His Virgin Bride

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His Virgin Bride Page 46

by Kara Hart

  It comes in waves of complete satisfaction and pleasure. I cum inside her. I let it all out. Her hands come forward, cupping my balls as they ascend. My front door swings open from a gust of cold wind and suddenly, we’re in the depths of winter, free and still. She smiles and arches her head forward, so cute and happy. Kissing my lips, she falls against me and I hold her, light and steady, bringing her to my bedroom.

  We collapse onto the bed and she runs her hand across my chest. “Let’s be lovers forever,” she says.

  “Forever and ever.” I smile. “Until I’m old and walking with a cane.”

  “I really can’t wait to see that,” she laughs. “I can’t even imagine it.” She looks me up and down, playing with the tight skin rippling around my stomach.

  Really, there’s so much we can do and achieve when we are together. I know that this will be everything, even if we’re stuck in this small town. “By the way,” I laugh a little. “Halloway is going to work for the company too.”

  She pushes her hand down, shoving me back. “Halloway?” she repeats.

  “Yeah, and, uh, he’s going to be my best man.” I chuckle some more to lighten up the mood.

  “Well, I was thinking Judy might be my bridesmaid,” she bites her lip.

  “He’ll be on his best behavior,” I tell her. “I promise.”

  “You know what? I don’t care what happens as long as I’m with you,” she says. “As long as we’re together.”

  I hold her in my arms tonight, but I don’t go to sleep. I don’t have that tired feeling in my soul right now, at least not yet. I keep glancing at the window as some small flakes begin to fall. I’m just so… I think astonished is the right world. Grateful too. I can’t believe all the roads that I took in my insane life have led me to her. I can’t believe that, even with all the war trauma and hard nights being alone in a small town, I still found the brightest light in all the world. I found her and she’s with me now, forever.

  She’s asleep with that ring on her finger. And that means, I have to hold myself accountable and give her everything that I can to lift her up, even when I’m feeling down. I cup her ass in my hands, and yes – everything is all good. Hoorah.

  Epilogue: Helena

  Much, much, later…

  “Toby! Get your butt down here and get to the bus! You’re going to be late!” I scream, knowing my sweet son is taking his damn time, watching videos on YouTube like he always does. When he doesn’t answer, I lose it. “Ugh, I’m going to kill him, I swear. “

  Of course, Addison is just like Toby, only much older. He’s sipping on his coffee, with a shit-eating grin attached to his face, thinking all of this is hilarious. I give him an angry glance and he sets his mug on the table, nodding. “Okay, okay,” he says, gulping down. “Toby, listen to your mother!” he calls out. “She doesn’t work so hard so you can lounge around.”

  “Fiiiine,” Toby murmurs. He opens the door and smiles at both of us.

  “We should have never gotten him that phone,” I shake my head.

  “They all have them now,” Addison says. “His teacher says it was either that or the tablet.”

  “Well, it’s stupid,” I say, knowing the world has changed into something completely different. All of that stuff was just coming out when I taught at Canton Junior High. Now they require them to have it with them instead of books? It doesn’t make sense to me.

  “Sorry Ma,” Toby reluctantly says as he scoots by me.

  “Good boy.” Addison smiles. “So respectful to the beautiful women in his life.”

  “Tryin’ for bonus points, I see,” I laugh. “Hey, don’t forget your cap.”

  I grab his hat and put it on him, a bit too tight around his forehead. He groans and readjusts it. He looks so handsome, every single morning and I die a little every time I notice him grow up. Today is one of those times and even though I’m choking up, I feel so happy he’s with us in this family now.

  “Love you, mom,” he says. “See you after practice.”

  “Hit a homerun!” Addison calls out. Toby smiles and makes a batting stance, swinging an imaginary bat. He makes a crashing noise and runs out the door.

  “The crowd goes wild!” Addison yells. Toby screams and meets up with some neighborhood friends, down the way.

  “Hey, Mrs. Williams!” One of them smiles.

  “Mrs. Williams, wassup!” Another one winks.

  I wave and shut the door, shaking my head. “They love you,” Addison laughs. “You’re the hot mom on this block.”

  “Oh God, please don’t say that,” I close my eyes tight. “That’s creepy as hell.”

  “At least you don’t bake them cookies like some of these moms do,” he says.

  “Some of the moms bake them cookies?!” I exclaim.

  “No, but I’m kind of getting turned on imagining you in an apron, all covered in dough.” He gives me a sly look and stares at my tits.

  “Yeah, is that what you want?” I ask him, sitting on his lap, my ass against his pelvis. Even after all these years, his cock works better than anybody else’s. I unbutton my shirt a little, until my cleavage spills out for him.

  “Jesus, woman. How?” He kisses the curves of my neck and feels around my waist.

  “How what?” I ask him.

  “How are you even real?” He licks his lips. I move off of him and bend over, next to the fireplace.

  “You’re killing me,” he mutters.

  “You really like my body still?” I ask him, jutting my butt into the air. I crawl forward a little, smiling. “Even after everything we’ve been through?

  I can’t say marriage is the easiest thing in the world. If I thought dating was difficult, I was an idiot. Getting married, spending your money on a new business, and having a kid is about the toughest thing anyone can do, but we’re still here. We’re still fighting. We’re still madly in love. And, yes, we still have sex five times a week.

  We’re insane, but this is the life we’ve chosen. All in all, it’s not as hard as it could have been.

  He strips down until he’s fully naked. His cock is unimaginable. He’s a man now. He’s more of a man than he’s ever been before. He steps forward and eyes me. He puts his hand down and squeezes his fingers against my clit and lips. He knows my body unlike anybody else. He knows it inside and out.

  “Do I like your body?” He mulls the thought over. His cock just grows and grows. “I live for this body, woman.” He runs his hands up to my hips and squeezes, not gently, but hard. “It’s been a day since we’ve fucked. I need you right fucking now.”

  “Thought so.” I smile, feeling myself getting wetter by the second.

  The phone rings right as he’s about to penetrate me, right as we’re both about to feel that warm goodness. “Fuuuck,” he groans.

  “Just put it in me,” I plead. “Come on.”

  “I’ve gotta answer this. We’re behind on some payments,” he says. See. Marriage is a bitch sometimes.

  “Just do it.” I widen my eyes. He grabs the phone and answers it.

  “Yeah?” he says. “Ah, Halloway. What’s up?”

  I don’t care that he’s talking on the phone. I grab his cock and guide it to my center. I close my eyes and feel him push inside me. We both groan loudly. “Yes!” I scream.

  “Are you guys really having sex right now?” I hear Halloway say on the other side of the line.

  Addison coughs and makes a weird noise. “Uhhhh,” he says. “Yeah, Halloway, I’m going to need to call you back. Sorry, brother.” He hangs up the phone and we both laugh for a second.

  “Sorry. That was fucked up of me,” he says.

  “I don’t care. Just fuck my brains out,” I whisper.

  He does, and it keeps me going, going, going, until I’m gone, out of this world.

  Author’s Note:

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  For all my new readers, I’ve included another one of my books: Marshall. It’s all free and I really hope you enjoy and continue to read all my new works. Thank you so much.

  Prologue: Marshall

  “Marshall! Marshall!” The words sound like harsh bells ringing against my ears. “Wake up!” Then comes the banging against the doors, twisting of metal knobs.

  “Shit,” I hiss, rolling over and pressing the pillow against my ear. “Come on. I’m sleepin’!” I say.

  “Marshall, you better wake up, you bastard,” the guy says. It’s Adam, from back at the station. If he’s banging on the door this hard, God only knows what’s happened.

  “Alright, alright!” I yell. “I’m getting up.”

  I glance over at the left side of my bed and there’s a body next to me. No, not like that. She’s alive and she’s, well, fine as hell. She’s beautiful, young, and her ass practically shines against the moonlight coming through the windows. She rolls over too and moans and I have to ask myself, Did I fuck her last night?

  Truth is things always get a little hazy in the evening for me. When you give me a bottle of liquor, or two, you never know what’s going to happen. Hell, I’ve woken up in worse situations before. Much worse.

  The banging just continues, which makes me want to bang my pistol against Adam’s head when I open the door. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Adam?” I ask him, squinting my eyes. I check my watch and… “It’s four in the god damn morning! This better be good.”

  “Sir, there’s been a robbery. At the bank, down south on Holton Street,” he says, out of breath. “I’ve been calling you for the past twenty minutes. We need you.”

  “Like hell you need me,” I sigh, glancing over my shoulder to look at the girl in my bed.

  “Come back to bed, sweetie,” she says, drunk.

  “Not now, baby,” I say. When he looks at me as if I’m crazy, I just shrug and say, “Who knows.”

  “You going to get some clothes on, or what?” he asks. That’s when I notice that he’s trying his hardest not to look down at my cock. I’ve never really had the same boundaries as other people, I guess. I don’t care for that sort of thing. If people are offended, they can move along. I’m a goddamn police officer, for Christ sakes. I’ve earned the right to roam around naked in my house.

  Plus, the women love it.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I laugh. “Try not to get too excited.”

  I grab my favorite pair of jeans, my lone star belt buckle, and my boots and t-shirt. I put everything on as fast as I can and I take a deep breath. I’m drunk still, but I feel pretty good. At least, maybe I can figure out where these supposed bank robbers are going to next, ‘cause they sure as hell aren’t staying around town anytime soon.

  “Out,” I smack the girl in bed’s ass. “Come on. Get.” I hate to be rude, but there are more pressing matters that I need to attend to.

  “You fucker,” she says, shielding her big ol’ breasts. I hate to see them go. I really do. It’s just this damn job sometimes takes all my fucking time away from me. Frankly, it’s not very fair.

  “Sorry, honey. Time to go to work,” I say.

  “I’ll sleep here.” She forces a smile.

  “No, you won’t,” I laugh. “You’ll go home. Thank you very much.” I give her a twenty, not for the sex, but for the gas home. She throws it on the floor and spits in my face.

  Adam slaps the side of the door, laughing hysterically. “Whoa there!” he yells. “She got you good.”

  She walks by him and spits on his face too. That makes the laughing stop. “Ignore it,” I warn him. “Happens too often.” I wipe the spit off my face and watch as her butt jiggles away into her car. She speeds out of there and I sigh loudly because I don’t remember being with her. It’s a shame, really.

  “You ready?” Andy asks, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” I say. “Show me what’s going on.”


  “Move!” I hear Craig scream. “We have like ten fucking seconds.”

  “Foul mouth,” I whisper, checking my watch. “And we have 30. Calm down and cut the chords, grab the cash, and detonate the C4.”

  Men. They can’t get anything done without help from a woman. That’s just a fact. He cuts the lights and the whole bank goes dark. The sirens aren’t too far away. When I glance over my shoulder, I see the red and blue reflections, darting toward the glass. “They’re coming,” I say. “Hurry it up.”

  “Almost got it,” Elroy says. “Almost…”

  Craig and Elroy heave the money into the bag. After a few seconds, I hear the zipper move up. “Got it!” Craig yells. “Blast this place. Fuck the police.”

  “Give ‘em what they give us every single day,” Elroy whispers, pleased with himself.

  The front and back sides of the bank explode and we dart into the tunnel below. We’ve got this all planned out pretty damn well. We’ve been researching for a year now and it looks like we might make it out alive. Might.

  Craig and Elroy, however, are in this for the wrong reasons. Social justice, power to the people… sure. I’m all for it. But for me, it’s all about the money. I want to dip out of this place, start a new life in Bangkok, or Tokyo, and never come back to the States again. It’s not that I’m even against the place. I just have some bad history here. I’d rather not think about it ever again. I’d rather not think about him ever again.

  “Move!” I scream, pushing past them. I grab two bags of cash and lurch toward the underground tunnel. “See you on the other side,” I whisper. We all split up. There’re at least 12 different routes down here, and I doubt the cops have any idea where they lead to. It’s good for us, down here. Bad for them.

  Away from them, I run against the metal platform below me. I can finally have some peace of mind. If they get caught, they’re out of their own cut of the money. They won’t snitch. I know them too well. They have sealed lips.

  I feel free, running like this, even with the sound of police boots echoing yards behind me. “Stop!” one of them screams. They aim their gun and sigh when they lose sight of me. I’m too fucking fast for them and much too smart. I hear one of the guys trip and fall against the metal platform and he screams a curse word I can’t quite make out. Part of me wants to slow down and tempt fate. The other part of me wants to get the hell out of here.

  I get to the end of the line, where a large seal closes off the exit. I grab the metal twister near the ground and turn it as hard as I can, lefty-loosey, as they say in grade school. It unlatches. Loudly. But it doesn’t matter. I keep the metal twister at my side and go through the exit, closing the thing behind me and locking it. I see the cops duck around the corner just as it slams shut for good.

  I reach into the bag and heat up the metal with one of my torches. The whole thing is elaborately genius, I have to laugh out loud, though I hope it doesn’t give me away as a woman. That’s something I never want them knowing, despite how good it would feel to see the shock on their faces. There aren’t too many women in this town who can rob a bank and I don’t think with my history, it would be that hard to find me.

  I heat up the metal until it’s glowing. It’s locked shut and when one of the cops reaches out from the other side, I hear him scream in pain. “Too hot,” I whisper. “Dumbass.”

  I grab my tools and my bag, and run the hell out of there. I climb the stairs up and peek my head out of the small manhole. There’s no one around. Not another human for a whole block. The government thought this street would be good for some construction and now they have to pay the price when they bail the city bank out of half a million dollars.

  The construction
guys leave this area every single night at around the same time. As for now, it’s only some drunk stragglers that are out. Derelicts, winos, homeless wanderers who don’t give a damn about me. As I move off the street, I duck into the forest by me, walking along the trees. Every time a car moves by me, I carefully put my back up against the bark and hold my breath. Nothing. No one knows a thing.

  Cop cars zoom in the other direction, toward the bank. I’m free. Fucking free.


  “I envy you,” he laughs, steering us toward the bank.

  “Why the hell would you go and do a stupid thing like that?” I ask him, looking straight, toothpick in my mouth. I move it up and down with my lips and make sure my hat hovers in just the right way to make me feel confident I can solve this one. Truth is, I doubt I can. I’ll need them to be stupid. I’ll need them to make another move.

  “You kidding me, sir?” he laughs again, awkwardly now. His breath is quick and irregular. He’s scared. I’m not sure if he’s frightened of me, or if he’s simply thinking the same thing I’m thinking. We can’t find them. We don’t have anything on them besides some names. Shit, I doubt we’ll even have CTV footage, knowing the lack of money this city is circulating these days.

  “Not kidding,” I say. “Envy is a sin. You know that?”

  “Well, then call me a sinner, sir,” he says. I hate how he’s sucking up to me right now. It’s pitiful. “Every time I come over there, and I know it’s not much, you’re always with some new girl. When I see you out at the bars, you’re with a new beautiful woman. I don’t know how you do it.”

  I carefully side eye him and he nearly shits his pants. “Adam, are you calling me ugly or something?” I ask him. He chokes on his words. “‘Cause I know I’m nearing 40, but you don’t have the rank to start talkin’ shit to me, boy.”


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