Monchielle)

  Beneath your strange silence,

  Lies a heart filled with dreams

  Words are read but concealed

  And your mouth will not speak

  Until the wounds are healed.

  Beneath your strange silence,

  Heart beats without rhythm

  Pain grows without concern,

  While rage starts to creep in,

  ‘Cause the reasons discern.

  Beneath your strange silence,

  Speak many concerned minds

  Of a heart once warm, proud,

  Betrayed by disguised love,

  Covered by torture’s shroud.

  Beneath your strange silence,

  Remain words you can’t speak

  And words you cannot hear,

  Beneath your strange silence

  Plays a noise, loud and clear.

  Cacophonic Torture

  Forgive me Father, to mock I know is a sin

  but I was suffering insanely, in between

  ~ two crooners you put on either side

  singing aloud, off note and such great pride!

  The pew I had chosen near the choir

  was to hear the hymns, up close and clear

  the crooners lagged behind, not knowing a tune,

  like a four wheel drive climbing a dune!

  I sang louder, so they could catch up

  but they drowned me with no chance to pickup,

  singing louder than anybody,

  persuading me to listen to their cacophony!

  Here was their chance to show they knew it

  singing louder and totally out of beat,

  my only prayer was “God!!! have mercy on me

  save me from these voices, set my nerves free!”

  The Other Laundryman

  Oh I wish I knew his name ~

  that laundryman,

  how saddened am I to call him so…

  a laundryman.

  I see him early morning

  vigorous, as if half way through the day,

  and when the shops’ shutters are down

  he is still…

  folding and unfolding clothes and linen,

  fresh, as if his day has just begun,

  carrying bundles on his petit bicycle,

  always cheery,

  with a smile of a child

  with a look of a child.

  Today has been one such day

  that I realize, the world around me is so crippled

  and God, so unjust to those like this laundryman,

  who can speak not his name.

  Little children race him on their bicycles

  thinking he is one of them,

  they race him in every way…

  One day,

  when they’re older

  and have raced through their world,

  they’d realize how tall and mature

  they have grown and he never did,

  and how, he was never one of them.

  The Coupon - Seduction Versus Talent

  Scattered tables, hypnotic fluorescent theme paintings,

  Highlighted by neon lights, />
  The stage, opaque and lit with the beats

  of deafening music.

  How I wish I could change the scene of

  these Indian nightclubs?

  Where the crooner’s stand stands on

  one corner of the stage,

  Half a dozen dancers dancing to a song,

  bellowed by a flashy semi-dancer with countless hairclips.

  The one in the centre, supposedly the queen,

  doing the most seductive steps,

  while men get confused who is the best.

  Others sitting behind, wait for their turn,

  As the pimp announces their pseudonym

  over a cordless microphone,

  based on the coupon sold at a startling rate

  with a dancer’s name on it,

  Who will take and touch her heart in acknowledgement!

  It is a competition among themselves,

  Between those that shake their body

  playing with their eyes to seduce men

  and those that amaze others

  with their mind blowing dance

  There are others that wear arousing costumes

  and some that look at the floor while they dance…

  These, that do not grab any coupons

  get the business down

  Like elimination rounds in a beauty pageant,

  They’ll be asked to leave their jobs soon,

  and be replaced by new ones that earn them more coupons.

  The Legend of Our Time, Gone Too Soon

  (Tribute to Michael Jackson)

  Gone too soon to live in hearts of fans, forever,

  to replay memories and melodies like no other,

  You gave us your all, and more was to be seen,

  have I ever been tired listening to your Billie Jean?

  Moonwalker! your dance style was so off the wall,

  versatility all the way, none could compare at all.

  You healed the world with your generous heart,

  proving the entire human race is one and not apart.

  Icon of my time, I grew with your beat and thrill,

  many guys dressed like you and imitate you still,

  King of pop, ahead of all, you had it all conquered

  like a flash of lightening your end just occurred.

  Through your life and music you shall live, Michael,

  like wonders of the world, the Taj and the Eiffel,

  Burying controversies of the media and publicity

  Truly! your life’s always been remarkable history!

  Early Morning Office

  There’s a place people love to spend time,

  We may think it’s a waste and a major crime.

  Mornings loaded with heavy schedules,

  can now be fixed with least possible hurdles.

  Checking emails and fixing appointments

  first thing in the morning was a penance.

  Thanks to technology, Blackberry and iPhone too

  for they can now finish most chores in the loo!

  Music played to awaken their slumbering soul,

  While they scribble notes on the toilet roll,

  amplifying the music to create a background

  drowning every possible, unsuitable sound!!!

  So in this place you see, they waste no time,

  in fact, they strike more deals, earn extra dime.

  You’d say it’s a crappy way to make money,

  perhaps you’d copy them or just think it’s funny!

  Lonely seagull and a million fishes

  Just as Maghrib beckons

  and the daylight fades

  a lonely seagull floats on the creek

  while others have left their crazy flying

  and gone out of sight.

  Under it,

  whirls a shoal of finger-sized fishes,

  and if I knew to count infinity

  I’d know how many swam and shone

  and feasted on crumbs

  served by enthusiasts and ritualists.

  What a sight to behold!

  and yet, here I am,

  lonely as the seagull,

  watching merry passengers

  jostle for the abras,

  hurrying to be ferried across the shimmering waters,

  like the million fishes

  enjoying fine joys of life…

  The Sculpture

  After painting your canvas in broad daylight

  Sanguine shadows serenade

  tantalizing the tranquil thoughts,

  building your existence as they trigger and pulsate.

  My passion chiseling you into form

  upon the pedestal of my mind.

  My hands seemed to have worked overtly

  on your tempting sculpture,

  revitalizing you with mesmeric gusts,

  my hands molding the frailty

  of your lustrous body

  as you drench with translucent yearning.

  I think I am done,

  and you’re ready to be worshipped by your sculptor.

  Ode to the Elevator

  It isn’t the load of anxious craniums bothering her,

  Or her navel pressed pointlessly more than required.

  Ready for rush hours and the morning pressure,

  she works round the clock yet never getting tired.

  She watches lovers kiss in private at the quiet hours,

  scandalized as groping goes on against her hard wall.

  She welcomes the sweaty, those without showers

  without any prejudice, even if you bring up your gall!

  Watching strangers’ eyes meet, stray and redden,

  chics adjust bras being alone and studs, their bulges.

  In her silver skin, softer sex fine-tune their reflection,

  hair, hairclips, scarves and sashes, belts and badges.

  She can attack your nerves as you reach her door

  make you buzz your frustration and test your patience

  when she “just left” you, going up to the highest floor

  Making you miss few seconds, add up days of absence!

  Enjoying aromas of food and fragrance of flowers,

  she bears the garbage stench too and whiff of cigarettes

  Putting up with puking drunks and loaded launderers

  Doing all sorts of things under influence of no threats.

  Chef Mommy

  I feel your songs and sound of tongs,

  in every spoon of food,

  a lot of cheer, sipping that beer

  with shrimps that taste so good.

  A pinch of this, that and spices

  turn all to perfection.

  O mother dear! nothing’s tastier

  than love and affection.

  I search the coast for perfect roast,

  one with flavors of wine,

  the taste of home, promised in Rome

  sends shivers down my spine,

  for what they say, tastes like dry clay

  braised by culinary punks,

  who learnt from scratch, but they’re no match

  to your rich juicy chunks!

  You set it all, in a casserole,

  in minutes there’s a dish!

  You take no time, humming a rhyme

  be it squids, clams or fish.

  Sometimes I feel, it’d be ideal

  if you’d be a head chef,

  celebrity, coming on TV

  worthy of an autograph!

  When the City Sleeps

  When the last sip staggers out of the nightclub,

  and the city sleeps,

  my thoughts awaken the dark night

  and dance with its dazzling daylight,

  looking into the lives of those

  that planned its squares and circles

  and planted trees in the parks,

  those who raised monuments

  we now recognize as landmarks.

  those that turn on the streetlights and

  utility men (and women) who keep

  the public toilets spic-and-span.

  Security guards and police officers

  keeping the order come what may.

  Those with their dreams to make it big

  coming into the city from far away,

  sitting idly on park benches

  watching children skip over the trenches,

  Pimps and the prostitutes,

  their customers and scorners,

  Taxi drivers and beggars,

  Scoundrels and swindlers

  taking advantage of city dwellers.

  Street food vendors and hawkers,

  hoarding painters and gardeners,

  Skip service men and street cleaners

  toiling after midnight,

  and pilots taking to flight.

  The tourists and hoteliers,

  Porters handling the load,

  newspaper vendors standing at crossroads,

  Teenagers and metrosexuals,

  painting the streets with latest styles,

  the thousands of shoppers clearing product racks,

  restless mice nibbling on passive railway tracks:

  without whom the city would lie at rest.

  The Face of God

  Always seeking,

  searching, waiting

  to find you,

  then one day I see you

  in the face of a woman

  dressed in tattered clothes,

  and matted hair,

  devouring green chilies

  and stale bread,

  appearing unfed.

  I watched her,

  until my heart wrenched

  and until she disappeared

  from my sight.

  I ran everywhere

  to find her,

  and give her some pennies,

  but she was nowhere

  to be seen.

  Where could she have gone


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