The Baby Pact_A BDSM Romance

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The Baby Pact_A BDSM Romance Page 3

by Riley Rollins

  “Tell me you want this,” he demanded. “You won’t have another chance. Once it’s done, you’re mine…”

  “I want this,” I whispered. And he looped the cold satin around my wrists and pulled it tight, creasing the flesh and making it burn. “Tight,” I begged. “Tighter…”

  He looped it again, spreading the tension of the fabric and pulled until my breath hissed through my teeth. The sensation was sharp, intense, but just short of pain.


  Then his heavy cock dragged along my hip as he reached above us both and tied the free end to the baluster above us. My heart was pounding with anticipation and thick, sweet memories. How could he know, this perfect, perfect stranger?

  He pulled until my arms were fully stretched… my toes only skimming the wood floor below. My bare breasts swayed against the heat of his muscled chest, and he leaned in and kissed me without touching me, until I was panting and frantic. He reached down and picked up the thin strip of satin I’d worn over my nipples and smiled in a way that stirred something even deeper than desire. He kissed each hard nipple and I could feel the power building inside him. It was everything between us, held back and threatening to be released. Then he tied the pink satin back around me, using it to bind my breasts this time, not to cover them… He pulled it tight, strapping my breasts so close together that my nipples were only inches apart and I was firm and round, and thrust fully forward.

  “I could fuck you here,” he said darkly, running two thick fingers up the tight, narrow space between my tied flesh. He pulled his fingers out and slipped them into my open mouth. “Or here…”

  I sucked and licked, savoring the salt of his skin. He smiled and slipped them back between my breasts, stroking and teasing me. “Or would you rather I fuck you like this?” he asked, dropping his hand suddenly and plunging his wet fingers deep and high in my pussy.

  “Ah… that’s what I thought,” he growled at my response. He buried his hand, pushing three fingers in and up to the knuckle. He sucked one protruding nipple into his hot mouth until my thighs were soaking. I ached to touch him, to even just look at him, but I was held fast. He was an outline in the darkness, and I could only feel what he gave me to feel. I was slipping fast over the edge, when desire turns almost to suffering. His cock butted up against my belly and I jerked, twisting to wrap a leg around his thigh and force him closer, biting into the heavy muscle of his shoulder.

  “No submissive, indeed,” he growled with pleasure. “My little angel has a fucking dark side, doesn’t she?” He bit my nipple gently, twisting it and forcing a groan from me. “Thank God for that,” he said through his teeth. “A man needs a woman with spirit… a woman who hands over her trust because she wants to…”

  He pulled his mouth away, letting his teeth graze me and the jolt I felt was pure electricity. Every nerve was alive and pulsing, every inch of my body pushed beyond its limits.

  “Then fuck me now,” I demanded, my words almost lost in the pounding music and the tension in my throat. ‘If there’s any mercy in you…”

  He lifted me by the hips and spun me around, the satin sash twisting and tightening on my wrists. He gripped my thighs, my ass… and spread me wide…

  Cold air met hot, aching need.



  Masked or not, she was fully exposed.

  I drank in her scent, her heat, plunging in for one last taste of her before I took her. My tongue swept from sweet hot clit to her tender little ass. I could feel her body beginning to reach up… up toward the climax that hovered just out of reach. She was primed and moaning, her head rolling from side to side. I braced my feet, pushing forward with my hips, lining up her center with the head of my cock. I pushed and pulled all at once, impaling her, and the sound she made was purely primal, setting off a force inside I could no longer control. I set up a rhythm that took us both straight to the edge.

  “I want to see your face when you come,” I groaned into the back of her neck. I gripped her, started to turn her… and her whole body tensed.

  “I can’t…”

  “You will,” I answered as she struggled against the satin bindings. I pushed her knees up to her chest. Then I spun her on my cock until she faced me, almost coming in the process. “Let me take off your mask,” I said, putting her ankles over my shoulders. She dangled from her wrists, but my cock held the weight of her body. I gave a jolting buck with my hips, bouncing her on my shaft.

  “You can’t,” she said, even as her walls started to tighten. “Please don’t ask me…” I bucked again and felt a gush of her fluid drip from the base of my cock, down the front of my thighs. “I came here for this…,” she said, “but…”

  “But you have secrets to hide,” I filled in. I pressed her thighs together to intensify the friction against her clit. Then I pounded into her, rocking her body with my thrusts and finding her mouth with mine. My fingers slipped between our bodies and I rolled her rock hard little nub in circles. I could sense the explosion building inside her…. rising to the surface…

  “Then at least trust me with your name,” I demanded. Her breath was hot against my mouth, her body was trembling and she was beginning to lose control. Her thighs shook and I thrusted even harder.

  “No,” she gasped. I plunged in deeper and rolled the head of my cock against her cervix, stretching her, pushing her, finding her limit.

  “Then say his name,” I said. “This man you can’t forget…” I felt my cock swell as my own climax started to rise up…

  “Will,” she cried out, the word fraught with both pleasure and pain. “Oh, God… Will…”

  And the crashing wave of sweet release took us both. I reached up and set her free, tearing the satin and wrapping her in my arms. Her hands tangled in my hair, tore at the skin of my back… her legs gripped my waist and her heels dug into my spine. And still I drove on, thrusting into her sweet, wet depths, filling her with six long years of pent-up need. My seed spilled out of her and still I pulsed. I gave everything inside me, and the power of her climax drew out even more. Long after I was empty, my rod, still hard and pulsating, filled her. Sweat made us slick and it dripped from where we were still joined. I could feel her heartbeat in her tight walls. And every few seconds, she spasmed against me… a slow, reliable rhythm that made me throb in reply… I held her shaking, spent body against me, unwilling for the moment to ever end.



  I had lost all sense of time and place.

  It could have been minutes… or hours. Maybe I had slept and dreamed it all…

  But when I opened my eyes, he was there. And he was still inside me. He sat on a deep velvet chair, and we were still hidden away under the staircase. I was draped across his lap, still naked, and our bodies were still joined. He swept the hair out of my eyes with a gentle hand and I felt sure it was all a dream. His touch, his voice, his scent… everything about him was exactly what I remembered and more. But he wasn’t my Will. He was a stranger I had given myself to. I reached up, desperate, but found my mask was still there. I had that, at least. I was still a woman without identity…

  But I was completely unprepared for this moment.

  Mattie and I had planned tonight. We’d talked, argued, debated. I’d been terrified, excited… sure and unsure. But I’d never thought it through this far. How do you say goodbye to a man who’s given you more than you ever dared hope for? A man without a name or a face… who just fulfilled every hope, every need, every single thing you thought you’d never experience again? Another man, with the same power to make me feel what I’d only ever felt with Will…

  I rested in his arms, letting him touch me, pet me, all the while his cock giving my aching pussy something hot and hard to squeeze against…

  “Do you always do this with your women?” I asked softly, staring into his eyes. They were brilliant even in the shadows and so strangely familiar. “Let them bask in the afterglow?”

  His lips twi
tched and lifted at the corners. “My women…,” he said, drawing out the words on his tongue. “Woman, I think you mean. And yes… though it’s been many years…”

  My mind raced. He’s married and she pushes him away. That’s why he comes here… to get what he needs from strangers…

  “She was my angel,” he said slowly, looking at me intently. His cock throbbed like punctuation. “And I lost her.”

  “So you come here…?”

  “Not until tonight.”

  My walls tightened against my will, and he smiled again in his familiar way. “Me, too,” I said in a tiny voice. “It’s my first time here.”

  “But not being bound,” he shot back easily. “That’s what you came here for…” He rocked his hips ever so slightly.

  “Yes,” I admitted, clenching my teeth. “It only happened once, and I… I…”

  “And you needed the experience again,” he finished smoothly, nodding. “It was the same for me.” He ran his warm, rough palm over my breast, letting the nipple catch between his thick fingers. “It created a need I never forgot either.” He moved my legs apart with his other hand until my thighs rested outside of his. My back rested against his chest and his jaw was tucked into the crook of my neck. His breath was warm and heavy. His fingers drew lazy circles over my belly.

  “Will you come here again?” he asked, kissing the curve of my neck. “For this… for me?” His fingers trailed downward and touched my clit like a whisper.

  “No,” I answered honestly. “I can’t… I can’t ever again.” I was panting in time to the movements of his fingers. My pussy clenched tight, asserting its own demands. “This was only for tonight,” I said reluctantly. “This isn’t who I really am. And it’s not who I can be again…”

  “We’re the sum of our own choices,” he answered, moving his hips against the swell of my ass. “We can be whoever… whatever… we choose for ourselves.”

  I thought of Violet and felt him thicken, lengthen again inside me. “I’m here now,” I said, already losing my will to the power of sensation. “It’s all I can give you… the only promise I can offer…”

  He turned me on his cock, pivoting me and forcing me to face him, the twisting motion almost unbearably intense. I straddled him, my breasts dragging heavily on his chest as he pulled me close. He pushed my hands down along with his, to where his cock filled me. For the first time, I realized how wet we were together…

  So wet… too wet… and down my thighs. He pumped and I could hear the sound of us. Where I should have felt the rim of his condom there was nothing but slick, veined flesh. He had come inside me and I’d taken it all. His eyes glowed with pleasure as he pumped inside me.

  “You’ll come back for me, angel,” he said, as my traitorous body was swept away by the current of promised pleasure. “I am your choice… And you may be my only chance…

  You belong to me now and I’m not letting go.” He held my hips and thrust, licking and sucking my nipples as they brushed his face. “You need more just as much as I do…

  You’ll come here again…

  And so will I…”



  I left my mask on… all the way home.

  Even though it was only Mattie and me, and a taxi driver so jaded he barely glanced at us as we climbed into his backseat. Mattie, her usual perceptive self, let me sit in silence and hide in the shelter of the darkness. I felt another trickle of warm fluid seep through my dress and onto my coat.

  Even at this time of night, the Seattle traffic was thick and slow. I looked out the window, watching tiny droplets of mist cling together and run down the glass. The red and yellow lights outside swirled, making me think of a Van Gogh painting. Mattie sighed softly, in sleepy satisfaction, and leaned her head against my shoulder. But I wasn’t sure I’d ever manage to sleep again. In one single night, my whole world had changed.

  I should have been panicked… at the possibility of pregnancy, or even worse… He’d been inside me, unprotected, for what must have been hours altogether. And he’d come inside me twice. I felt another bubble of fluid between my legs.

  And yet all I could really feel was wave after sweet wave of pleasure, like quicksilver in my veins. I’d thought no man could ever make me feel the way that Will had. And I’d been completely wrong…

  The taxi pulled up outside our apartment. Mattie paid the driver and unlocked the front door. Her sister Donna shifted on the sofa and put down her curled, dog-eared paperback.

  “Did Violet give you any trouble?” I asked instinctively. Mattie headed for the bathroom.

  “Not a bit,” she answered, standing up and giving her arms a stretch. “She practiced on the piano for a while after dinner… We ate out on the patio. She always seems to like that. She can put out bread for the birds.”

  I nodded and pulled my coat a little closer. Donna knew where we’d gone, of course. Mattie had been into the Dom lifestyle since we’d graduated high school. Still, I felt my cheeks burn as they reddened.

  “What did she play… did you recognize it?” I asked, from habit. My almost five-year-old daughter Violet’s moods were often hard to determine. The last year had taught me to listen to her music. Rachmaninoff on her good days… nocturnes by Chopin on her darker ones.

  “Now, you know I can’t tell one of them from another,” Donna replied. “But it was pretty… maybe just a little sad…” She helped Mattie off with her coat and turned her eyes away, shaking the water off and hanging it by the door. “But she went off to bed without a peep and has been sound asleep ever since.

  Now I’m gonna head for home,” she said, reaching for her own jacket. “Bill’s probably waiting up for me.” She gave me a wink and a quick hug. She tightened her arms around me a few moments longer when I didn’t let go. “Bit of a shocker?” she whispered in my ear.

  “...little bit,” I answered, kissing her full, soft cheek. Donna was almost twenty years older than Mattie, and her own kids had long since left the nest. She was kind and motherly, head of the special ed program at an elementary school down the street. Without her and Mattie for support, I’d have never made it through single motherhood, let alone college. The three of us had pulled together like family. We were family. And she could read me like a book.

  “Are you still glad you went?” she asked softly. “I know my sister can be pretty bossy…”

  I opened my mouth to answer her, but nothing came out. I blinked, waiting for the words, but there were too many and not enough, all at once. My body, my mind, my emotions, and my memories ran like rivers in different directions. She put her hand on the side of my face, and I let out all the breath I’d been holding in…

  “Just sleep,” she said wisely. “I doubt there’s anybody knows better than you do that some things just take a while to sort out.” She picked up her book and stuffed it in her pocket. “I think it’s good that you took a chance tonight. We all love our comfort zones, but sometimes they can get too small… too isolating.” She squeezed my hand. “It was time,” she said, sagely.

  I nodded, knowing she was right. “You and your sister,” I said, opening the door for her. “My two wise women…”

  She blew me a kiss and climbed in her old car. I watched until she was out of sight. Mattie had just finished up in the bathroom and came out, wrapped in a towel, her bright hair dripping.

  “You look like you saw a ghost tonight,” she said, rubbing her head with a corner of the terrycloth. “Should I feel guilty?”

  I took my coat off and the lingering scent of us wafted up. “I don’t believe in guilt and you know it,” I shot back. “It was just… well, I never expected…”

  “That you’d like it so much?” she asked. She plopped down on the old plaid sofa and looked at me.

  “Or that I’d… well, that I’d…”

  “That was pretty much my first reaction, too,” she said, smiling. “I saw the man you were with.” Her smile deepened. “If I didn’t already have Rex r
ight under my thumb where I want him, you might have some competition.”

  I grinned back, knowing full well she was one big bluff. “Not with him,” I said. “I don’t think there’s a woman on earth who could dominate him… not even you….” I flashed back to how powerfully he’d tied me. “ offense….”

  “None taken,” she grinned. “Nope, Rexie and I have got a good thing going. And there’s nothing I like more than having him all to myself. We both just like the atmosphere, you know. It’s fun to tease yourself… and your partner. Like you’re both living more dangerously than you really are.”

  I thought about the room, the primal feelings it provoked… the pleasure that had hung heavy in the air. I nodded, understanding her lifestyle on a whole new level.

  “Well, I’m off to bed,” she said, leaning over to give my hand a squeeze. “Just let yourself enjoy it,” she said. “Don’t overthink or doubt yourself. It was just an evening… to celebrate one hell of an accomplishment. You’ve got your degree and a great new job ahead. You’re strong and independent and the best mom I ever saw.” She stood up and headed for the hall. “Want me to look in on the muffin?” she asked.

  “No… no, I will,” I answered. I took a deep, empowering breath. “I’ll shower and check her before I turn in.

  “I love you, Mattie.”

  “And I love you, too. Always have, always will.



  “Tonight…? Did you get what you went there for?”

  “I did,” I replied, honestly. “And maybe even more…”

  I opened the door to Violet’s little room and slipped inside. It was more of a closet, really. But she needed a space of her own, and when we’d moved in here, I’d turned it into the prettiest, coziest nursery I could. I’d replaced her crib with a tiny bed as she’d grown. She was asleep, deeply asleep in the way only children can manage. Her soft dark hair curled over pink cheeks. One tiny arm was flung over her forehead and I could see the birthmark that was normally hidden. It was small, under her arm and hidden in the fold… shaped almost like a heart. Her lovemark, I called it. And she always giggled in her silent way when I kissed it…


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