Quantum Earth

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Quantum Earth Page 15

by Julie Achterhoff

  They all went back to the car when they were sure the men were long gone and got in. They drove over to the pawn shop and paid the guy a hefty price for a couple of Sig Sauers. The money did the talking for them and they got what they needed with the funds from Beckham himself. Then they drove back to the hotel and turned the lights off after a half hour, although they all stayed in Shauna and Hawk’s room. Rob saw a Ford sedan in the parking lot with two guys sitting in it. They decided to wait until they left to make their second trip of the night.

  Chapter Twenty

  When they thought the coast was clear and the two goofballs had gone wherever they were staying for the night, Hawk, Shauna, and Rob made their way out to the car. Fern and Peter would stay behind saying they’d had enough action for the night. Shauna knew how they felt but couldn’t pass up this chance to actually meet beings from another planet. She was scared to death, but damned if she wasn’t going to go through with it. Hawk got out the directions and Shauna was driving. They drove up and around and all through mountain passageways. They’d left the main highway after a half hour. Then it was all twisting switchbacks and deeply rutted and washed out roads. Twice the road was barely passable, but the little Outback got them through all right.

  Two hours later they came to a crest overlooking a small valley and pulled over, and there it was– a small saucer-shaped spacecraft. There was a soft glow emanating from its exterior, and a low humming, like a vibration almost. Shauna couldn’t tell if she was hearing it or feeling it. The three hadn’t done much talking on the way. What was there to say when you were on the way to visit with Extra-Terrestrials? The three of them sat staring at the marvel.

  “This one’s a bit different from the one we saw this summer, Rob,” said Hawk.

  “Yeah,” said Rob. “For one thing that one was bigger by far. And do you feel that humming?”

  “Yeah. The welcome mat’s out. Shall we?”

  The three of them got out of the car and walked a path to the ship. A door lowered with steps going up inside it. A face appeared at the opening.

  “Hi Meera,” said Hawk. “We’re very glad to see you.”

  “Hello Hawk, Rob.” she said.

  “I’m Shauna Troy. Pleased to meet you, Meera,” Shauna said and shook her hand. It was the hand of a child, small and pale. Shauna was afraid she’d break it. Hawk and Rob took her hand as well, careful not to do damage.

  The inside of the ship was lit with natural light that looked like sunshine. The three team members stepped inside after Meera waved them in. “This is John,” said Meera, introducing them to what looked to be her only companion on the ship. He was just as petite and pale as she was. They shook hands.

  “Would you like some tea?” asked John as they sat around an oval table in chairs made of something similar to, but not quite, plastic.

  “That would be nice,” said Shauna. “What kind of tea is it?”

  “It’s from a nutritional plant from our planet called Gaia root,” said Meera. “It will help us understand one another better as we communicate and it also tastes wonderful.” She smiled. She had elfin-like features. She had large doe eyes of brown and a sweet little mouth. She reminded Shauna of an actress from before talkies took over. John was about the same size and could have been a close relative. Maybe a brother. His face was much the same as hers only his mouth was more masculine. They were both stunning to look at.

  “I hope we can shed some light on what’s been happening on Earth for you,” said Meera as they all sat with their tea in front of them. It was delicious. Especially after the long drive.

  “I hope so, too,” said Hawk. “We haven’t been able to make much sense out of it I’m afraid. I mean, to a certain extent we can see what’s happening.”

  John spoke up, “There are many changes going on in your world. We have been trying to help, but we are outnumbered in our way of thinking by others of our kind. You see we understand that this is in reality only a very small thing in the big picture. Your lives on Earth are tiny compared to the vastness of non-linear time. You see things as being cataclysmic at this time. Our people see it as less than momentous. But a few of us have taken a different look from your side of life and believe that all of this is too difficult for you to handle and could cause irreparable harm to your higher selves. That is the greater part of you that contains all your lives on this planet and sometimes on others. Do you understand what I am saying so far?”

  “Yeah, so far so good,” said Rob.

  “So what can we do now?” asked Shauna.

  “First let us explain basically what’s happening,” said Meera, “then we can talk about what you can do, alright?”

  “Okay then. Go ahead.”

  “The Earth is going through a natural phase of cleansing,” said Meera. “This occurs every so often to some extent or another. Also, the macrocosm reflects the microcosm. What is happening on the Earth is a reflection of what is going on inside of you humans on a soul level. As Americans it is very difficult for you to even slightly comprehend what is happening for most of the peoples of the Earth. Most people’s backs are virtually breaking with the strain. Therefore, it is time to cleanse. Both for the Earth and for the individual. In this cycle only 1.98 percent of the people will remain in physical form. This is no problem for us. What we are having a hard time coming to terms with is the incredible suffering that will come from the devastating natural and not so natural disasters that are coming more frequently every day now. You must understand that this in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. The true negativity lies in the fact that your people for the most part are aligned with ego, and so do not understand the consequences of all this as we do. In the end it will be a truly beautiful thing. After the cleansing there will be a joyous peace for all those who may choose to incarnate again in human form on the Earth.

  “Even the mostly mythical Bible of your Christian peoples has talked of this time, although it’s only partly true. But after all this is over, anyone who wants to see the Earth as its beautiful self once again may do so. You see, the Earth is one of many schools where spirits take on a very dense form to realize what they need to for their souls’ growth. It is really just an experiment of sorts. There are some people who are very highly ascended on your planet who understand that they must just be in the present, Fear comes from thinking about the past or the future. Then there are those who are caught up in ego and live in fear.

  “There are some who are on such low levels that they are lower than animals. These are the rapists and murderers and such. They are not to be judged however. They are simply on lower vibrational levels and have come here to learn as has everyone else. There are a greater number of these types of souls on Earth at present than ever before. This is part of why this cleansing must occur.” Meera stopped speaking to see if we were keeping up with her.

  “Wow,” said Rob. “This is a lot to take in. What can we do to stop this stuff from happening?”

  “There is nothing you can do but understand that you must stay present whatever happens. You must accept whatever happens no matter what. We thought we could help, but the only way is through understanding,” said John. “What’s happening on the outside is just the same as what’s happening on the outside. If you keep doing what you have been doing there’s nothing else you could expect to happen.”

  “But we thought you were going to help us,” said Hawk. “We thought there must be some way to make this stop. So what you’re saying is that the world as we know it is coming to an end and there’s not a whole hell of a lot we can do about it?” He rubbed the stubble on his chin. He almost looked insane, or close to it. Shauna could see that Meera and John had sympathy for their plight, but they were perhaps too highly evolved to really get why they were so desperate to find some answers. To somehow save the world, in a way.

  “We understand where you’re coming from,” said Shauna. “And maybe you think you understand where we’re coming from. But unfortunately t
here’s no way we can help very many people at all from what you’ve told us so far. I can see how this all makes sense now, but it still doesn’t make it any better for us or the millions of people who are going to suffer and die because the Earth wants to shake itself clean.”

  “I’m truly sorry we can’t be of more help,” said Meera. “We have tried to think of ways to make the changing easier for your people. But it’s you who are causing it and it is you who must fix it. It’s not up to us. There’s nothing we can do to stop the tides from coming in and washing it all clean. The filth has gone far too long. It is simply a fact of life.” And she left it at that. Shauna felt dejected. She felt like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz when she finds out there’s nothing in the great and powerful wizard’s bag for her. On the other hand, didn’t it turn out that all she ever really needed was in her own back yard? Shauna stifled a grin at the thought.

  “Well, we should probably get going guys,” she said. “Unless you have anything else to add.” She looked from Hawk to Rob, then to Meera and John. It seemed that all had been said that needed to be said.

  “I’m sorry if you feel we have wasted your time, but hopefully you will realize what you need to do,” said Meera. Like tapping our feet together, thought Shauna. Maybe it was the tea, but she somehow felt lighter.

  “Please don’t take offense Meera,” said Hawk. “You haven’t wasted our time. We shouldn’t have felt like there was some magical way we could get out of this mess we’re in. You’re right- about everything. We made this mess and now we’re responsible for getting it cleaned up.”

  “You’re right, Hawk,” said Rob. “Maybe there is something more we can do. If we can get anybody to listen to us. Maybe we can at least soften the blow if not make it all go away.” The three stood up to leave. Meera and John saw them out and they said their good-byes.

  “We’ll see each other again,” said Meera. And the door closed upwards behind them.

  The moon was almost full and gave them plenty of light to make it up to the car. Hawk took Shauna’s hand. “How are ya doing?” he asked her. “I’m okay. I kind of feel better. I know we didn’t get exactly what we came for, but I do feel better. Quite good, actually.”

  “What am I gonna tell Beckham?” Hawk asked as he got into the driver’s seat.

  “Tell him the truth,” said Shauna. “He’s a big boy. He can take it.”

  They drove back down the washed out, rutted roads they’d come on back to the hotel. Fern and Peter were waiting for them anxiously. “Tell us everything,” said Peter. So Hawk, Shauna, and Rob described their visit with the aliens.

  “They were very much like us actually, although I got the impression they were as frail as paper,” said Shauna.

  “Yeah, me too,” said Rob. “The ship was very plain. They gave us this tea that tasted like dirt, but it made me feel pretty good, relaxed.” Rob told them some of the things they’d said. There wasn’t too much good news.

  “I thought they had a lot of good things to say,” said Hawk. “Very clear. Now I feel like I understand what’s happening a lot more than I did.” He got up to get some water out of the mini-fridge in the room.

  “I really feel more positive about things,” said Shauna. She’d been thinking the whole thing over and over in her head. “I just wish there was something, anything we could do. But according to Meera and John it’s just gonna happen no matter what.”

  “But what do we do from here as far as research goes?” asked Peter. “We can’t stop now. There are a lot of people suffering out there who need us.” The discussion turned sour. Peter wasn’t convinced that what Meera and John had to offer was the ultimate answer. Neither was Fern. “I think we should do some more channeling with Noah– and Peter. We still haven’t all seen what he can do,” said Fern. Hawk agreed. He wanted to go ahead and go back to Six Rivers and talk to everyone and redefine what their mission would be after gaining the information from that night. He felt good, too, though. Something had clicked for him back at the spaceship. Maybe they could help others understand so they wouldn’t be so afraid of the inevitable global changes that were happening, with the worst still to come.

  They decided to try and get a few hours rest before they got a flight home in the morning. Everyone returned to their rooms and said goodnight. Shauna was zooming with energy and hoped Hawk was up to talking some more before sleep. She found out that it wasn’t sleep or talking that was on his mind, and he had her clothes off shortly after he closed the door.

  “I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve got to have you right this minute,” he whispered in her ear as he put his hands all over her body. “Is that so?” she said breathlessly. He’d caught her so off guard she didn’t have time to think. She pulled his pants down and started unbuttoning his shirt where she began rubbing her hands through the hair on his chest and started kissing him. He pulled her to the bed where they collapsed together. His mouth went everywhere and she groaned. How did he know exactly what to do and do it so well? It was as if he was her perfect match, so unlike anyone she’d been with before. Shauna couldn’t even come up for air. Hawk did everything right and had her over the top within minutes. She could barely breathe. But she wanted more and so did he apparently. They made love until the first lights of dawn were coming through, when they fell exhaustedly to sleep. Shauna would have to wait to get her talking out.

  Chapter Twenty One

  She woke up fairly early, still feeling exuberant from the last night’s activities and called to get a flight home. Shortly after that there was a knock on the door. Hawk woke up and headed for the bathroom, grabbing his clothes off the floor as he went. Shauna put on her robe and answered it. Rob was there looking all ready to go. “Hawk’s in the shower, but you can come sit. We can order up some coffee.”

  “Sounds good. I think the others are almost ready too, so you’d better order more.”

  “Will do,” she said. Another knock, and it was Peter. “Come on in, Peter. How are you this morning?” She went to the phone.

  “I’m doing good,” he said. Did you and Hawk come up with anything last night?” Shauna smiled secretively as she dialed for room service. “Not too much,” she said.

  Rob and Peter talked about the ego for a while as they waited for the coffee and bagels Shauna had ordered.

  “So the ego was somehow implanted in humans by negative forces? By Belial, they said?” Peter asked.

  “Yeah, man. I know it’s pretty far out there,” said Rob. I guess that’s another name for the devil. Not that I’m into the whole Judeo-Christian thought process.”

  “It might be a bit out there,” said Shauna. “But you have to admit it sure makes a lot of sense. I’ve tried to understand what’s going on in this crazy world and looked at a lot of different things, like we’re some kind of virus on the Earth and stuff like that, but this really rings true for me and the more I think about it the more it fits with the entire history of humanity. No animal is a plague to the Earth like us humans. Without the ego I figure we’d be a lot more like the other animals on this planet.” Hawk brought a waft of steam with him as he left the bathroom, towelling his hair dry. He was dressed from the waist down and Shauna almost wished they were alone again. She bit her lip.

  Another knock on the door brought Fern, and before she could close the door the busboy arrived with their breakfast. Shauna tipped him and got a cup for herself and told everybody to help themselves. She wanted a shower, but she wanted the coffee more for now. She felt strange being the only one not dressed in street clothes. These were basically her and Hawk’s employees, but they had certainly gotten close since this research had begun.

  “Fern, what do you think of the human ego?” asked Peter.

  “I think it’s not what it’s cracked up to be, that’s for sure!” That got a laugh, even from Peter. “Seriously, though, from what Meera and John told these guys I can see how it’s been a kind of curse on us. It makes me think of Sleeping Beauty. You know how at fir
st the prick of the needle was going to kill her, but the last fairy still had her wish, which was instead of her dying she would just fall asleep until a prince came and kissed her. So it started off being the worst thing anyone could think of, but there was like a little addendum or quid pro quo that changed everything. They weren’t able to keep her away from that spinning wheel on her eighteenth birthday, but it wasn’t going to be the end of the world. Maybe there’s something like that with us.” Everyone sat quietly mulling this over. What if there was some catch to all this? What if there was a little addendum to the Earth having to shake us off her back like fleas? Was there some saving grace to it all? Maybe they could find out.

  “Fern, that is far out!” said Rob, and high-fived her. She smiled.

  “And I thought I was the one who thought in analogies all the time,” said Shauna. “You go, girl.”

  Hawk sat on the bed with a thoughtful look on his face. Shauna asked him what he was thinking about. “Oh, just stuff,” he said, and continued thinking. Whatever was on his mind, it was still in their percolating. Shauna felt excited about the possibilities, but also had a strong dose of skepticism mixed in. She couldn’t imagine how they could change anything that was coming to pass. They were only seven people trying to figure out basically how to save the world. It seemed egotistical, to coin a phrase, to even have hope. How ironic it would be that their egos might actually end up helping them figure this whole thing out.

  Shauna said, “I’m taking a shower now, but our flight is in a couple hours, so everybody be ready, okay?” She took her clothes in with her since everybody was still in the room. She hated getting dressed in a steamy bathroom.

  “This is an excellent question for us all to think about folks,” said Hawk. “We have something new to think about. I’ll bet Hutch will have something to say about this.” He picked up the phone and got in touch with him right away. Hawk explained what had happened the previous night and as much information as he could remember. He even included the story of Sleeping Beauty so Hutch could see what they were thinking. “I don’t expect you to come up with any answers on the spot right now, but talk to Susan and Noah about it and we’ll see you all this afternoon. If we can put our heads together with Noah’s and Peter’s special talents maybe we can find our way out of this mess. There’s got to be a way. We’ve already got momentum going for us. Let’s use it to our advantage.” Hutch was mystified, but agreed readily to let Noah and Susan in on the latest news. They’d agreed to meet at the airport.


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