Point of Release

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Point of Release Page 9

by Remy Landon

What would his reaction be, to seeing his daughter for the first time in four years? She hadn't told him she was coming, figuring the element of surprise would be to her advantage. And he deserved to be caught off guard, just as he had pulled the rug out from under her.

  Cassandra stood in front of the door, took a deep, shuddery breath and rang the doorbell. Within seconds, there was the thumping sound of feet coming closer, and the door opened.

  “Can I help you?” A woman in her mid-forties stood before her, looking Cassandra up and down in puzzlement. She was wearing a baggy, navy sweatshirt and sweatpants, wiping her hands with a dishtowel, some of her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and the rest loose and disheveled around her face.

  Was this her? The woman her father had left her mother for? Or was this someone new, since then? Either way, knowing that this was the person who had replaced her mother, Cassandra found herself feeling sick to her stomach.

  The smell of something cooking—stew, or pot roast—wafted out the open door, adding to her queasiness. She glanced quickly at the woman's left hand, and there it was—a plain gold wedding band.

  Cassandra found her voice. “I'm here to see Reuben...my father.”

  The woman's mouth opened and closed, her eyes bulging in surprise. “I'll go get him,” she said sharply. “Wait here.” She gave Cassandra another up and down glance.

  So sorry to have messed up your evening, Cassandra thought sarcastically. But your husband messed up my life.

  Moments later, the door opened again. And there was Reuben Larsen.

  Her father stood before her rather awkwardly in a denim shirt and dark work pants, with his black, stringy hair hanging in pieces down his forehead. He looked older, paunchier, the skin on his face and jowls loose. His face registered shock, as if he was seeing an exotic creature for the first time.

  Cassandra shivered involuntarily in her fleece jacket. Was he going to say anything? Invite her inside?

  “Hi...Dad,” she said, the second word feeling clumsy and strange on her tongue. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  He was looking at her warily. She felt the skin on the back of her neck prickle. “This will only take a few minutes. I think you owe me that much.” Good girl! Calm, assertive.

  His face changed, then. “All right. Come in.”

  Taking a few steps back, he opened the door wider, and Cassandra stepped inside, careful not to brush against him. She could see the woman—his wife—busying herself in the kitchen, setting the table and casting furtive glances at them.

  They walked through a small archway into the living room, and Cassandra's father motioned for her to take a seat in the glider rocker while he sat opposite her in a blue recliner. She sat down stiffly, feeling unsteady as the chair slid back and forth, and wondered if her father had offered this seat intentionally, to keep her off balance. She willed both her nerves and the glider to still and scanned the room quickly, to get a feel for her father's new life. The furniture was simple, rustic, and the room was done in blues and browns with a country theme. A print of a house on a hill with cows dotting the landscape hung above her father's head. There was a photo on the lamp table beside the recliner: her father, his wife, and a tall, lanky boy in cap and gown, grinning in between them. The woman's son? This could explain the basketball hoop. So her father not only had another wife, but in essence had another child.

  Reuben cleared his throat, clasping his hands on his rather ample belly. His expression was bland, almost disinterested, but the way he was twisting his wedding ring made her realize there was more going on beneath the surface. What must he be thinking? Shock and uneasiness, no doubt, but she wondered what else. Was he feeling any guilt? Was any part of him glad to see her?

  And then it struck her that it didn't matter. This wasn't about what he was thinking and feeling; it was about her. He had made it all about himself when he'd had those affairs and left, and now, she was going to make it all about her.

  “I'm not going to stay long.” Her heart was pounding wildly, but her voice was low and even. “I know we haven't seen each other since you left. But things have been building up inside me. I just wanted to say a few things to you, because I've found that I'm having a hard time with relationships, and in a major way, it's due to you.”

  His eyebrows lifted slightly, and he leaned back in his chair, still silent.

  She ordered herself to look directly into his eyes. “You hurt Mom, but you also hurt me. She wasn't strong enough to tell you this, so I'm going to tell you. For both of us.”

  There was the sound of a cupboard door being shut forcefully in the kitchen, a not-so-subtle reminder from his wife that she was listening.

  Her father exhaled deeply. “What do you want, Cassandra? If it's money, I can give you some.”

  Christ, was he for real? “You can't put a price on pain. I don't want your money. I came here to tell you that it was wrong of you to treat Mom the way you did. You didn't just cheat on her and walk out on her...you did it to me, too. I was your daughter, and I needed you too, but you just left and never looked back. I've figured out that this affected what I've thought of myself. I've taken crap from guys when I shouldn't have. But I'm done with that. I deserve better. And so did Mom.”

  Unwanted tears filled her eyes, and she wiped them away angrily, not wanting him to see. He was now looking at the floor, the muscles in his face taut.

  “It took me four years to do this, and honestly, I didn't think I ever could. But you know, I'm really glad I came.” Cassandra stood up. “I'll let you get back to your dinner, and your life.” She paused. “And I'll get back to mine.”

  She heard him call her name as she walked to the door and closed it firmly behind her. Climbing into her car, she drove out of the neighborhood, feeling as blank as her father's face had looked, until she came to a vacant restaurant building and pulled into the parking lot where no one would see her. Now, she could let go.

  Sobbing, Cassandra took great gulps of air. She was way overdue for a good ugly cry. She cried for her mom, for fatherless years, for apologies that hadn't been made, and for still missing a gorgeous, smoky-eyed man who had come into her life and messed everything up. And when she was done using every sheet of Kleenex and wrinkled napkin she could find in the car, she breathed deeply and picked up her phone to text three words to Teal: I did it. Teal would know what she meant.

  She looked out her car window, up to the brightest star she could find, and said softly, “That was for both of us, Mumma.”

  She suspected she may very well never see her father again, and that was fine with her. It felt like closure. Carlo, though...that was a different story. As much as she kept trying to tie up the loose ends of their relationship, he kept tugging at the knot.

  Looking down at her phone, she suddenly felt the urge to call Carlo to tell him about the encounter tonight. It was admittedly crazy to think this after what he had done, but she believed, deep down, that Carlo truly wanted to protect her. He would have been proud of her for standing up to her father; she was sure of it.

  No. She wouldn't call. The sensible thing was to move on, like she told him she was doing, and expect him to do the same. And she would try like hell to ignore the ache she felt, imagining him moving on to someone else.

  chapter seventeen ~ Carlo

  As strange as it sounded, it occurred to Carlo that having Sam Oakes involved in whatever this was going to be actually made things feel less complicated—like a fling among consenting adults, with little risk of emotions getting involved. The alcohol was certainly a contributing factor in his decision to let go of his inhibitions.

  The elevator ride up to his suite had been filled with laughs, suggestive comments, and Liv linking her arm through his, leaning her head into him. This simple gesture got to him. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed basic affection from a woman.

  Even in his alcoholic haze, Carlo could rationalize that it made little sense for him to be faithful to a woman who refused to even ta
lk to him after weeks. Of course, he would keep trying. But was he expected to ignore his sexual needs, when technically, he and Cassandra were not in a relationship? He was, after all, still a man.

  He slid the card key into the lock and opened the door. Sam and Liv were right behind him, Sam whistling as he entered. “Wow, Leone—you know how to travel in style.”

  “I travel a lot. And I know what I want.” Carlo glanced over at Liv and winked. She looked pleased, blushing.

  Walking around the room, Sam was shaking his head. “Fireplace, huge fucking flatscreen..and of course, the hot tub. Guess I better get off my ass and work toward a CEO position.”

  “The job does have its perks. Can I get either of you an adult beverage? There's a nice bottle of Riesling, or I've got a couple cans of Belgian ales, brewed right here in Chicago.”

  “If you're trying to get us drunk, Carlo, I think we're pretty much there.” Olivia smothered a giggle. “But I'll take a glass of wine.”

  “I'll get myself an ale in a few.” Sam grinned slyly. “If you can get the pretty lady her drink, Carlo, I'll get the hot tub going.”

  After Sam headed to the bathroom, Liv bent down to unfasten the straps of her shoes and slipped them off. She wiggled her toes on the carpet. “Ahh...so much more comfortable.”

  Carlo went to the kitchenette for the drinks. There were two wine glasses turned over on the counter. He opened the Riesling and poured Liv a glass. Turning around, he startled to see her standing so close to him.

  Taking the glass, Olivia let her fingers brush against his as she looked at him, her dark eyes large with feigned innocence. “Did I catch you off guard?”

  “Yes. But I'm thinking that's par for the course for you.”

  She sipped, smiling, and Carlo found himself staring at her lips. “I have to confess; it's my modus operandi. It comes in handy both in business...and in pleasure.”

  “I'm not used to being caught off guard.”

  “I gathered that. Does it bother you?”

  “Not as much as I thought it would.”

  “I'm glad.” She tipped her head back to look at him. She was several inches taller than Cassandra, Carlo mused, and then decided he would stop making comparisons. Olivia was most definitely her own person.

  “Are you going to have something to drink, Carlo?”

  “I haven't decided. Does it matter?”

  “I just want to make sure you're relaxed enough.”


  “For what I want to happen tonight.” Her voice was husky. “I realize you don't know me, but I'll share with you that I'm very...adventurous. I'm hoping for a very interesting evening.” She took a step closer so that she was inches away, and suddenly he felt her hands grasping his ass. Christ. His cock began to respond.

  Raising herself up slightly on her toes, Olivia whispered in his ear. He bent his head slightly toward her. “Carlo...I know you may be a little hesitant, but please don't be. Just enjoy whatever happens. Go with it.” She sighed, inhaling deeply. “Mmm...you smell so good. Did you know that studies show that people are most likely to be attracted to others whose scent is dissimilar than their own?”

  “So you're saying you smell bad.” He grinned.

  Liv's mouth opened in protest, and she burst into giggles. “No. Just different.”

  He leaned in toward her neck and sniffed. She smelled warm, with hints of caramel and vanilla.

  “Do you approve, Mr. Leone?”

  “I do. Very much.”

  Sam reappeared with a beer in his hand, his sleeves rolled up and the buttons of his plaid sport shirt undone, showing off his six-pack abs.

  Olivia looked from him to Carlo and sighed. “I'm a lucky, lucky girl.”

  Laughing, Sam came over to nuzzle her neck. “Jacuzzi's filling up as we speak. I say we have a drink and hop in.” He draped his arm across Liv's shoulders, and again, Carlo felt a stab of possessiveness, which he quickly squelched. He had no claim over her.

  After calling the front desk to have extra bath towels sent up, Carlo opened a bottle of beer while he waited for housekeeping to arrive. He was feeling better than he ever had in weeks—relaxed, carefree. The alcohol was part of it, but it was more than that—it was the way Olivia Malstrom was looking at him, with those take me now eyes. It was her bold, playful manner that kept him imbalanced and intrigued. She had pulled him out of his dark mood, and for that, he was grateful.

  He watched as Oakes led her into the bathroom, saw the way her hips swayed in her black dress as she walked. She looked back over her shoulder and flashed him a dazzling smile.

  The hotel employee arrived promptly with a stack of towels. Carlo tipped him with a twenty and headed for the bathroom, the sounds of bubbling water growing louder as he approached. Beer in hand, he pushed open the door to find both Liv and Sam in the tub. She was holding her wine glass with one hand, her other arm bent on the side of the tub, her fingertips dangling into the bubbles. The water level was just above her nipples so that the upper part of her breasts were exposed. He was instantly aroused.

  “Hey, bud...you look a little overdressed.” Sam grinned, his arms outstretched along the hot tub, his broad chest glistening.

  “I can fix that.” Anticipation mounting, Carlo began unbuttoning his Oxford shirt and went into the bedroom to undress. He discovered Liv had laid her black dress over the chair in the room, and seeing it somehow increased his desire.

  He returned to the bathroom in his silk boxers, pleased to see Olivia appraising him. Her cheeks were very pink—from the wine, or the hot water, or her arousal. He preferred thinking it was the last.

  “Much better, Carlo.” Liv nodded her approval. “You're almost ready to get in.” She winked. “Almost.”

  Grinning, he met her gaze while he slid down his boxers with one hand, his beer bottle in the other. He wasn't in the least self-conscious; he'd always had a positive body image as he kept himself in top physical condition. Being well-endowed didn't hurt, either.

  He climbed into the Jacuzzi, sinking with a sigh into the hot water and settling himself on the built-in seat, facing Sam and Liv so that the three of them made a triangle.

  “Now this is what I call a business meeting,” Oakes chuckled. He raised his bottle. “To wet and naked networking.”

  They toasted and laughed. Sam drained his beer and set the bottle carefully on the edge of the tub. “I'm feeling like I need to seal the deal. With a kiss.”

  Carlo watched as Sam waded smoothly over to Liv. Her face was glowing with anticipation as he took her face in his hands and began to kiss her. She moved slightly so that she was sideways to Carlo, and he realized she had done this intentionally, so that he could watch without having Sam block his view. Liv returned Sam's kiss eagerly, her hands sliding up his wet arms to grip his shoulders. After a few moments, Sam slid his hands to her breasts, cupping and groping them as he kissed her more deeply. Liv sat upright, closing her eyes and tipping her head back. Sam bent down and fastened his lips around her rosy areola, the bubbly water swirling around her breasts.

  Jesus. Carlo's cock stiffened watching Oakes flicking his tongue over Liv's now-taut nipple. Her breasts were large and round—bigger than his preference, but appealing as hell. He found himself aching to touch her, to take over for Sam, but he would wait his turn.

  As Sam sucked on her nipple, Liv opened her eyes and stared directly at Carlo. There was unbridled lust in her gaze. Sam put his mouth to her other breast, and Liv's fingers dug into his shoulders. After a few moments, he straightened up, kissing a slow path up her chest and neck to her parted mouth. Her hands slid down underneath the water, and Carlo could hear Sam's groan above the Jacuzzi jets. His own erection grew as he imagined her hand around it.

  Olivia broke the kiss and looked over Sam's shoulder at Carlo. “I think it's only fair that we include the CEO of Miller Valve in this transaction.” She moved toward him in the steam, smiling, her body slick and shining. Damp tendrils of hair clung to her
cheeks. Laying her hands lightly on his bent knees, she leaned in to kiss him. He moved his legs apart so she could get between them, and for a moment that seemed to hang in time, he looked into her eyes, wishing he could see blue-green instead of dark brown. He wanted Liv—that couldn't be denied—and the need that had been simmering inside him pushed its way to the surface and ignited. He closed his eyes as he felt her lips touch his, hoping that as he let himself go, the ache would go as well.

  It felt strange, kissing another woman after Cassandra. Olivia's kiss was more assertive, her tongue insistent. He tasted wine, and a hint of peppermint. Her uninhibited eagerness fueled his desire. Carlo took her face in his hands and crushed her mouth as she made a small moan against his lips.

  He had to touch her. Kissing her deeply, he slid gentle fingers down her neck and shoulders to her breasts, and filled his hands with them. He traced the pebbled skin around her nipples and pinched the hard peaks, his cock straining against her bare belly as she gasped. Needing to feel the most intimate part of her, Carlo continued to caress one of her breasts while his other hand slid down her flat stomach to her pussy. Her soft folds were smooth and full. He rubbed her gently, teasingly, enjoying the sounds she was making, and slipped a finger inside her opening. Instantly, her muscles tightened around his finger, and he drew in his breath.

  Fuck...Carlo felt ready to explode. He could hardly stand to wait any longer, and apparently, Oakes couldn't, either. Sam had been watching them and now stood up rather unsteadily, his erection bobbing and water dripping off his body. Leaning over the tub, Sam reached to the floor and brought forth a foil packet which he quickly tore open. The man had been prepared.

  Sam rolled the condom down his cock, breathing heavily, and positioned himself behind Liv, his hands on her hips.

  “Carlo,” she said huskily, “sit on the side so I can take care of you.”

  He slid his wet body out of the hot tub and sat on the edge. She bent over to put her head between his legs, and he groaned as he felt her lips close around the end of his cock.


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