Fatal Serum

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by Sam Black

  Within three minutes from the time Olson had made his call, two men with a gurney barged through the door. They quickly loaded the President on the gurney and raced him to the helicopter sitting on the pad behind the White House.

  At 9:10 am, less than an hour after Wesley Roberts had entered the oval office to inform the President of the Washington Post article, the President was pronounced dead.

  They withheld the news of the death of the President until after the President’s wife and family had been notified. An emergency meeting was held at 10:00 that same morning with the Vice President, the speaker of the house, and the majority leaders of both the Senate and the House. Everyone in the meeting feared the worst. They weren’t worried about the country, the stock market, the bank failures—only for themselves. They were all guilty and were all afraid the FBI or the CIA would drag them down the toilet. They knew they could be tried and prosecuted for their shenanigans and the corruption they had gotten away with for so many years. Everyone in the room was categorized as a multimillionaire. Most of their assets sat in foreign banks so they could avoid paying taxes. Sad, but true.

  Chapter 50


  The stock market opened at 9:30 am Thursday with a drop in the DOW of 1000 points. When the news broke later in the day of the President’s death, the market tumbled another 2000 points. The market closed immediately to avoid a crash. The political leaders, both Republicans and Democrats, in Washington were very nervous; especially, the ones who had been bought off by Senator Shear, which also included the lobbyists who prey on Washington’s steps.

  The television and radio media beat the story to death. European markets nose dived quickly on the news of Shear’s plans to destroy SAWWS Inc. They closed before learning of the President’s death.

  Opening bell Friday in Europe brought total chaos and an extraordinarily large sell off. Unemployment in Europe was much higher than in the States at the time. The news of the US problems with government officials and the drastic drop in the market brought fear to banks and businesses throughout Europe. China waited in the distance to take over. They wouldn’t even have to fire one rocket or spend one shell. The collapse of the free world appeared to be near, with the Chinese holding large bank notes from all the free world countries. GREED WAS DESTROYING THE FREE WORLD QUICKLY AND ITS PEOPLE LET IT HAPPEN.

  The news spread rapidly and brought fear, hate, and revenge from every employee, non-employee and business owner throughout every country on the globe.

  Where does it stop? It stops with Jim Kelly and Jim Brewer blowing the lid off the large cesspool of slime. They were the only ones with the guts to say, “Enough is enough.” They made Washington’s corrupt political leaders confess to their corruption, which took the USA down Devastation Road.

  Chapter 51


  David Holloway, listed as the wealthiest person on earth, made all his money honestly. He paid an enormous sum of taxes every year. He never put a dime in foreign banks. Holloway lived in a moderate home, valued at less than $400,000. He made Warren Buffet look middle class. Because of his charitable causes worldwide and his financial contribution in starting up SAWWS Inc., Mr. Holloway was named the most popular person on earth.

  Holloway had spoken up many times about the political system in Washington and had been asked many times to seek public office to try to rectify the corruption.

  David Holloway had appeared often on television news shows to speak about our country’s electoral system, government waste, federal spending, the fighting in wars we never win, immigration, the prison system, the educational system, bringing jobs back to USA, Medicare, obesity, social security, and foreign aide. Holloway never cared if he stepped on some political leader’s toes, whether it was a senator, congressman, or even the President of the US. He wanted the public to be aware of what transpired in Washington. David Holloway was registered as an Independent voter.

  David Holloway called Jim Kelly’s office three hours after the Post made the story public. His personal secretary, Miss Nancy Crane, had received a telephone call at 4:28a.m. Pacific Time informing her of the Post article. The call came from an employee of one of Holloway’s companies in the east. She notified Holloway by cell phone at 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time. With the three hour time difference between Washington DC and Seattle, Washington, Holloway waited till Jim Kelly had had his coffee and time to digest the events of his early morning. He instructed his secretary, Nancy, to call the pilots and crew of his private jet.

  Kelly and Holloway were on a first-name basis. They had met three years ago on an FBI investigation of one of Holloway’s companies. It was concerning a patent on some high tech digital camera, which had been confiscated by some outside source through one of Holloway’s employees. It took a year before they nailed the man who was involved. The FBI had two agents, one female and the other male, inside Holloway’s company for almost a year. Holloway and Kelly had conversed many times, both in person and on the phone, about the corruption in Washington.

  “Good Morning, David,” Kelly responded, after his secretary had patched the call from Holloway over to Kelly’s phone.

  “It is a great morning, Jim. I can’t tell you how much respect I have for you and Jim Brewer to get the Post to open up about the people responsible for the deaths of the employees of SAWWS Inc.”

  “David, I couldn’t sleep letting these bastards in Washington off the hook another day. Justice has to be done and screw the political correctness.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, Jim.” Holloway knew what he wanted to say and never had been lost for words ever since he’d been on a debate team in college when he fumbled around on a subject he had not been versed on. “Jim, with all the things happening in this nation in the last few hours and now with the President’s death, I believe this country will sink to a level none of us has ever fathomed.”

  “You’re absolutely correct, David. I was actually going to call you to have you come to Washington and meet with Brewer and me. We need a leader in this nation, immediately. We have enough on the Vice President to bury him in federal prison, not to mention the Speaker of the House, the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and many more political leaders here in Washington. Republican or Democrat, they are all as guilty as Castro.”

  “Jim, I will be out of here in four and a half hours. Do you have a personal connection with the military?”

  “Yes, David. I am very good friends with General Brandon Mathews of the Army and also General Scott Thomas of the Air Force.”

  “What about our Navy, Coast Guard and Marines? We need all military personnel on our side, Jim.”

  “I’ll get them on the phone.”

  “Great, Jim, have them meet us in five hours, along with Jim Brewer.”

  “I’ll pick you up at Reagan upon your arrival. Brewer will be with me so we can have a briefing before meeting with the Generals.”

  “Thanks, Jim.”

  Holloway dialed another number immediately after hanging up with Kelly. He called Richard Morehouse, an expert in foreign relations. Richard, a Yale graduate, had more than thirty years experience in foreign affairs and, most recently, served as the American Ambassador to China for one, eight-year administration. Prior to that, he had been the American Ambassador to Saudi Arabia for another eight-year administration. He performed these duties impeccably. Richard, with his popularity at high levels, had been summoned by the Republican Party to run for President on two different occasions. He refused both times.

  “Good morning, David. I guess it is a good morning.”

  “Good morning, Richard.” David eyeballed his digital clock sitting on his desk in his home outside Seattle. “This country is heading in a downward spiral and it needs to change course without delay.”

  “Where do you want to meet?” Richard knew how David operated.

  “Washington DC, today, at 3:00, at FBI headquarters on Pennsylvania Ave.”

will be there, David.” Richard lived in Dallas, Texas with his wife, Maria.

  On the second ring, Stanley Armstrong answered in a deep baritone voice, “Good morning, David.” Armstrong, with an MBA in finance from Harvard, was the CEO of the largest banking system in the USA. They were solvent and Stanley aimed to keep it that way. Stanley resided in Oakbrook, Illinois, outside of Chicago. Holloway had used Armstrong’s banks for many years.

  “Stanley, I need you in Washington at FBI Headquarters on Pennsylvania Ave at 3:00 today.” Stanley also knew how David operated when time was of the essence.

  “See you at 3:00, David.” Stanley thumbed through his calendar to see what had to be canceled.

  The next call went to Andrew Huggins. Huggins, a 220 pound, broad shouldered, black, retired Marine Colonel, lived in Atlanta, Georgia. Since his retirement from the Marine Corps four years ago, Huggins had headed up a private security company. This security company was unheard of to the media and the American public since it was only used in special assignments. His employees consisted of former Navy Seals, Army Delta and Marine Special Forces. They were highly trained in protecting, securing, monitoring, and maintaining order, regardless of the circumstance or location.

  “Good morning, David. I expected to hear from you this morning.”

  “Andrew, we need to meet in DC, at FBI Headquarters, today, at 1500 hours.

  “I’ll be there, Sir.” Huggins hoped his team would be needed. Not for the money, but for the democracy of the nation and to bring this nation back to where it once was.

  The clock ticked by, lapsing 52 minutes since Nancy had called her boss. Holloway, still in his bathrobe and bedroom slippers, hadn’t had breakfast yet. The Holloways didn’t have any maid service. His wife, Marilyn, had gone to her niece’s in Minneapolis, where her niece was about to give birth to a boy. He needed to call Nancy to inform her about his departure time and the duration of time he would be spending in Washington. He could grab some breakfast on his private jet.

  The last call made before Holloway turned the shower on was to John Manchester, a former Rhodes Scholar, with a PhD in Physiology, a PhD in terminal illnesses, and presently the head of the School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University.

  “Good morning, Mr. Holloway.” Manchester was born in England and his English mannerisms have never left him.

  “John, I need to have your ideas in Washington DC, at FBI headquarters, at 3:00 today.”

  “Certainly, Mr. Holloway, I will be there. Is there anything in particular you want so I can be more prepared?”

  “I can’t really explain it now, John, but let’s just say your expertise will be greatly appreciated. You could speak for hours on medical subjects, no teleprompter needed.”

  “Mr. Holloway, I will be there. It is an honor to have you call me with such an enormous invitation.”

  “Thank you, John.”

  Holloway headed for the showers.

  Chapter 52


  David Holloway stood behind the lectern with no notes. “Gentlemen, I want to thank all of you for being here on such short notice. You all have been briefed on the disaster this country is in. I need everyone’s expertise today on how we should handle, evaluate, judge, elect, eliminate and replace our government structure. I have some ideas I want to pass on to you this morning. We have enough evidence on just about every Senator and Representative to put them behind bars. The President’s cabinet will also be asked to resign, but all will be monitored until final investigative results are in. If they are found guilty, or not guilty, they will be either prosecuted or removed from office. We have enough information on the Vice President to put him away for life. I suggest we eliminate all of them from their offices by 5:00 tomorrow. A clean slate is our only answer.” All heads nodded simultaneously.

  “Four groups will be formed among all in attendance here today to discuss the top priorities needed to rectify the situations we are facing. I have drawn up a list of these and have made copies for all of you. These priorities, I believe, need to be put into law immediately. Believe me, we have other issues, but these need to be handled pronto. If any of you gentlemen have any other concerns, please let me know and we will discuss them here today.” Holloway paused to drink a half glass of water.

  “Russia’s government is sick about the capture of Sam Abbott and having lost him to the Taliban. Russia has an epidemic and tens of thousands are dying. It is a virus which SAWWS Inc.’s serum can eliminate. Russia’s economy is almost in total collapse because of the outbreak of this deadly virus.

  “Japan is trying to dig out from another tsunami, which has paralyzed the entire country. They have a serious typhoid outbreak. They are on the verge of a deep depression.

  “Europe stood in total shambles before the SAWWS Inc. murders. They are now in a depression, with banks closing and the rich stealing from the poor. Their medical program is broke and the sick are not being cared for. The death rate per day in Europe is much higher than during World War II and is expected to double in the next year. The news in the USA will bring Europe to its knees, immediately.

  “The Muslims thought they could control the world with oil, their only revenue producer; but with the world’s debacle, oil prices are slashed and output is at a standstill. Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Saudi Arabia, the big four oil producing nations in the world, will become skeletons in the sand. Maybe not a bad thing, but the world’s balance sheet jumps when oil goes up or down.” David cleared his throat, swallowed some water and continued.

  “China, however, is holding billions of dollars in bank notes from many countries throughout the world. The USA is the largest. They can call those bank notes whenever they wish, giving them world control. China has the greatest population of any country in the world and the largest military and space program. It is the highest revenue producing nation, the largest export nation and the most high-tech nation, only because the USA gave them the tools and education to become number one. With the SAWWS Inc. serum, they can control not only their population, but also the world’s population.

  “This collapse started to happen back in the 70’s when the USA began sending a large portion of its manufacturing to China and then shipped it back to the States to be consumed by the greedy public. This grew and grew and within two decades, the USA was manufacturing hardly any furniture, clothing, shoes, small appliances, etc. The US companies moved their manufacturing to China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and other Asian countries, where they could get cheap labor. They then charged almost the same for the product. This made the stockowners very happy. Nobody seemed to care—everybody was making money, except the US worker, who had lost his job to an Asian country. He, or she, eventually moved on to the service field, making less money but spending more—the American way.

  “Before the turn of the 21st century, our imports more than doubled over our exports. We still have Boeing, Caterpillar, automobiles, cigarettes, 3M, meat, wheat, corn, cotton, etc., to export. Many of our American-made automobile parts are made in Mexico and sent back to our assembly lines in the US. Greedy auto manufacturers wanted more profit so did away with thousands of jobs here in the States.

  “The US Government has been sending millions of dollars abroad in aid every year. Yet, we have over half of our working population out of work, living in poverty, collecting welfare, and not paying any taxes. The reason, as I see it, is there is no one in Washington lobbying for them to help them find jobs. If US political leaders don’t get a kickback, then forget about them helping anyone. This is why Senators and Congressmen spend millions to get elected. They don’t want the job to help the working consumer—they want the position to make millions for themselves from large corporations, countries we send aid to, government projects being built or remodeled, such as roads and bridges, and let’s not forget all the pork belly projects.” Holloway drank some water and shifted his weight before he began again.

  “Saudi Arabia is one of the riches
t countries in the world. The main reason is the greedy, free world using billions of barrels of Saudi oil to move them from place to place. US oil companies have sucked up billions, not to mention the hungry stockowners of these oil companies, by buying Saudi, Iraqi, Iranian and Libyan oil and selling it to the people of the US and other countries.

  “Saudi Arabia has become the financial support base for Al Queda, Taliban, and Hamas. Billions of Saudi money is laundered through Wazrirstan, Afghanistan, a city on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In 2002, the Saudi government bragged about the royal family and Saudi kingdom spending billions of dollars to spread Islam to every corner of the earth. It has succeeded and is growing rapidly.

  “Saudi funds were used to build over 1500 Mosques, 202 colleges, and 201 Islamic centers in the US. These centers can be found in: Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA; Chicago; New York; Washington DC; Tucson, Arizona; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Toledo, Ohio.

  “Europe has over 6000 Mosques spread throughout the continent. The US, where freedom of religion is protected by our constitution, has over 2000 Mosques and growing.

  “Saudi’s billions own many shares in American businesses, controlling a large percentage of the New York Stock Exchange. The State of Tennessee has three large Islamic complexes located in Memphis, Antioch, and Murphysboro. Brooklyn, New York just opened a large Mosque. Atlanta, Georgia opened a 10-million dollar mosque in 2008. Then, there is Roxbury, Massachusetts, who welcomed a 60-million dollar Islamic center.

  “The Saudis have spent huge sums on donations to major universities in the US since 9/11. Over 80,000 Saudis are being educated in these same universities, leaving thousands of young Americans having to seek out smaller universities. Our government doesn’t disclose the true extent of the Saudi financial input into our political machine, educational and social services in America. Thirty years prior to 9/11 the words Islamic, Mosques, and Taliban were rarely mentioned, if at all.


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