by David Owen
35 ibid.
47 ibid.
9. Sharks and Creativity: Visions of Hunter and Hunted
1 Steven Spielberg, quoted in Weekend Australian Magazine, 26–27 April 2008, p. 19.
4 Rishel, Joseph J. (1982), ‘A Lyonnais flower piece by Antoine Berjon (1754–1843)’, Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin, vol. 78, no. 336, pp. 20, 23.
5 ibid.
6 Masur, Louis P. (1994), ‘Reading Watson and the Shark’, The New England Quarterly, vol. 67, no. 3, p. 427.
7 Boime, Albert (1989), ‘Blacks in shark-infested waters: Visual encodings of racism in Copley and Homer’, Smithsonian Studies in American Art, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 21.
8 Staiti, Paul (2001), ‘Winslow Homer and the drama of thermodynamics’, American Art, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 24, 30–1.
10 Kent, Sarah (1994), Shark Infested Waters: The Saatchi Collection of British art in the 90s, London: Zwemmer, p. 35.
11 Kent, op. cit., p. 37.
12 ibid.
13 ibid.
14 Baker, Steve, The Postmodern Animal, London: Reaktion Books, 2000, p. 86.
16 Baker, op. cit., p. 12.
18 ibid.
20 Kingston, W.H.G. (William Henry Giles) (1876), The Three Lieutenants, London: Griffith & Farran, pp. 150–1, 152.
21 Melville, Herman (1851), Moby-Dick, New York: Harper & Brothers, ch. 66.
22 Poe, Edgar Allan (1838), The Narrative of A. Gordon Pym, New York: Harper & Brothers, ch. xiii.
23 Hemingway, Ernest (1952), The Old Man and the Sea, New York: Scribner, various pages.
25 ibid.
26 ibid.
27 Quirke, Antonia (2002), Jaws [BFI Modern Classics series], London: British Film Institute, p. 67.
Aboriginal traditions 26–7
Allen, Tom 223
American Elasmobranch Society 6, 253
ampullae of Lorenzini 103
angel shark 129, 130
aquarium trade 234
Aquatic World Awareness Responsibility and Education 262
arthritic pain, cure for 233
attacks see shark attacks
Australian National Fish Collection 255
basihyal 111
basking shark 8, 193–7
batoids x, 71, 94, 197–9, 201, 246
Benchley, Peter 266, 290
Berjon, Antoine 271–2
Bimini Biological Field Station 260
biology 96–116
bioluminescence 103
birth numbers 115
Bite-Back 264
‘Black December’ 19
blind sharks 165–6
blood 97, 114
blue shark 7, 152–4
bluntnose sixgill shark 133–5
Bondi Beach 16, 17
bone 97–8
bottom trawl netting 236, 245
brain 100
bramble shark 126–7
broadnose sevengill shark 135–6
Bruce, Barry 191
Buckley, John 280
bull shark 2, 6, 7, 22, 154–8
bycatch 230–1
bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) 236
cancer, cure for 234
Carcharhiniformes 92, 136
cartilage 96–100, 234
Cerny, David 278
Chimaeriformes 95, 219–20
China xiii, 224, 225, 231
chondrocytes 98
Clark, Dr Eugenie 265
claspers 37, 106, 114
classification 70–95
coffin ray 94, 212, 213
commercial fishing 223, 226–8, 235, 245
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 254
Compagno, Leonard 91, 143–4, 166
conservation 239–67
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) 232, 248
critically endangered species 242
cookie-cutter shark 104, 120
Copley, John Singleton 272–4, 275, 292
Coppleson, Victor 16
CoralWatch 262
cownose ray 95, 218, 254
creativity 268–94
crocodile shark 180
Cull, Jason 14–15
Dampier, William 65
Darwin, Charles 68
deepwater elasmobranchs 246
dermal denticles 37, 74, 104, 208
digestive processes 111–14
dorsal fin 106
dwarf lanternshark 118–19
elasmobranch 15, 24–6, 73–5
electric rays 104, 212–15
electroreceptors 103
elephant fish 221
Ellis, Richard 178
Ellis, William 35
Elmer, Jason 13
ethnotaxonomy 91
European attitudes to sharks 50–69
European Elasmobranch Association 252, 262
evolution 70–95
exploitation 222–38
extinction 242
eyesight 100–1
false catshark 145–6
Farallon Islands 239
feeding method 10
feeding pattern 13
finning 231
fins 105–6, 231, 233
anal 106
caudal 106
dorsal 106
pectoral 106, 114
pelvic 106, 107
definition 73–4
taxonomy 90
br /> ‘flat sharks’ xi, 197–9
Florida Museum of Natural History 6, 57, 257, 258
Florida Program for Shark Research 258
food, shark as 24–9, 229
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) 222–4, 226, 229, 248
food web (oceanic) 78
Fordham, Sonja 267
fossils 23–5, 83, 87–8, 96
frilled shark 132–3
Galapagos shark 149–52
Galeomorphs 91, 92, 136–7
Gallant, Jeffrey 125
Gbehanzin, Hossu Bowelle 48, 269
Geologic Timeline 78–81
gestation period 115
gills 107
glossopetrae 62–4
Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve (GRMR) 145
goblin shark 105, 178–80
great white shark 2, 4, 5, 100, 190–3
attacks by 7, 15, 16, 17
Greenland shark 122–6
Greenland Shark and Elasmobranch Education and Research
Group 109, 124–5
grey nurse shark 7, 184–6, 235, 242
Guardian (UK) 16
Gudger, E.W. 30–2
guitarfishes 199–202
gulper shark 226
hammerhead shark 7, 100, 158–61
Harvey-Clark, Chris 125
Hawkins, Sir John 56–8, 64
Heine, Bill 280
Hemingway, Ernest 288, 292
Henderson, Craig 213–14
Heterodontiformes 93, 175
Hexanchiformes 94, 131
Hirst, Damien 276–8
Holmberg, Jason 267
Homer, Winslow 272, 274, 277
hunting behaviour 4
Huveneers, Charlie 168
indigenous societies 23–49, 268–70
International Shark Attack File 6–7, 8
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 226, 242, 247
International Whale Shark Project 262
IPOA-Sharks 248–9
Iran, attacks in 7
Irwin, Steve 70–1
James Cook University 265
jaws 107–9
Jaws 1–2, 12, 19, 254, 265, 266, 290–4
Jenny Haniver 269–70
Kingston, W.H.G. 283
kitefin shark 122
Klimley, Peter 265
Köhnke, Glenys 32–4, 48–9
Lake Nicaragua 6, 157
Lamniformes 92, 177–8
Last, Peter 90, 201
late-veneer theory 77
lateral line system 101, 103
lemon shark 146–8
Leydig’s organ 97
liver 113, 233
Lorenzini, Stephan 103
Lucas, Dr Frederic Augustus 3
Lucas, Joanne 15
McCormick, Harold 72, 223
McDavitt, Matthew T. 267
Magnus, Olaus 53–5
mako sharks 100, 180–2
Maminyamanja, Nekingaba 269
Mäna (ancestral being) 39–40
manta ray 219
Māori traditions 27–8
Marine Conservation Society 264
Marine Protected Area (MPA) 145
marine vertebrates 72–3
Martin, Dave 5
Martin, R. Aidan 4
mating behaviour 52
Matthews, R.H. 27–8
Maugean skate 210–11
megalodon 88–90
megamouth sharks 104, 186–8
Melville, Herman 285, 290, 292
Mighall, Hannah 13
mistaken identity 4–5
Montgomery, Charles 47
Moroa 23
Mote Marine Laboratory 257–8
movement 104–7
Mundy, Syb 13
muscles 105
Myliobatiformes 95, 198, 215
nares 102
Natal Sharks Board 258–9
National Coalition for Marine Conservation 261
National Shark Research Consortium 257
Nerhus, Eric 13–14, 18
newborn sharks 116
nurse sharks 170–1
Ocean Conservancy 263
Oceana 264
Oceania Chondrichthyan Society 255
oceanic whitetip shark 2, 148–9
oceans 76–8
oil (shark liver) 113–14
Orectolobiformes 93, 164–5
oviparous 115
ovoviviparous 115
Pacific Shark Research Center 257
Pelagic Shark Research Foundation 260
Pemberton, David 2
Peter Benchley Shark Conservation Award 266
phytoplankton 78
Pillans, Richard 155–6
pineal gland 101
pinnipeds 4
pit organs 103
Poe, Edgar Allan 286
porbeagle 100, 182–4
Port Jackson shark 175–7
Port Macquarie 16–17
Portuguese shark 120–1
prickly dogfish 119–20
Pristiformes 94, 204
Pristiophoriformes 93, 127–8
Project Aware Foundation 262
protective strategies 226
pygmy ribbontail catshark 137
Rajiformes 95, 207
ram ventilation 108
recreational fishing 237, 244
reef sharks 140–5
ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research 261
reproduction 114–16
respiratory pumping 108
rete mirabile 105
Rhiniformes 94, 200
Rhinobatiformes 94, 200
river sharks 138–40
Robinson, George Augustus 45–6, 67–8
Rogers, Craig 5
rogue sharks 6
Roth, Walter 36–7
salmon shark 243
sawfishes 203–7
sawsharks 128–9
scavenging 6
school fish 16
scientific revolution 56, 68
Seal Island 4, 20
Senosiain, Javier 281
sensory processes 100–4
sensory system 3, 100–4
sevengill sharks 135
shagreen 66–7
fish, whether 72
orders of 90–1, 92–5
origins of word 55–7, 61
Shark Alliance 262
Shark Arm Case 112
Shark Attack Questionnaire 8
shark attacks 1, 2
Australian fatalities 10
behaviour prior to strike 8–9
‘bump and bite’ 8, 13
cluster 6
fatalities 10
‘hit and run’ 8
human victims 3–4
increase in 15–16
mistaken identity in 4
New Jersey, in 16–17
patterns of 8
preventing 16–21
protection against 19–21
statistics 6, 7, 8
unreported 7
shark-catching countries 224
shark farming 225
shark fin soup 231
Shark Foundation/Hai-Stiftung 263
shark nets 258–9
Shark-plan 251
shark-repellents 19-20
Shark Research Institute (SRI) 260
shark skin 28, 37–9, 74, 104–5; see also shagreen
Shark Specialist Group (SSG) 247
shark teeth xiv, 5, 34–8, 64, 110–11
Shark Trust 262
SharkPods 236
Sharks and Rays of Australia 90
shy sharks 166
skates 207–12
skeleton 96–100
skin see shark skin
skyrhakarl 28–9
sleeper rays 212, 214
Smith, Brad 11
snout 108
social applications 39–49
Species Survival Commission (SSC) 247
Spielberg, Steven 291–2
spined pygmy s
hark 119
spiny dogfish 25, 121, 241
spiracles 108
spiritual applications 39–49
spotted ratfish 220–1
squalene 113–14, 233–4
Squaleomorphs 91, 93, 118
Squaliformes 93, 118
Squatiniformes 94, 129
Stead, David 90
Steno, Nicolaus 63–4, 103
Stevens, John 90, 154
Stewart, Rob 267
stingarees 216–17
stingrays 26–7, 70–1, 215–19
stomach 111–13
strike, behaviour prior to 8–9
‘Summer of the Shark’ 15–16
swell sharks 137–8
Sydney Aquarium 234–5
Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP) 260
tail 106
tapetum lucidum 100–1
taxonomy of fishes 90
Taylor, Ron and Valerie 12–13, 265
teeth see shark teeth
teleosts 73–7
thresher shark 188–90
tiger shark 2, 7, 65, 161–4
Torpediniformes 94, 212
University of Queensland 155, 172, 262
USS Indianapolis 19, 291–2
Vassallo, Mario 11
viviparous 115
voluntary stomach rinsing 113
wedgefishes 202–3
wet-accretion hypothesis 76
whale shark 72, 172–4
Whiley, Sarah 11–12
Whitely, Gilbert 168
whitespotted spurdog 121–2
whitetip reef shark 140
wobbegongs 8, 167–9
worship of 39–49
young, care of 52
zebra shark 171–2
zooplankton 78