Best Man Under the Mistletoe

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Best Man Under the Mistletoe Page 8

by Jules Bennett

  The name of her new organization still eluded her. She’d racked her brain and still nothing came to mind. It needed to be meaningful, simple, something that would call out and make troubled people feel safe, comfortable. Everything hinged on the name: the reputation, the feel of the business, the marketing. There was so much to think about other than just helping those in need.

  Chelsea came to her feet and stretched. She’d yet to change from her running gear after her evening jog. Several more ideas for the counseling center had come to her while she’d been out pounding the pavement and she’d rushed home to enter them in the computer. Now, it was time for a shower and to get ready for bed.

  Chelsea loved her lacey bras and panties to be delicate and sexy and utterly feminine, and much of her sleepwear was the same. But tonight she just wanted her old cut-off shorts and her well-worn tank.

  If she put on anything silky or lacy, she’d instantly think of Gabe and she needed to not go there.

  She’d snuck out of his bed at promptly eighteen minutes after one the other morning, and hadn’t spoken to him since. He was long overdue to come charging back into her life. Someone like Gabe probably didn’t like the fact that she’d walked away without a word. She’d say that sex was his area of expertise and she couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had ever left him like that before.

  Chelsea was surprised he hadn’t stopped by unannounced with some lame wedding question since then. But knowing Gabe, it was only a matter of time.

  She quickly showered and pulled her hair back into a messy bun at the nape of her neck. This in-between length was driving her crazy. She either needed to cut it short or to let it grow. But right now she had so many other pressing matters, she couldn’t even make the time for an appointment.

  With work at Hunt & Co., the wedding planning, her secret project, which wouldn’t be a secret much longer, and Gabriel Walsh consuming her mind every waking minute, was it any wonder she was exhausted?

  It was Friday night and she was home alone. That right there should have told her something about her nonexistent social life. She was literally all work and no play.

  Well, she’d played, but she didn’t figure playing with Gabe counted. He was more like work, when it came to how impossible he was. At least with Hunt & Co. and the upcoming counseling center she was in control, whereas with Gabe, she never had a clue what would happen next. They both wanted to take charge, which meant that control volleyed back and forth between them.

  As she finished putting on her nightclothes, the chime of her doorbell echoed through her house. Chelsea stilled then smiled. Well, it had taken him longer to come to her than she’d first thought. Though the fact he was standing outside her door right now had her stomach doing all sorts of girl-crush flips, which was absurd considering they weren’t a couple or dating or anything.

  Padding barefoot toward the front door, Chelsea instantly made out his silhouette through the etched glass of the door. Some might have said Gabe was predictable, but he was far from it. More like determined. He knew what he wanted and apparently wasn’t stopping until he had it. She knew he wanted her, but that was just physical. Besides, he’d gotten what he wanted, so shouldn’t he be done?

  Chelsea flicked the lock on her door and pulled it open. Without waiting for an invite, Gabe removed his hat and stepped in, placing a kiss on her forehead as if to smooth over his abruptness.

  “Won’t you come in?” she muttered with a wave of her hand.

  He didn’t stop in the foyer. No, he went on into the living room as if he had every right to barge into her personal space.

  Chelsea closed the door and followed, not at all surprised that he thought he could just take charge like he owned the place. He took a seat on her sofa, casual as you please, but she remained in the wide doorway. Practicing restraint around Gabe Walsh was difficult on a good day. This being the first time seeing him since they’d slept together, she figured she deserved some type of award for her control.

  “Are you staying long?” she asked as she crossed her arms and leaned against the doorjamb.

  “Not long,” he replied. “I ran into your brother at TCC. He said you’re not answering his texts.”

  Chelsea snorted. “So you’re his messenger boy now? Since when did you two become so chatty?”

  Gabe stretched his arm along the back of the couch and shifted his focus to her. “He offered to buy me a drink and asked about the Maverick case.”

  Chelsea wasn’t quite sure how she felt about her brother and the man she’d just slept with discussing her without her present. She could only imagine the two alphas going head to head, both trying to protect her.

  She licked her lips and kept her focus on Gabe. She didn’t want him to know just how much he affected her simply by being in her space, large and masculine, taking up a good portion of her couch. She hadn’t had a man in here in so long, and definitely not a man as sexy as Gabe.

  “So why did you stop by?” she asked, hoping her voice didn’t come across as breathy as it sounded to her. “You could’ve texted or called.”

  “Maybe I wanted to see you.” That Southern voice warmed her just the same as if he’d touched her.

  His words were often just as potent as his touch. She shivered at the passion, the desire shining back at her from his gray eyes.

  “You should probably go,” she whispered. If he stayed, they’d tumble into bed—and then what? She didn’t think Gabe was looking for more, and she certainly wasn’t, either. But the more time they spent together, the more she trusted him and wanted to explore. Surely that would be a mistake. Right?

  Gabe didn’t move. He barely blinked. Yet somehow from across the room he captured her attention.

  “You don’t really want me to go,” he stated. “Besides, I want to know why you snuck out of my bed without a goodbye.”

  Clearly, this was going to take some time and he wasn’t going anywhere without answers. Pulling in a deep breath, Chelsea went to the front window where she’d created a perfect window seat with plush, colorful pillows. She got comfortable and leaned back.

  “I didn’t want to wake you and I told you I wasn’t staying.”

  “You didn’t want a confrontation,” he corrected. “What are you afraid of, Chels? I won’t hurt you, I won’t exploit you and everything we do is private. I’m aware of your sensitivity and I’d never make you uncomfortable. Unless you’re afraid that you might want more than one night?”

  That was exactly what scared her. There was no might about it. She did want more, but wanting more would lead to emotions and that was one area she couldn’t afford to go to with someone like Gabriel Walsh.

  “I can hear your mind working from over here,” he stated. “Don’t make this any more complicated than it needs to be.”

  “Says the man who doesn’t have a past that haunts him.”

  Something dark came over his face in an instant. “You have no idea what’s in my past, so don’t assume.”

  “I’m sorry.” Chelsea clutched the floral pillow tighter to her chest. “I never thought—”

  “I had a life before I came to Royal, Chels. I had a demanding job and was too naïve. I thought I could have it all, but it was just another lie I told myself.”

  Chelsea waited for him to go on, listening as his voice took on a lonely, sad tone. He glanced around her living room then came to his feet. Raking a hand through his hair, he pulled in a deep breath. She didn’t want him to feel like he owed her anything. He paced like a caged animal and she got the feeling he actually wanted to let her in on this portion of his life.

  “I don’t know how much you know about my time in Dallas, but I was an agent for the FBI.”

  “I was aware of that,” she told him. “Listen, you don’t have to tell me anything—”

  “I do.” He tipped his hea
d to the side, raking his hand over his scruffy jawline. “I consider you a friend, even though I’m not sure how much you trust me at this point. You need to know the reasons for my actions, for why I’m so adamant about putting strict limits on relationships.”

  Again she remained silent and waited on him to continue.

  He paced through the room in a random pattern before coming to stand by the fireplace. Resting his elbow on the mantel, he examined the photos she had on display.

  There were older ones of her and Daniel and their parents, a couple of her and Brandee, and one Chelsea had taken of the most amazing sunset from the time she went on vacation in the Bahamas. She liked to keep the happy memories on display to showcase just how blessed she was in her life and how far she’d come since her darker days.

  “I found myself attracted to a woman,” he finally went on. “That attraction grew into something more, something I’d never experienced before. But there was a case—I can’t get into specifics—and my loyalties were torn.”

  A sliver of jealousy spiraled through Chelsea at the thought of another woman getting so close to Gabe. But why? It wasn’t like she was in love with him or anything. The night they’d shared meant nothing. Right?

  Actually, no. That night meant something, more than it should have, and that was precisely the reason she’d had to scurry out and save herself the walk of shame the next morning. She’d left in the dark of night, praying he didn’t wake and question her. All he’d had to do was roll over and ask her to stay and she had a feeling she would’ve done just that.

  Gabe was getting to her. Beneath that mysterious aura, the tattoos, the smoldering eyes, he was a man she couldn’t ignore. She hadn’t trusted him at first, had been convinced he’d had something to do with the leaked photos. She knew better now. Gabe had just been the obvious target for her rage. She’d needed someone to take her anger, her humiliation, out on. Considering they’d been working together and he was a Walsh, he’d been too convenient.

  “My partner was killed over a woman who interfered with our investigation. I let it happen because, where she was concerned, I was naïve. And the result was fatal. I’d let my feelings for her cloud my judgment and she’d been playing me the entire time. She was working for the guys we were trying to take down.”

  Gabe’s stunning declaration jerked her back to the moment. “Oh, Gabe. How awful.”

  He turned from her mantel and crossed to her, taking a seat at the other end of the long cushion. Even though he was only a few feet away, the manner in which he stared off into the distance indicated he was back in the past and not here with her at all. Whatever scene played through his mind gave his face a pinched, tormented expression, as if the pain was still fresh.

  “I vowed never to get tangled up with a woman again,” he said, glancing down at his hands resting on his knees. “I can control work. I can control how good I am at my job. But not when I get blindsided by someone I’m supposed to trust.”

  The final brick in the wall of her defenses crumbled. This man hadn’t betrayed her with those photos. He was a man of worth and integrity and loyalty. Someone who had experienced such a tragic loss at the hands of someone he’d trusted couldn’t have done such horrific things to her—or anyone else in this town, for that matter. Gabe was definitely a man to be trusted. He had a big heart and was loyal to a fault.

  Gabe sought justice. He was a man who valued his career and making sure the truth was revealed. No doubt this whole scenario involving Maverick disturbed him on a level she hadn’t even thought of.

  “Is that really why you came here?” she asked. “Did you need me to know about that time so I’d see a different side of you?”

  Gabe stared at her for a minute before shaking his head and glancing away. “No. Maybe. Hell, I don’t know. You deserve to know the real me.”

  “The guy not many people see,” she muttered mostly to herself.

  “I’m the same guy everyone sees,” he whispered, still not looking her way. “Maybe I just want you to view me differently.”

  Why did he have to be so noble? It had almost been easier when she’d believed him to be the accomplice of her betrayer. Then she could keep him at a distance, protecting her heart in the process. But now that wasn’t an option. Not anymore.

  Chelsea came to her feet. She took a couple steps and sank to her knees in front of him. Taking his hands in hers, she stared into those unique gray eyes that never failed to captivate her. Now, though, she had a glimpse into his soul and all the insecurities he kept so well hidden. Maybe they were alike in more ways than she’d ever considered.

  “I do see you differently.”

  His eyes widened, with surprise, with arousal. The muscle in his jaw clenched, as did his grip on her hands.

  “You changed your mind about me over what I just told you?” he asked. “That fast?”

  Chelsea offered a smile. “Let’s say my defenses have been crumbling before now.”

  Gabe leaned forward, briefly touching his lips to hers. When she started to ease back, he released her hands and framed her face, taking the kiss even deeper.

  In an instant, he had them both on their feet and had swept her up into his arms. Looping her arms around his neck, she threaded her fingers through his hair and opened to him. Feeling him touch her, knowing exactly what was to come, had anticipation pulsing through her.

  “I’m staying the night,” he muttered against her lips.

  She didn’t reply, because he hadn’t asked. Gabe was finally going to claim her and nothing was going to stand in their way.


  Sunlight slashed through the windows, waking Gabe. He stirred, but stilled when he realized he was alone...and not in his bed.

  He sat up, rubbing his hands over his face. Coarse hairs bristled against his palms. He was in desperate need of a razor, though Chelsea hadn’t complained a bit last night when he’d raked his scruff along her bare skin. In fact, the way he recalled, she’d moaned and jerked her hips against him as if silently begging for more.

  Gabe glanced toward the empty side of the bed, at the indention in the crisp, white pillowcase. The sweet jasmine scent still permeated the air as if she were still there. That was twice now she’d left him to wake up alone. He’d always thought himself to be a light sleeper, but apparently not with this woman.

  And now that he sat there surrounded by everything that was Chelsea, he realized he didn’t like being alone. For now, he wanted to be with her—whatever the hell that meant. He’d gotten a taste of her and needed more, and that scared the hell out of him.

  Part of him was glad he’d told her about his past. At least now she saw him in a different light; he wasn’t the monster she’d taken him for. On the other hand, he hated being exposed and vulnerable. He’d hated opening that wound from his past and letting her see into his soul.

  He’d kept the details vague. Even if he had been at liberty to discuss a federal case, he wouldn’t have. The emotion over being betrayed by a woman he’d cared for, the pain of losing his partner and friend, was still too raw. So much had changed in his life in that instant when he’d realized he’d been played and he’d put the life of a man who trusted him on the line.

  Gabe had been on the brink of a major breakdown when he’d come to the realization he needed to move on and leave Dallas for good. He’d forced himself to put the nightmare of that botched assignment behind him. The move hadn’t been easy, but for the sake of his sanity, he’d had to remove himself from the life that was sucking away his soul. Coming to Royal and taking over his family’s security company had only made sense.

  Of course after coming here he’d had to face the entire Maverick scandal. Out of the frying pan and into the proverbial fire was not his idea of a good time, but he wasn’t leaving. He was seeing this through and standing his ground because he had not
hing to be ashamed of. He’d done nothing wrong.

  Stifling a yawn, Gabe looked around for a clock but didn’t see one. From the way the sun was shining through the curtains, he guessed it wasn’t too early. He should be making calls, checking emails, making sure he wasn’t on the brink of losing any clients. Because not only did he want to hold on to the ones he had, he also wanted to expand and possibly go global. Nothing screamed confidence like expansion, so now was the time for him to go all-in, proving to his clients that he was the most reputable name in the business.

  Besides, he truly didn’t want to have to start over again. Granted, he could retire and never work another day in his life, but he would go positively insane if he had nothing to do other than travel and live the high life. He’d made wise investments over the years, he’d cashed in at the right times and reinvested. He may have been a kickass agent, but he’d also been a brilliant businessman.

  While Gabe did enjoy getting away to one of his homes either in Miami or in the mountains in Montana, he had to work. After what had happened in Dallas and the Maverick situation here in Royal, the pursuit of justice would remain his lifelong calling.

  Tossing the covers aside, Gabe searched the floor for his boxer briefs and jeans and put them on. Shirtless, he padded down the hallway and heard the clanging of a pan in the kitchen. Well, at least she hadn’t completely left him.

  Gabe stood in the doorway and watched as Chelsea mumbled to herself and scrolled through her phone. She muttered something about casserole and eggs then scrolled again. A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. She had quite the creative way to curse about breakfast foods.

  Her hair was messy on one side and flat on the other, she still had a sheet mark on the side of her cheek, and her oversize T-shirt had slipped down to reveal one slender shoulder. Arousal pumped through him and it wasn’t breakfast he was hungry for anymore.

  “I’ve never had a woman make me breakfast.”


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